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(XB1/PS4) Virtual Cursor Feedback Megathread


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Hi I play on the Xbox one X and I am having some issues whenever I am on a fissure mission ,if the chat box is open at the same time that the  players get to choose their rewards on I can't seem to pick any other reward than my own and whenever I try to pick anyone else's reward it looks like I'm holding the right stick down and moving through the different rewards when I'm not even touching it , i can still move the cursor but whenever i try to select another reward I am unable to as it just skips either to the right or to the left I can't select anything with the A button either . I've never had this issue until today and it only ever happens when I have the chat box open. I have ruled out a faulty controller as I have tested it on other games. Other than this I have no other issues personally I love the new cursor and think it gives a more seamless experience in the menus 😁


Edited by (XB1)StonedStarchild
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21 minutes ago, (XB1)TheDragonsGaurd said:

Why is there a cursor on consoles now!?

honestly I don’t care I just want it gone.

so how do I fix this

Before you post please just search through the forums before posting and you will see all the relevant info on this. Posting another thread about the console cursor isn't gonna help

Edited by paul5473
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It's funny how some of my posts keep disappearing. Earlier I quoted hieroglyph just after his post about wants and needs at the end. It was a post that DE probably didn't like and I would really appreciate it if they would put it back. It wasn't rude, it just stated that they don't care what we want or like. Oh, wait a minute I copied it earlier, here it is:

At this point DE should know what we want and need... Just seems like they don't care. Most of us have been complaining on the forums instead of playing Warframe... That should tell them something.
Maybe they wanted to increase activity on their forums. Maybe this is their way out instead of actually having to make an effort to cater to different systems.

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3 minutes ago, (XB1)StonedStarchild said:

Hi I play on the Xbox one X and I am having some issues whenever I am on a fissure mission ,if the chat box is open at the same time that the  players get to choose their rewards on I can't seem to pick any other reward than my own and whenever I try to pick anyone else's reward it looks like I'm holding the right stick down and moving through the different rewards when I'm not even touching it , i can still move the cursor but whenever i try to select another reward I am unable to as it just skips either to the right or to the left I can't select anything with the A button either . I've never had this issue until today . I have ruled out a faulty controller as I have tested it on other games. Other than this I have no other issues personally I live the new cursor and think it gives a more seamless experience in the menus 😁


I had a similar problem on ps4. Thank goodness I was able to somehow select the reward from the person who got the rare. I can't remember what I did that made the selection stick, because I was panicking and just about trying everything I could. As soon as I saw my handle shift I stopped everything until the timer ran down. 


I think that it may have been the d-pad moving the selection to the side independently of the cursor which kept acting like it was being held to the right. 

2 hours ago, (XB1)XavierBK said:


The "hold select" map in Plains of Eidolon has dual cursors which can be confusing when you're trying to place waypoints. :clap:


I mentioned that before, and it's not a huge issue, I've mostly learned to identify the right one, but it would be nice to have it fixed. I run a lot of public games, and being able to highlight the exit really helps. 

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I wonder if just assigning the d-pad to the UI menus and the joysticks to actual movement and camera movement, and leaving it at that would be better? That way, the only thing the d-pad gets used for (besides in-combat) is for controlling the UI menus.

Also, yeah, whatever menu is on top should prioritize the button activations so you don't decline invites when the chat box is open.

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45 minutes ago, TwoWolves said:

I wonder if just assigning the d-pad to the UI menus and the joysticks to actual movement and camera movement, and leaving it at that would be better? That way, the only thing the d-pad gets used for (besides in-combat) is for controlling the UI menus.

Also, yeah, whatever menu is on top should prioritize the button activations so you don't decline invites when the chat box is open.

Many of us requested this already as it would allow them to enhance cursor functionality and also give console players a type of legacy system. The problem with the current system is that the dpad uses a snap-to cursor so there is a tremendous amount of delay before the dpad actually moves to the next selection. Also, the dpad is entirely dependent upon the cursor's position so it often starts in the middle of the menu instead of at the top or first selection. In a nutshell, the cursor is actually making the dpad perform horribly.

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On 2018-06-07 at 5:50 PM, (PS4)TheRUINingRUINer said:

okay, lots of fixes are coming and its gotten better in a lot of ways, muscle memory is going away so i'm having a better time using the new UI. So in the next hotfix/update, after selecting appearance on your warframe to change colors, could you make it so the right joystick controls the warframe so you can veiw/rotate the warframe so we can view the warframe as moving the right joystck at this moment scrolls the palettes up and down which is not necessary.that way the left joystick controls the cursor and the right joystick controls the rotation of the warframe. Thx for all the hard work!!!!


