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Dev Workshop: Warframes Revisited


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Polarize should scale its armor reduction just like Oberon's 4 when casted on hallowed ground and have the wave move at higher speed or have both the flat armor removal value plus a % based on the enemy armor/health or whatever. DE can decide that

The future is into scaling abilities based on percentages of something, not flat damage values...

When the mod acid shells was released i was hoping DE was going to walk this path, cus that mod provides both a flat dmg value and a % of dmg based on the health of the opponent killed...almost all damaging abilities should embrace that path imo.....

Crush is still bad and the casting time is abysmal save for the mod natural talent but eh it is what it is....unless shields offer some sort of dmg mitigatation ( a % every 100 shields or something like that ) they aren't jack S#&$


Edited by arm4geddon-117
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I actually really like that Ember change. Double energy drain really aint nothing for that abilities non existant drain, nor halved range since I'm weird and melee with Ember. But double damage? Awww yis. Besides, if it turns out to be terrible shes still got glorious glorious Flash Accelerant. Now if only they'd outright replace Sound Quake.

Edited by maj.death
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28 minutes ago, Xsoskeleton said:

Ember can use some delay in changes, truly a rushed change simply due to Ember being annoying for some people.

No, for the sake of consumer confidence they need to push whatever changes they are going to make to Ember BEFORE the unvaulting. Not limp them in after people have spent money on her prime pack.

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4 minutes ago, maj.death said:

I actually really like that ember change. Double energy drain really aint nothing for that abilities non existant drain, nor range since I'm weird and melee with Ember. But double damage? Awww yis.

really now? i would to see you play with me, as a fellow tenno

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1 minute ago, Oreades said:

No, for the sake of consumer confidence they need to push whatever changes they are going to make to Ember BEFORE the unvaulting. Not limp them in after people have spent money on her prime pack.

if its a buff then sure, but a nerf only makes her lose players instead.

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I’m down with Overheat coming back and having it replace Fire Blast and its augment. Even if Overheat becomes a nerfed concept of what it once was. I very rarely ever use Ember’s power 3, and I never find much application nor necessity to ever use it.

If you’re an Ember player, all you really do is cast WoF, cast Accelerant to stunlock enemies and boost your Fire damage, and maybe cast Fireball on a cluster of enemies in your line of sight to group CC them. Fire Blast never finds much use considering you’re constantly on the move and its initial damage is unimpressive, only feasible with its increased DoT fire damage which we all know is moot when you have WoF and Accelerant. 

Having Overheat as a slight damage resistant ability and ability buff would be something I’d be really excited to see again.

Just... don’t ever go back to the old inefficient, capped duration WoF. That made for a very specific and trash build that required constant recasts and cast animation locks that literally killed my enjoyment for Ember when I first started playing Warframe.

Edited by (PS4)Lei-Lei_23
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44 minutes ago, RAZORLIGHT said:

GJ DE, keep silencing every criticism


i knew you would delete my post after tons of upvotes.



ps. if anybody have my old post (Page 2) saved or can tell me how to show the cached version of it PM me

I also got my post deleted on Page 6 so don't bother.

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1 hour ago, Wevi said:

First off im just going put this out there and say we have enough exalted frame powers. its flat out boring. just stop

What makes you think we have enough? There is currently 6 exalted weapons (correct me if I'm wrong) out of 34 warframes. And I believe the next warframe Khora is going to have an exalted whip. And just because you find it boring, doesn't mean it is boring for everyone.

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2 minutes ago, Oreades said:

No, for the sake of consumer confidence they need to push whatever changes they are going to make to Ember BEFORE the unvaulting. Not limp them in after people have spent money on her prime pack.

Just don't see how the changes pushed in before the unvaulting will propel sales when they are actually really bad changes.

