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Everything posted by (PSN)haphazardlynamed

  1. So, you know how when you want to run a program but there's a EULA you have to agree to first? but its pages and pages of jargon you don't understand anyway, so you just hit agree so you can get on with it? Well, that's kinda what voting is like.
  2. Probably should Not be exilus. since Exilus is for qol only, not DPS mods. and many of those actually do increase Effective DPS. -despite being 'negative' stats, they alter status proc weightings to favor those that deal DoT
  3. Galvanized Condition Overload on Incarnon Weapons scaling off the Base weapon stats, instead of the Incarnon Stats Hitscan AoE (Zylok Incarnon, Braton Incarnon) not affected by Multishot. Numbers in arsenal increase, but not actual gameplay Those are kinda big problems.....
  4. I already have those. I use them for Jump and Alt-fire. so I can perform those actions while aiming/moving on the thumbsticks. (critical for effective parkour and weapon usage) The problem is that Ability is on a Menu in the first place. It's just too Slow, and input registration too Unstable (especially when the game starts to chug as lately DE is overreaching the capabilities of consoles) that I can't enjoy playing a frame like Lavos designed around rapid ability selections. I'd love to just ditch the Menu and remap the 4 abilities to 4 distinct buttons, but button real estate becomes a bottleneck then. and the touchpad cannot be reassigned to cover the losses (because arbitrary DE logic)-if only they'd fix that.... Firmly believe that if statistics are observed, Lavos has significantly less usage on Consoles than PC....
  5. I would like to point out that this thread has been hijacked OP was specifically asking why the Regional Pricing for AYA was inconsistent with the regional pricing for Platinum. not asking about the merits of P2W.
  6. on a side note this should be made the case for Wukong and Mesa too. not just Garuda. as Mesa gets a HP buff when not holding a melee, and Wukong gets better clone AI when not using a melee.
  7. I think the energy usage is fine as is. Note, that it costs 2x energy of a normal cast, but drops 3 reservoirs at once. so it actually is saving energy vs 3 individual casts. (only costs 2/3 the total amount) If anything, I think it needs more of a tradeoff. Maybe add a radius penalty to a fused reservoir vs individual ones.
  8. Doesn't Teshin Randomly assign you one of his weapons if you don't select one yourself? or did they fix that for the purposes of Garuda's Talons?
  9. That's the thing the touchpad won't let me remap any functionality to it it won't let me assign stuff like Map and Waypoint, etc to the touchpad.
  10. Lavos requires Hold-casting to Prime Elements for the next ability cast. Problem is, on a Controller, I don't have separate buttons for each ability. which means, in order to do a Hold, I have to first hold down the 'ability select' button to bring up a mini-menu, then simultaneously hold a second button to pick the ability to prime. This is far too cumbersome to quickly Combo Prime elements. Any solutions? I have heard some people stop using the 'ability select' menu, and instead map each of the 4 abilities to separate D-Pad buttons However If I do that, I won't have any buttons left for things like Open Map, Mark Waypoint, ETC. What do people using that method do for their Utility Functions now that there's no buttons left???
  11. I believe that multishot and perks have been long bugged. in the past I've observed for weapons like Knell and Arca Sciso (which have similar headshot stack perks as Incarnons) If you are Host, all multishot counts to the meter even if the enemy died from just 1 pellet. If you are Client, only the 1 pellet before they died counts. This glitch has been Masked, by the second glitch where recently killed enemies still grant charges. Now that DE has fixed the dead enemies, the earlier glitch suddenly becomes more visible.
  12. same time as the Torid bodies thing no mention of it in notes, thus suspected to be some kind of inadvertent side effect?
  13. So far, no other "battery charging" weapon has been able to trigger "on reload" conditions. So I guess it's intentional that the Plinx doesn't either. I suppose it does beg the question: ?why shouldn't they? is there some deep gameplay depth by having us manually tap the reload key to activate a perk? as opposed to a weapon that does it automatically when you let go of the trigger? Doesn't seem like all that compelling a distinction to me, just one button press. is it an ammo management tradeoff? but, ammo is pretty easy to trivialize anyway. Almost seems like, there's no real advantage to 'battery charging' weapons that would justify trading the ability to use those Arcanes....
  14. You need to give the Sacrifice Item to your syndicate to Rank Up to the next level. Until then, positive ranking points are simply wasted. You'll still get Negative Standing with enemy syndicates regardless; they don't care that you have outstanding payment issues with your friends, they're still angry that you're opposing them. It makes sense to me.
  15. Yeah, you shouldn't waste your time processing them when the uncut ones can be turned in for reputation already. Just do that and save yourself a step.
  16. Working as intended. Most of the drop rates are balanced around having an active booster. So you should buy some. Lest you relegate yourself to the less-fun, more grind, 'free to play' mode. Just think of it like a battlepass, and buy a Monthly booster.
  17. Why should players be prevented from leaving early? It's an Open World, you're supposed to be able to freeform the activities, come and go as you please. There's already precedent for this, you can leave anytime and retain resources and arcanes. Shouldn't Bane just be yet another resource?
  18. Mostly because they try to maintain a more "ethical" stance to the microtransactions, skirting the edge so they don't get the controversial "Pay to Win" label. I'd say the paid icarnons are going a bit too close.....
  19. I give it the Felarx treatment and exclusively use it in Non-Incarnon mode healthy stat boosts
  20. nevermind, it works differently than I expected from the ability description.
  21. Can we put this back to being 3x of the same Arcane? That was extremely useful for Time-Efficient Arcane Farming since you could 'preview' the first portal and just abort if it was a useless 'filler' arcane (akimbo slip shot), to avoid wasting time. but if it was something good, you could Stay the full spiral and be Assured of 3x Good Arcanes. Time Well Spent. I think the Old State, of 3x the same was more respectful of player's time. Please bring that back I don't want to see the Side Portals go the way of The Circuit rank 11+....
  22. I feel like "50%" is an exaggeration I've never seen it that bad. Anyway I either Be Host or, Watch what the Host is doing. Unlike other open worlds where the Host can Leave Instantly via a menu with No Warning; in Zariman they must Physically Reach the elevator to press the button. This in fact makes Zariman much more forgiving vs prior worlds, as I can watch my minimap to see that the Host is making a beeline out, and start chasing him. Overall this is actually an Improvement for Zariman; and PoE, Vallis and Deimos are bigger problems that ought to be focused on first.
  23. Nice Nekros topic anyway, Try holding your mouse/controller upside down
  24. Reload speed is actually kinda overrated on the Tigris series, considering half of the time between shots is due to the low fire rate stat enforcing a Delay before the reload animation starts. -Once you get a macro setup to auto-tap Reload upon trigger release (and thus force skip the delay) the effective fire rate is much better, and a reload mod/perk isn't so urgent. which leaves us with Exergis.... the Sniper Shotgun..... which doesn't quite synergize with the "Within 5m" activation condition I suppose Vendetta falls into a similar category as Primary Frostbite for me then.... -For use when I have a Riven that grants massive Damage, such that Deadhead/Merciless would be diminished returns and I might as well go with MS on the Arcane slot instead.
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