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Plains of Eidolon: Hotfix 22.0.9


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2 hours ago, DoctorPelusa said:

Plains design seems very unconnected to earth, no kubrow dens, not the same scannable flowers, what about adding some iteraction with antitoxins from the Cicero Crisis?


This kind of design decision I can actually understand and get behind. The plants you're used to seeing are adapted to temperate / subtropical zones with lots of trees. PoE itself is more open and semi-arid in terms of climate, so those plants would do poorly in PoE's environment, which is far better suited to scrub brushes, grasses, and such. Kubrows are more forest animals, so I wouldn't expect to see them on PoE either.

This is the one thing I like about PoE: it's a very different environment that adds some needed and deserved diversity to Earth.

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5 minutes ago, MirageKnight said:

This kind of design decision I can actually understand and get behind. The plants you're used to seeing are adapted to temperate / subtropical zones with lots of trees. PoE itself is more open and semi-arid in terms of climate, so those plants would do poorly in PoE's environment, which is far better suited to scrub brushes, grasses, and such. Kubrows are more forest animals, so I wouldn't expect to see them on PoE either.

This is the one thing I like about PoE: it's a very different environment that adds some needed and deserved diversity to Earth.

I wouldn't expect to see all the plants from earth on PoE, but at least the cones, or another cohesive elements, right now you seem to be on another completely different planet from earth...

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4 hours ago, NinjaKitsune56 said:

I do help with the Bounty, thank you very much. Not my fault if they don't like fishing.

Thats the main thing about bounties, you zone in with #5 bounty ( or something ) > you finish it > ALL DONE time to leave.... one asshat decides to fish

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I love the idea of having the archwing as a mount, that you can get in and out of as you need it without having to re-launch it every time.

Could make it so archwing disablers only knock you out of it and make it fall to the ground, but it stays around unless it actually gets damaged to 0 health.

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1. You've fixed nothing. Majority of bounties are bugged, but at this point that's a feature.
2. Combine Bounty reward list with Incursion reward list so we don't need to run out every 5 minutes. It really diminishes the feel of "open world".
3. Put some goddamn life on those planes.

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23 hours ago, MakeLuvNotWerFrame said:

deployed arch-wings should be valid for the entirety of the mission, should you get hit and disabled then the arch-wing should just land upon the ground some place where you would have to fetch again. ( I'm thinking something along the lines of a Drahk Masters. mechanic)

would make using arch-wings more viable for covering distance when you can go fast to the way point,

switch back to being on foot. then reclaim the arch-wing should you happen to remember where you left it. while also allowing a re-deploy if players cannot be arsed to play hide and go find with the damned thing


to me this seems logical and reasonable.

Yes.  This.

Also, if you get downed, you could have it so you have to play a mini-game similar to hacking and maybe spend some (like maybe 5? 10?) Iradite or something to repair it so it isn't exactly free.  This way you would be forced to clear any dangerous enemies that are nearby and you would have to make sure you always have a bit of Iradite or some other PoE materials (maybe mining-specific materials, because I only mine at this point to collect Zaw-forging resources.  tbh, I hate mining and this would make me unhappy, but I would hate it less than having to spend boatloads -- what is that, a pun? -- of resources on single-use launchers that I have to drop 3 or 4 of every time I go out on the plains) on hand.

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Just now, Zendadaist said:

Please fix Bounties failing because enemies stop spawning after the first wave. Please fix solo extraction.

I've completely given up on bounties.  For one, if you finish it, you get 500 credits.  Sadly, that is only IF you finish it, which, for me, only happens about 20% of the time because of glitches/bugs.

Solo extraction is another reason I rarely go out on the Plains.  If you can't come and go as you please, it is NOT an "Open World."  It's just a big map without any walls.  When I do go out on the Plains, it's to fish, and only because I kinda like fishing.  Sadly, I have to set the matchmaking to "Solo," which makes Warframe feel like a completely different game.  One of the things that makes this game amazing is its community, and if I have to go out alone, I'm not being exposed to that part of the game.  It makes it feel like something important is missing, and I don't like that feeling.

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What i want to know is how the fixes are coming for the bounties...  3 bounties in a row now, had a host migration/DC and it broke the bounty.  then there the fact that everytime i complete a bounty i have to go back up to my camp ship, then back down, for the bounties to work at all.  I've gone to just leaving Cetus after every bounty, win, loose, or otherwise.  i've probably logged 20 hours in loading screens since PoE released because it's the only way to get bounties to work.  Heaven help you if you want to go in with a preformed group...

Also some idea on what the various Zaw pieces make would be really sweet without having to spend tens of thousands of rep buying all the, ONE TIME USE Blueprints, then making everything, to bring it down and find out it's not a weapon type you want...  First Zaw I made I got everything that said "polearm" for a "staff" was not real happy about that....

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2 hours ago, Amerikanovich said:

I love the idea of having the archwing as a mount, that you can get in and out of as you need it without having to re-launch it every time.

Everyone does.

Except you know. DE.

Cause once something is garbage, forever garbage. Archwing isn't an exception in this rule.

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21 hours ago, cloud1320 said:

32 bit + 2-4GB Ram still crash but we should be happy the game support that low amount of Ram, just give them like a month or less and we will be able to fully enjoy PoE

I trust in Steve's words before plains update about toasters !!


sorry but i have to say it in spanish, my native language


muchas gracias por el apoyo amigo! 

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The plains need Solo extraction ASAP, you have put out hotfixes and not fixed the most broken part of this whole system. Get it done, its seriously killing this update for me and many others, i refuse to play until its a feature. i wasted hours on the first few nights because of this and refuse to waste anymore.

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Still enjoying warframes as a whole but not feeling the PoE love yet. I Have a small update request.It seems everytime I drop in to PoE it is night and I am not sufficiently advanced in the game to survive long enough for the doors to even finish closing at night. 

My request is for a clock or timer until the next sunrise so that I do not need to walk circuits of the market for an hour. That way Tenno can elect to bug out and do another mission and then return in the daytime. 

Maybe PoE should come with a warning that if you are not ML100 don't bother trying the plains. Lol.

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