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Why mains are absolute nonsense


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1 minute ago, Ragnarok160 said:

and this is the reason oberon was never fixed for so long and remained at the bottom with limbo for 3 years

Ok so others were wrong because they liked him the way he was right? Thats some dictators mentality you got here. "You are wrong because you dont agree with me".

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I consider myself an OTP, in basically every game, there is always one character that i play 99% of the time.
So to be honest your post makes 0 sense to me, people play like they want.

Like for example, i absolutely hate people that use Ember just for faster clears, but i do not hate Ember mains.

So, at the end of the day, play and let others play.

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1 hour ago, Ragnarok160 said:

yet you still tried to read this post? what ive learned is the more controversial the title is the more likely someone will read it.

Has that worked out well in this thread.

Oh, a controversial title is fantastic to get responses. Then you have to spend half of the thread writing "read the post" and "at least please read the bullet-points".


Oh by the way, on the subject, I don't do mains. I don't think they are cancer though. This is a game and anyone should find joy and entertainment in their way of playing, whichever it is, no matter the downsides.

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2 minutes ago, phoenix1992 said:

Sorry, you are one of the most extreme "main" examples I can think off. If I say I have over 35% on frame it would not hold as much of an impact as yours 70%-ish.

I understand why you mentioned.  hehe.  It's just this topic that is stupid.  Another case of a person that wants to push their agenda on everyone else with asinine reasons as their argument.  

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I would like to point out the nonsense of this post, by first off agreeing that people who claim to have mains is illogical but it happens. In Warframe a "Main" warframe, like in any game, is merely a frame a player feels most comfortable running most missions with casually. 
Argument 1: Yes, there are frames that make life easier than others. Stealth missions run a Loki, Ash, or Ivara (and the occasional Octavia and Limbo). You are also correct that higher difficulty missions require a little more thought into frame selection. I think any player can agree that bringing a frame with low survival ability will have a difficult time running high level missions, but to some it is a challenge worth accepting. With the right team comp as well, survival ability could be easier or harder depending. An example being Trials or Sorties, one requires a bit more team composition than the other. Exaggerations of poor choices for level 100 defense missions aside, people are somewhat rational and majority of the time choose something that will be able to work with the mission and their team for extended amounts of time. If a group of people are running a defense for a much shorter period of time (for the purpose of the discussion, let's say a standard 20 wave defense), there is no harm in bringing your "main" frame because you are the most comfortable with it. Not everyone is a master at every frame, each one plays different.


Argument 2: "Mains destroy their own frame." There is no harm in being passionate about a frame. I can agree that people go beyond logical reasoning and make claims that are extremely exaggerated about a single or number of frames. If people were not passionate about the game there would be no community. I'm under the assumption that a rational person would look at any frame and test it for themselves without any community bias. If a person believes that their Oberon is "god tier" then so be it, this is their personal bias; however, above all else it is promotion of a warframe, whether it be a good or bad promotion. This by no means destroy the reputation of a frame. The beauty of the warframe is in the eye of the user, and it is the user who can decide whether or not to use the frame. At the end of the day, if you don't want to listen to people making comments like this you can always mute the individual(s) or remove the chat entirely.


Argument 3: "support mains are the worst" I first want to point out that having a person who wants to be a supportive role in a game is an oddity itself. Not many people openly choose a supportive role in many games; however, there are those who do and are proud because of it. Supports are assumed to be a useless role to some and a necessity by others, a squad with a bad support will function but not as good as one with a support that is doing their job and aiding the team. This is notable in any game that requires a team where there is an option for a support, not only warframe. Support also comes in various shapes and sizes. In your post you only mention an Ev Trinity and a day form Equinox, these are not the only two supportive frames. Support comes in the form of crowd control as well. A Bastille Vauban, a "Slova," or even max range chaos Nyx could be considered crowd control supports. Frames that buff an aspect of your warframe or debuff an aspect of the enemies can be considered "support" by one person or another. Warframe is a very unique game where most frames can be played one way or several others. This whole argument possibly stems from your own bias against those who are prideful in being a supportive role. Besides, who cares if the Trinity is the reason the team made it though the mission. To make such claims is petty, to rant about them isn't any better.


