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Everything posted by ant99999

  1. Wait, they don't gave it? Good thing I didn't buy any if those then. But then which emotion is it for them? Is each of them just set to a random specific emotion?
  2. I usually run Tenet Envoy on her. It kinda starts to function in two modes: area bombardment, or single target focus if you aim with your laser pointer, it makes all 3 missiles go where you aim. Edit: maybe you can do the same with Buzlok actually, never thought of that before. But then nobody uses Buzlok anyways.
  3. Yea had the same thing appear today, but in my case i unequipped Syam and it resulted in the warframe holding Ambassador in a weird overexaggerated gangsta style, while also reverse-gripping it.
  4. "Sythel was no longer afraid" When she sure as hell needed to be.
  5. I can confirm. I tried running public Duviri experience since yesterday and around 2/3 of them are absolutely miserable. My very first run was when I loaded in a game where a shrine was already broken. And since then I encountered more bugs than throughout the previous year I'm pretty sure. The excavator refusing to spawn, a survival with no enemies, chests which don't open, being completely unable to do anything but move, etc. Public Duviri's got to be the buggiest piece of content Warframe ever had.
  6. Nah, but I am a bit angry with myself I can't insult people as fluently as Lodun does. But in all seriousness, I think Lodun managed to climb my personal side character charisma ranks very quickly and is now sitting firmly on top, below only Ticker (cause I don't think anyone will ever beat Ticker honestly).
  7. I want them to be put on hold until the existing ones are fully in line, reworked and fit for the current gameplay loop. One can dream I suppose.
  8. Oh, I remember you. You invited me to participate in your Operator idea thread long ago before I even had a decent combat operator. I participated in the survey. Some questions could've been better honestly, for example I don't really have a clear leader among potential improvements. Lack of loot radar is the most pressing of course, but the schools could also need a rework. The movement speed increase is of course nice to have, but only if it comes together with improved animations (just look at what incoherent mess of twitching limbs your Operator reflection becomes when you use that one movement decree). Some of the questions is only really relevant if I agree with some of your concepts in the first place. For example your Void Rage concept has some ideas which resonate with me, but at the same time I don't believe it can reasonably co-exist with existing systems, such as warframes. As people mentioned we already have a combat powerhouse which is warframe, so Operators should approach from a completely different angle.
  9. Honestly, I can't point at a single "best" of those, cause they all serve different purposes. Synapse is indeed quite strong, but it's a single target status based weapon. Amprex for example is a reasonably strong multi-target gun, which can probably be devastating with a good riven. I use it quite oftem myself. The Phage you have is a very strong single target weapon, probably stronger than Synapse. It can be used for example for priming strong enemies such as Demolysts for damage dealing gun or ability. Sybaris Prime is just a satisfying gun to use, very versatile. If I'm not mistaken it's a crit/status hybrid. Dread is a rather strong crit bow, but there are better options (until it gets its Incarnon genesis that is). Soma Prime is still used today for its high crit, although I personally don't like it that much. Edit: I also missed you have Arca Plasmor. It is a great weapon, even its base variant. Tenet Arca Plasmor of course has a lot of benefits compared to it, but base is still doing great all the way till Steel Path. Almost the same can be told of Zarr in comparison to Kuva Zarr. Also very much worth using. As for the place to trade, there's warframe.market, which is a third-party trading post site. You list items there, and it gives a buyer a pre-made text to paste in chat to contact you. Trading itself is still done in-game.
  10. Baruuk and Wisp deluxes set to continue the glorious tradition of Nova Asuri, of being overdesigned, ugly and not fitting the actual theme of the frame (maybe except for Wisp, but she's still ugly). The saddest part is that DE are clearly capable of making more laconic deluxes which are still beautiful (and also compatible with non-deluxe frame pieces). Think Rhino Palatine or Trinity Strega, or recent Ember and Revenant deluxes.
  11. If I may answer that as well. I'd suggest Trumna. It requires some standing with Entrati syndicate, rank 3 to be exact but it's well worth it. A really powerful heavy automatic rifle with grenade launcher charged by its primary fire. Entrati standing is best obtained through running regular bounties and trading the tokens you get at Entrati granma.
  12. So I'm not sure about your friends MR, but a lot of pretty good weapons start on MR5 - MR6. For example he can pick up Soma on MR6 if he likes machineguns, if he prefers precision weapons there's Sybaris at MR5 and Cinta at MR6 (which I've heard is a really powerful bow). If he's more about explosions, there's Simulor at MR5, only I'm not entirely sure how powerful it is after all the nerfs, but then there's also Tonkor. Cinta btw would be probably the most co-op friendly, cause to get its parts and bp you need to solve some environmental puzzles in the new Duviri open world. I've heard there are even co-op exclusive ones. As for your own arsenal, if you want power, the most piwerfull stuf right now is in two categories: Kuva/Tenet and Incarnon. There are some exceptions also, like Nataruk you get from completing New War quest, but mostly it's these. Kuva/Tenet are from Kuva Liches (Kuva weapons) and Sisters of Parvos (Tenet weapons). They are essentially the same. They are bosses which you create yourself and then work through multiple stages to kill. More info on wiki/youtube. Incarnon are from Zariman which is the highrst level destination on Starchart, you get there after the main quest chain. These weapons require to complete some challenges first to unlock their full potential. Other Incarnons are coming from Steel Path Circuit which is one of gamemodes in the new update. You will get an Incarnon Genesis as a reward which is installed on your existing weapon.
