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What Led To The Username You Have Now?


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My name is Jeremy and when I was living and working on Mallorca, British people started calling me Jizza. At least, that's what I thought. I realized much too late they were calling me Jezza and Jizza is something more Pornhub related. Too late to change now, I think.

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3 hours ago, Prime-Ares said:

Prime-Ares: (Completely oblivious WF had anything related to "Primes") threw the word "Prime" on the start cause it sounded catchy and stole Ares from playing God of War at the time and got this


3 hours ago, VPrime96 said:

When i was creating this Account, I was thinking of what username i could use. After Maining Valkyr Prime for over a year, I thought of her so I went for VPrime96. V for obviously Valkyr, and 96 for my birth year. So a specific frame has led me to my current Username.

Not hating on anyone else's usernames, but I personally hate numbers and weird symbols in a username. 

I came up with Arniox because I was trying to find a word that meant wolf. I first looked online for a bit but didn't find anything that fit. After a while, I just put wolf into Google translate and went through the languages. At some point I found something similar to what I wanted. I can't remember exactly what it was but I put it through Google translate a couple of times and ended up with amiox. I added an r and then changed the m to and n and here we are. Arniox isn't a real word and doesn't technically mean anything, but it's a close ish translation to wolf. 

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WRESinn was developed from when I used to run a review show on youtube called We Review Everything.  I mostly did movies and wine reviews with a bit of table top rpg story time thrown in.  I only did video games very seldomly and never got into a real knack for how I wanted to do them.  The character that I played in that show was Sinn, who was basically supposed to be a villainous a-hole, snarky, rude, uncaring.  The idea behind him was that the world of the review show was so overwhelmed with evil that this being was created from the sinful energy.  A warrior angel was sent down to stop him, but their duel ended in a stalemate and so they review anything that they can get their hands on in order to pass the time.  It's a bit convoluted, but it was fun.  I stopped doing the review show some time ago but I still use the handle WRESinn.

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43 minutes ago, (PS4)Jizza said:

My name is Jeremy and when I was living and working on Mallorca, British people started calling me Jizza. At least, that's what I thought. I realized much too late they were calling me Jezza and Jizza is something more Pornhub related. Too late to change now, I think.

I went there when i was in the navy, that place was my favorite! I stayed in magaluf lol

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can't remember what my name is from,  i'd like you guys to think of reasons. Any reasons that you'd think that i choose this name

EDIT: i vaguely remember why now, there was a show (might have been the simpsons) where there was a well or another kind of hole in the ground and a kid got stuck at the bottom of it (at this point might was well be a well) and the adult said "Hello down there" 

Edited by hellodownthere
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I chose my name after hearing Carl Sagan describe the amount of energy released during a supernova. I chose girle, because I wanted it to be used as a noun, as opposed to 'girly.' I'm stuck with it as this is my PSN trophy account. If I could change it, it would be something related to both Star Trek and Warframe, like T'Pau Prime. T'Pau was a Vulcan ambassador that presided over Spock's Pon Farr ritual in Star Trek: Original series episode "Amok Time.".

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Always loved Metal Gear back on PS1 & PS2. So I took the name Solid Snake and played around with it a bit the "snake" part is Viper and "solid" I kind of stretched it to take into account that solid snake was a "hardened" war veteran, so I merged viper and veteran to create something new whenever games or online services asked for a name.

Edited by viperveteran
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nothing really

i always used g43riel as my username for everything like in forever in all games and places, so theres high chance that said nickname/username is me if you see it around,
sadly someone got it on deviart before me ,one of the few places =/

just added -.SP.- due my clan name

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3 hours ago, (PS4)Jizza said:

My name is Jeremy and when I was living and working on Mallorca, British people started calling me Jizza. At least, that's what I thought. I realized much too late they were calling me Jezza and Jizza is something more Pornhub related. Too late to change now, I think.

reminds me of this


my IGN on other games are usually variations of lag

most of the time it's just simply "lagging" but someone already took that

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Back when I played Maplestory one of my favorite class to play were Blaze Wizards, named him PyroArts. When Battle Mages got introduced I made one and named him NekroArts for the class's dark magic design. I liked the named so much I practically use it on all my game aliases.

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14 minutes ago, TotallyLagging said:

reminds me of this


my IGN on other games are usually variations of lag

most of the time it's just simply "lagging" but someone already took that

Thank you good sir, you’ve just reminded me of one of the greatest TV series 

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Nickname "Windigo" I've picked up, like, 15 or so years ago, after reading lore for one oldschool game. There was a guy named like that, I thought it sounded cool, used it a couple of times, it stuck since. Plain and simple.

"TG" part is a bit more complicated. The short story is, it stands for "The Green".

Green is my nickname among friends. Why Green? I usually tell that it comes from my favorite color. Not untrue, but it came in a roundabout way.

As for the "The" part, I was on my Megaman marathon a few years ago; there's a boss in Megaman X5 called Axel The Red, after seeing his name I desided to add "The Green" to my name.

Edited by WindigoTG
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i'm a fan of the latin language.


name means Orcus' Domain/dominion etc. basically means what ever room im in becomes mine because im the soldier from tf2.




that aside, i also changed my username because my old one was FAR too edgy and a phase of myself i didn't like.(infernusXcanis literally means hellhound or hound of hell....derp.)

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I like crows.

Nowadays, I use this username as an abbreviated form of my Tenno's fanon name, Corrin Vildis.

6 hours ago, MatNova said:

I used to play Unreal under the name *UaS*Matrix, and people would call me Mat for short. In real life, my nickname was Nova because of my last name, Terranova.
One day I started playing City of Heroes and figured I'd want a more real, actual sounding name than just Matrix, so I said "hey, Mat...Nova...MatNova sounds somewhat legit".
7 years later, here I am still using it. Ironically though, I rarely even play as Nova.

Your last name is Terranova?

That is awesome.

3 hours ago, Burned-Toast said:

Literally just toast

My friend met a player by the name of "Disguised Toast" (or some permutation). Any relation?

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