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Everything posted by Nira

  1. Take Helios with you, it'll scan the enemies in to the codex and you can see there what their weaknesses and resistances are. Pretty sure you can trade for galvanized mods. Incarnon weapons are strong but they aren't necessary for the new content at all. I've been using Phage and Paracesis just fine. Oh and feel free to add me in-game if you need any assistance. I came back after a long break too and know it can be overwhelming.
  2. There's that German cosplayer lady on YouTube that did an amazing Lotus, maybe get her on the job!
  3. I think the game promotes it more and more. Next time you do a pub interception, watch how everyone runs from one point to the next, capping and losing in succession. If you point out that the round will go faster if everyone holds one point each, most will sorta go "oh right yeah", but it's a good demonstration of "switch brain off" gameplay.
  4. Ahh the Phage, a forgotten gem, so glad it still slaps in 2023. Good candidate for SP corpus actually as ya could have viral and toxin separately 😳
  5. Bypassing shields with toxin damage is by far the easiest way to deal with Steel Path Corpus. Best thing about it is it doesn't rely on status ticks, the toxin damage itself just bypasses shields entirely. Cerata is a great suggestion, it's a formidable weapon especially against Corpus. It's a thrown glaive much like your Xoris but with heavy toxin damage on the explosion (and no infinite combo timer).
  6. Ballistica! That thing has been gathering dust for way too long. Might as well throw in Attica too, seeing as we're on crossbows 😁
  7. I mean the weirdest are probably the deluxe for Atlas and Limbo, but I wouldn't call them ugly as such. Personally I don't get on with Khora's look, in any shape or form, just an ugly frame IMO. Zephyr deluxe is just an atrocity, I can't even look at it ☹️
  8. Banshee's Sonar provides an enormous damage boost against high-level liches. Last I checked the slow effect on Sevagoth's Gloom ability works on them. As has been mentioned, weapons with high multishot and especially crits (or Felarx/Laetum/Phenmor's "not crit" perk) work best. Liches have a damage reduction that calculates your weapon DPS before the aforementioned modifiers. Status weapons don't work well against liches because they have a hard limit to the number of procs they can be afflicted with (four stacks of any status type, with the exception of the mighty impact proc, which can have six).
  9. A lot of it seems to come down to bragging rights or one-upmanship. Recently I thanked a teammate for providing crit support with Harrow and someone else jumps in saying how his Laetum is just better and "lol ppl using crits". This was in ESO by the way, so ya know, really stretching that Laetum's capabilities /s Reminds me why my ignore list gets longer as I get older. Oh but on-topic, I don't think hiding MR will really help anything. LR3 player here too and I get it. Block and move on my dude, wear it with pride!
  10. I would be much more inclined to play this Inaros 😆 However the community at large doesn't seem a fan of risk vs reward frames so much. Perhaps I'm generalising a bit, but Garuda's old passive springs to mind. They took the most interesting thing about her and changed her in to a glorified merciless arcane!
  11. Great suggestions ^ I'd also recommend finding an active clan, they can help answer any questions you might have and give you some company as you progress, the game is even more fun with other people 😄
  12. Some kind of HP scaling on his decoy would be a nice tweak. As for passives, yeah something tricksy. I quite like the idea of enemies guns jamming/grenades going off early! Silent weapons would be cool but Banshee already has that as a passive!
  13. He's right, I am quite a regular these days
  14. I only recently learned it was a thing too, also by happy coincidence, I had one chasing me down and just pressed 3 in the hope it did something 😆 Before that I just made extra extra sure not to aggro them because I think they home in relentlessly once their "eye meter" fills up.
  15. I'd also like to emphasize that most people using the term are grossly inflating the quality and value of the riven, because they're trying to sell it. Conversely an unrolled riven with stats of varying usefulness will be called "trash". This term is used when buying a riven. I'm told it's basic human psychology. "My stuff = nicer than your stuff, because it's mine" It's trade chat jargon which I generally keep away from.
  16. So apparently I played some conclave sometime in the past, because on my profile screen it says I have five conclave deaths and no kills 😆 I would be genuinely curious to see how the combat system translates to PvP matchup. If any regulars read this and fancy showing me the ropes sometime, I'm up for trying it (again). Plus as someone who mains Harrow and Knell I find precision shooting immensely rewarding, much to the confusion of some pub players (I had one recently who asked why I bothered aiming in 2023) 😅
  17. Had any success with this? I remember there was a bit of delay between completing the three SP Duviri nodes and getting the inbox message, it was a couple hours for me I think.
  18. Not gonna lie it's been so long since I used these I didn't know they had such a gravity-defying effect. Now I'm itching to combine them with Sampotes heavy slams...
  19. It's a good question. Oberon is really good at giving love to others, but it takes true humility to accept it as a gift in return.
  20. I'm also enjoying the 15 million focus 😎
  21. For what it's worth I'm with you all the way, OP. I too dislike the randomised loadout of The Circuit. But I do like the pace of enemy scaling and variety of units. I'd personally be quite happy if that same pace of scaling was incorporated in to SP star chart and fissures.
  22. Did you mean to quote my post or the OP's?Seemed a more relevant response to the latter!
  23. I hear Storm Troopers and Corpus Techs went to the same school of marksmanship!
  24. My story is very similar! LR3, had a break for six months, came back about a week ago. Initially I felt the same as you about Duviri, but after actually giving it a fair try, I have to say I'm really enjoying it! Hit me up in game if you want some company for the wyrm fights, I'm currently laid up with a broken collarbone and have a lot of time to play 😆 I can't see them making any groundbreaking changes like subscriptions and such at this stage but I do get what you're saying. At this point I come and enjoy the game for what it is, get borderline obsessive about it for a few weeks then take a break again 🙈
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