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Recommended SOLO frames in Orb Vallis


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10 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

Believe me, as someone who really knows how to play Wukong, he's not at all suited to soloing high level bounties.

No CC to stop enemies, no way of protecting targets, 0 ranged offensive potential beyond weapons. Drones, coildrives and excavators are all sitting ducks for the most part. 

Whilst you could probably still complete everything, you won't be getting the bonus.

Right, I keep forgetting that frame exists. Any frame but 1.

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Assuming you have your operator well geared, Umbra.


Set him up with an ammo hungry weapon that can hit from range (he won't consume ammo and is always aiming correctly), and he can control enemies while your operator handles the objective and acts as a buffer for you and the frame with void damage procs.


personally I use Prisma Twin Gremlins on him as his only gun with punch through, absolutely wipes out fresh waves of enemies at any level in the vallis.

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Thing about Orb Vallis is that it’s Glass Cannon country. The Corpus units there deal a whack of damage and have some really amazing area control and cc options (which I love, unironically, no sarcasm, I think it’s great, way better design than just ‘Big Damage Big Hitpoints Slugging Match’) but compared to a Grineer force of the same level they’re made of tissue paper. Thus, if you stay mobile, keep an eye on the terrain, and have any kind of area damage/cc ability of your own, you’ll be fine once you learn the tricks.

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1 hour ago, TenzoZero said:

In POE i was able to use any frame somewhat but in orb vallis... ehh.....

Khora, Love her, Vanari on heal to pick up the slack, couple of strangledomes solve most of the defense problems, Entangle solves so many of the dropped troop problems, leaving only the the elites to handle manually.

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33 minutes ago, TheCometCE said:

Assuming you have your operator well geared, Umbra.


Set him up with an ammo hungry weapon that can hit from range (he won't consume ammo and is always aiming correctly), and he can control enemies while your operator handles the objective and acts as a buffer for you and the frame with void damage procs.


personally I use Prisma Twin Gremlins on him as his only gun with punch through, absolutely wipes out fresh waves of enemies at any level in the vallis.

If they ever  gives us k-drive and operators...it will be glorious.  I'll be grinding while my umbra is killing.  

Edited by Chappie1975
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I normally use Rhino. Tank all damage with him is kinda easy. When overwhelmed he also can use stomp to lower the heat a bit.

Also, try to use medium to long range weapon. Since most of the enemies will come down from faraway and closing in on you. I use Quartakk to dispatch all of them even before they have a chance to fire a single bullet. I'm not recommanded Sniper Rifle. Since unlike PoE, we don't have ammo re-supply here.

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7 minutes ago, NocheLuz said:

I normally use Rhino. Tank all damage with him is kinda easy. When overwhelmed he also can use stomp to lower the heat a bit.

Also, try to use medium to long range weapon. Since most of the enemies will come down from faraway and closing in on you. I use Quartakk to dispatch all of them even before they have a chance to fire a single bullet. I'm not recommanded Sniper Rifle. Since unlike PoE, we don't have ammo re-supply here.

I’ve been using the Rubico Prime and having no ammo issues. Provided you keep your kill/shot ratio reasonable, you ought to be maintaining a decent ammo reserve, because the Rubico is basically one hit killing any regular unit up to Bounty 5.


EDIT: Apologies! I just realised this sounded like I was saying ‘git gud’ or something similarly obnoxious, when that’s not what I meant. I simply wanted to say that in my experience so far, sniper rifle seems to be maintainable, ammo drops are reasonable enough.

Edited by BornWithTeeth
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Just now, BornWithTeeth said:

I’ve been using the Rubico Prime and having no ammo issues. Provided you keep your kill/shot ratio reasonable, you ought to be maintaining a decent ammo reserve, because the Rubico is basically one hit killing any regular unit up to Bounty 5.

TBH, in one Bounty run. There are no issue. But I normally run like 5 or 6 run in one setting. So, it's kinda hard to maintenance Sniper Rifle ammo reserve. Even my Quartakk lose about half of ammo reserve when I finish my 5th run.

It's also up to how many defense bounty you got. If you got like 2 Coildrive defense in 1 bounty your bullet will run out very fast compare to just find cache, hacking or capture boxes.

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I've tried a few frames in my solo journey of Orb Vallis. From Nova Prime, Nezha, Equinox, Ivara, and Volt. I don't have much of an issue, sure there are a couple times in the higher tier I get 1 shot, but I expect it given the corpus capture in the Derelict can do the same thing to me.

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Gara is probably "best" frame for Fortuna right now in that she has solid DPS, solid CC, and hard as hell to kill.   Considering that the corpus can start peppering you from 60m away it seems, the nuke range of her 4+1 combo clears a lot of stuff out of the way create pretty stiff defense in general.   Being able to put 90% DR on damageable items gives quit ea bit of flexibility.    Even if you just use gara for her 2 and 4, a gas staticor is a massive compliment to her.

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I've been using NyxP lately exclusively and have no complaints. 

In PoE, I mostly used ZephyrP and have seriously thought about using her in OV. She's certainly a good choice. The only reason I haven't so far is the improved AW mobility in this patch. 

I've been considering using TrinityP, but Trin usually has issues with defending fixed points. The survivability is certainly there, but she has difficulty dealing with multiple opponents. AoE weapons would help, but probably not a good first choice for bounties. However, she's great at farming. I just like playing her and she's certainly capable of extended mining/fishing expeditions and probably toroid farming as well. 

Both Gara and Mesa have been on my mind of late. I might start using Gara soon. She's very capable and can cover all the bases seen in bounties so far. Mesa would certainly work, but I'll probably wait for Mesa Prime, then go all in on her for a month or two. 

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