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Everything posted by Traumtulpe

  1. A bit of an overview what synergies we now have: Dogs (Predasites, Kubrow, Charger) have the Mecha Set going for them. They also deal the highest damage of all of the beast companions, and can proc slash themselves if you have a good primary weapon as stat stick. Their abilities aren't that great, pick whatever. Predasites reach >1200 shields with Redirection, all reach >50% crit with the right stat stick. Kavats are mostly used for their ability. Smeeta is self explanatory, Adarza is for buffing pseudo exalted and similar abilities with +60% crit and +1.2 multiplier. Vulpaphylas have good enough stats to give you 60% fire rate and 1.2 crit multiplier regardless of warframe and weapon used. General use stat stick companion. Robo dogs are not very good in my opinion. Their weapons and abilities are rather lacking. Moas are interchangeable with sentinels, worse abilities but good survivability via Pack Leader (if you melee, obviously) and Link mods (if your frame is tanky). They do have sufficient shields for the 60% fire rate buff, most sentinels don't. Sentinels don't bring buffs (insufficient stats except Wyrm Prime, and even then only shields), they're specialists. Got Energize? Use Dethcube. Want stuff scanned? Helios. Status immunity? Wyrm. Ammo trouble? Carrier. No grouping ability? Nautilus. They can also either prime (proc status) and stunlock in an AoE with the Helstrum, armor strip and kill stuff with the Deconstructor, or proc certain weapon arcanes to 40 stacks instantly with the Verglas. Of note is that sentinels have the Spare Parts, Guardian, and Manyfold Bond mods, which are very effective together. Tenacious Bond + Bite goes on Vulpaphylas/Kavats, Hunter Synergy instead of Bite on Dogs. Reinforced Bond + Redirection on Wyrm Prime, Vulpaphylas, Moas, Predasites. Link Shields instead of Redirection on Kubrows. Synth Deconstruct if you use Equilibrium (preferably if your companion has AoE abilities or the Helstrum). Vicious Bond is for the Deconstructor only (cats with Swipe could also work okay). Hastened Deflection is good on sentinels. Tek Assault + Martyr Symbiosis is good on Vulpaphylas (if you die sometimes). Tandem Bond + Swipe can give you lots of combo on cats. Momentous Bond can quickly revive your sentinel in combination with Primed Regen Currently bugged/inadvisable mods: Contageous Bond's status effects deal no damage. Restorative Bond doesn't seem to work with Equilibrium. Duplex Bond's clones basically have no mods. Aerial Bond's field of cold is not an aura, but an area procced on the ground.
  2. That's the only one, apart from Shield Charger which doesn't have 100% uptime. Thus Wyrm Prime is the only sentinel to reach >1200 shields regularly.
  3. I really don't think you can make the Bo work. It's just bad. How about instead you try out the Furax Incarnon? It's also bad at slashing, but what it can do is kill a blob of 20 armored enemies with a single ground finisher, and proc Trickery on top. Not exactly meta, but a far cry from hitting a group with the Bo and... doing pretty much nothing.
  4. The best weapons for your sentinel are either the Helstrum for status procs, stun locking, and tagging lots of enemies as assists for certain mods, or the Deconstructor (Prime) so your Sentinel can strip armor. If you're using the Deconstructor make sure you damage the enemies with an ability and group them up, to get the AoE armor strip. 15% isn't good enough against single targets.
  5. Again? How many more nerfs does she need? She's just a glorified Corrosive proc at higher levels, and not a good one like Hydriod.
  6. The DR seems to actually have been reduced, even using the Laetum which wasn't that bad to begin with. I like it.
  7. No. No to everything. If an enemy is armored Slash procs just kill it - health values of armored enemies don't scale much. Both Heat procs *and* Puncture damage are only relevant against unarmored enemies, and there Heat is better period.
  8. This is wrong. Whoever starts the mission consumes a key. Source: I have done several rounds in a group and only used 2 keys - having started 2 missions during that time.
  9. Don't mind me, just playing Styanax making it completely impossible for my entire team to die even if we tried really hard. Or Revenant, with his engaging ability "you cannot ever die". 1.3 seconds of invulnerability for 50 energy, except poison still kills you and you can still be status procced, how incredible.
  10. Dude, don't listen to that nonsense. Just don't use the armor strip evolution, put Hunter Munitions on the Latron, and that's a god Riven. The -Puncture will actually *increase* your damage because it'll make you proc more Heat. Frankly the armor removal is a nice gimmick, but HM with "Critical Parallel" is straight up better.
  11. Its not. You need 5000 standing to do one mission solo, but only 1250 if you're in a 4 ppl group. Also I consistently had 170-200 enemies to kill solo, with very low spawn rates despite Steel Path, and only 130-150 with 4 ppl and much better spawns. As long as all players know how to find the red beacons it is much more effective to do the mission in a group.
