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Recommended SOLO frames in Orb Vallis


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The biggie to me is actively monitoring and managing your Alert level.

Once you know what level you want to maintain then the question comes down to how you plan to manage it.

So far, I have done OV with Frost, Rhino, Limbo, Ash, and Oberon solo and the biggest thing that stood out to me was

  • managing those beacons
  • keeping from letting giving the corpus too much LOS
  • Prioritize killing those carpet bombing moas, random emplacements, and flyers and random big stuff (jackals, hyenas, nulli bubble carriers, combas)

I use my huras as the invis is hugely helpful to me.

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Rhino for me. Iron Skin allows me to ignore all of CC that the enemies throw at you and keeps me alive. I've Solo'd 99% of Fortuna and get the full bonus from the bounties more often than not.

I'll run Nekros if I decide to do some Toroid farming and I've been using Loki for conservation.

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I solo with Gara on Orb Vallis. She can protect objectives with her Mass Vitrify, give herself damage reduction, scale damage with her 2,4,1 combo and she looks good doing all of it.  Finding an ammo efficient weapon for prolonged excursions into the wilds.... now that's another topic. My Telos Boltor and Soma Prime both bleed through ammo very rapidly and my usual go-to shot guns lack the sort of range I'm comfortable with in such an open space. 

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Il y a 7 heures, GhostoryTheory a dit :

Why not try to pull out a Limbo? Limbo's pretty boring and slow in PoE/Fortuna but it gets the job done for solo play without much headache, you won't get overwhelmed as much as long you keep your stasis timer in check and keep an eye on enemies that can break Limbo's bubble

Last i checked stasis did not work on terra unit.

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I did all my bounties with Speed Loki Prime, with Vaykor Hek or Opticor (generally Opticor, cause I figured it's easier to get rid of the ships before they drop the reinforcements), Atomos and Cassowar. Very rarely failed the overall bonus, usually just in that drone mission when it would fail the bonus for no reason. Including Tier 5 bounties pre Terra units "nerf". Orb Vallis is not that hard, because it's Corpus units, and they're very squishy, even more so than my Loki.

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8 hours ago, TenzoZero said:

Frost : Globe usefull to protect but sometimes i get overwhelmed and die
Inaros : Undying sand god... until i get a bubble on me (what's that about honestly)
Rhino : Same as inaros but stomp is pretty good
Mag : CC nice but the bombards from nowhere one shots no matter what
Nidus : Couldnt have time to build stacks and keep dying
Gara : actually not bad 
Harrow : overwhelmed and one shotted

Inaros does not die at all, it has to be the build you are using for him.

same with Nidus, with Harrow, it is all about spamming his stuff.


I been going with Mesa, but remember not to set still, and remember to use her 3 and 4.

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I can solo all bounties as a vaserin Oberon the big thing is to bring 2 different weapons that cover for each other.  you want fire rate for the bubbles (use the tenora/the supra vandle) if you have an LMG as your primary bring a good shotgun/sniper as your secondary.  the kitgun tomb finger with +mag +damage + crit build works well at destroying corpus units up to full alert bounty 5 and is one of the best ways to kill some of the mini-bosses.  also, build to damage shields some as that will speed up the removal of nullifier bubbles so on a gas status weapon add electric or cold (electric will help against the bots as well).  as for Oberon his 1 is very effective against the mini-bosses as they are lightly armored and have a massive health pool  (his 1 deals 35% of targets max shields and health as damage ) his 2 will help stop the constant CC his 3 is a very good heal and his 4 is a massive CC + rad proc + mini radial blinde

Edited by spirit_of_76
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8 hours ago, TenzoZero said:

Frost : Globe usefull to protect but sometimes i get overwhelmed and die

How weak is your Frost? Frost is the king of "this is my zone, I do not die in my zone" frames in this game

Remember to mix up with Ice Wave and not just Globe, this can slow down more enemies than just the ones in your Globe. Also don't forget that casting Globe while inside the Globe spawns a new Globe with +100% max health (which stacks)

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Ivara can do every level bounty solo with zero issues.

I run a arca plasmor with silent battery, nearly everything dies in 1 hit.

use a fast hitting secondary (silenced of course) to deal with nullifiers.


Game doesnt know how to handle invisible players on most missions, the enemies tend to run up to you and just stand around doing nothing on the rescue hostages missions, you can invis the coil car, sleep arrow for anything that overwhelms you.

only mission type that gives trouble is the harvesters, but you can just pick one and make sure it lives, since you only need 1 to survive.


Only thing you really need to be mindful of is the big spiders CAN see you if you are invis and will chase you down. (not the little green ones, the middle 2 types the white puffball and the one with the overshield)

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12 hours ago, Inemos said:

+1 for Oberon. Add Phoenix Renewal for more awesomeness (and saving buddies when grouped). And if you die more than twice in 90 seconds you probably did something to deserve it 🙂

on a side note if you dont have his 2+3 up you will get destroyed and use his 2 to be immune to most cc


12 hours ago, Kaotyke said:

Nekros for Farming goodness, just remember to Shield of Shadows.

no don't if there is a renewal Oberon in you squad pleas unbind your 4 key as it will waste his energy faster than you will be downed without it

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Frost is best frame for bountry in Orb Vailis.

Bubble protects objectives.

Range and efficient build lets you spam your 4th ability and lock down the entire area. Nothing moves, nothing attacks you or the obective. Period.

You can directly assault temple of profit or spaceport single handedly during bounties which you need to kill X enemy or gain X credits. And those places let's you farm toroids as a bonus. 😁

Other frames might get overwhelm at high alert levels. Not frost, he is just chilling.


Edited by wtflag
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Valkyr Prime, unkillable monster, making quick work of pretty much anything. Just needs a decent range melee weapon and basic situation awareness in the defensive/interception types of bounties. Never failed one & complete vast majority of bounties with their bonuses; just to illustate how basic such awareness needs to be.
(But then again, I solo everything with her, as for me, she's the best Warframe in the game, haha. 😍)

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