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13 minutes ago, NephalemUnlimited said:

I also got my post deleted on Page 6 so don't bother.

well i do bother because i am a @(*()$ customer

i do bother becase this is silencing criticism we arent in USSR or north korea ffs.


edit: this time i took a screenshot, in case they delete it again, without a notice

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6 minutes ago, yrtsim3k said:

Just don't see how the changes pushed in before the unvaulting will propel sales when they are actually really bad changes.

It isn't about propelling sales. It's about being honest. 

If they hold off on the changes during the unvaulting and then push them afterwards ..... thems is some horrible optics and they are going to lose a massive amount of consumer faith. If they are going to make changes that radically change how Ember plays then they need to do that before they put Ember Prime up for sale not after they have cashed in on her. 

Edited by Oreades
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3 minutes ago, yrtsim3k said:
6 minutes ago, Oreades said:

No, for the sake of consumer confidence they need to push whatever changes they are going to make to Ember BEFORE the unvaulting. Not limp them in after people have spent money on her prime pack.

Just don't see how the changes pushed in before the unvaulting will propel sales when they are actually really bad changes.

Must be another guy who gulped every change DE made as 100% good thing.

Real question, do the devs who works in the change actually played ember? Her only endgame viable kit is now nerfed in term of utility for the sake of additional damage when the armor scaling monstrously is still never mentioned as an issue. The other kits she have is nowhere as engaging as other frame capable of scaling damage, despite ember being an offensive caster type frame.

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 you know you know the numbers that I'm hearing about this it could actually even out ...  the range is being reduced but the damage is being increased so if you just put in overextended you get the range back and then the increase damage makes up for power loss it could be nearly the same as it is right now....

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4 hours ago, LSG501 said:

You can't blame players for using what has been given to them, DE were the ones who added WOF and players used what has been given to them same with any other frame. 

Oh yes we can and you can't pin this solely on DE. DE codes the abilities for sure, but it's the player that willingly chooses when and where to use their abilities.

As an Oberon player with a high strength and duration build, I can willingly and freely choose to quickly carpet all the entry points in Hydron with Hallowed Ground to catch enemies as they spawn and move out so I can grab as many kills as I can. But I choose not to because I'm not an inconsiderate schmuck and I realize there are 3 other people on my team that would like a crack at killing enemies too. I could also choose to build an Ember and go for an "efficient" meta build but I won't because I find Ember to be boring and I couldn't care less about what the cool kids are exploiting using these days.

I guess personal accountability isn't a thing anymore...

4 hours ago, LSG501 said:

I have to ask though...do you have the same issue with (off the top of my head) mesa, equinox, spore saryn, octavia, speed nova, speed volt plus ignis wraith or similar because they can all 'take away your kills' on the starmap (to be fair anything can kill stuff on the starmap) because they can basically kill most of the enemies before you get to them.  Now with the nerf you'll be seeing them a lot more in all likelihood too because they'll become the new replacements. 

Whatever new meta develops should be addressed then. Simple as that. And yeah, Sleep Equinox definitely needs looking at.

4 hours ago, LSG501 said:

Then you have the other aspect, if you start removing the 'kill' abilities from warframes, which is essentially the only way to solve the issue on the starmap, you're basically turning the game into a shoot and slash game and there are plenty of other games out there that in all honesty do that better than warframe.

False Dilemna. That won't happen.

Edited by MirageKnight
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13 minutes ago, (PS4)Lei-Lei_23 said:

If the range was dumbed down to 75% instead of 50% on a full-powered WoF, I’d be ok with it. However, for Firequake Embers that use WoF as a CC ability instead of a dmg ability, it’s a mighty blow if you ask me.

If only intended for CC, just cancel and recast. Just like all other CC.Initial cast maintains your normal range.

Now consider what happens when you got WOF at peak dmg on a power strength built , and enemies group up around you, and you press 2.

Thats right: Magic.

For those who have never used her 2 in combo with WOF.

Edited by Souldend78
Added Accelerant link.
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This is Feedback for the changes seen in the latest Dev Showcase involving Zephyrs new powers and abilities.


Why does a grounded tailwind move you forward instead of upward? 

