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Dev Workshop: Warframes Revisited


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1 hour ago, [DE]Connor said:

At its simplest, we do not want our Eidolons one-shotted.

Too Bad.

We will still one-shot them. It may take a little more work and require Riven Mods, but we will still do it.

Even with the projected changes, unless you have extremely nerfed the calculations, we just have to use the same self-damage Chroma but have all 4 teamates use Lanka/Rubico and shoot at the same part. Or have an Octavia in the party to further buff weapon damage. Or literally any other way that we can multiplicatively add damage to Chroma; Smite Infusion, Fireball Frenzy, and Shock Trooper with decent power strength builds could easily boost Chroma's radiation damage output by enormous amounts with or without being multiplied by Vex Armor.

1 hour ago, [DE]Connor said:


World On Fire - 5 seconds after casting, a percentage will begin counting up on the ability icon. As this percentage scales from 0% to 100% over 10 seconds, the ability’s energy cost and damage dealt both grow to double, while the ability radius shrinks to half.

So, Ember gets the Hysteria treatment. I wonder if DE will be nice enough to implement this before the Prime Vault packages go live, or if they will do what they normally do and nerf stuff after everyone who might buy it has bought it.

I mean, I will still use Ember Prime to farm Argon Crystals, as energy use isn't very problematic with 250 energy lying around everywhere, but since all of the other abilities require augments to even be useful, I really don't see how this helps improve Ember's playability. If you want people to play her as something other than 'Under 30 Easy Mode', you need to give her something else to do.


As for all the other changes, well, I'll have to see it to believe it (except for Bladestorm, which is the change we have been asking for for years). Atlas will be interesting, Volt should be better, Mag will still be the same, Zephyr might wind up being the next concentrated DPS, and Gara's wall will still be useless for what we originally used it, namely protecting small areas and denying enemy movement (maybe if the increased durability also meant increased damage on shatter, it might have new life).

So, you win some, you lose some. But in the end, Grind.

Grind never changes.


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@[DE]Connor @[DE]Pablo

Mag: First of all, she is a caster.......and for a caster, her energy pool is pathetic. I can't understand why this was ignored. And the problem is even worse and more noticeable with those annoying energy reduction missions, which turns the game in just another shooter to be frank, she can barely cast one magnetize properly. She is basically doomed in those mission. 

Polarize: Those changes to polarize won't do anything meaningful. I've seen several builds, including my own, that even go for lower power strength, because it doesn't actually benefit Mag that much compared to other stats. Shards simply aren't a reliable source of damage, kinda irrelevant actually. 
Instead, you should turn shards into pickups that boost Mag's survivability, depending on the source drained. Armor providing bonus armor and shields providing overshields. As for Polarize's augment, it could add an extra layer of shields, instead of just overshields, with shield gate. Mag is very squishy after all.

Crush: Yes, this added funcionality is nice and all, but she still stands there for 3 seconds begging to be killed. Plus, damage-wise, it is a worthless ability, especially for how much it costs to cast.



One of the suggestions I've seen is to make clones spawn simultaneously on all enemies. But I'd make them perform a combo on the enemies, to both provide some CC and to allow some time to do something else to tougher enemies. 
The mark enemies mechanic is kinda annoying actually, and I'd say half the reason people don't even use this ability. Perhaps affect enemies in an angle, similarly to how Oberon's Hallowed Ground works, scaling with power range.

Edited by Anthraxicus
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I run Ember with the following stats on her World on Fire

9.5m Range - 835 Damage - 73% Status Chance - 1.03 Energy Per Second - 20 Energy to Cast

When using this build I only have 2m more range with WoF than half of its base range. This works just fine for me because I like using Ember to get in the enemies faces. As long as I am close enough, enemy are practically stun-locked by fire procs and accelerant. And if I need more cc in a pinch I cast Fire Blast to give myself some breathing room, or to get in on a large group of enemies before I burn them to crisps. I can easily take on level 100 enemies and below with the build I use, which includes Flash Accelerant. Armored enemies fall too.

I encourage this change because it promotes active gameplay and forces people to get in close where Ember belongs if they're going to use WoF for prolonged periods. She has a multitude of tools at her disposal. WoF is one of those tools, not the only tool. Too many players think it is the only tool that matters which I find disappointing. WoF is heavy supplemental damage. It isn't meant to kill everything on the map for you. You have weapons. Weapons that receive a 1.5x  fire damage buff under flash accelerant, and deal 5.22x damage to enemies when using fire damage with my build.

If these changes are implemented as they are WoF with my current build would have the following stats after it heats up

~4.75m Range - 1670 Damage - 2.6 Energy Per Second

That's 8717 damage per tick against enemies affected by accelerant with my build.