Argument 4: "Playing a frame for 100 hours does not make you better with that frame." Ironically I am in full agreement with you; however, with a twist. I too believe that playing a frame purely is not beneficial as it is good for any player to know how to play any warframe. All of the warframes play differently, each one with a set of abilities that are more or less unique (admittedly there are a handful of warframes who's abilities feel similar to one another). There is no harm in playing a single frame, and contrary to your belief, learning to play one warframe can improve your skills using said frame. This is an argument that can be said about weapons and focus schools as well. Practice makes perfect and giving yourself time to learn the frame and it's mechanics allow you to play it better. The only way to become bad at playing a frame is not giving yourself time to learn that frame, and then progress to the next one. Even if you spend, as you said, 100 hours playing a specific warframe it never hurts to pick up a different one and run a handful of missions to refresh your skills and knowledge of the warframe. Some may argue that being well rounded is good, but in reality those who are well rounded are overlooked by those who specialize in one aspect or another (this applies to both the game and real life).


Not everyone plays the game the exact same way, some are better at killing while some are better at supporting. To be so narrow minded to believe that one way to play the game is better than the other is poor logic on your behalf. This entire article comes off as your personal bias against those who are passionate about a frame they call their own. Yes some players are more passionate than others in their choice of warframe or gameplay style, but to use blanket statements that claim a specific type of player is "the absolute worst" or making bias against said players hurts yourself more than it does anyone else. I can say I've been playing Warframe 4 years and have played every single frame to date. I have frames I enjoy playing more than others for a multitude of reasons, and I pick specific frames for different mission types if there is a need; however, I lovingly play a single frame majority of the time because I enjoy playing them the most. I have learned to play every aspect of warframe with them. Not because I am being stubborn and choosing them only but because I believe you shouldn't have to have a specific frame for a specific mission. If I know I can do a spy with a non stealth frame I will, even if it means I need to learn the alternate paths. No one frame is better than the other; however, shaming people who desire to use one warframe, focus school, or weapon loadout, etc more than another is ignorant as well as foolish. People will the game as they wish, whether it be as a single frame or all of them. It is part of the beauty of the game.

It is not my intent to further an argument but to merely discuss on a topic that seems to cause problems in the community. If you want to discuss or debate I have no issue doing so in game or on another form of media. Thank you for taking time to read, hopefully we can all enjoy playing the game together and not let such a petty thing ruin the community.

Edited by Miccos
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So you must be one of those people who believes you have arguments so compelling that people will absolutely agree with you just by reading your post.

First, people can disagree with you no matter what your arguments are.

Second, if the basic idea is bad, that's more than enough for people to disagree with you.

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1 hour ago, Ragnarok160 said:

and this is the reason oberon was never fixed for so long and remained at the bottom with limbo for 3 years

Oberon was barely even changed, though, so I don't know what this has to do with anything. His 1 was given scaling damage on the wisps, his 2 had its shape changed and is now able to proc radiation, his 3 is now a channel that never expires but lost its infinite range, and his 4 is the exact same.

Two combinations within Hallowed Ground to create armor for your allies and remove armor from enemies.

None of his core functions have changed in the slightest. He still has single target CC/damage, AoE area denial/party proc removal, a heal for support, and a PBAoE quick CC/damage. People didn't like him purely because his numbers weren't good and nothing else.

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Honestly, that just seems like a rant more than anything...

1) Think you might have a slightly different opinion on what 'maining a frame' is... it doesn't mean you don't use other frames, it just means you use a particular frame or type of frame (a lot) more than the others.  I could quite easily say I main inaros because I like using melee and imo it's the most suited (with my setup) for my personal playstyle, that doesn't mean I don't use ivara for spy etc. 

