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[PC] Beasts of the Sanctuary: Sanctuary Onslaught Feedback Megathread


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11 minutes ago, Pupster97 said:

Any type of host migration is ruining gameplay. When someone leaves, you get stuck on the loading screen, then somehow complete the mission with no rewards! Then you stuck, unable to move in your orbiter. Not fun.

Plus if you are where the conduit spawns, you go to the next round but aren't counted as being there and get stuck on a white screen, forcing you to disconnect and reconnect

Was really keen for Khora, hope this is fixed soon.

It's a common issue with everything new in the game. After 5 years you get used to not playing anything right after it's release, but it's an issue that definitely needs to be solved, immediately.

DE still uses Warframe as a BETA game, meaning playtesting on player feedback, and changing accordingly. IF they change.

Edited by Shotikhan
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Reposting my opinion from another thread:

The efficiency decay time needs to be cut in half. I ran my first solo attempt with a strong Frost build(freeze and kill the whole room and sometimes the room next to it), I also had a Sobek with an Acid Shells build and a strong riven(one shot kills 10+ enemies). This setup failed early in Zone 7. Please DE, at least let us get past Zone 8, Rotation C solo - seems to me like a sensible minimum requirement.

For those who may want to say "git gud scrub, get a better build" - that's not the point. To a new player who might have a couple of level 30 frames and 30% of the mods in the game - this mode will be pretty much impossible to solo. So while I'll be trying out multiple builds and surely get past Zone 8 solo, new players will struggle to get past Zone 4-5. Not everyone wants to go in a squad.

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DE i hate to say it but, you really outdone yourself this time, a lame ass boring mission with RNG at its best, i not mind farming and grind but this is boring as S#&$ and you should be ashamed of yourself, i excepted a bit more Lore about Khora and yes i am aware of some in the codex but the blueprint itself also a RNG drop? Are you for real? I got it still but i not feel like farming the other parts now and you won't see any money of me for this cheap shot of makign us buy her, i am all in working for her but whoever approoved this idea for this mission belongs slapped. I am disapointed and will quit the game for now, i enjoyed it a long time and beared alot of things but this is #*!%ing ridiclious by now.

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So, I really enjoy the weapons and abilities in Warframe, and the movement system. I want reasons to play this game again,

For months, we've heard "We want your feedback!" and "We're developing this for veteran players!" and "We're going to bring you the endgame you've been asking for!"

Okay, where is it?

All I see is a glorified exterminate with a timer, where enemies just stop spawning while the most obnoxious, unfriendly character in the game whines that I'm not doing well enough for his liking, only to get a maximum rank score and receive some junk as a reward. I was worried when, after the reveal stream, a week before the mode launched, Rebecca went on stream with a partnered player and talked about how they had no idea what rewards they were putting into the mode, and my worries seem to have been pretty spot on. 

We get:

  • The return of some mastery fodder
  • Relics we don't have to farm traces for
  • An insulting, useless mod
  • Pitiful amounts of Endo
  • Blueprints for a frame that's been cut off at the knees

Speaking of Khora, her abilities:

  1. Gara's Shattered Lash, but worse
  2. Inaros's Scarab Swarm, but worse
  3. Her only interesting ability, Venari, who relies on companion AI, which is awful, and so this cat spends most of its time doing nothing.
  4. A placeholder. They needed something to replace her whip, and fast, so they reused assets and coding from Ensnare to make a dome.

I'm not sure what feedback you were listening to, it wasn't anything I was reading, or saying, or hearing from community partners.

This update, all-in-all, was kind of a joke. Releasing it on Friday so the game can be a barely playable mess all weekend was a lovely choice, too. Of course, that was also expected, considering every content release is set for mid-week, pushed back to Friday, and full of crashes and soft-locks.

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53 minutes ago, Aresis01 said:

But IT IS ruined by these kind of players. I just had my host leaving after 14 rounds. Got thrown out of onslought, lost everything and wasted my time completely. That's just telling me I'll have to do those solo, or find a whole squad that wants to do a long run if I want to have a long run. Can't just jump in as pug. I'd rather have an option for any squadmate, including the host, who wishes to leave to be able to do so without interrupting the onslought for those who wish to continue.

