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Everything posted by Zakkhar

  1. Another lets get carbon out of diamonds thread.
  2. and in this case it's Negative Punishment: Punisher and punishment are two different words. This is no punishement. These are consequences of your own actions. He tells you exactly that the powers will not work, you use them, they do not work. Pikachuface.jpg Also this has nothing to do with conditioning. If you plan to jump from very high and someone tells you you gonna get hurt and you jump anyway and get hurt. Who punishes who? Who gets punished? How? For what behaviour? Is it positive or negative?
  3. Skill issue. How exactly? By teasing/taunting them? All i see in forums lately: game punishes player for X, mechanic punishes player for Y, player is being punished for A, NPC punishes for X Stop using the word "punish". You have clearly no idea what it means.
  4. Stop making stupid people famous (talking about the AU woman).
  5. They do not use or proc any of the abilities/precepts. They can only drop something (with 50%) chance if they kill someething. If your drones manage to kill stuff consitently you may be afk. Spawning them "costs" 100 energy. They get refunded once they spawn at least 4 energy orbs (25 energy each). Clones will not benefit from the elemental buff granted by Momentous Bond nor the Void damage buff from Astral Bond. Clones will not benefit from, nor trigger, Vicious Bond or Seismic Bond.
  6. I do not understand why people even use this mod. It is a waste of a mod slot. Youtubers? Always those pesky youtubers and players who lack their own brain.
  7. Shot in the dark: Open world bounties?
  8. Vauban has plenty of gravity control stuff (but more Magneto style).
  9. WF is not any of those. Many WF weapon identity is about their custom reticule or sniper scope. Closest to WF would be Destiny. I see a reason.
  10. There is a component of trust in that trade. You either pay first and trust the other person to actually queue the mission. Or that person has to trust you to pay them after the mission is done. There is no possibility for no-risk trade. Many people will not risk it, even for 10 plat. As for Detron, the base version is fairly meh (mastery fodder). The varian version (Mara Detron) and the Tenet Detron are much better. You could just do the invasion missions against corpus untill get marked. To gain the mark, complete a set of invasion missions resulting in battle pay. You should get mail from Alad V thanking you for volunteering for the Zanuka project. You may still have the mark even if you do not get the mail.
  11. That is sadly never going to happen. It is not about the fact that entire mechanism and netcode would have to be rewritten, but simply due to the fact this would require servers to host certain data and maitaining servers (and bandwidth) costs money monthly and this game is F2P. It may be furstrarting at time, but things like that also can happen irl. Deal with it or move on.
  12. Those are still available for PC players. You chose to play on Console where a console maker takes a profit margin of every purchase, so blame them not DE or play on PC.
  13. No. she isnt. She is invisible while in the air (passive) and has an ability (2) that takes off whole aggro from her and defence targets, when she cant be in the air. Not to mention another ability that Blinds enemies with a chance to also give them Radiation status (3). Skill issue.
  14. This is not Path of Exile. We do not mod abilities here. Different game, different system. Feel free to dabble with Helminth system, though. You can get armor from that. Or from Arcane. Or from a pet. Or better, you can get invisibility, which makes armor obsolete.
  15. Modern players ignore such tutorials anyway. SKIP. Or you could just progress your story and starchart so that everything becomes doable. And no, you do not need any Nitain based frames to do it. I finished my whole starchart on my starting Potatoless Volt. Life is tough, get a helmet.
  16. Before the NW we could only get Nitain in special Alerts, which were essenetially like a Nightmare mission (usually shieldless), they werent hard, but mission node could have been unavailable due to being far is in Starchart, but what was worse it was one time deal. If you logged in within its time (1-3 days) and did it, you got your Nitain. If you didn't, tough luck. NO Nitain for you. Nightwave doesnt really expire. Once you get further in Starchart and quests you can totally keep doing all the Reecovered old Tasks up untill NW ends.
  17. Zakkhar

