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51 minutes ago, (XB1)Knight Raime said:

in regards to you telling them to ship her as is with damage 2.5 and let players playtest that.

Obviously I mean test it as a way to see if it would work for ALL damage. Doesn't mean the frame would be unfinished

Edited by Hypernaut1
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16 hours ago, Knight_Ex said:

Yeah I saw, a healing pet, sorry but instead of patch healing I would rather just take an Oberon or even better a Trinity, again she's a mesh of rehashed abilities when before she was going to be something new and unique, I was really looking forward to this.

No. That "If I want to do X I will bring Y frame" argument has no substance.

People compare frames as if they have 1 power and nothing else. 

If you to critscise something, look at everything instead of 1 and going with that.

By your lógic, because I havê Trinity I dont need to use Harrow, Oberon, Nezha, Inatos, who all havê powers that heal.

But they do just that, do they? No.

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3 hours ago, Afftastic said:

This is just glorified Vauban 2.0.

considering Vauban is still a strong choice for defensive modes, especially vs Infested, I don't see how this is a bad thing.

3 hours ago, Afftastic said:

What is point of having a new frame when it’s just going to follow the same recipe as something else?

the problem is design overlapping: it was inevitably going to happen as there's only so many things powers can do: deal DPS, CC, self/team support and grant Utility. the difference is what blend of these attributes a Warframe has and the theme they employ in doing so. to be honest, the 8 frames that Warframe started with can cover all of these bases as a whole, the game never really needed more Frames, we just wanted them because we wanted new ways of achieving high damage, CC Support and utility. it's a possibility that Khora might not bring anything new to the table, but she will still be visually different in doing what she does compared to other frames.

besides, she isn't even out yet and DE still have plenty of chances to change her before or after her release. it's best to withhold opinions until we try her out: I thought Gara would be Mediocre but she ended up being the most powerful defense frame by a huge amount, leading to her nerf. if Khora isn't satisfactory, she might get buffed.

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11 hours ago, Xylyssa said:

Khora basically has reskinned abilities of existing Warframes.

by this logic, every frame that came out after the original 8 was a "reskin". the starting frames covered all the bases: damage, healing, CC, buffs, defense and utility. the difference is that the newer frames explored different ways of achieving the same goal. as mentioned, she is still subject to change before or after her release. maybe she'll get her whip back, maybe she won't. but you can't formulate an opinion on something you haven't tried.

the people saying "Khora is bad" are the same kind of people who say they don't like certain foods when they haven't even tried them. if you try her and hate her, that's perfectly fine and acceptable, but you can't expect me to agree with your opinion when you can't even be sure of it yourself.

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10 hours ago, Lanying said:



You could almost argue that this is a 'rework' even though it's not been released and we all know how good DE are at reworks....actually you could say they've done the absolute minimum they could so they could get back on schedule. 


Like you say 2 does feel a little redundant with 4 and just a single whip is quite a lazy 'fix' to the damage type issue, they could have made it so it did different elemental combo damages, corrosive, radiation, magnetic and blast, there are 4 'whips' on her back after all. 


Mind you I'm holding off on full judgement of the kit until it's released, especially her 3 as it seemed like the kavat was darting around everywhere during the devstream and obviously without another player we can't really judge it's full kit.  The thing is other than the kavat 'gimmick' several other frames do everything else she does, potentially better too...

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8 hours ago, Music4Therapy said:

I just hope the AI of Khora's Kavat isn't dumb as a rock

me too, that's the whole reason why pets 2.0 is in the works, that and the fact that Kubrows have terribly lacklustre abilities that haven't aged well.

nice to see someone being positive about Khora for once. I know people aren't happy with her kit, but it's nothing that can't be changed later on. as a new frame she's still heavily subject to change post-release, and there could be some interesting hidden synergies between her skills that we don't know about yet. best to wait until we can get her before passing judgement.

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I'd like to see her 1 change to a tap/hold ability

tapping it would lash out doing normal physical attack

Holding would lasso and enemy causing it to bleed - longer time held bleed scales.

Releasing would either drag enemy towards you if they had enough remaining health, for you to finish off at close range.
Or if they had less than 50% of their total HP pool, releasing would snap the whip back triggering a different animation causing the enemy to gib; essentially tearing the enemy in half.


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3 hours ago, Nakrast said:

Honestly, i don't understand why they removed her exalted whip, her new 4th is just boring (imo).

  • Memeing Strike whew
  • Whip slide abuse
  • Macros abuse

Pick all.


Honestly, I was hyped for Exalted Whip. Until I started witnessing more and more macroslides4life whip-janitors with caffeine overdose. Thank RNGod, they aren't going to fuel this issue further.

Edited by Thundervision
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I'm not really sure where to post this because it is mostly a question but I'm not sure if it has been covered sufficiently as so anyone outside the devteam can answer it. It's also sorta kinda conditional pre-feedback, if that makes any sense?

How exactly does Venari Work? 

Is Venari a channeled ability? 

Is Venari a timed/recast ability? 

Is Venari a summon till she dies and then recast her ability? 


Personally I'm kinda hoping it's the last one. As someone who gravitates towards pet classes... the one thing I really don't enjoy are "pet classes" that make you micromanage a bunch of pet timers. I suppose Venari being a channeled ability would also be OK assuming that she couldn't die as long as you where channeling her.

That said I think the most we know about Venari is that shie is Khoras 3 and has a few different modes, I assume kinda like Ivaras Quiver? But as far as I am aware we have no clue how her summon functions mechanically and I'm really curious about how Khoras summoning of Venari is going to function. 

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8 hours ago, Music4Therapy said:

I just hope the AI of Khora's Kavat isn't dumb as a rock and that the utility (namely the Disarm and the Heal) are an aoe and not some single target ability the Kavat uses independently.

