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Does anyone actually enjoy fighting the infested?


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41 минуту назад, xXDeadsinxX сказал:

their mechanics just need to be tweaked, and once done so

yeaaaah. except that they stay the way they are for 5 years now. and in one of streams... 2 or 3 years ago somebody from a dev crew said that they are totally fine.

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I would like to see some huge changes with the infested faction.  They used to be zombies with buffing units sprinkled in there and energy sappers.  Those days were fun...but now, all this mutalist BS kinda kills their feel and creates a mess.  Mutalist ospreys just crap out toxic gas all over the map, which is fine but it gets out of hand when there are a few of them and just clogs up the screen in annoying clouds.  Mutalist moas shoot goo puddles and bees...which make it hard to see.  So right there are two infested enemy types that are deigned to make you blind and irritated.  If I had my way, I would structure what I was trying to do with the infested.  I would base the mutations off of the enemies that were native to the tileset.  For example.  Lets say that Mars is hit with an infested incursion, this means that the infested you will encounter will come from mutated Grineer troops and desert rays.  Lands on Earth, Grineer and Kubrows.  Lands in the Plains of Eidolon, Grineer, Kuaka's, Condroks, and fish.  If it lands on Corpus maps, then mutalists will be there, but the Grineer element will not be.  This means every time you interact with Infested on a different planet, it is a completely different dynamic that you face up against.  Eris allows for any type of infested, there are no holds barred there.  The entire lineup and spawn, making it a very dangerous and hostile tileset.  Below are some infested wildlife.  Give them interesting and useful abilities.

Condrocs- become swollen with tumors and can no longer fly, but are able to flutter like a chicken to cover distances.  The infestation has taken hold of their central nervous system and sensory organs protrude from its body.  It will use these organs to identify Tenno even if they are invisible.  It then tries to latch onto them and begins to screech wildly alerting all infested in the area to attack their target.  Rolling has a 30% chance of removing it.

Kuakas- Their fur has deteriorated and they are rife with disease, their tails have become a large pulsating mass.  The Kuaka will attempt to get near the Tenno and smash the tumor into them.  Is successful a mixture of volatile chemicals are splattered onto the Tenno that will then begin to proc up to three random status effects for each detonated Kuaka.

Desert Rays- Split down the middle with a large grasping tendril similar to a chameleon's tongue coming from it.  It will burst from the ground and grasp the Tenno, then drag them to a pit in the ground.  Once anchored into the pit, it will begin rapidly draining health form the immobilized Tenno.  Rapidly jumping will resist and break free.

Fish- Various types of infested fish will leap out of water sources to cause damage to the Tenno that gets too close to the surface.  Some pitifully crawl across the ground and will try to attack in different ways.  From exploding to vomiting up their organs to leaping onto the head of the Tenno and engulfing the head, thereby reducing vision.


Its not so hard, but they just need some work.

Oh yeah and also palette swap of the different models to better mesh with Grineer/Corpus that they would have access to on a planet.  (Earth Grineer are frontier greens, so the infested there should be green as well)

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I enjoy fighting them until it becomes all Ancients; in which case they turn me into the last copy of a Black Friday Sale item & simultaneously pull me in all directions for eternity one after another like some twisted game of Hot Potato.

Edited by (PS4)Zero_029
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1 hour ago, (XB1)motionROTATION said:

Wait, you can do that?

Yes. If you use a non-aoe/non-melee weapon and hit it before it slams to the ground, you can even do so before it starts damaging you. Otherwise, just shooting the orb from a safe distance works.

Word to the wise: Even though the visual effect appears when they spawn, Sapper Orbs don't release any damage waves until they do the slam. This is so the player can safely judge if they need to move out of the way or not.

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Infested are actually quite a challenge when there are enough of them...especially Ancients and Juggernauts (the latter I have found impossible to kill so far).

Regular Infested though are pretty easy to take down. Just don't stand still for too long and try to avoid the toxic crap they spew. They are really only more of a nuisance / "challenging" because their default mode of attack seems to be yolo-charge, whereas Grineer & Corpus will attack you more intelligently & use cover to avoid return fire.