    Mesa's 4

    What is your energy coolor? May be just me but I do not see the targetting reticule (it should appear as a moderatly big circle in the center that will decrease in size the longer you pull the trigger). But then again I cannnot see your buffs or what skills you are activatinng and whether you actually activate your 4. Also Mesa Regulators have 50 meter range, if you are not shooting enemies they may be out of range. I cant say with this quality, but they seem to be way further than 50 meters. It starts shooting once you advance into the proper range in 15th second. Mesa stands her ground, holsters her current weapon, and draws her Regulators pistols as her secondary Exalted Weapon. While Peacemaker is active, a focus ring appears in the form of a blurred reticle which can be aimed at enemies. Holding the fire button will cause Mesa to auto-target random enemies inside the focus ring up to 50 meters away. Each gunshot will reduce the size of the focus ring until its field of vision is reduced to 15°.
  18. Could you specify what you mean by Trade? If you mean trading with players, you may have run out of the trades for the day. If you mean Trade in Gems for standing, you cannot Trade higher than your Daily Reputation cap.
  19. Trumna, Paracyst, Scourge Prime, Synoid Simulor, Miter (Incarnon) Catabolyst, Ocucor, Sepulcrum, Zymos, Cyanex Telos Boltace, (Prisma) Ohma, Korumm, Nepheri
  20. Praedos doesnt give Sprint, but 30% Parkour Velocity. Attack speed is one thing, but Tonfas attack twice in every move with neutral E and Gemini Cross. Max combo can be achieved on Khora in SP with literally everything if you use Ensnare (+ Naramon Slam). Getting to enemies is also easy with Void Dash. I kinda dislike Praedos, because people praise it for the Parkour Velocity thing (even misinterpret it like you), but good ol Telos Boltace has that all along and doesnt need to be activated. As well as unique Grouping/Lifting ability on Slide. Those are very weak numbers for Khora, you gotta pump those numbers up. Orange crits? I do !!! red ones.
  21. It is not a bug. Believe it or not, before certain update we had to actually go to Cavalero in order to CHANGE our Evolutions. Any Incarnon Genesis you have equipped on current warframe will pop-up at Cavalero (along with the the Cavalero sold weapons) If you actually had 1 more Evolution of unlock, you would have the UI buff (+ in a triangle).
  22. Not that kind of game. There are multiplee types of modes, different frames excel at. Also every frame is obtainable in game and the prime frames are not more powerful in any way. It is also a matter of weapons. Saryn is cool and can carry through most of the content where killing lots of stuff is important (but we got plenty of other modes where sometimes killing is unwanted). I wouldnt buy it though, as getting it in game is pretty easy. Frame alone will not do much either, you have to mod it, because it comes modless, you need to obtain the mods, rank up and install. Then you have to pick the right weapons and those need to be modded too, then you should get the right companion (and its weapon) and mod them too. Mods come out of various places and can be used multiple times at multiple frames and weapons. And once you get there in questline you have to also get Arcanes for that frame and weapons and there are also archon shards. Getting a frame is just a begining. You will not be able to succeed in the game (headstart) without playing the game. This game is in general about getting and trying out everything. Closing yourself to just 1 frame (out of currently 49) is like going to All-you-can-eat Buffet just to eat half of a strawberry. If you want to spend money, buy plat and buy slots for frames and weapons.
  23. Not with the SP Circuit scaling. At some point there no amount of EHP/healing is going to help. You need strategy + cc.
  24. There is no incentive to go past that certain point. Enemies get befier but you do not get more points. Just leave and requeue. Sadly you can, due to many bugs.
  25. Steel path missions cannot be played the same way as normal ones. There is more enemies present, they are tougher to kill, do more damage and they constantly respawn nearby up to the limit. You cannot expect to just hand around the Excavator on any frames and shoot the enemies. Well you can but it will fail. Circuit is the fastest scaling SP mission mode atm (takes shortest to reach max level of 9999). If enemies of level 3500 can 1shot a Warframe, they can oneshot anything. No amount of HP/armor/DR scaling will make the Excavator survive if you do not change the approach for more SP oriented: I once had a vey high level Circuit Excavation on Garuda, we had a bug+host migration and 2 remaining players ran out of Ressurection Stacks. I had to finish the mission solo, while completely lacking any CC. What I did was make the enemies chase me to the opposite side of the map - dash back, activate the Excavator and hope for the best. Not a single one fully finished, but I managed to chip 15-50 cryotic every time up till the limit.
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