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If Fortnite & Paragon can have cross platform accounts WHY cant Warframe ???


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As the title says Why cant we have access to our accounts across platforms ... I've been playing on and off for years to the point that I'm not going to start over.  But I want to play with friends on the ps4. I'm sure others feel the same. Every time I search on this topic I see a lot of players answer that it cant be done its sony / microsoft.  This isnt completely the case as the company Epic has not one but two games that pull it off both Paragon and Fortnite  share account across platform.  So for people to just say it cant be done seems really silly. If you say I cant go from pc to ps4 due to the ps4 lagging in patch versions add an option to save my account till the ps4 version matches and then let me play ps4 I'll wait ... It really doesn't seem like it should be hard to look at my account and look what I have and give it to me on ps4 ...  if its not on the ps4 gray it out till it is or only use on pc.  but to just say  NOPE cant be done ... horse S#&$.

So please can we get a group of people to just band together and ask DE to fix this once and for all?!?!?

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In terms of legal reasons, I think DE said it was to do with their contracts with Sony and Microsoft.

It means that cross platform may technically be a possibility if the contracts are able to be re-negotiated, however, as @NightBlitz said, PC gets very frequent updates (due to not having to go through a 3rd party certification process like consoles) which allows the updates to be tested on a large scale and so gives DE an easier time with getting console builds ready.

With this in consideration, I think that cross platform is just not high on the priority list, with it just connecting xbox and playstation or greatly hindering the PC update process (if DE wanted to link all 3 platforms). The potential player interest on cross platform compared to pumping out more content may not be there.

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It's possible if you can convince both DE and the Warframe PC community to:

  • give up getting updates/hotfixes frequently
  • eliminate testing for more polished update for consoles
  • accept longer wait time to synchronize all platform updates
  • have DE spend more resources to figure out how tennogen be sold
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Do you want delayed Updates and delayed fixes? Because if they do cross platform we would probably need to wait a year before each major content with a few month between minor ones. It's called cert, and each update must go through it to make sure that the update doesnt break the game in their respective consoles.

PC is the testing ground and the best way DE finds their bugs because they just don't have the man power to do it. Imagine PoE Launching in Console and having to wait a month for the economy and bug fixes. 

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The main thing is platinum.  Consoles want it to be run through their stores for money, but with cross-platforming they have no control over which console they purchase platinum on, thus lessening their share of the money.

Other reasons include: in game economies would be wonky, frame rate difference would make conclave (even more) unbalanced, the different methods of obtaining tennogen skins, time it takes for updates

Edited by Lholland
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9 hours ago, Spectyr_001 said:

This isnt completely the case as the company Epic has not one but two games that pull it off both Paragon and Fortnite 

You are aware that Epic is much bigger, has a much bigger pull, and has publishers behind them that add a lot of weight for them negotiating the contracts that allow them to do cross platform, right?
DE doesn't have any of that.  They don't have a publisher, nor are they nearly as big meaning that the main console platforms don't really see a need to negotiate as much.  Its a matter of scale and money there.

Further tell me this:
Do you honestly think that the consoles will willingly and easily give up a source of income?
Because that is essentially what you're asking for here due to how platinum works slightly differently between the PC and consoles.
On the PC you can get a discount of up to 75% and buy $200 of plat for $50.  On the console this doesn't happen, if you get a 75% off deal you can get one item from the shop for 75% off.  Doesn't help at all with buying plat.
Now imagine how hard the consoles plat sales would tank if people could just trade in relatively cheap plat in mass and flood the market.  This would mean that less people on console would buy plat, which would mean that Sony and Microsoft would start to get a lot less money.  Now please tell me why Sony and Microsoft would agree to make a lot less money with a company without a major publisher behind them?

Further how would Tennogen be handled?  On consoles you can buy it with plat, and the 75% off coupons doesn't affect them so they always cost the same.  On PC they are real money only.  So how would that be handled?

Finally how would you want them to handle updates?
Just tell the PC people "Yeah, no more weekly hotfixes, you will have to be slowed down to match consoles!  Hopefully there isn't any game-breaking bug that will take multiple days to fix as it will need to go through certification each time!"
Meanwhile this prevents PC from being the major test bed to find and fix problems and issues as now the turn around is much larger.  After all if a bug is found they can't just crank out a hotfix in a day and apply it and call it good, they now have to go through the entire certification process and wait for it to be accepted before deploying, otherwise they will break cross platform.
That simply isn't a good solution for anyone.