Also could you make it so that when the cursor hovers over something, like cosmetics or relics, that it shows the change on the warframe when doing appearances, or seeing the rewards in relic/arcane selection as sometimes (or in appearances, all the time) selecting them just confirms their selection when we/I was just wanting to see the details of said item/cosmetic. Thx again.

Right! Why do I have to press a button to see the relics, skins and cosmetics? And when I'm in the Arsenal, rotating swaps between Right thumb stick and Right bumper?!! Really.

I feel like console were overlooked when redesigning the UI. We had soon good designs that could have been integrated into PC. Why did we have to lose everything? Now we're stuck with an extra button push here, an extra button push there. It's annoying.

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On 2018-06-07 at 5:08 PM, NeithanDiniem said:

... The changes to controls is so they can unify the control schemes between platforms, which have always used the same UI by the way, and if you had bothered to read the dev workshops you would see they planned from the begining of the UI update that there will be UI snapping with seamless transition to cursor if wanted. The speed of the cursor is also changing soon if you would look at their thread for the changes coming to virtual cursor on Console, which will be ported to PC later.

I was about to say "read my first post", but I realized that I didn't start this tread. So...

I already understood that the change to the UI had something to do with the speed/ease at which they can roll out updates to for console players. Yet this UI design is not efficient to console players at all. Cursors is the staple interaction for all PCs. It's natural. Consoles on the other hand have always had an snap-to UI in everything from games to Apps. The only cursor found are Web browsers and RTS, both of which really sucks. Like the tried argument says "PC gamers will always be more precise and faster than Console gamers." DE understood this even when they tweaked the mining mini for consoles.

So to force us to adhere to PC standards, while knowing that console interaction will be slower is poor judgment. I would rather they give use the option to revert back to the old console UI while giving PC gamers the option too. The more I struggle with this new UI, the more I wonder if DE should have moved some elements of its console version over to ease PC.

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55 minutes ago, (XB1)Kebiru25 said:

I was about to say "read my first post", but I realized that I didn't start this tread. So...

I already understood that the change to the UI had something to do with the speed/ease at which they can roll out updates to for console players. Yet this UI design is not efficient to console players at all. Cursors is the staple interaction for all PCs. It's natural. Consoles on the other hand have always had an snap-to UI in everything from games to Apps. The only cursor found are Web browsers and RTS, both of which really sucks. Like the tried argument says "PC gamers will always be more precise and faster than Console gamers." DE understood this even when they tweaked the mining mini for consoles.

So to force us to adhere to PC standards, while knowing that console interaction will be slower is poor judgment. I would rather they give use the option to revert back to the old console UI while giving PC gamers the option too. The more I struggle with this new UI, the more I wonder if DE should have moved some elements of its console version over to ease PC.

And again this shows you haven't seen how the UI works or have forgotten, and haven't been reading whats being said. The UI I am talking about is the UI that isn't released yet, not the one currently in the game. Ignore the look of the UI we have had over the past 2 years, it is no longer relevant because it is being replaced. They are rolling the new UI out over time, last we heard starting with The Sacrifice. The virtual cursor could be practically ignored in it by controller users because button snapping worked on it with the D-pad, just like before. They showed it can swap to cursor seamlessly by using the sticks instead of the pad. At that point the cursor is more for opening KB+M on console, which has been heavily requested, and for minor use for users that want to use sticks over the D-pad. They can also tweak the responsiveness of the cursor to make it more usable on both console and controller PC, so that is what DE is looking for feedback on. Also again, they cant have an option to swap between them, because doing an option triples the work needed to make the UI aspects of the game each update and completely invalidates the reason for even doing the update to begin with by making take even more time than it did before. Eliminating the two UI versions they currently have to make and unifying it to one version allows faster updates, more work on content vs porting, KB+M support on console, better controller support on PC, and customization options on the UI, which we do not know the full breadth of the UI customization, but options have been requested for quite a long while now.

Edited by NeithanDiniem
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Wait, doesn't the PS4 have a touchscreen/trackpad on it's controller? I'm near my PC, not my PS4 (it's in a completely different geographic location), which is why I ask as I've only been using this PS4 for about two weeks. Why not tie it to the trackpad? Wouldn't that be faster and a much more elegant solution? No keyboard or mouse necessary, just your controller with it's trackpad.

If it doesn't, I'm willing to bet that the next incarnation of controllers will have this feature as cross-platform gaming comes into the mainstream, or at least, there is more and more porting of games back and forth.

