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Everything posted by Traumtulpe

  1. Go play a random exterminate mission on the star chart. When you reach extraction, did you win? No you didn't. Nothing changed. The mission is the same as the 35930 previous extermination missions you cleared. You had no chance of failure. There was no challenge. You didn't "level up", you didn't "progress". That's why players don't do this. Nobody just goes and plays a random starchart mission. Except when it's an alert or something. When you get a potato blueprint, suddenly players are interested. Suddenly clearing the mission is "winning". Obviously it's the loot.
  2. No, getting stuff is literally all there is to Warframe. That is literally the game. Technically there's also shooting (since it's a "looter-shooter"), but as I said, that part is literally inconsequential, you can't "win" that part - all missions are the same, the only thing that differs is the loot.
  3. You're just completely dead wrong here. getting the loot *is* winning in this game. You don't "win" by clearing a mission, that's completely irrelevant, missions are just carbon copies of each other and utterly inconsequential. The sole question is "did I get the loot" after farming for 5 hours? No it didn't drop? Then I lost. There's an excuse to make for conditions like in sorties "equip a bow" or the like, but "equip those mastery fodder dual pistols (yeah, those ones that are exactly the same as the 10 other dual pistols, just with worse stats!) that you sold for 5k credits 7 years ago because you didn't want to waste 20 plat on weapon slots for useless garbage" is just grifting.
  4. Grendel has infinite energy, easy shield gating, is insanely tanky, insanely fast. has 2 armor strips, the best party (and self) buff in the entire game, great self healing, and his 4 literally nukes level cap in one cast, regardless of shields or armor. Also his subsume ability is so op that even after getting nerfed hard, it's still the most popular ability by far, and is going to get nerfed *even more* (and will still remain the most popular by far). How aweful.
  5. I don't like DE expecting me to collect and forma 300 different weapons. Because a) 200 of those are trash that you have no reason to keep (other than being asked by DE to use random loadouts). There is no reasonable reason for anybody to have a Stug in their arsenal, none. Or more than one pair of automatic dual pistols. Because b) this is just a plat check. You don't even have to use 2/3 of the weapons, just "own them so you can equip them". The whole thing is just "Did you spend thousands of plat on our game, for weapons slots and to collect all those obsolete crappy weapons? Good boy, here's your free points!" Literally pay to win.
  6. If they reduce it to 30% Viral damage and 30% extra energy it would still be way better than Eclipse, they can't possibly nerf Nourish enough to compare.
  7. All of that is completely irrelevant, the point is that Chroma has been changed to base damage and nobody likes it, but when Mirage gets changed to base damage and half the players don't like it it gets changed back. It's weird.
  8. Since Mirage got changed to a multiplicative damage increase, can we do the same for Chroma? If not... why?
  9. This. Come on DE, how could you overlook this? Roar ability damage: 130% Eclipse ability damage: 100% Roar direct weapon damage: 130% Eclipse direct weapon damage: 130% Roar dot damage (ability or weapon): 169% Eclipse dot damage (weapon only): 130% You might, literally, as well make Eclipse DR only for the Helminth, and delete it's damage buff entirely. Lite-effing-rally. You effectively did exactly that already.
  10. Pablo said roughly: "If we make it a toggle we would have to rebalance it, we could either just lower the number for the Helminth version or change the abilities functionality" Clearly he chose the latter.
  11. You're overthinking things. It's much simpler than that, DE is a business, the question is simply "does this course of action make sense monetarily?" New content does, fixing bugs/reworking Archwing does not, it's "not worth paying a developer for a month to fix obscure bugs". In other words, you're a hamster in a wheel, and DE cares not whether the wheel needs to be oiled or a new coat of paint. As long as you keep it spinning.
