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Will players have their platinum refunded if they bought Gara for her wall ability?


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14 minutes ago, WhiteMarker said:

It's not important what you think. The EULA stands. There is nothing to argue about.

Ok, but just bc there's a EULA, and something won't get changed, doesn't mean there can't be a discussion around it. Not that they're the same at all, but if everyone just said "EULA, shut up" about Battlefront 2's loot boxes, nothing would've changed.

Conversation isn't bad, conversation can lead to changes, sometimes in rare cases, major changes.

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)psycofang said:

No. Just because people rushed to buy her for 1 of her 2 blatantly over powered abilities and didnt expect a nerf were foolish.

Nidus was nowhere near as OP and he got nerfed twice.

Oh Nidus is still heavenly with maxed range and 70% power strength. Just dropping my 2 cents

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5 minutes ago, LokiTheCondom said:

Oh Nidus is still heavenly with maxed range and 70% power strength. Just dropping my 2 cents

Nido was fine before as well, people whined about his damage and they nerfed his bugs if all things. Then they nerfed his stacks to cost 15 when he "dies" and lose 2 stacks/s in nully bubbles. 

Hes FINE now but he was fine before.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)GbHaseo said:

Ok, but just bc there's a EULA, and something won't get changed, doesn't mean there can't be a discussion around it. Not that they're the same at all, but if everyone just said "EULA, shut up" about Battlefront 2's loot boxes, nothing would've changed.

Conversation isn't bad, conversation can lead to changes, sometimes in rare cases, major changes.

While I'm inclined to agree, I don't get the sense from the original post, or any of his/her follow-up replies, that conversation was ever the goal here. I hate sounding so dismissive, but it reeks of somebody just looking for an echo chamber full of agreements.

Balance changes are part of the package when it comes to persistent games like Warframe, and devs can't account for every possible moment in an item's lifespan that players might choose to invest in that item. If people want to have a discussion about Mass Vitrify, that's one thing, but "I bought this because it was OP and now it's not any more, can I get a refund?" isn't inviting a discussion; it's just whining.

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2 hours ago, soshootso said:
2 hours ago, Pent_ said:

How was her main ability her ult lmao? Anyway, no.

Alright, ill rephrase it. Most people use gara as CC / shield. Her 4th ability attracted the majority of the player base, and you cant deny that fact. She can be played with other abilities and thats fine.

I never even gave a sh¡t about her 4th ability. I still don't. I use her as a glass tank and she is extremely strong that way

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1 hour ago, (PS4)GbHaseo said:

Ok, but just bc there's a EULA, and something won't get changed, doesn't mean there can't be a discussion around it. Not that they're the same at all, but if everyone just said "EULA, shut up" about Battlefront 2's loot boxes, nothing would've changed.

Conversation isn't bad, conversation can lead to changes, sometimes in rare cases, major changes.

conversation is great and DE does a much better job listening to the community than many other developers.  They do listen and incorporate feedback (see focus 2.5 among many others) but they also look at data and other things we dont yet have visibility into.  I honestly wouldnt be surprised if this skill is tweaked further.  note - i agree 100% with your point

It would have been much different if OP had said something like: "After playing Gara after the change to her 4, i am seeing some issues.  the nerf looks to be too much because of X, Y, and Z.  what do you guys think?" 

Instead of what was basically "I bought a frame that i could have farmed because of one ability that was definitely OP and now i am upset that it was changed and am going to come to the forum and have a passive-aggressive temper tantrum directed at DE and anyone that doesn't agree with me"


If this is the OP's reaction over one skill change, I wonder what the post will be like after the inbound IPS changes... 

Edited by Xantheis
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2 hours ago, Dhrekr said:

The decision did not come from the playerbase nor from the forum posters. This decision lies squarely and completely with DE, and ultimately with DE Scott. There was no vote, "we" didn't decide a thing.


However, to your question, no. You bought her knowing that she could be changed any day, and you get to keep her. DE warned you that this could happen and that they would not refund. End of story.

This. This so much. If you haven't learnt by how OP, warframe changes ALOT. 

Do you think that people who bought Ash for his old bladestorm should get a refund? 

What other people who bought trinity for her complete invincibility? Should they get a refund? 

And what about mag? Those that bought her for her polarize; do you believe they should get a refund? 

Hell fu%king no. Warframe is dynamic and changes all the time many times per time. If you haven't seen or learnt that this game changes, then get out. 

When you buy anything new at all, keep inside your head, deep within your frontal lobe, that the item you just bought will 100% change one day. 100% chance of it changing. It may be a good change, or it may be bad, but changes should not result in refunds for salty players

Edited by Arniox
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2 hours ago, (PS4)lagrue said:

I also find it funny you say it's difficult to farm Gara... I got her in 1 single day when she first released

Hmm, sure so you were extremely lucky beyond belief then, that is absolutely not the norm. Just because "hurr durr i got it in a day" doesn't mean it wasn't difficult to get her. I didn't get my neuroptics until literally the day before the bounty changes came and i ran the S#&$ out of those bounties.  

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Why should DE refund the plat for her?  Players were in no way forced into spending the plat to get her.

Besides, if DE did do that, they'd have a nightmare of a time also revoking the affinity gained by leveling her, not to mention removing Rivens that some people got if they bought her and then ran her quest. 


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You can just treat Mass Vitrify as another DPS-CC ability, it's pretty useless as a defensive ability anymore as wall sections get pretty much oneshot at 40-50-ish baby levels at high strength and armor however it freezes enemies, applies a damage multiplier, works with Shattered Lash as a (non scaling meh but usable for low levels)DPS and isn't completely removed when Nullifiers get close, it just stops expanding.

Edited by kgabor
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8 hours ago, (PS4)GbHaseo said:

Ok, but just bc there's a EULA, and something won't get changed, doesn't mean there can't be a discussion around it. Not that they're the same at all, but if everyone just said "EULA, shut up" about Battlefront 2's loot boxes, nothing would've changed.

Conversation isn't bad, conversation can lead to changes, sometimes in rare cases, major changes.

Let's assume there was a refund if you bought Gara. Why would Gara be any different from any other frame? Right, Gara isn't different. So DE would be to give us a refund for all the frames bought and changed in the past.
Do you think this would be a good idea? If DE did something like that, they could even stop charging anything for platinum-purchases.
So again: no, there will be no refund, because there is no need for. And it would be bad for DE to give us a refund.

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Personally, I didn't play her long enough to understand why people are upset with her nerf. That being said, I bought her for one reason; I am happy to support Digital Extremes. In an age where a gamer cannot escape the disgusting and predatory practices used by big name publishers to milk their consumers for as much of their money as possible, to me, it seems that DE has done their homework.

Warframe is the only game that I have ever supported so readily and for good reason.

Though it has its fair share problems, it is definitely loaded with more content than many AAA titles I have played recently *cough* like Destiny 2 *cough* and it continues to grow with new, free content updates that improve it. I will happily buy Nidus (I definitely do not regret buying him) or Gara in order to support the developer that deserves it the most and DE is certainly deserving of it.

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