I melt enemies in high levels as it is. This is a massive damage buff that turns ember into a miniature walking nuke. As a Veteran and avid supporter of Ember since the closed beta I welcome this change. My only concern is that 15sec is a while to wait in order to get the maximum damage buff. But that's just me being ironic. That actually seems like a reasonable and balanced timer. If you don't like it then get used to recasting WoF when the energy cost starts ramping up. This is a flat out buff for anyone who knows how to use ember for more than lazy nuking low level maps.

But I do have one suggestion to improve on these changes. Add a minor Damage Reduction buff that scales with the overheat percentage. Something like 5% damage reduction at 1% to 20% damage reduction at 100%. That way there is more of a reward for sustaining World on Fire once the range get's cut. It would also grant her some much needed survivability without turning her into a tank. Encouraging Player's to get up close and personal with ember. As it stands now Ember has no way to mitigate the damage she takes, and any stray shot can kill her near instantly in high levels. Adding a mechanic like this would vastly improve WoF as a power by adding utility and help to justify the increased energy cost as she heats up.

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1 hour ago, [DE]Connor said:


Some of Zephyr's abilities are cheaper to cast while airborne - details in progress.

Tail Wind - Combined into a single ability with Dive Bomb. Can be charge cast on the ground, launching Zephyr into the air where she then hovers. In the air, Tail Wind still flies in whatever direction you’re looking, and Dive Bomb activates if cast while looking straight down.

Air Burst - New ability replacing Dive Bomb. A projectile that causes an AoE burst on contact, ragdolling enemies. Can be fired into Tornadoes to make them bigger.

Tornado - Now spawn where player is aiming and can be steered. The closest tornado will move to your aimpoint, meaning you can move them around. Tornado damage type now determined by largest amount of elemental damage absorbed, instead of last type absorbed. Tornadoes do a better job of keeping enemies captured, and shooting Tornadoes will do damage to enemies trapped inside.

Zephyr, the warrior of the skies, has seen little change since being introduced in early 2014. Four years later, her ability kit is showing its age - Parkour 2.0 improved mobility across all Warframes, making her reduced gravity and Tail Wind less useful by comparison. Turbulence is consistently useful, but all other abilities leave something to be desired.

To give Zephyr new wind beneath her wings, her Tail Wind and Dive Bomb will now be the same ability, cast depending on which direction the player is looking. This makes room for her new ability Air Burst, which gives Zephyr new ways to rain death from the skies. We do not have a gif ready for this yet. Combined with Tornado tweaks intended to make the ability more consistent and useful, Zephyr’s more well-rounded kit should help reassert her air superiority.

Dive Bomb - Please, please, PLEASE make Dive Bomb aimable! You can restrict the angle to 45° if you want, just make it so that if you press 1 while airborne, you use Tail Wind and if you hold 1, you use Dive bomb, if you are within the angle-restriction. Additionally, instead of making abilities cheaper while mid air, why not make them stronger? Make it so that if you use Tail Wind to get off the ground, a buff will be placed on you that lasts for as long you are airborne (Optional: and is consumed with the first ability used while airborne), that significantly increases range and strength of the used ability.

Air Burst - Again, please reverse your idea: Instead of ragdolling enemies away, ragdoll them together; to the location you casted Air Burst on. Just take Dive Bomb's augment and make it its own ability. (See my idea for "Katabatic Vortex" as reference

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Am i the only who thinks ember and banshee changes are Extremely needed, its boring 
One thing i really hate they did is that making ember completely useless tho especially her CC, They clearly need to fix that. Specially her augment is useless now. Hope it changes and she can scale well upto end game as well cause she is an amazing frame
But no frame should be 4 to win :)

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2 hours ago, [DE]Connor said:

Vex Armor - Fixed a longstanding issue with number calculation being multiplicative. Boosts now apply before upgrades instead of after, making the ability consistent with all other damage boosting abilities. Overshields are now considered for Vex Armor. Chroma's Vex Armor remains one of the top performing damage-multipliers in the game - and it's now an aura! Instead of just being focused on Chroma, it can now benefit allies in range.

Oh for f*ck's sake. I just dumped five Formas into him and bought the deluxe skin... That's great. Just great. Thanks for that.


2 hours ago, [DE]Connor said:

At its simplest, we do not want our Eidolons one-shotted.

Oh yeah? Well guess what, we don't want to fight your Eidolons, because they're gimmicky and tedious and unfun. Chroma was great precisely because it allowed us so pretty much bypass that fight. If you insist on making us actually fight the bosses instead of cheesing them, make them fun to fight! It's not rocket science. This goes not just for the Eidolons but for most other bosses in WF as well, btw.