  12. You're wrong, Pablo quite literally said he'd have to nerf the ability if it became a toggle.
  13. This discussion is getting out of hand. The facts as I see them are that Eclipse is dead as a damage buffing subsumed ability, completely non-viable now, but it's the new best defensive ability. We have Roar so whatever. For Mirage herself, she's still got her doppelgängers buffing her damage. I don't think she needs the extra damage from Eclipse at all. So you either replace the base damage on your weapon for something else, or you use the DR version of Eclipse. Either way works fine, and is honestly preferrable to the terrible mess Eclipse was before. Now I would have much preferred (and gave feedback to this extend), if Eclipse had been reworked to be interesting, interactive, and functional, instead of turning Mirage into Chroma 2.0, but there were hordes of players all asking for exactly this: "Make it a toggle pls, even if it gets nerfed". You got precisely what you asked for.
  14. Hot take: Eclipse is no longer a damage buff, just get Roar if that's what you want. Mirage now has a reliable 95% damage reduction, this is a buff. Hildryn and Inaros now have reliable damage reduction.
  15. Dude, just try again tomorrow. In the meantime, how about you go outside and have a look at the sky or something? Make something to eat? Maybe sleep for 8 hours? Time goes by fast when you're busy.
  16. Are you sure about that? I seem to be dodging them just fine:
  17. My best guess is: If you don't have boosters and don't use a Smeeta, you can go for 8 hours no problem. If you get lucky on your Smeeta buffs however, the automated detection system might flag your "unreasonable amount of ressources" after as little as 2 hours, triggering most likely a trade ban. There is never a guarantee you won't get banned though, just recently a guy who streamed himself playing a survival massion for 90 hours or so (with pauses of course) got banned... he did successfully appeal however.
  18. Considering that the backlog of bugs to fix now spans over 10 years, might as well be the garbage bin.
  19. Been there, done that. The video in my post is over 2 years old, if I remember correctly, and I have indeed posted it in the bug reporting forum. That place exists purely for players to have the illusion that someone, somewhere at DE reads their bug reports, while they buy some more plat, thinking stuff will actually get fixed. Or maybe some intern actually does but his summaries end up in a devs spam folder. In the words of Pablo: "Is it worth to pay a developer for a month to fix that bug?" Well, his implied answer was no.
  20. And you didn't have any suspicious progams running in the background? You didn't use any form of automation or macros? Then I'm out of ideas, but I'm sure support will tell you the reason for your ban... within a month or so.
  21. I can't help you, but are you sure there is no reason at all for the ban? A common one seems to be a negative plat balance, caused by trading with people who got their platinum via shady or illegal means.
  22. DE is infamous for not fixing bugs, but at this point they are getting so numerous it's ridiculous. Like, seriously, I just found another one: (Thrown while standing, regular orange crits.) (Thrown while in the air, zero orange crits in hundreds of throws.) So apparently when you throw while in the air you get less crit chance?? I just noticed the discrepancy in a mission and it's not just visual, the damage matches the crit color. It also isn't caused by the passive invisibility, since I still get orange crits when invisible while standing on the ground. Further glaive specific bugs: Heavy attack needs two button presses (two times heavy attack) when dual wielding. Condition Overload has zero effect on heavy attacks. Glaive combo counter is bugged to frequently reset to zero internally, while still showing 12x or whatever you've been at, completely invalidating combo-throwing builds:
  23. True AI doesn't exist, what is currently commonly understood as AI is just a more advanced version of autocorrect. It gives you text that, according to it's large database, looks like it would make sense following your question, without any understanding at all.
  24. Blinding Reave adds 40% range. That's all. You don't need it, go with Breach Surge instead is my recommendation - turns everything into AoE, and amplifies the damage too.
  25. Here, I'll fix Eclipse for you quick and easy: Upon casting the ability you start at 100% darkness buff, casting your 4th ability (assuming 100 energy base cost) grants you 100% light buff at 100% efficiency - 25% light and 75% dark at 175% efficiency (in other words +1% light and -1% darkness per energy spent). The buff decays from light towards darkness at a rate based on ability duration, where less duration means faster decay.
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