Aside from that, looks great. Always wanted a frame with hard CC, team support, a way to group up enemies, and a disarm. Only Loki and Nyx have disarm currently as frame abilities. Surprised they're making a frame with all these things and honestly I'm pretty stoked.

Harrow is rolling his eyes

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6 minutes ago, Thundervision said:
  • Memeing Strike
  • Whip slide abuse
  • Macros abuse

Pick all.


Honestly, I was hyped for Exalted Whip. Until I started witnessing more and more macroslides4life whip-janitors with caffeine overdose. Thank RNGod, they aren't going to fuel this issue further.

Maiming doesn't work on exalted weapons. 

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2 часа назад, (XB1)Knight Raime сказал:

You don't release content that people will potentially pay for to "test" something.

Yeaaah it's not like we had frames nerfed like a week after it's release like *cough* Gara *cough* which misguided players and tricked to buy it only to dump it in the trashcan two weeks later because it was no longer what they bought and overall was and is weak af.

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Woulda been nice to see the ability UI, but it was cleverly covered up by the Dev team camera~

I'm hoping it'll be a "Summon till she dies" kinda scenario, but I have a feeling DE isn't that kind. I'm personally okay with a Duration over channeling, as I'd like to utilize Khora's main gimmick at all times without dealing with constantly draining energy. As besides Venari, I don't find Khora particularly special. Which is fair I suppose, since she had her other main gimmick (IPS Utilization) stripped away.

Quite certain mode switching happens like Ivara's Quiver, and can probably be switched on the fly while Venari is out, which'll be pretty neat.

Edited by Zandermanith222
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2 hours ago, Mover-NeRo said:

You can get pretty good picture from what you saw in Devstream...its not like it will magicly change into something else when released. Yes..its subject to change but last version looks like its final product.

If pornography taught us one valuable lesson, it is, that watching someone else do it is not the same as doing it yourself.

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Actually the more I think about it the fact that Venari had health/shields is kinda concerning and makes any of those possibilities problematic. Largely because we also don't know how she is going to scale? 

And if enemies are able to essentially one shot her the second she is summoned, she becomes a literal dead ability. At which point Khora essentially just has no 3. 

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5 hours ago, WhiteCr0w said:

I think I'm gonna' try playing her first before I start a blog.

Good advice. 

I initially thought the same thing about Gara. It's just a resistance Zephyr with a wall instead of moving air. In actual use, she's much, much more and has rapidly become a favorite and a go-to warframe. 

At first blush, Khora looks like a Saryn, but with CC instead of a pandemic (more like an old-skool Saryn than the present one). She also essentially packs a second sentinel  with what looks like some of the basic sentinel uses (offense, defense, support). 

Perhaps most importantly, she looks good. Really good. That's enough reason to farm her up and see what she can do. 

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13 hours ago, peterc3 said:


Whips and chains and you can't find the dominatrix theme?

More of a Hellraiser-esque cenobyte, but with a lot less blood. 

I mean, that's the first thing that sprang to my mind after seeing the so-called Strangledome. Needs more blood and gore, however. 

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As far as I can see, Khora is basicly our metalspider-frame, along with being a catsummoner.

Her 1st (Phase Lash) is a lash with her whip. This fits the metalspider theme well (using the metallical web as a direct weapon)

Her 2nd (Ensnare) groups up enemies with metal wires, kinda of liking having an automated cocoon. Also fits the metalspider theme very well.

Her 3rd (Call Venari) summons a metal cat. A cat is a bit of an odd choice to summon considering her theme, I would've preferred it to be a spiderlike summon, but I can see why that would be a bad idea (not scaring people with Arachnophobia), so I don't mind. At least, being a spider-esque frame, having a summon is at least very fitting.

Her 4th (Strangledome) went from an exalted whip to a metalwire dome. Honestly, either one works fine by me, as they both fit that spiderlike theme. But if anything, I'm probably more happy with the dome-choice (if they can make it do something more unique rather than just being another CC similar to her #2), because If they had went with her exalted whip, her #1 could/would probably have been a possible waste / underused ability (similar to Wukong's Iron Jab and Primal Fury).
With this rework she got, she gets to both have a whip (although not in an exalted form) AND a spiderweb-like dome. To me it's win-win :D

Onto suggestions:

Strangledome - Now... onto what the dome COULD be doing uniquely (considering it seemingly didn't really DO anything on the preview). How about:
The dome's inside is filled with web-like razorwires (DoT and slow to all enemies who go inside?), and enemies can't see into the dome from the outside (i.e. it breaks their line of sight), meaning they have to get inside the dome to see and target Khora and her allies that might be inside / past the dome. Pseudo-invisibility, if you will.
This would work well with her melee nature'd #1 and could pair extremely well with her #2's CC-nature. Not to mention, having a web-lair-like dome ties up real nicely to the spider-esque theme.

How it'd synergize with her summon though, I dunno (maybe the dome heals allies and their sidekicks inside the dome? Defensive/Support-mode Venari causes it to remain inside the dome, if Khora is inside as well?), but I feel that the above suggestion would still have more uniqueness-potential than just being another (rather odd) CC-skill.

Phase Lash - A problem seen with Gara's #1 holdcast and with Wukong's #1 as well, despite being meleerange abilities: Can we NOT have these abilities stop our movement? It doesn't have to be onehanded, but at least allow us to move and cast at the same time.

Passive - I dunno what passive ability DE have in mind for her, but on a spider-oriented frame I've always liked the idea of something like invisibility while wallclinging/wallrunning.

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Seems as we get new frame a lot of them come out the pod swinging with cc and defense abilites which qualify them to god or high tier

Im in no way complaining about khoras abilities but it looks like shes very cc heavy, im excited to see how mods affect them

Edited by Ragnarok160
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