So in conclusion: While it technically isn't impossible, there are simply too many barriers in DEs way, and it would end up causing more issues than it would honestly be worth.

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12 hours ago, Spectyr_001 said:

Sigh here we go again players just saying nope cant happen ... and actually because some one else has done it does mean it is possible...


Not even remotely correct.

It was a bug that allowed it in fort nite, quickly disabled.


physcially it is possible, but then you’re forgetting that


DE would have to renegotiate contracts with Sony and Microsoft, this would cost them potentially millions in fees


part of the current certification process takes 3/4weeks and costs DE  a sum per patch, in order to have a “unified” game they would have to give Sony/Microsoft access to the source code of their game, to allow hastier updates.


if they didn’t do this, we could have absolutely broken mechanics left for weeks, crashing in Cetus when it first dropped and got hotfixed with a couple days? Well now everyone can enjoy that bug for 4weeks! 


Put it like this, without constant updates POE would be completely broken on pc currently.


without sounding funny cross play benefits no one at all, Warframe is a hugely populated game, it would not benefit anyone by having more players in a single pool, instead you would have broken console updates and PC would have much delayed updates.


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13 hours ago, Spectyr_001 said:

As the title says Why cant we have access to our accounts across platforms

Because Sony and Microsoft do not want you to have access to the game on other platforms. They want you to play on their system alone, so they can keep making money off your yearly subscription, and off any microtransactions you might engage in.

13 hours ago, Spectyr_001 said:

I've been playing on and off for years to the point that I'm not going to start over.  But I want to play with friends on the ps4. I'm sure others feel the same.

Based on your username, I assume you're a PC player (no Xbox One or PS4 next to your name). Apparently at one point in the past Sony allowed DE to do a one-way transfer from PC to PS4. This makes sense, because now those players have to pay Sony a yearly subscription fee in order to play. Sony made (and continues to make) money off the transaction. However, it makes more sense for Sony not to allow a transfer because it'll force you to start all over again, thus enticing you to buy plat via the Sony Store so you can just buy your frames and weapons back. Sony stands to make more money by forcing you to start over and appealing to your impatience.

13 hours ago, Spectyr_001 said:

Every time I search on this topic I see a lot of players answer that it cant be done its sony / microsoft.  This isnt completely the case as the company Epic has not one but two games that pull it off both Paragon and Fortnite  share account across platform.  So for people to just say it cant be done seems really silly.

Sony and Microsoft do not want to allow players to leave their platforms and take their progress. They're banking on console players sticking with console because they dont want to lose progress. Sony and MS are, in a way, holding players hostage by not allowing them to take their progress to another platform. Yes, it's been done on Paragon and Fortnite, but as has been said at least one of those was a mistake and was quickly disabled. Minecraft has cross-patform play (except for PS4) because Microsoft owns Minecraft and Nintendo pays a license fee (or something like that). Sony flat does not want to play ball and allow cross-platform play. They are currently the top-selling console so they're not willing to share the experience with others. If you want to play with PS4 players, buy a PS4. That's Sony's attitude toward it. Also, by not allowing cross-platform play, you'll not only be forced to start over (an d thus maybe buy your progress back via the store) but you also have to buy a console (if you didnt already have one), thus more money on Sony/MS's pocket.

13 hours ago, Spectyr_001 said:

 If you say I cant go from pc to ps4 due to the ps4 lagging in patch versions add an option to save my account till the ps4 version matches and then let me play ps4 I'll wait ... It really doesn't seem like it should be hard to look at my account and look what I have and give it to me on ps4 ...  if its not on the ps4 gray it out till it is or only use on pc.  but to just say  NOPE cant be done ... horse S#&$.

So please can we get a group of people to just band together and ask DE to fix this once and for all?!?!?

I dont think it's as easy as you make it sound. Im not sure how to better articulate it than that, but you make it sound a lot easier to do than it actually is.