2) I doubt anyone in this game would say no to a buff to any frame, the problem is when you get people calling for changes 'because it's overpowered' and it ends up being nerfed into oblivion like gara's mass vitrify. 

3) Sounds like you've got an issue with veterans/meta groups more than anything else here...

4) Isn't that just repeating 1 with a different set of words...

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29 minutes ago, DatDarkOne said:

Hehe, I've done this one.  I wasn't intentionally trolling, but it was funny watching players rush to an enemy only to have me snatch the enemy away from them.  LOL

I'm not proud, but I was trolling in that instance.  And this was back when Pull had a bit better ragdollin'g.  I was getting things stuck up on ledges half way up the wall. xD

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I'm not going to comment on the all of the OP but rather the below section



  "playing a frame for 100 hours does not make you better with that frame" this one can be up for debate but before you hate me in the comments hear me out. i hate the age old excuse that playing a frame for an ungodly amount of hours in any better then someone playing the same frame for 20 hours, if anything it makes you worse.


I started playing Warframe with Frost and it has been one of the main Warframes I use. (I tend to use a lot of Loki and Chroma). One thing that has lead to this is the fact that I have played a lot of Excavation missions (currently sitting on 1,04mil Cryotic). One thing is also that tend to like to be in a role that can protect others. (For example Warrior in WoW).


From my perspective it does seem all the hours put into playing this Warframe (Frost/Frost Prime) has made me better than average simply by comparing to how other people use it when I play with them. There are some very simple things people can do with the Snow Globe ability yet I rarely see people using it in that way.


Here are some ways that I can think of from the top of my head

  • Stack the Snow Globe for extra HP
  • Refresh the Globe for invulnerability of the Snow Globe
  • Reresh (or apply to Snow Globe for the first time) to push enemies off the location you are casting the ability on (very helpfull on Excavation)
  • Cast the Snow Globe in choke points of the map/tileset if you need to slow down the enemies after you
  • Surround your original Snow Globe with additional 3 Snow Globes to further make it harder for mobs to get to your target (naturally might cause problem for others depending on weapon loadout etc, so will have to take into account the situation)
  • Mod for High Range Snow Globe during Infested Missions (Defense/Excavation for example) to slow down the (mostly melee) mobs from reaching their target. (Some of the ranged mobs can cause problems but this can be countered with refreshing the globe and pushing back the enemies.
  • Use Snow Globe to slow down special enemies like bosses or Stalker and make killing them extremely easy


I see a lot of people that don't even use the most basic things from the above list. At the same I can admit that I barely use any other of the Frost abilities in missions other than the 4th ability and I have yet to try out the augment mods other than for the Snow Globe. I am guessing only one other one of them has some use in endless type missions slowing down enemies.


What I have expirienced in all the hours I have played Frost and seeing other play him really contradicst what you claim above. I might be mistaken. It might just be that  player feels that he does not need to do all those things to accomplish what he/she needs to do in the mission but couple of things mentioned above should pretty much be done every time you use the Snow Globe to protect something yet people don't seem to do even those things.


I don't really see anything REALLY bad with having a "main" Warframe but I would consider it very good for people to try out the frames as it naturally gives you a better view on how they work and make you able to better complement their playstyle with your Warframe of choice.

Edited by Zeratul81
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4 hours ago, MagPrime said:

You keep making statements that you think are supportive.  You do realize the Equinox is not inherently deadly to the team on a radiation mission, right?  When you say these things, it gives the impression you don't know what you're talking about. 

he is because if your caught in his 4th ability wether your rad proc or he is then you'll most likely die, again just an example not a hard statement

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4 hours ago, kuciol said:

Ok so others were wrong because they liked him the way he was right? Thats some dictators mentality you got here. "You are wrong because you dont agree with me".

so your saying limbo and oberon were god tier before there respective reworks? because DE and the community would disagree with you

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