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Whats the "meta" for fortuna bounties rn?


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53 minutes ago, SaidTheRogue said:

Haha can't believe that guy said gas/corrosive

Gas is good because the toxic bypasses their shields and kills them outright. Even though the damage is technically lower per hit, you skipped half their health. Corrosive is good against the armored Corpus units.

I actually run Corrosive because it's the best way to nail the Corpus drop ships(one shot with . And since I'm Saryn, I add toxic with my 3, and combined with the viral proc from Miasma one shot all the corpus right through their shields, even the Techs/Jackals.

I build for the stuff that is hardest to kill, not the trash mobs. And Corrosive is pretty much the best for the Corpus armored guys other than the Jackal. I still one shot those anyway tho. 

Viral, Toxic, and Slash are broken tho. Dont know what DE was thinking with those.

Edited by Erytroxylin
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Gas is crap. It's toxin that bypasses shields, so just directly put toxin on your weapon. 

Corrosive vs corpus isn't worth it as few of them have armor, and the ones that do which come to mind are things like bursas which are weak to radiation, not corrosive. Plus putting a combo element on your weapon is gonna require two slots usually.. And that sure makes it harder to put magnetic on there, like you should be doing 

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50 minutes ago, Vanille said:

Max range Limbo into Dorpus, what could go wrong? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ . I personally just take Octavia, imo best overall for all kind of bounties.

You have to defend a point? Mallet.
You have to capture a point while denying the enemy another one? Mallet.
You're being swarmed and you want to get enemies off you? Mallet.
You have to defend two excavators? Mallet(s).
You have to sneak in their facilities? Invisibility.
You want to relax and let the alarm reach max? Invisibily + mallet.

You wanna get rid of mallet? that's right, more mallets.

When I want to be nice i roll Octavia with this song:


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A lot of open space missions is tailored for WF like Revenant or Mesa with insta kill abilities for mobs coming from all directions. It is easy to be surrounded without quick kill solutions.

Guns is according to your preference. I bring Supra Vandal for killing tough targets at long range and Mara Detron, equally good for short/mid range scatter shots. Effective for nullifiers and bee line mobs approaching me. 

Mobility is king at the vallis Itzal's blink is just too good and almost mandatory because a lot of time based missions demand quick jumps to meet kills/worth in damages.

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Warframes with one button press large AOE autokill buttons seem to still be king.  My Exalted Blade has travel time on its blade beams and I often fail to hit many enemies with a max range Saryn, Gara, or Hydroid in the party standing in one place spamming one ability key.  If a Mesa is in your party, forget about contributing at all lol.  Lots of wide open spaces with unhindered line of sight to all enemies.  

Seems like business as usual in Warframe.  

Also, much like Plains, many people have high damaging primaries who just one-shot dropships out of the sky before they unload Corpus.  

Edited by AlMcFly
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running a nova prime (slow and really high duration)
akstiletto prime with gas (for everything that is not a spaceship or a huge spider)
rubico prime with radiation (for the big guys)
plague kripath with corrosive (for..well...when one needs a condition overload quick melee)
carrier prime (cuz best companion!!!!!!!! ...we'll see if moas can dethrone it)

always going solo
like a hot knife through butter, every difficulty or alert level

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7 minutes ago, kuchn said:

always going solo 

Running a full PUG is great and quick, when the team is semi-functional.

Unfortunately Fortuna has brought a lot of new and old dysfunctional players back to the game.  I've had to leave and solo finish quite a few Bounties myself when entire groups are meandering, teleporting all over the map, or just such a low level that they don't even have Archwing.  

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bring a healer/defensive frame there are a lot of objectives that need protection and a good healer is always nice.  

remember all corpus units deal good damage and there are a few that can at LV 60~ can one-shot my umbral Oberon (renewal was not up) 

there are some new units to watch out for.

  1. jetpack cyclops (X-man)- theses enemies will not kill you but will move you away from an objective or out of buff fields/zones
  2. leg day moas- they have a tether and a displacement wave (it does not knockdown) 
  3. jhon prodman's American cousin- he has an electric shockwave displacement, high health, mad hops, and good damage but no range
  4. mini-spiders- work as swarm units and deal slash procs + stagers are basically corpus rollers 
  5. heavy weapons trooper- uses the opticor (don't stand still as it will 2 shot a buffed umbral Oberon)
  6. exploding head spiders- have 2 invulnerability fazes and a tether they always spawn in pairs but only do melee damage
  7. big Boy spider- has an electric web (deals some damage but it is more of a status thing) clokes has very fast shield regeneration bring long duration high DPS to kill seems to be mostly immune to toxin procs
  8. the raptors-see the boss fight
  9. the hyeans- see the boss fight
  10. tetra crewmen- they are the ones that plat the beacons so leave them alive if you want enemies or kill them first if you don't.  
  11. vuban the Moa- spams bounce
  12. there are 4+ new turrets
    1. basically a supra
    2. fully charged staticor
    3. if the courpus had a bombard
    4.  see above but bigger

if you have it bring vasein for easier secondary objectives

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I'm currently running solo Frost prime, with a bubble big enough to fit a coildrive. T5 Bounty's are fairly trivial.