Edited by Sentinel-14
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17 hours ago, Spectyr_001 said:

If you say I cant go from pc to ps4 due to the ps4 lagging in patch versions add an option to save my account till the ps4 version matches and then let me play ps4 I'll wait ... It really doesn't seem like it should be hard to look at my account and look what I have and give it to me on ps4 ...  if its not on the ps4 gray it out till it is or only use on pc.  but to just say  NOPE cant be done ... horse S#&$.

This would literally be impossible to do.

In order for 'items not on PS4' to show up on PS4, it has to be on PS4. You can't reference something that doesn't exist. Otherwise you may end up with corrupted data. 

And the only way to add them onto PS4 would be in updates, which would mean PC and console updates would have to be in sync.

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12 minutes ago, Heckzu said:

This would literally be impossible to do.

In order for 'items not on PS4' to show up on PS4, it has to be on PS4. You can't reference something that doesn't exist. Otherwise you may end up with corrupted data. 

And the only way to add them onto PS4 would be in updates, which would mean PC and console updates would have to be in sync.

I'm only going to address this point and this point only.  While completely impractical and such, it would not be impossible to do this.  Borderlands 2 dealt with similar issues using compatibility patches to allow players with DLCs and players without said DLC could play together.  What would have to happen is DE making the weapons, frames, etc ahead of time (at least one console patch in advance) and make object references and other bare minimum data, and wrap this together with each patch.  I'm not saying this should be done, nor that crossplay should be done.  All I'm saying is that I don't think allowing one system to not have data corruption and reference issues with content from another system.  Would be impossible like you said, but I'm no expert.

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Sigh This is turning into another post for people saying no... how about just pretending that something could be done and maybe think of an idea for people to play with friends ... Just play. no trading, or buying things from outside your native platform.  If the item or frame isn't on the current system then its not available for use till you return to your platform. if resources have a different economy don't reward them outside to visitors.  I just want to play with my friends and not start over or be forced to give up hundreds or even thousands of hours in some peoples cases to simple join a friend who cant build a gaming pc. And yes I'm sure there is more involved but to just keep saying no like your defending a religion with out offering any solutions is maddening for ever one.  you get mad that yet again some one ask. I get upset because it feel like no one is even trying.  So lets start over and maybe turn this into people posting ideas that maybe some one will see and go yeah we might be able to make that work.    

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1 hour ago, Spectyr_001 said:

Sigh This is turning into another post for people saying no... how about just pretending that something could be done and maybe think of an idea for people to play with friends ... Just play. no trading, or buying things from outside your native platform.  If the item or frame isn't on the current system then its not available for use till you return to your platform. if resources have a different economy don't reward them outside to visitors.  I just want to play with my friends and not start over or be forced to give up hundreds or even thousands of hours in some peoples cases to simple join a friend who cant build a gaming pc. And yes I'm sure there is more involved but to just keep saying no like your defending a religion with out offering any solutions is maddening for ever one.  you get mad that yet again some one ask. I get upset because it feel like no one is even trying.  So lets start over and maybe turn this into people posting ideas that maybe some one will see and go yeah we might be able to make that work.    

I don't think you truly understand the necessity of synchronizing all platforms even for just playing, but what the hey.

What could be done (I suppose) is:

  • create a different client that allows PC players to join, not host, console players' missions
  • the new client works like an alternative save file that takes the original profile and adjust it to consoles current build (i.e.  removing anything that PC have that consoles don't have yet)
  • PC players get zero rewards/loot for the sake of not having to go through the trouble of updating the alternative and original saves back-and-forth constantly
  • PC players will be allowed to update the alternative save with the original save (i.e. when consoles gets a new weapon that has already been released on PC, players will be able to update the alternative save to include their already-owned-new-weapon)
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Do you want big updates on consoles to be bug ridden messes like Eidolon was on PC and instead of the bigger issues being patched out in days it would stay there potentially for a month? The economy of the game would is a joke. Also what about weapons and mods that are out on PC but don't exist on consoles. This could lead to corrupted data and no one wants to see and error that says data corrupted. 

I just don't find this realistic. MS and Sony don't like to play ball on the best of times. This would cost DE potentially millions. It would anger the PC players to no end having to deal with what ever breaks every patch. That doesn't serve DE's best interests. 