  13. With all due respect I'm not interested in that. I didn't propose any revision, let alone to "be deemed acceptable by me". That's besides the topic of this thread. I provided some ideas I have and I don't think I want to spend my time right now elaborating on them further. My arguement is that in current system some weapons perform better than others. That's it. They did a balance pass a long time ago on select groups of weapons, it temporarily made things better, now it's may be the time for another one. Idk, color coding? Name prefixes? Cause right now it's just says "Veldt" with a picture of a gun on a transparent bacground, and next to it is "Phenmor" with just another picture of a gun on a transparent background. You're shown them side by side with no other context, you can't tell which one is stronger. That's what I call "unclear". With mods for example you have color coding, you have rarity rating with diamonds on top of the mod card, and you have ranking up progress at the bottom. Yes, that's it, you got it almost right, except the player stats levelling, don't know where you got that from. Well I suppose we have formaing instead. If you want to label it "meaningless", sure, that's up to you, I prefer to call it "varied". I don't have anything against being able to complete any content in the game with Kunai, if that's what is achieved in Warframe, I will praise this game's balance to the end of the world. Yes, I know that won't ever happen. Overall I don't like that much where your replies are trying to lead. You're treating it as if I'm somehow obliged to provide you in full excruciating detail my personal project for a complete rebalance of the game. I won't do that, that isn't my job, and I'm not paid for that. If your only criterion for my arguement being valid is this, then my condolences I guess, I won't bother.
  14. Honestly, this reads just a little bit like you're implying what I suggest is unreasonable by throwing a lot of stats needed to be considered at me. Why should I know? I'm not a DE staff member, I don't have access to their usage statistics and whatever other data they collect, and I don't want to write a lengthy wall of baseless assumptions. What I do know is whatever baseline there was at their last balance pass (which frankly wasn't that great to begin with) is now completely gone with a lot of new weapons, mods arcanes, etc. added. And yes I do think that tying weapon's power to its MR requirement is bad. If you want a progression, we've got mods for that, they have a clear indication that they increase in power the more you invest in them and most mods don't offer anything unique beyond stats increase. Weapons on the other hand have more than stats, each has a unique model, a unique character (apart from melee that is) and tying their usefulness to MR progression forces you to abandon weapons you like for ones that are better, essentially choosing between weak and unlikeable. Moreover nothing in the weapons themselves apart from that MR requirement indicates they are meant to be replaceable. The game itself doesn't treat them as such, the prime example being the recent randomizer valuing Tenet Cycron as much as Stug. Ideally the weapons provide some specialization, but mostly flavor and variety, while mods provide power and progression. And beyond that progression variety itself is a reason enough to collect new items.
  15. Also while we're at it, did you notice that out if all wyrms only Bombastine retains part of his human outlook in a form of his snake-like headpiece or whatever that is? It seems neither one else has this, and it annoys me. Why everyone else is just a recolor but Bombastine gets to keep the snakes?
  16. Well, considering Joy isn't actually... joy, and more like mania, Void damage fits pretty well especially with Mathilla becoming more and more unhinged as the spiral progresses.
  17. The easiest ones to farm imo are Ganglion, Pustulite, Nistlepod and Maprico. The former 2 also give you double secretion. To farm them easily you can load into a tier 5 Bounty in the respective area with a nuke frame like max range Limbo or just a large AoE weapon. Ignore the objective, look for resource nodes and pop them with AoE.
  18. I would also make enemies deal unscaling % damage to the target instead of scaling fixed number. That way it's easy to balance damage done to the target to be consistent, instead of high levels nuking it by sneezing its way. The challenge will then come from how quickly you can dispatch of the attackers rather than overly rely on defensive abilities and mass CC with how inconsistent they become.
  19. I won't argue with any of this, just what OP suggested seemed a lot like archon hunts we already have (minus the defectors part)
  20. As a self-proclaimed Trinity enjoyer I require this vital feature. I mean, seriously, you have a ton of frames with a separate attachments slot made specifically for them, like Nekros or Valkyr, but Trinity doesn't have that. They could maybe even make the different iterations of lobster tail interchangeable for true shellfish fashionistas.
  21. But we have Archon Hunts, isn't it exactly what you're asking for? Ideally you just take all powerful stuff out of Chipper's shop and dump it somewhere else, while Chipper sells like captura scenes and some weapons. Besides Kahl missions are a slog yes, but I would prefer them over defectors every day.
  22. In their defense it can get really hard to find a radshare squad for a relic which is vaulted or just old. And in absence of any proper LFG system not anyone is willing to spend hours staring at recruitment chat. That said Relic system is still considerably better than Keys and allows for an indefinitely large pool of vaulted items.
  23. Well, it may sound crazy, but I would prefer if DE just made an actual balance pass of the entire arsenal.
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