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Remove Sortie Spy Missions


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"Everyone deserves the chance to succeed in a group" Really? Then why are there special needs classes? Cause no one wants to hear Sam stumble through the paragraph he has to read out loud for 30 minutes. 

Every time I do a Sortie Spy mission I feel like its just punishing skilled players. Why did I do my part and learn the missions when someone can so easily come in a wreck it for everyone else? In no other mission is there a higher chance of failure or reliance on teammates. Players are forced to repeat public missions over and over again until they rage quit and are forced to do solo. 

Defense Sorties were changed to 5 rounds from 10. That is because we realized 10 rounds is quite a long mission. 

Now lets take another step in the right direction and remove the pain of Sortie Spy missions. Pretty please. 

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Not only i believe they should stay (as it is a mechanically difficult mission, not necessarity mathematical, capable of being done by almost any player provided the effort is there, something that was requested and is being introduced in pretty much all mission types, mechanical difficulty) but i also would like to have the old sorties with more minutes to survive and whatnot, in my opinion sorties like survivals and defenses go a bit to fast for my taste.

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I concur with most people here. Go solo, if your mad at people failing your missions what business do you have in a group with them anyhow? On top of that the last thing this game needs is to completely remove ALL "spy" or ninja aspects of this game in higher level play and just become warframe: the game where you run around in power suits.

Because I can grantee you I can do any spy mission as ANY Warframe (rhino, octavia etc) if its not sortie level.

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I always pub spy sorties.  I run straight to A, and then go help out with B and C if needed.  Someone messes it up at most 1 in every 5 times.  More often that not, when that happens I'll offer to carry and we do it again with no issues.  Spy is fast.  I don't mind doing it twice, and I can't remember the last time I had to do it more than twice.

Maybe you're just picking a bad time of day?  I'm usually doing mine an hour or two after the daily reset at midnight UTC (not the sortie reset at noon EST).  

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1 hour ago, Broshambo said:

"Everyone deserves the chance to succeed in a group" Really? Then why are there special needs classes? Cause no one wants to hear Sam stumble through the paragraph he has to read out loud for 30 minutes. 

Every time I do a Sortie Spy mission I feel like its just punishing skilled players. Why did I do my part and learn the missions when someone can so easily come in a wreck it for everyone else? In no other mission is there a higher chance of failure or reliance on teammates. Players are forced to repeat public missions over and over again until they rage quit and are forced to do solo. 

Defense Sorties were changed to 5 rounds from 10. That is because we realized 10 rounds is quite a long mission. 

Now lets take another step in the right direction and remove the pain of Sortie Spy missions. Pretty please. 

who has a problem with spy missions ? they're so easy and if you don't trust playing it pubic cause they might trigger an alarm then do it solo... there problem solved

just because you have had a bad experience with it doesn't warrant it to be removed from the possible mission types.

Edited by hellodownthere
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I typically don't support the "just play solo" argument seeing as this is a co-op game where players should be able to use the matchmaking...

But why would you ever do Spy missions publically? They are one of if not THE easiest missions to solo; grab Permacloaki and you don't even need to kill a single enemy.

Running Sortie Spy in a public group has zero benefit. If you are looking to shorten completion time by doing vaults simultaneously, you should assemble a competent group of friends instead of relying on randos.

If the goal is to make Spy PUG friendly, then Spy needs to be reworked into something more conducive to group play.

Edited by DiabolusUrsus
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Honestly, I'd love for them to be removed. Why? They're not challenging or interesting in any way shape or form. There's very little high level content to enjoy and it always bums me out when Spy is one of the sorties just because it's an in and out zzz fest. I like punching stuff in the face.

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15 minutes ago, (PS4)Vagnar said:

Honestly, I'd love for them to be removed. Why? They're not challenging or interesting in any way shape or form. There's very little high level content to enjoy and it always bums me out when Spy is one of the sorties just because it's an in and out zzz fest. I like punching stuff in the face.

You could just kill a lot of things to and from all the vaults. :)

Seriously tho, I do feel like spy's come up A LOT and I end up just soloing them because I never know what kind of group I get. 

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Seeing as your teammates are the ones actually doing the mission with you, and not random forum-goers, maybe try communicating with them? See if they're confident in their vault cracking skills? Offer tips or possibly a carry if they're not? And maybe lose the condescension 'cause that's not getting you anywhere?

Or just do what everyone else is suggesting and go solo. Either way, considering they're quite doable and run about the same length of time as most other sortie missions, I doubt spy sorties are going anywhere. Best figure out a way to deal with it.

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Honestly, put it on anything other than public it if it bothers you. You know, like the rest of us.