That's a host migration problem slightly different issue.

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il y a 8 minutes, fluffysnowcap a dit :

That's a host migration problem slightly different issue.

Well then, if these host migration issues are going to be frequent enough, you should be able to keep what you earned until then, otherwise there's just no point in taking one's chance with pugs. I'm far from being the only one complaining about this, judging from region chat.

Edited by Aresis01
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4 minutes ago, Aresis01 said:

Well then, if these host migration issues are going to be frequent enough, you should be able to keep what you earned until then, otherwise there's just no point in taking one's chance with pugs. I'm far from being the only one complaining about this, judging from region chat.

Again different issues but I agree host migration douse need fixing ASAP.

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Personally, I think the drop rate is too grindy and the game mode is quite boring.

My friends and I are not interested in the leaderboard, so we just kept leaving at elite wave 8. With the right setup, 4 of us just press the keyboard 6-8 times in each zone then lay down and wait. Basically our APM is 3 or less. After hours farming, some of us even fell asleep during one zone.

We farmed about 6 hours yesterday and only got a lato receiver and a khora neuroptic.

This is our result, I do not know if it is designed to be like this. Hope this helps.

Edited by CatOverrun
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Having played through it a few times now, I enjoy the mode but my husband and I both came to the same conclusions:

  • Some of the maps are FAR too big, it makes finding the macaroni very hard and your efficiency drains too quickly.
  • There's just not enough mobs, we stood around most of the time waiting for them to spawn and when they did we only got 2-3 spawns at a time.  This caused massive efficiency drain as well.
  • At the current spawn rate and with the size of some of the maps, it's nearly impossible to get to rotation C

We failed every time to get to Rotation C, not because we struggled to kill the mobs or because we were dying, but because there were no mobs to kill.

Simaris spends the entire time howling about "I need more conflict!" and all we could point out was that we would LOVE to give him more conflict, but we couldn't do that if there was NOTHING TO KILL.

So the two critical issues that I feel need looked in to are:

  • Spawn Rate on mobs (Increase it, massively.)
  • Size of certain maps, they're just too big and with the mobs spawning off in Australia when you're in Europe, there's no way you can physically reach them to kill them before your efficiency has dropped to 0.

If the above two are fixed, I feel like the Efficiency and it's rate of decline would be fine, but at the moment this is just too punishing and it's not through the player's fault.

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I'm disappointed that it just reinforces the same old stale "meta." We already know how to do this, and how to solve this problem. I would really love to see individually challenging enemies instead. I think doing Prodman runs on the Index is a lot more fun, because I have to respond to individual enemies rather than just mindlessly mowing down cannon fodder.

Sanctuary Onslaught is great for people who love the "meta" that's based around efficiency of killing trash mobs, which is a lot of people, and I'm glad it exists. But, it's not really for me because I like a more thoughtful and slow playstyle.

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I would love to see a change to the reward list being ABC instead of AABC, Because now we have to play the mode 20minutes before we have a chance of C reward and doing it 3 times is 1h total. Since you reduced the grind on other places it feels like you could do it on this mode.

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Bugs and issues I've seen today:

No initial portal on two goes, can't even progress to the first level

Players still crash from it although I've personally had no issues with this.

Player crashes and the portal to the next level after they return to group fails to load.

The efficiency orbs are spawning inside/under stuff on levels so we can't actually see them, just the dot on map and audio.

[edit] 2 maps had spawn issues imo, the kuva fortress tile set (with the lift in it) which had really low spawn rates and the one used for phorids, the size of that map was causing issues with distance from the enemies we needed to kill. 


@ZukaBazuka all rewards tables are aabc... that's normal, it's the two levels per rewards that makes it feel longer.

Edited by LSG501
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Hi DE,

As you can tell from the many posts previously, there are a common few things which are popping up. I speak mainly for the elite mode of onslaught here. I won't address the things which are fine, these will obviously be thing not mentioned in the post. Below is a small list of compiled thoughts. 