 Dealing with a few charging Infested is no big deal...but in later waves, when they get bigger, nastier & more numerous, it can definitely make you sweat a bit.


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meh, i enjoy fighting the hordes. it's most fun when you use Melee on them: why spend bullets when blades get the job done quicker and don't need reloading?

higher levels can sometimes be a bit overboard with the ancients though. it's not their durability or Auras that bother me, just those damn grappling hooks. DE reworks Scrambuses and Commanders, and yet grapple-spam is still a thing..


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All factions can be trivialized to the point you are mindlessly slaughtering them with little to no challenge. The exception I find is the Sentients but once you have a good Amp even they become trivial.

One that note I like fighting infested the most simply because they don't hide behind cover.

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4 hours ago, Corvid said:

Shoot the orb?

Now add a lot of enemies and make them high level. Enemies do a lot of damage and taking your time to hit those broken hitboxes on the pulsating orb is almost calling it suicide. Not the mention just how many sappers end up on the ground and on what large area and it's basicaly game over a lot of the times.

It ain't so black and white as to just shoot the orb, son.

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6 hours ago, lennieplop60 said:

In my opinion, fighting infested is about as much fun as unclogging someone else's toilet with your bare hands. I enjoy the basic corpus and grineer missions a lot, because winning a fight is dependant on manoeuvring around the map fast, having good aim, understanding your warframe's abilities, and being able to hit the right targets consistently. The infested, on the other hand, don't seem to provide any real challenge. All infested units can use melee attacks exclusively, and rely on overwhelming you with their huge numbers, damaging you with toxing procs, and spitting snot everywhere (those yellow trap-things), so you're constantly getting slightly damaged. If you've got good enough AoE weapons, though, cleaning them up becomes so easy it's boring, but requires just a tiny bit of thought and perception, making it annoying.

I don't hear a lot of people complaining about it, though, so it seems like I'm the only one that finds these types of missions to be very boring. So, is there any of you who agree, or is this just another case of "git gud"? I'm very curious to see what the rest of the community's opinions are on the subject. 

Thanks for reading 😉

P.S. I'm farming Nidus at the moment, so if you're wondering why I'm so salty about it, there's your explanation.

What weapons are you using

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34 minutes ago, (PS4)watt4hem said:

This won't happen if you'd just use handspring. You'll stand up mid dragging and be like "y'hello?" *Shotgun to the face. Wherever its face's at.*

Handspring! My in-universe reason for Inaros having a naramon (dash) Exilus slot!

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They used to be a intense horde unlike the other factions starting in open beta. Being a crushing wave of bodies and this games Flood. But now the only thought I have for them is poison. It's that poison faction. Better have that health and toxin resistance or that eximus health drain behind a wall is going to kill you.

It's kinda interesting it's the only faction you might have to mod for. But at the same time it's "ugh, I have to adjust mods." As most late game is pretty static and lazy.

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I like to fight with all faction and all of them needs different strategies to beat em. There are types of enemies what I like least but overall they should be hated otherwise noone would fight against them with passion.

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Infested creep me the heck out, they just constantly come at you, chasing you around the place being all disgusting and alien like and resembling a rainbow moving swamp. Though I do enjoy sniping grineer, and corpus are fun to mow down, I still wouldn't go as far as to say I hate infested. They're just creepy.

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Melee-only infested survivals are really fun to unwind with after work. All enemy factions have something that makes them fun to go up against, much like how all of them have things that make me wanna spit fire in anger.

...But yeah. I enjoy mindless infested butchery now and again.

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12 hours ago, Corvid said:

Yes. If you use a non-aoe/non-melee weapon and hit it before it slams to the ground, you can even do so before it starts damaging you. Otherwise, just shooting the orb from a safe distance works.

Word to the wise: Even though the visual effect appears when they spawn, Sapper Orbs don't release any damage waves until they do the slam. This is so the player can safely judge if they need to move out of the way or not.

Can't judge if you round the corner and get OHKed by it. But punch through ignis clears them quite effectively.

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