The main thing I've noticed is that if there are more people in the group, I have to do more sh!t for the same payout. Vallis bounties tend towards defence, with the occasional spy and minor exterminate objectives thrown in to create the illusion of diversity. Nobody needs to be running around murdering everything in a desperate fight for survival unless that's your thing. You can quite easily just create a safe space and meditate on the futility of violence, while the (significantly fewer when solo than a full party) objectives just let themselves achieve a zen-like state of bestowing a randomly assigned "reward".

Nullifiers on mass can be a problem though.

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vor 10 Minuten schrieb OriZulo:

I love using Mag for the bounties. 😃

Same, awesome frame (started to like her before Fortuna, but here she is great aswell)

I really dont understand how you can die with Mag constantly in Fortuna even before the hotfix.

i mean, there is an Augment for her 3 that allows you to completly shut down and CC 90% of the enemies that are on Fortuna.

And you remove shields so even without gas its pretty easy to kill the enemies then.

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On 2018-11-12 at 6:32 PM, SaidTheRogue said:

Gas is crap. It's toxin that bypasses shields, so just directly put toxin on your weapon. 

Lol, I think you need to read up on how Gas works. It IS toxin damage, but dealt more effectively and can reach higher priority with its total value. When combining the elements it is indeed the amount of toxin damage that matters, so you just add as much toxin as possible for the actual damage, and then a cheap/dualstat fire mod to get the effect, unless you also want that higher total value for better priority over IPS. Of course in the end it depends on if that gas element is worth sacrificing a mod-slot for, so it's completely up to what mods you have available and what you want out of the build. I am certainly not saying it's always the best choice for Corpus. 


Ont I don't really feel like there needs to be a meta for bounties. Especially since the big nerf, most frames can handle the top tier just fine. Just remember to move around a lot to avoid concentrated fire and their knock-back attacks, and don't let them swarm you. You can use melee slam-attacks effectively on grouped enemies now that it causes enemies to ragdoll up into the air, and then spin them to pieces while they try to get up. Newer players should probably consider their elemental builds for their weapons, while experienced can use whatever. 

As for fighting higher level enemies when farming toroids at Temple of Profit for example, I suggest you use a frame that can just turn invulnerable or very buffed against damage, and ignoring knock-backs. I mostly use Nyx for this, as she is completely unaffected by all their attacks in Absorb while you keep shooting and slashing down wave after wave of enemies with your weapons. Just watch out for nullifiers.

Edited by SirTobe
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On 2018-11-12 at 6:32 PM, SaidTheRogue said:

Gas is crap. It's toxin that bypasses shields, so just directly put toxin on your weapon. 

Corrosive vs corpus isn't worth it as few of them have armor, and the ones that do which come to mind are things like bursas which are weak to radiation, not corrosive. Plus putting a combo element on your weapon is gonna require two slots usually.. And that sure makes it harder to put magnetic on there, like you should be doing 

Gas is far better. 

1. Gas status = Toxin damage.

2. Gas status is an AoE of 3m.

3. Gas status AoE deals an initial toxin damage explosion before applying the DoT aswell.

4. Gas status AoE can proc several times when using AoE/cone weapons since each enemy hit can proc the effect which hits everything within 3m.

5. You can have a higher proc probability of Gas since it accounts for Heat mods aswell. Pure toxin build only has two mods, gas has up to 5 depending on the weapon.

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On 2018-11-12 at 7:32 PM, SaidTheRogue said:

Gas is crap. It's toxin that bypasses shields, so just directly put toxin on your weapon. 

Corrosive vs corpus isn't worth it as few of them have armor, and the ones that do which come to mind are things like bursas which are weak to radiation, not corrosive. Plus putting a combo element on your weapon is gonna require two slots usually.. And that sure makes it harder to put magnetic on there, like you should be doing 

From the wiki. Gas b Gas damage's status effect is Toxin Cloud, which produces small toxin cloud that deals Toxin b Toxin damage (notably not Gas b Gas damage) to all enemies within its 3-meter radius.

So it's like an aoe toxin damage, or did i get anything wrong? In that case please, correct me.

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