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Why not mining like in Firefall?


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If anyone played FireFall they know this was one of the game's better parts, the mining:

Basically you scan the ground for resources with a scan hammer, and after you find a suitable location, you call in a "thumper". We already have something VERY similar with our current Excavations, which I believe DE got inspired from FireFall already. But in the plains it makes much more sense to do this as it is open world, and searching for resources is fun, seeing your landing craft dropping in the extractor and defending them is even more fun, watching Grineer drop ships come after you with all kinds of different archwing enemies from above, it would make everything much more interesting. Hell, there could be some ultra rare resources that appear at night, meaning Eidolons may attack your extractor.

EDIT: In order to make it a challenge (or a convenience depending on your perspective and skills), you can press X on the extractor to link to it, while linked the mining speed is increased but it will slowly drain your energy meaning you can't spam skills 24/7 but you can still pick up energy orbs and use skills every now and then. That's a risk you can take in order to improve the speed of mining but there's a chance you'll get overwhelmed fairly fast (judging by the last devstream). High risk, high reward.

Edited by Sebastianx
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55 minutes ago, Sebastianx said:

If anyone played FireFall they know this was one of the game's better parts, the mining:

Basically you scan the ground for resources with a scan hammer, and after you find a suitable location, you call in a "thumper". We already have something VERY similar with our current Excavations, which I believe DE got inspired from FireFall already. But in the plains it makes much more sense to do this as it is open world, and searching for resources is fun, seeing your landing craft dropping in the extractor and defending them is even more fun, watching Grineer drop ships come after you with all kinds of different archwing enemies from above, it would make everything much more interesting. Hell, there could be some ultra rare resources that appear at night, meaning Eidolons may attack your extractor.

Gem mining could stay the way the showed. But DE could remove the excavation mission from Earth and make it like you said. Player would call the excavator anytime they want to mine cryotic or any other ore type resource.

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Why limit to just PoE? (although it would make a good addition there, with scanning as the difference)

It would be interesting to change all excavations to work for additional resources besides cryotic.  Difficulty would reflect the rarity of the resources, and the amount rewarded, and other than the existing cryotic excavations, they could be structured like alerts, with the excavators only occasionally being available for use (weather, difficulty scanning for materials other than cryotic etc. preventing their launch), to prevent players from endlessly farming them.

Edited by polarity
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1 hour ago, Kaotyke said:

But having to WAIT for it to mine the resources? Like Excavators?

Honestly, the one I saw is more interessting than Excavation 1.1...

You can call down different tiers of excavators, some of the bigger and harder ones also bring out bigger enemies, make it a real challenge, risky even, that will make it much more interesting than sitting in a spot spamming some skills and waiting for a timer to tick down.

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3 minutes ago, Sebastianx said:

You can call down different tiers of excavators, some of the bigger and harder ones also bring out bigger enemies, make it a real challenge, risky even, that will make it much more interesting than sitting in a spot spamming some skills and waiting for a timer to tick down.

It would still be sitting on a spot, spamming skills and waiting for a timer to tick down.

Because that is what people WILL do, its a excavation mission none the less. An "more risky" Excavation, but people will just do what they always do since its still the same thing, only the item is not random.

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1 hour ago, Kaotyke said:

It would still be sitting on a spot, spamming skills and waiting for a timer to tick down.

Because that is what people WILL do, its a excavation mission none the less. An "more risky" Excavation, but people will just do what they always do since its still the same thing, only the item is not random.

Well at least there's that, not random, also actual challenge, means you won't sit in a place pressing 1 button waiting for a timer to tick down...eh.

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Rebbeca mentioned it was prospecting, which inherently implies exploration more than mining or excavation does and that is what I think they want to do, make it an exploratory game, not another babysit mission. If you check comments of new and old players  one of the common complains for the game and many others is that you always do the same thing. I think what they planned is a bit more dinamic and short that will prevent a heavy sense of farming.

And from what we saw in the devstream there are going to be other kind of missions that have you defending a place already, no need to add more.

Edited by Pavelord
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10 minutes ago, DrBorris said:

I would love to be able to scout out locations and call down excavators (and having multiple levels would be even cooler), but leave mining as it is. 


Maybe have excavators be the primary form of Relic farming on the plains.

Ooh, I like this idea.  Scan the area for relics.  Bring an excavator down to extract them.  Bigger excavators = more relics, but also take longer to excavate, and draw in more hostiles.  Given that we're operating in expansive plains, certain units can do some mean things to the excavators from a considerable distance.

