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"Change of plans, Tenno. Ignore your previous objective."


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Once in a while the mission will change from whatever it was before into an exterminate.  I kinda wish it would change into other mission types like spy or defense from time to time.

You might initially think "But that would require that data vaults or defense targets actually exist on the map!"  Well, yeah.  But you're assuming that whether or not the mission changes modes is decided after the map is generated.  For all we know it's decided when the map is generated, and it's already a foregone conclusion that you'll be told to kill everything after a capture before you even set foot in the map.  If that's the case, it should be fairly simple to have it add the vaults or defense targets added as needed.

Probably won't happen, but it'd be nice.

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8 minutes ago, (PS4)Lollybomb said:

I kinda wish it would change into other mission types like spy or defense from time to time.

I wish they would just remove it altogether. It is incredibly annoying to have finished the mission, be on the way to extraction and then have to do an exterminate. Because you know, we need to ignore the previous objective...

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I love that part of the game.

But I understand a lot of people are playing to get past stuff, so maybe clearly mark a mission whose objective is 'volatile'.

eg. Mission Objective: Spy (Volatile)
Means it's a spy mission but could possibly change to extermination.

Edited by Redfeather75
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It'd be cool if there were options and stuff, but they'd have to be just options. Give additional rewards for completing a bonus objective if one pops up, but let people just finish the mission normally(except in cases like Spy missions where you set off the alarms every time, since that's in the player's control).

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It was far more common years ago. To a point where it would change two times and the rare third time. Ex: Old spy start then old rescue, to a destroy core to rescue again while there is a meltdown timer from destroying the core. But people complained about how unpredictable the mission length would be. So its very rare for the exterminate secondary. Also many of those old missions become more involved like spy, so it works less as a quick side objective.

I would like mixed long missions, like the Kuva assult. But no one runs it because you don't get rewarded per objective as you should.

Edited by Firetempest
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2 hours ago, Kyoshao said:

Among other ways, setting off the alarms in each spy vault forces you to exterminate enemies. Nobody will know you stole their data if you kill everybody.

That's a special condition unique to Spy missions. What the rest of the thread is talking about is a random chance that happens within 120 seconds in every non-endless mission


3 hours ago, (PS4)Lollybomb said:

Once in a while the mission will change from whatever it was before into an exterminate.  I kinda wish it would change into other mission types like spy or defense from time to time.

It used to, a LONG time ago. It was removed because players hated getting a Rescue hostage freed, then being told they had to finish an ENTIRE Spy mission before they were allowed to extract

Edited by TARINunit9
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I like the idea of missions occasionally growing bonus objectives, especially if they crop up as a result of something the players do. Maybe not just from the Lotus, either

"Tenno, you found a data vault! Previous intel did not reveal it, it may be new or contain something especially sensitive. Hack that *er if you can."

"Data obtained from the enemy network reveals an advanced weapon system under construction. You should fry its power systems and save us some trouble later."

"They have the kind of protein sludge that Clem likes! Roll a couple barrels of it into one of their boarding pods and fire it in to space so we can collect it later, and I'll pay you a bonus."

"Ghraaahrnghrrrrrrtk. Hraaaaaaaaath!" [If the Master can collect the pancreases from a few infested exilus units, we can process them for the Master.]

"Hey Tinstuff. I got my hands on some datamasses that say the enemy's got part of an old orokin codex in one of their vaults. I can find a buyer for that, easy, and I'll split the profit with you if you grab it for me."

"Hate to bother you, Tenno, but could you pick up a couple large fish and some maprico in your way back? I want to send a care package to my cousin on Venus."

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4 hours ago, DanteYoda said:

I hate spy stuff so no keep it simple kill them all is fine.

I also hated them... since I got Ivara... I love them. Its funny but she is my most played frame and my favorite also. Things can quickly change. I bought her with plat because: spy missions. Its was the best thing I had done!

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7 hours ago, (PS4)Lollybomb said:

For all we know it's decided when the map is generated

It's not.

A spy only becomes an extermination if you trigger the alarms in all three vaults and successfully retrieve all data. Triggering the alarms in two vaults, retrieving their data, but failing the last vault, or triggering the alarms in two vaults, retrieving their data, and doing the last one stealthily, won't make the mission become an extermination.

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7 hours ago, AEP8FlyBoy said:

Sucks when your fast as floof Relic Farm on Void Capture missions gets held up by a random exterminate.

Image result for panda rage gif

Hits me in the feels every time.

That would be me every time this happens if I wasn't on a laptop.

A run for lith M2 takes me 55 seconds max. But now I have to kill 80 enemies....

I just bail altogether and do 3 more runs in the time.

Edited by Ver1dian
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4 hours ago, (PS4)iQuedas said:

A spy only becomes an extermination if you trigger the alarms in all three vaults and successfully retrieve all data. Triggering the alarms in two vaults, retrieving their data, but failing the last vault, or triggering the alarms in two vaults, retrieving their data, and doing the last one stealthily, won't make the mission become an extermination.

Right, but there are also the cases where a capture mission will become an exterminate.  That one doesn't seem to be based on player action, and is more what I'm talking about.

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Honestly the "Ignore your objectives" shtick is probably one of the most irritating mechanics in the game. 

If I'd wanted to do an exterminate I would have chosen to do an exterminate. Every time it happens it's like why the hecking heck did you even bother asking me what mission type I wanted to play?

I had it happen to me like ~6 times in a row when I was looking for Simaris Scans to the point that the last time it happened I just strait up Alt+F4'd out of the game. "But if you where going to kill everything anyhow~" maybe, maybe not it really depends on how early in the level you find the actual scan target but that isn't the point. The point is that if I'd wanted to play an extermination mission I would have SELECTED a heckin exterminate mission. 

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