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Your perfect Warframe - Which 4 Abilities would you chose?


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So, if you were free to chose 4 Abilties on your Warframe from the pool of all existing abilities, which would you chose?

Just this two rules:

You can only take the first ability of any frame for your first ability and so on, so no Warframes with four ultimate abilites.

You can only take 1 ability of any frame.


My Warframe would probably look like this:


1 - Oberons Smite: For some CC and Chaos via radiation procs

2- Mags Bubble: For armor stripping and damage

3- Frosts Iceglobe: Simply for defending myself or objectives

4- Volts Discharge: For a bit CC and damage


The 1 was the hardest choice, of course something like Saryn's spores or Atlas' Landslide could be strong, but i still like to use my weapons for damage^^

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1. Mallet - Scaling damage

2. WarCry - Attack speed and Armor boost

3. Toxic Lash - Toxin damage for all of my weapons plus double Melee damage

4. Hysteria - Invincibility, life steal, and Very high damage

to me, this is the perfect Melee frame.

Edited by VPrime96
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Nuke / Support Frame

1# Metamorphosis (allow to alternate spell)

2# Radial Blind  / Energy Vampire

3# Eclipse / Renewal

4# Maim / Shadow of the Dead

Passive : Soul Siphon

Tank Support

1# Virulance

2# Larva

3# Vex Armor

4# Cataclysm

Passive : Adaptative Mutation


1# Quiver

2# Stasis

3# Bastille

4# Absorb

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1 hour ago, DeathDweller said:

1. Desiccation 

2. Speed

3. Iron Skin

4. Exalted Blade


3 hours ago, Marvelous_A said:

1. Slash Dash for amazing mobility and cheap damage skill

2. Radial Howl/Blind for quick CC and free execution

3. Iron Skin

4. Exalted Blade

Er... You guys realize Iron Skin is a second ability right?

On topic,

Spore, Speed, Wormhole, Hysteria

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1 Vaubans Tesla

2 Trinity energy vampire

... So I could put balls on everything and everyone all the time. 

But really... I would combine energy vampire with other abilities that don't need duration, like warding halo or snow globe, blade storm etc.  For awesome team support and spamming. 



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