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1 hour ago, TwoWolves said:

Wait, doesn't the PS4 have a touchscreen/trackpad on it's controller? I'm near my PC, not my PS4 (it's in a completely different geographic location), which is why I ask as I've only been using this PS4 for about two weeks. Why not tie it to the trackpad? Wouldn't that be faster and a much more elegant solution? No keyboard or mouse necessary, just your controller with it's trackpad.

If it doesn't, I'm willing to bet that the next incarnation of controllers will have this feature as cross-platform gaming comes into the mainstream, or at least, there is more and more porting of games back and forth.

The PS4 does, but Xbox does not unfortunately. I imagine the next gen of consoles having the equivalent of a smartphone screen in the center of the controller that can alternate from trackpad to keyboard or other inputs, but we aren't there yet since Nintendo doesn't believe in 'hardcore' gamers. Soon perhaps.

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Over 90% of console players absolutely hate the conversion from controller to controller mouse idea. That much is evident, but you guys only chose to address the small percentage of those willing to compromise. But you claim to be listening to the community. YEAH RIGHT... This idea is awful and it's causing a lot of frustration. Why not just admit you guys got this one wrong and correct it by reverting back to the perfect system we had? The overwhelming majority of console players Hate it. Isn't that enough feedback? As well, for anyone telling us it's a free game so we have no right to voice our opinions you need a reality check. The game might be free but (MANY) of us have supported this gave faithfully with our hard earned money. Understand and respect that. As well the overwhelming majority of or comments are directed toward the developers (not you). Why are you acting as guardians? They can answer for themselves. If you like the changes that's your choice. Voice that and allow everyone else to do the same. 

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2 hours ago, (XB1)GameDog638 said:

Over 90% of console players absolutely hate the conversion from controller to controller mouse idea. That much is evident, but you guys only chose to address the small percentage of those willing to compromise. But you claim to be listening to the community. YEAH RIGHT... This idea is awful and it's causing a lot of frustration. Why not just admit you guys got this one wrong and correct it by reverting back to the perfect system we had? The overwhelming majority of console players Hate it. Isn't that enough feedback? As well, for anyone telling us it's a free game so we have no right to voice our opinions you need a reality check. The game might be free but (MANY) of us have supported this gave faithfully with our hard earned money. Understand and respect that. As well the overwhelming majority of or comments are directed toward the developers (not you). Why are you acting as guardians? They can answer for themselves. If you like the changes that's your choice. Voice that and allow everyone else to do the same. 

Reverting to an old update and changing the system back would ruin it for people too. M&K support has been a long standing want and to just nix that would also be upsetting. I'm not saying you aren't Aloud to dislike this update, but being immovable and just telling "CHANGE IT NOW" is not the discussion the Devs are looking for. Look at my last posts here, they include actual feedback that can be used. Do the same and you might see a change

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Sorry, my pet peeve is people making sweeping generalizations without a shred of proof. 90%? Okay, where did you find this metric? Unless you counted all 62 pages worth of posts, and categorized them into Like and Dislike, you can't make that kind of statement. "Seems to" and "is" are two vastly different things.

I'm not saying there's not people complaining, it's just that any feedback given will have more impact when it has less rhetoric and more fact. If you'd said, "According to the latest straw poll done by @(XB1)psyops6, % of respondents don't like the new UI," then you'd have actual numbers. Otherwise, the most anyone can say is, "It seems as though there are a vast majority of people who don't like it," and leave it at that.

Unfortunately, DE is unlikely to ever switch back now that it's invested and "dug-in," so to speak. Same thing happened on the Nexus with the Vortex mod manager. The best you can hope to do at this point is ride the change and hope to steer it in a good direction through this thread. Who knows? Maybe they'll add trackpad functionality and just tie the cursor to that instead?

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Hiya all

Don't know if im the only one but been having huge Frame rate drops, since this update.

I notice it more in Defense and survival missions, when there is more volume of enemies at once.

Before the update that didn't happened, at first I thought could be the GPU Particles, but even at disabled still happens.

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)Montcristo25 said:

Hiya all

Don't know if im the only one but been having huge Frame rate drops, since this update.

I notice it more in Defense and survival missions, when there is more volume of enemies at once.

Before the update that didn't happened, at first I thought could be the GPU Particles, but even at disabled still happens.

*checks the console device in your name*

...wait...*starts to recall strange lag on the PS4*...damn...you're right! I've noticed it, too, and thought it was the crappy network I'm on, but now that you mention it, I have noticed that lag, too. I've noticed it in survival missions with a three or more players. Lots of lag and delay where the screen will freeze for 1-2 seconds, then catch up. This only happens on PS4, so I gotta assume it has to do with the new UI's implementation.

