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Everything posted by Tiltskillet

  1. There's a combo cap an the augment, but no indication of a RoF change. Interestingly the duration seems to be 33% longer than what's shown in the Arsenal and the ability timer: 4s instead of 3s at base. According to the wiki it fired at 3 attacks per second. In 12s (9 in the Arsenal) it's still only getting 27 shots in. 27/12 = 2.25 APS. Base damage is the same as it's always been. So the damage over its duration has remained the same, at least approximately. But the damage per second has been nerfed. The duration thing has been mentioned in Known Issues as under investigation, so I'm not too worried about it. Hopefully it's all addressed soon.
  2. Good advice. But probably should mention something specifically about spoilers in titles. Because some people are under the impression using a spoiler tag will do something to prevent spoilers in titles. Or they're trolls who'll say they're following the rules, and creating more work for the moderators.
  3. It always has benefited from sniper combo. Although sometimes I've seen odd behavior on ongoing DoTs (not just gas) when unscoping after a scoped shot.
  4. Sure, the difference in feel on RoF is obvious in comparison. But if you do look at the duration timer, that too is pretty obvious, since it expires several seconds before the Artillery stops firing. :P
  5. RoF isn't in the Arsenal stats visible to us, but Duration is. As of today, the duration of Blaze Artillery is about 33% longer than what's listed. Meanwhile the RoF has been slowed down proportionately, so that damage done is about the same, but damage per second is down. So I think that the note just has an issue with wording. I'd imagine because they're quite busy post-patch, and obviously they have a way to see and code the RoF internally. In any case I'm not too worried about it since it's being investigated, and the slow down in RoF has already been reported a lot, way, way more than the increase in duration.
  6. It's near the tail end of the bug fixes: Fixed the Incarnon Ceramic Dagger upgrade Gun and Blade triggering when killing enemies with a Secondary weapon. Since the perk has always said "on Primary Kill" the intent in regard to Regulators and any other secondaries seems clear.
  7. Actually I looked back at the devshort, and I was mistaken: operator arcanes are what they mentioned as a feature request, not focus schools. Although I'd hope when and if we get it, full operator loadouts are covered.
  8. Yeah, it was working correctly in a mission now, at exactly 35% of base damage before armor.
  9. You could try optimizing your builds less. Put on more QoL mods, use some weapons or abilities that you find more fun than powerful, use a dragon key, etc.
  10. Yes. You can find a bunch by going on Warframe Market, looking at their riven contracts, and filtering by that combination of affixes.
  11. Oh, you may be right. Although even so, it's still conceivable they're talking about variant selection on the riven rolling screen, rather than choosing between different rolls.
  12. You are probably looking at the stats the riven would give based on what weapon it's installed in. Glaxion has three varieties with different dispositions: this is the stat that determines how powerful a riven's affixes will be. Regular Glaxion has the highest dispo and will have the highest stats. Glaxion Vandal has slightly lower dispo. Tenet Glaxion just came out and will have abysmally low stats in comparison to the other two. More details here: https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Riven_Mods?so=search#Disposition
  13. Don't delay! We can only produce a limited number of these virtual badges, and they will be leaving forever if not purchased by June 30, 2024!
  14. Without getting into details or numbers, these are really cool ideas for Loki. Cycling abilities fit a lot more naturally on stealth frames than conventional ones. I do think DE is about 1000000x more likely use this kind of concept on a new frame rather than overhaul Loki so radically though.
  15. There's a good chance it's just a filter issue. To check this, in Equipment / Mods there is a filter button on the bottom of the modding console. A good configuration for this so no mods are hidden is Show Maxed: ✓ Rarity: Show All Polarity: Show All Game Mode: Universal
  16. All I'll say is if Containment Walls did what it's supposed to do--channel enemies into a line--it would address almost all the other issues you brought up sufficiently for me.
  17. The first one I think was within my first year of doing sorties. I didn't start sorties for a long time, so it was probably year 2. 2019, most likely. The second one was about four years later: a year ago this July. Unlike a lot of people, I've kept doing sorties pretty religiously, so I'm going to guesstimate I've done 1800 of them. According to the wiki the expected rate is an average of one per 526.5 sorties. So apparently you were a little lucky. :P (And the game owes me another one at least. smh de, fix ur brokan RNGEEEEEEeeee. :P )
  18. I'd speculate it's particularly true in the case of that ability, as it seemed more prone to issues than [ x random ability ].
  19. You can almost count on up to two of the weapons a new frame came with getting primed. Primed release frame order is based largely on release date, but with a female/female/male/male cadence. See here: https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Warframes_Comparison#Release_Dates_ So the next five primes (just over a year's worth) are likely to be Xaku, Sevagoth, Lavos, Yareli, and Gyre. All of these only came out with one weapon. Xaku: Quassus Sevagoth: Epitaph Lavos: Cedo Yareli: Kompressa Gyre: Alternox Each of these will probably come out with a second primed weapon or sentinel. Other than the weapons being Tenno in origin, what these will be is a mystery. There are also other advanced variants besides primes: Vandal, Prisma, Kuva, etc. These are for all practical purposes, random, though you could maybe take some semi-educated guesses. For instance, a lot of people think there'll be a batch of infested nemesis weapons coming. (But there's been nothing official from DE.) So if you're extra-paranoid about forma you might hold off on any in that category. But honestly, I think if you love using a weapon, don't worry too much about spending forma on it, except possibly in cases where you're certain a prime is coming soon due to the release schedule. And if you're into rivens, even when you guess wrong and forma a weapon that gets primed/vandaled/whatever soon thereafter, there might be some consolation in the fact that the originals will often be better better for several months longer due to having higher disposition.
  20. I think both are worth investing in. I'd normally recommend Smeeta first, as it's useful almost regardless of what frame/build one is running, and Charm's pickup buff is never redundant. Energy Generator is more specialized. OTOH there's a chance Charm gets nerfed in the next six months, in which case I don't know.
  21. If a player can't complete a stage--meaning one of the 6 challenges that have to be completed to get to the Orowyrm--isn't the only option is to abort if they want Pathos Clamps? Unlike the OP I haven't encountered any noteworthy bugs with these races. I'm just pointing out that "don't do them" seems almost as silly a solution as "remove the races". Compared to "DE, fix the bugs", anyway.
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