  • Tailwind doesn't have an action against enemy units. If I tailwind forward and run into an enemy, I'm locked into the animation and the enemy stands as a wall that can kill you. Ever Tailwind into a wall? Its the same scenario when you tailwind into an enemy.

Why is Tailwind (Grounded) a charged mechanic to go upward?

  • Reb mentioned that tailwinds hover has a static timer based on duration. If the timer is static, then why do I need to charge it? Wouldn't just casting Tailwind while grounded be enough to launch you into hover mode? There's also no disparity in allowing a simple grounded tap to launch Zephyr upwards and always execute hover mode considering that you can easily exit the hover as shown.

For directional movement a simple hop and tailwind easily moves Zephyr from position to position quickly. With these changes Zephyr gains a stagnant "hover" at the expense of her quick verticle launch and escape option. The charge mechanic feels unneeded in this sense. 


Zephyr is a mobile experience.
The beauty of tailwind in taking combat into the skies isn't just hovering above your enemies. Its the fluidity of traversing the skies over taking stationary vantage points. Thats already a perk of her  That's part of the reason why there were so many requests for an increased aim glide duration for her rather than a hover.

Here's an example of what I mean through old gameplay of mine which matches the same Role Rebecca demonstrated. Sorry for the quality.




This skill is just not good as is. I don't understand the point of merging the ability if none of the issues with its existence are addressed.

  • The limited directional control of the skill makes it miserable to use. Many players have already compared its existence to a melee slam and they're not wrong. There just are simply too far and few instances where you will want to position yourself directly above the enemy. Perhaps I'm explaining it wrong but players always shoot at enemies in front of us not looking below or above. Do you shoot at Grineer Helions from standing directly below them? Would you stand directly above a Nox and aim straight down? No.
  • Divebombs damage is abysmal.

There's just no point in hording a skill into a moveset if its not going to be utilized. We'll be in the same place months from now with rework threads requesting the same thing. Please allow it to scale with melee or something. If there's a need to have a hold mechanic in Tailwind, surely its to aim Divebomb.

Air Burst: 

Not enough was shown with this to see its effectiveness.

  • I would like to mention however that an ability with the primary function is just ragdoll is weak. Zephyr already synergizes immensely with weapons like sonicor and staticor which can ragdoll respectively. Also, Divebomb ragdolls. Tornadoes ragdoll. I think she's good on the ragdoll front. However this skills effectiveness remains to be seen.


  • Needs to allow recast to cancel the skill. If a teammate has a higher damage output in viral but all the enemies are armored, I cant proc corrosive status on them. Probably a nitpick but I like to be thorough.
  • All the skill needed was predictability which was accomplished. To my understanding the skill doesn't absorb and hold damage but rather distributes damage while its being shot to enemies inside. That's fine. Basically a tool that aims for you. 


That's all I has so far. As I continue pondering the changes I'll go forward with making changes to my feedback.



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At least there's a good chance DE will listen to us, as far as I can tell they are more than capable of responding to our feedback, but they lack the resources to really sweep over everything we want them to all at once. 

I'm all for a review of existing game systems that have aged poorly or simply been abandoned (some of which I'm discovering even exist). I think they actually said they were looking to do this in one of their recent dev streams? Really not sure, but it would be nice to see another PoE-style "re-launch" of the game focusing around actual improvement to content new players are going to encounter first in their journey to reach the current point in the storyline/quests/endgame.


Also can we dump Nef Anyo on Mars already so I can beat his smug face in.

Edited by Beartornado
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27 minutes ago, Oreades said:

No, for the sake of consumer confidence they need to push whatever changes they are going to make to Ember BEFORE the unvaulting. Not limp them in after people have spent money on her prime pack.

Making the changes after would be even worse, but even making them before is very poor timing. There's only three days until the unvaulting. Even if they pushed out the changes right this second, there'd still be a significant number of people who would buy her based on outdated information. Knowledge about balance changes takes a while to propagate through the community.

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