Edited by SordidDreams
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About gara, making the wall stronger by the enemies it vitrifies is very nice, the problem is, there are situations and builds where we'd use a small range vitrify right on a defense objective the point of this, preventing dmg from the start, not waiting for the enemies to start shooting and come close to have a scaling stronger wall, it should also absorb some dmg from the outside much like Snow Globe during the 4 secs invulnerability, with or without vitrified mobs in range , the wall's health when using vitrify to CC enemies came secondary, unlike some situations where we needed no CC but the Wall's strenght to prevent enemy fire, but in that case the wall would go poof in a second in high lvl content cus there would be no enemies touched the power

Magìs Polarize needs some sort of scaling, which is still not addressed, and i'm not talking about the shards.


Edited by arm4geddon-117
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Can we let Mesa actually target synovia joints of the Teralyst with her ultimate?  It makes me sad how absolutely worthless she is for Eidolon hunting and having something that could at least consistent if small damage to joints would be nice, especially since she'd open herself up to all the aoe and homing attacks.  Allowing it to target items so she can quickly loot rooms in style would also be welcome.

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28 minutes ago, Helm said:

This is how ive always felt. They nerfed her because she was the best nuker, along with saryn. And just like saryn, they cant do endgame content anymore. Now because of pablo unable to play warframe the right way, he thinks ember is ungodly god mode and destroys any sense of pve content (somehow) 

Better nerf ember even more, what little hope i had of a buff for ember was thrown out the window. I was hoping so hard they would do a rework on ember to be able to do sorties along with the rest of the cast.

Just who exactly do you think you are?

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I really hope this doesn't get lost in the comments, here is my feedback and ideas:


Even if I don't play Ember much. I do NOT like the WoF changes. Something that might be a nice compromise between the "rework" and current might be the following option:

Damage and CC to enemies further away does increase over a certain amount time (increased by duration)


Cast Start:

Center: 100% dmg/CC - Furthest distance: 100% dmg/CC

After ~10s time:

Center: 100% dmg/CC - Furthest distance: 20% dmg/CC



I literally never play Atlas. It wont change after the changes tbh. But his petrify should not be a continuous stream, rather a short flash in a cone in front of him. (Thinking of League Of Legends Cassiopeias R ability. Or similar to Valkyrs Paralysis cast.)

Petrify should stagger when the enemy is NOT facing Atlas and when facing Atlas they should become stone immediately.



Simple addition as Volt: Charge all active shields with Discharge.


As well very simple. Instead of joining the assassins with his Teleport. Join them with casting Bladestorm again.

What I would also like to see is a special crosshair (similar to Mesa Peacemaker crosshair) where Ash can mark enemies. The crosshair size increases with ability range.

Edited by VanilleOfDead
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@[DE]Connor So what happens now to CC Ember? It was the only viable option for her in late game. Yes, the nerf solved her low level nuke which for me as Ember was kinda boring (ok, the low level is boring by itself) and surely boring for the whole squad. But now she loses range and this leads to those heavy problems: as a squishy you have to avoid heavy units like bombards, but with lowered range we have to go near them. With growing level even the doubled damage will become useless due to armor scaling per level so it will still lower the damage to nearly 0. This was the reason why people played CC Ember, but with reduced range AND increased cost over the duration CC Ember got double nerfed.

So how will you solve that? Would love to get an answer.

Edit: Why was percentage damage for her ult no option? so it would scale linear with health and never could nuke the enemy?

Edited by Yamichi
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Buffing Mags damage does not improve her place as a squishy control mage and entirely misses what needs to be done.
You primary focus (in my opinion) should be the "Mage" part - meaning: Give her some energy, please. 

edit: It seems like you buffed her energy pool from 150@30 to 263@30, I love this change, thank you soo much!

Further the ult cast time is eternal and ought to be looked at, try using her with Natural Talent equipped, it is much more fluid ant feels a lot better - Improving her casting speed on her ult would actually make her more of a Mage & CC Frame.

I've also seen numerous mentions of changing her one into a two part Ability called "Push&Pull", an Idea I would also welcome a lot.

So to summarise:
-Casting time on ult
-More CC options

Edited by Lydethlas
found out something not mentioned in the notes
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5 minutes ago, Yamichi said:

With growing level even the doubled damage will become useless due to armor scaling per level so it will still lower the damage to nearly 0.

This cannot be overstated. The Ember change was designed by somebody who has no idea how armor works in WF. I'm going to be doing 40 damage instead of 20 to a level 80 bombard, woo hoo!

Edited by SordidDreams
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