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Certainly Microsoft wouldn't oppose this, they been advocating for more pro consumer practices ever since they learned their lesson with the Xbox one launch. its just that DE always has to go through that certification nonsense and keep paying a fee for it whenever they want updates on consoles

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1st. Do Not ever compare Warframe or DE to that pile of S#&$ company EPIC. That worthless pile of S#&$ company sucks $&*^ at their job and have no concept on what balance is or how to make a good game. They copy games that already existed aka PUBG, Smite, and LoL and make S#&$ copies of those.


2nd. PC is and always will be ahead of consoles when it comes to updates. 


3rd. Sony doesnt want cross platforming with Microsoft even though Microsoft has approached them with the idea numerous times.

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11 hours ago, Spectyr_001 said:

Sigh This is turning into another post for people saying no... how about just pretending that something could be done and maybe think of an idea for people to play with friends ... Just play. no trading, or buying things from outside your native platform.  If the item or frame isn't on the current system then its not available for use till you return to your platform. if resources have a different economy don't reward them outside to visitors.  I just want to play with my friends and not start over or be forced to give up hundreds or even thousands of hours in some peoples cases to simple join a friend who cant build a gaming pc. And yes I'm sure there is more involved but to just keep saying no like your defending a religion with out offering any solutions is maddening for ever one.  you get mad that yet again some one ask. I get upset because it feel like no one is even trying.  So lets start over and maybe turn this into people posting ideas that maybe some one will see and go yeah we might be able to make that work.    

This just isn't a feasible idea.

DE would have to:
-Create a different client for PC that is in lock-step with consoles.
-Create a way to sync most of your account from the normal client to this hybrid client.
-Create a way to sync back the rewards and such you get from doing missions/alerts/whatever
-Spend continual effort in maintaining it and making sure not to allow through gear/frames/cosmetics that aren't in the console build as well as revert any changes to abilities or weapons or mods that aren't in the console build that the PC has gotten.
-Add in a way to prevent PC players from farming events that have just completed on PC but just started on Consoles.
-Add in a way to prevent PC players from farming sorties more than once per day
-Add in a way to prevent PC players from trading with Baro
-Find a way to get consoles to agree with it (and good luck on that front especially with Sony who has been the most resistant to cross-platform.  After all Sony would prefer to force you to create an account on their system to play with friends so that they get more money than just let PC players play with them and get absolutely nothing from it)

And all for a feature that honestly most people won't use as they would have to launch the game differently to connect to the console players and then be limited in no trading or doing events and so on.

Its a lot of work for really no benefit what-so-ever, especially in the re-negotiating one.

Edited by Tsukinoki
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14 hours ago, Spectyr_001 said:

Sigh This is turning into another post for people saying no... how about just pretending that something could be done and maybe think of an idea for people to play with friends ... Just play.    

People aren't saying "no" out of spite or because they're pessimistic.  They're saying "no" because they know how the real world works. They are being realistic. This entire thread has an avalanche of in-depth explanations of why this won't happen. This very question has been asked again and again over the years on this forum, devstreams, social media and to DE staff in person and the answer was always "no". What more do you want? (Same deal with the endless Excalibur Prime requests)

"how about just pretending..."??   Again, this is the real world. We don't play pretend. We don't always get what we want. We accept cold hard facts and live with them. 
 If you're so sure that this should be possible but can't think of any ideas without drawbacks yourself, why/how would anybody else, including DE, not have come up with one by now after all these years?  Because there are none.


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5 hours ago, MystMan said:

 (Same deal with the endless Excalibur Prime requests)

Amusingly, this has a similar lock on it.... Contractual obligations suck.

DE could get their pants sued off of them if they were to re-release Excal Prime. This is pretty much the entire driving force behind Excal Umbra- they can't do a Prime so they're doing something else and hoping it'll be close enough for most fans wanting an Excal that isn't a "Chinese Knockoff"... Hilariously this is by using the frame which began its life as literally the Chinese knockoff of Excal Prime.

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On 11/28/2017 at 11:49 PM, -VV-Phantom-Phoenix said:

Pretty sure the motto of paragon is every 3 weeks is an update.

they do updates weekly, with every 3 or 4 (forget which) weeks being a more significant one, like a new character or something. 

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