Expect, in classic DE fashion, to always have a chance for a random common resource, like ferrite.  Maybe set it up so that the source point has the highest chance for relics, while further away the chance to bring up relics is reduced in favor of a random resource?

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1 hour ago, Sebastianx said:

Well at least there's that, not random, also actual challenge, means you won't sit in a place pressing 1 button waiting for a timer to tick down...eh.

It's Warframe, there can be no actual challenge. Everything can be reduced to spamming 1 button.

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I'm not particularly thrilled with the idea of having to redraw a silly pattern in a hunk of rock to get some gems out of it. How about letting us just, you know, slowly carve it out with the laser tool, using a simple oval pattern? What was shown in the devstream is a classic example of making things needlessly and unrealistically complicated just for the sake of trying to look cool and "clever".

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I backed Firefall instead of Warframe... yes I know... biggest mistake I've ever made in hindsight 

And the thumping/mining was one of the best parts of Firefall, the game just killed itself after they guttered it, using the scan hammer I think is a little slow, there should just be a surface indicator, but the deployment from space and keeping it safe safe from the Grineer for 5-10 minutes would be cool.

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i remember playing firefall and there was a lot of bugs.. but then its dead now and the only memory i have from Firefall is that Junkyard place..

Warframe has this same Extraction with different mechanics.. bringing the memory back..

i wish in Warframe there is Neon-themed extractor.. that would be awesome.

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i really miss firefall...

anyway, from what i've seen from all the Gameplay there's only a handful of things you can do out in the plains, mainly being: exploration, spelunking, quests, random alerts, and the Eidolon. (which coincidentally is about the same amount of stuff firefall had during beta. but replace the Eidolon with... idk the melding tornado? that one giant armadillo elephant?) i wouldn't mind a extra thing to do out there. but it can't be a normal excavator. it needs a wider range of enemies that actually attack it, needs a larger health pool so it can take a hit, it needs its have its own dam power supply, and have it be (Sidegraded?) to a wave based system. the longer you have it grind the more resources you obtain but the harder and more numerous the enemy gets.

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28 minutes ago, McDuffMan said:

i really miss firefall...

anyway, from what i've seen from all the Gameplay there's only a handful of things you can do out in the plains, mainly being: exploration, spelunking, quests, random alerts, and the Eidolon. (which coincidentally is about the same amount of stuff firefall had during beta. but replace the Eidolon with... idk the melding tornado? that one giant armadillo elephant?) i wouldn't mind a extra thing to do out there. but it can't be a normal excavator. it needs a wider range of enemies that actually attack it, needs a larger health pool so it can take a hit, it needs its have its own dam power supply, and have it be (Sidegraded?) to a wave based system. the longer you have it grind the more resources you obtain but the harder and more numerous the enemy gets.

I feel you...plains feel a bit empty in the activity department and even in the liveliness department, there's so many things DE can add from this guys post to improve that:


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I don't think PoE should be anything like the other parts of the game, that would be boring and it would reduce PoE to just the same old in a different tileset and this is too much like excavation missions currently are, what is needed is quite the opposite.

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Even though the Firefly option feels much more realistic than just pointing a gun at a rock, I think it would take much more time to excavate. I like both ideas,  both look fun but even though the Firefly-excavation Mechanism is already present in Warframe, I don't think they will change core parts of PoE at this point.  

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12 hours ago, xXx_mtv_xXx said:

Thumping was one of the most grindy and repetitive things about Firefall, so no thanks.

You can say the same for excavation and mobile defense. In fact those are worse. You move from point A to point B, etc. 

With thumping in landscape, you would have the freedom to choose where and when or never to thump. It's the freedom of choice. Thumping would be more similar to survival, choosing where to go, which room to hold, when to quit, etc.

Unlike you, I'd rather have the feature and option to decide whether to thump or not, thanks.

Edited by SunsetChaos
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16 hours ago, SunsetChaos said:

You can say the same for excavation and mobile defense. In fact those are worse. You move from point A to point B, etc. 

With thumping in landscape, you would have the freedom to choose where and when or never to thump. It's the freedom of choice. Thumping would be more similar to survival, choosing where to go, which room to hold, when to quit, etc.

Unlike you, I'd rather have the feature and option to decide whether to thump or not, thanks.

^ That, exactly that, the feeling of calling it where you want and for what you want and battling the impossible is such a nice feeling.

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