You could also try teaching people (kinda needs to be a duo tho). I did this.... I think it was last week? The kohai lacked any stealth frame options, and his loud options were horribly under-geared.... but he had finished War Within, so I taught him how to operate.

Was actually kinda fun. I would go through the vault first on Ivara (abusing Zenny-Narm and Infiltrate is my go-to Spy strat; low risk low effort reasonable speed), so if he tripped the alarms, I could immediately hack the console. Once I got to the target, he'd start. He tripped 2/3, but obviously since I was right there we succeeded. After we finished and went back to the entrance, I'd show him an operator-based route he could take (he'd follow me, mimicking), and then we'd move on.

Edited by TheBlueJelly
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2 hours ago, DiabolusUrsus said:

I typically don't support the "just play solo" argument seeing as this is a co-op game where players should be able to use the matchmaking...

But why would you ever do Spy missions publically? They are one of if not THE easiest missions to solo; grab Permacloaki and you don't even need to kill a single enemy.

Running Sortie Spy in a public group has zero benefit. If you are looking to shorten completion time by doing vaults simultaneously, you should assemble a competent group of friends instead of relying on randos.

If the goal is to make Spy PUG friendly, then Spy needs to be reworked into something more conducive to group play.

The only benefit is if you won the lottery with people with two brain cells to rub together and finish it within minutes. Other than that there is absolutely no reason to run it Pub. 

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Heck the only reason I go pub spy sorties is because I kinda enjoy experiencing how people handle spy missions. When/if that ever gets frustrating there is always the option for me to Solo it. That said I've pubbed every spy mission for the last few weeks and I've actually kinda enjoyed it. Even when they have failed spectacularly. 

Kinda funny that this comes up today of all days when there is a Defection mission in the sortie and with how much I loath Defection missions I absoloutly refuse to partake in a Sortie with one in it. That said I can at least respect that some people like Defection (those poor fools) and Defections right to exist even if I don't enjoy it. 


3 hours ago, Acersecomic said:

Haven't seen Lua spy in a while :'( Lua and Kuva Fortress spies are my faves.

My understanding is that it was removed from the Sortie rotation because apparently there was some big issue with the PS4 version of Lua Sortie Spy and it's never been re-added. Which is a shame because I really enjoy Lua Spy as well and to be blunt it is the easiest spy in the whole game. Contrary to the popular belief of those who never bothered to learn it. Kuva is also pretty great (tho sometimes it's harder to find the vaults than to do them) and I think it's still in the rotation it just doesn't come up very often. 

Edited by Oreades
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I don't do Sortis, but if I did, I would be teaching the players how to do them properly. The biggest problem with this games pugs is peoples unwillingness to communicate. That's your real problem here. There are coms in the game. Use them. C is the default Push To Talk button. Use it. If you can't be bothered helping people learn what they need to do, then you should probs play solo only.

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I have no issues with running sortie spies, we should keep them. They are one of the quickest mission types. If someone fails a room, I just tell them I will do it the next time, simple. It takes around 4 minutes to solo the mission (2-2.5 mins with 3 people). It really is not an issue.


And of course, if you do not want to do that, run solo (as everyone else has said).

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I haven't done public spy sorties in forever...

Whenever I did public spy, the only enemy wasn't the bad spys, but also the host.

I just remember failing alot due to tripping that laser I've already gotten past.

A camera saw me in the previous room, when I already got out of there...


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did you try the solo que before making this thread? also the last time i had trouble with randoms in a spy mission was over a month ago.


did you know you don't need x frame to do spy mission since the


]Operator mode came out. 


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4 hours ago, Broshambo said:

I fully understand the option to go solo(hence why i mentioned it) but we wouldn't be playing this game if we wanted to play by ourselves would we? 

Yes, yes we would. We absolutely would. When it comes to spy missions. I enjoy them but I will alt+f4 out of the game if I accidentally launch into one in public mode. I don't have to worry about rage quitting because I never put myself in that situation. I would love the an option added to game settings to set defaults for each mission type though, so I could just set spies to solo and forget about it without having to remember to switch it over and then switch it back when I'm done.

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4 minutes ago, RedDirtTrooper said:

Yes, yes we would. We absolutely would. When it comes to spy missions. I enjoy them but I will alt+f4 out of the game if I accidentally launch into one in public mode. I don't have to worry about rage quitting because I never put myself in that situation. I would love the an option added to game settings to set defaults for each mission type though, so I could just set spies to solo and forget about it without having to remember to switch it over and then switch it back when I'm done.

Pretty sure Alt-F$ing out of pub simply for being in pub counts as an RQ :P

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