One of the main things continuously mentioned is efficiency and our S-rank. There is clearly no correlation here. Having an S-rank at the end makes no sense when you run out of efficiency. 

Also as mentioned by @SteamlordD the AI whining for more kills where the team is killing just fine but the efficiency meter is clearly designed to not have you go past a certain wave number (the 12-16 region is where I am stuck it seems) is ridiculous. 

Also as per this post on reddit, you are guilty of once again forcing one game mode upon us for hefty amounts of time investment for a normal frame, some mediocre weapons and some relics. Please bear in mind as normal studying/working people who play games for some fun we do not have endless amounts of times to play one mode on repeat for months on end. I understand this is aimed at bringing people back to the game, however if you have developed so many wonderful things within the game, why then force the average person (1-2 hours played a day if that) to only play one game mode if they really want 1 frame? It makes no sense.  

Again, previously mentioned in this thread, the chances to get relics are way too high. In addition to this, there is a lack of Axi-relic drops, so you intend for us to play your game in other game modes to obtain the end-game relics despite classifying Elite mode as end game. Please fix this.


I would suggest making rotation A a mixture of Lith and Meso relics, B rotation as Neo and C rotation as Axi (or, since you are not known to give things away so easily to us for no real reason - a mixture of Neo and Axi radiant relics on the C rotation). 


Another point is the lack of other rewards from this mode, no enemy drops. I would like to see endo dropped by enemies, and it would be great to gain some simaris standing per run. This could be fixed to a small amount to prevent abuse, but it is a mission for him, and so similar to missions for other syndicates there should be a standing gained with simaris for completing his missions. 


The recent hotfixes have included some tileset removals, this is great, however as mentioned by @ChaosSabre balancing between small and open maps is really bad. On small maps it's really easy to keep enemies funnelling into death but on open maps they tend to get lost and for a mode that is all about killing enemies this simply does not work. Instead of having fixed spawn locations, please look to have enemies spawn in around the player / host, something we see in relic missions and is clearly needed in all survival-esque game modes now. 

I would also suggest removing Khora from Elite mode, and to increase her chances to be dropped on the regular mode. I would like to see this in the 11% region per part and per rotation (so rotation C would be 11% for each part, not half this number because there are 2 parts in rotation C).  

My final suggestion would be to lower the time by 45 seconds per wave. Again, I understand this is meant to feel like survival where each reward is every 5 minutes, but this is a very old timer system and does not make for great or challenging game play. Also, there are no life support towers in this game mode, so since 'life-support' is reliant on kills only, the timer should be updated to take this into account. My suggestion would be 1 minute 45 seconds, or, slightly more complex, give a number of enemies to kill per wave and gradually increase this number per wave as enemies scale up in level. This would make the game mode feel more elite and challenging, and will not stray from the game mode of killing enemy hordes. 

I hope to see some beneficial changes soon. 


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2 hours ago, -StickyPants- said:

17 new 'scenes' 0 Khora parts...  The scenes should ONLY EVER drop ONCE per account... There's no reason for them to drop after that... 

Seriously, you can't even sell them... It's like not even getting a reward at all!! Thanks for literal nothing!!

they are tradable, so thats why you can get more than one of each, but i do agree that the rates of getting khora parts are horrible

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I'll just point out that  i find it really unfair that rotation c has 2 drops with fairly low chance yet rotation a has 1 drop. If we need to farm the bp for a common frame for the first tim at least it should be an a drop along something else.

Also does anyone at DE care to explain why a game that has never had issues for me before suddenly stops working, crashes and gets hang ups so massive it requires a restart decided to do this now? 

Here is a nice idea never release massive updates on fridays and untested.

Edited by RyuhoTheDragon
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My kavat did not go through the zone change with me, and was inactive and not present for the entire rest of the run.  My partner's kavat was fine.  However that happened, our pets should obviously just spawn with us at the beginning of the zone.

Have noticed some serious Nidus problems. namely Manics and their stupid gimmicks.  When a larva catches a Manic, the Manic switches to invulnerable and basically locks down the larva, preventing Nidus from doing his thing until the duration completely expires, at which point the next larva will invariably just catch another Manic.

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