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On 2018-06-10 at 6:39 AM, (PS4)Zero_029 said:

The current segnent of the New UI feels like Destiny 1's UI.

So lets not exaggerate. The current phase 1 roll out is not ideal but it functions quite well.

As some youtube vids & forum posts have suggested. Adjust the cursor speed & size.

It functions quite well once you do.

So wait s8nce when did destiny 1 played like trash ? I played destiny 1 but you are talking trash mate 

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1 hour ago, TwoWolves said:

Sorry, my pet peeve is people making sweeping generalizations without a shred of proof. 90%? Okay, where did you find this metric? Unless you counted all 62 pages worth of posts, and categorized them into Like and Dislike, you can't make that kind of statement. "Seems to" and "is" are two vastly different things.

I'm not saying there's not people complaining, it's just that any feedback given will have more impact when it has less rhetoric and more fact. If you'd said, "According to the latest straw poll done by @(XB1)psyops6, % of respondents don't like the new UI," then you'd have actual numbers. Otherwise, the most anyone can say is, "It seems as though there are a vast majority of people who don't like it," and leave it at that.

Unfortunately, DE is unlikely to ever switch back now that it's invested and "dug-in," so to speak. Same thing happened on the Nexus with the Vortex mod manager. The best you can hope to do at this point is ride the change and hope to steer it in a good direction through this thread. Who knows? Maybe they'll add trackpad functionality and just tie the cursor to that instead?

To be fair even without polling player feedback the number that dislike this UI is much, much higher than 90%. You only need to go in-game and read the chat to understand how universally disliked the current version of the cursor UI is. I know that the poster can't prove the 90% value but even the players that like the new UI are unhappy with its performance right now. And 90% is easy to prove, just ask a random sampling of 10 players; it'd probably be 100% in most cases.

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6 hours ago, (PS4)LordBartimus said:

Reverting to an old update and changing the system back would ruin it for people too. M&K support has been a long standing want and to just nix that would also be upsetting. I'm not saying you aren't Aloud to dislike this update, but being immovable and just telling "CHANGE IT NOW" is not the discussion the Devs are looking for. Look at my last posts here, they include actual feedback that can be used. Do the same and you might see a change

I don't think that the opinion is that DE should just drop m&K support. The issue is that the version that DE released was not optimized enough to provide a good user experience. The result is that players are asking DE to skip this version and spend that time optimizing the next one even if it means delaying the Sacrifice on consoles. Let's not pretend that DE hasn't skipped updates and bundled them in an upcoming update before, they do it all the time.

I mean are you saying that console players should have a bad user experience compared to PC?

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With the sacrifice coming out soon the virtual cursor that was released on console with the latest update 22.20.6 could not come at a worse time. We console players use a controller for a reason. We like having the convenience of sitting on our couch and not having to fuss with dragging out a desk, keyboard, and mouse. The virtual cursor was supposed to give console players the experience of using a mouse without having a mouse but this (as the virtual cursor mega thread has shown) has been a bit of a flop with the console community. 

With that said I won't complain here about the new interface but I would like to speculate why this change was pushed through so close to the sacrifice. 

I believe the ability to freely move the cursor on the screen in a bunch of different menus may be required for the sacrifice quest itself. I think (hope) this is the reason they pushed it out now so console players will be able to navigate this portion of the quest easier since they have had the practice playing with the virtual cursor already. I'm not sure what this content will be or where it will show up I just think the timing of this release is a bit off and only makes sense if it is required for the upcoming quest.

Please feel free to speculate with me below. What will we have to do in the sacrifice? Why is the virtual curser soo important to Steve. Is it just that the update was going to drop on console and he knew it was going to be bad or is it something more???

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Because from the sound of things every time they go to assemble the console version they apparently have to rebuild the UI which is a step that eats a lot of development time over time. So by making a unified UI they won't have to take that extra step which means faster turnaround times for the console versions of the newest PC content. 

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Did you not read about UI 3.0?

The virtual cursor and the 'rewiring' of all the console controller keybinds for UI was in preparation for unifying console and PC UI controls so that when UI 3.0 ships out, DE can then dispose of UI 2.0 over time (since, based on what information is out there, UI 2.0 is a pile of spaghetti code and that means any changes could kill that UI).

Steve, among others, was also likely inspired by how some games had a virtual cursor (like Mass Effect's star chart using the ship as the cursor, so to speak, or, more recently, Destiny (2) with it's 'innovative' UI).

In length and in short, the current UI state is 2.25, 3.0 will look familiar, but very different. Check this Twitter for evidence. It's in the spoiler due to the formatting and sheer size of Twitter embeds.




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