  12. No. No, no. No. I don't think so, no assists do not count. If you want energy from a companion I'd suggest Synth Deconstruct + Equilibrium or Dethcube + Arcane Energize. Both only need assists. Restorative Bond doesn't give more energy with Equilibrium either. Of note is that clones are invincible, but seem to have relatively low aggro.
  13. Thanks for the update. Please consider these issues: Wrathful Advance is precisely what Ash's Teleport was supposed to be, could you maybe update Teleport? Shuriken too. You bugged Incarnon weapons to not charge properly on kill shots. Please urgently fix. Could you fix Petrify and Temporal Drag's visuals and effects being misaligned, and their direction being affixed to the characters head? You tried fixing Double Tap a few times, unsuccessfully. Could you try again please? You fixed Zephyr's Tornado killing Zephyr, please also fix Zephyr killing Zephyr's Tornado. Overguard on enemies is *still* bugged to block the casting of non-CC abilities. Do you have any plans of fixing this at all?
  14. Haha, no. It'll have a 2000 damage cap or something silly like that. You'll put a 500k Heat dot on a demolyst, try to double it with Thermal Sunder... and get a completely irrelevant 2000 damage.
  15. RIP Thermal Sunder. This sounds like it will also completely neuter using Thermal Sunder as a kind of Expedite Suffering for Heat procs, which was neat and is now dead. Pity.
  16. I think following the changes (and future nerfs), all warframes that don't have tanking abilities will need to equip one shield related mod. It will be: Catalyzing Shields on most of them - this is old shield gating except you lose one mod. Redirection on frames that can restore shields and have 550+ base shield capacity. For a potentially longer shield gate, offsetting the typically longer cast times. Frames without tanking abilities (or shield restore abilities) still won't find additional shields useful. Not getting shot for 10+ seconds per depleted shield (more than 50% of the time) is simply not an option, nor is investing 4+ mods plus archon shards just to power up your shield regeneration. Personally I think this will restrict the variety of frames I'm willing to use. Shield gating was already expensive before - around 50 energy per second, your aura slot, the inability to mod for efficiency. Now its gonna cost me another mod slot on top? I think I'll have to decline that offer. Looking forward to playing Revenant and Mag. Maybe some Ash. Maybe Zephyr if her abilities ever get fixed. Maybe Trinity. All those second rate frames with zero defenses while enemies have infinite damage? Nah, miss me with that from now on.
  17. I guess not falling asleep as Revenant *is* quite the challenge, and the chances of accidentally rolling your face over the Mesmer Skin button aren't high enough for 100% uptime.
  18. Well that's unfortunate. So while shield gating will indeed be buffed on release, DE is going to nerf it 1-2 months from now. All that changes is that the Decaying Dragon Key is now a mod though. And hey, Revenant is still completely, permanently, perfectly invincible, so just play him I guess?
  19. They do read bug reports, and then they put the vast majority in a folder named "if the day had 48 hours". For example after Pablo reworked Zephyr, I reported several Bugs; One of them that her Tornado would kill Zephyr herself, another that Zephyr kills her own Tornadoes. The first one was actually fixed, the second one got straight up ignored - I guess Pablo didn't think it was worth his time. DE has no ambition at all, at all, to fix bugs in Warframe. They just begrudgingly try a few times when something really major and game breaking gets reported, and if they don't succeed they move on and subsequently ignore bug reports on the matter. They don't even bother with really simple and obvious stuff, fixed by literally editing a value in the code base - like how they accidentally cut the Pathocyst's heavy attack damage in half in one patch, and years later despite constant reminders they still haven't restored it's damage. And the weapon is terrible even unbugged. Or, speaking of the Pathocyst, did you know Condition Overload, a staple melee mod, has zero effect on glaive heavy attacks? DE doesn't even care.
  20. The devs coded Garuda's abilities as weapon damage intentionally so that her passive would buff them, because her passive buffs weapon damage. This is really simple and I'm bored of repeating myself. Have a nice day.
  21. You speak very confidently about something you have no knowledge of and do not understand. Garuda's abilities *do* deal weapon damage. So do some other abilities, Oberon's Smite, Wisp's Breach Surge, Shuriken too.
  22. Breach Surge is weapon damage, Reave is not. It's really that simple.
  23. Garuda's passive works on weapon damage only. Yes, Garuda's abilities deal weapon damage - they are, for example, buffed by Nourish, which buffs weapons with Viral damage. Thermal Sunder is *not* weapon damage, as such it isn't and shouldn't be subject to Garuda's passive.
  24. It shouldn't and it doesn't. Works just fine in my testing against shields, but less effective than expected against Eximus units (overguard). You can argue all you like about it, but Thermal Sunder *is* supposed to reapply the damage of Heat procs already on the enemy.
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