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How would you rate Fortuna part 2?


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2 hours ago, Kobrakai85 said:

I have 1600p right now, I'm still not going to waste it on catalysts for weapons that could turn out to be irrelevant in a few days.

It's still not a paywall... if dont want to spend 20 plat for continuing the missions... then it's your fault.

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40 minutes ago, zetheros1 said:

I feel like people are overreacting. Profit-Taker seems to be a fight not designed for new or casual players of Warframe, and new/casual players have a few thousand hours worth of content to work through. as someone who has completed most of what Warframe has to offer, 7/10; needs more polishing but I enjoyed expending all my revives for once, losing, then coming back with a more proper loadout.

I think Quiet Shy did a good job at pointing out the problems with the Profit-Taker fight.

Between the bugs, the glitches, the knockdowns, all the knockdowns, the bugs and glitches...

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11 minutes ago, DerGreif2 said:

Why do people have to be so dramatic? Just take a break or give points in the feedback session... but dont post it without any points into the forum.

I don't feel like there's any point in giving any feedback right now, what can I possibly say other ppl haven't said already multiple times? There's just nothing to do in the game currently: there's not enough top-level content (directed-missions, campaign and such) and the base-gameplay loop became extremely stale. DE should always strive to change the base loop: they should constantly rebalance stuff over and over, they should change the core systems like status/armor/shields/melee - and so on - and they should change em often in such a way that it would open up new emergent gameplay, like making status elements interact with each other, etc, etc. They should allow ppl to configure their own realms, setting up their own challenges: setting an amount and type of enemies they want, setting goals, amount of players and whatnot. Ther should be constantly changing AI, creating newer and newer behaviours and enemy types. But whatever... Me saying all that would change nothing. And that's okay.

I'm being dramatic because I realize there's no other project like warframe currently on the market. And for the past year or so warframe itself is moving somewhere I didn't want it to move. But I'm definitely using your advice and taking a break. Cheers.

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Hmm let's see. Starting from what I like

  • I like the integration of lore and mission in the heist. It feels more than just doing mission, but we, Tenno, do this mission for something important (lore wise). It gives weight and meaning to what we do.
  • Unlike other people's opinion that I see from this forum, I like the orb fight. IMO it's fun and the difficulty is kinda on spot for the first orb. It's not crazy hard nor extremely easy. You just need to do the right thing.

Now the things that I don't like:

  • Rewards. Damn this is always the issue. The rewards are just underwhelming. A single relic (albeit it's radiant) after the orb fight? Kinda not worth it. I prefer 3 intact relic tbh. Not to mention the new primes are not there? Disappointing. I hope there will be better rewards when the 2nd and 3rd orb drop in.
  • Arch-gun is fine, but i found it's equipping animation are way too slow.
  • Unskippable cutscene. Wish I can skip this.
  • Bugs. First time I play the phase 1 heist, I need to abort a few times because bugs made me stuck. I think DE will or already fixed this though.


Neutral / some other points:

  • I like that I can bring different frames to the orb fight. In Eidolon run i feel like I'm locked to some frames (6 to be exact), but here, I have more option. That being said, tankier frames are still preferable and only those that have direct damage buff like chroma and rhino still outshine the other. But that doesn't make me feels useless when i bring something like mirage, nezha, mesa, or nova. The corpus units that join the fight give other frames opportunity to be useful. So maybe this is good thing, but still not enough (you still can't use any frame.)

Overall it's kinda mixed for me. I found the heist are okay lore wise. The bugs are bothersome, but I did finishes it eventually. The mission on the heist itself was... meh. It is similar to vallis bounties and activities (which I like), but I do hope there's exciting new thing. The only new thing that came up to for me was that hacking and pressing a button at the same time with squad mate which is... meh. The lore really do the heavy lifting for me.

I mostly enjoy the 4th phase though. I really do. It's really fun and for me it deliver the chaotic battle feels that I wanted from warframe for a very long time. Kinda unfortunate the community bash on it though. But no matter how fun it is, the rewards are really underwhelming, giving little reason to do it. Not to mention Mesa Prime just released, I have that booty prime to farm.

Anyway TLDR: 6/10. Good lore, fun boss fight, underwhelming rewards.

Edited by kingvaldemir
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0/10, only trash operator arcanes, when they said we would have new arcanes I expected we would have Warframe arcanse and no more a bunch of useless things to use with the operator's awful mechanics, it seems they do not understand that it is almost impossible to use the operator skills when we are not with host.

I found it hilarious when they said to prepare toroid for the update, then when we finally kill the profit taker what is the drop? more toroid.

Years of experience and still did not know how to put a skip in the talks of the NPCs, several feedbacks about Battacor and practically nothing applied, Nagantaka still bad, several feedbacks about the set Mecha and Tek but still the same crap.

It looks like the feedback session is just for decoration.

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13 hours ago, Olphalarepth said:



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There is a phase where you have to chip away the orb mother shield and, being partially sentient, it can adapt to your damage. Using void ray won't disable the adaptation but will force the orb to cycle the element that can actually damage them


& I thought Operators were useless since I wasn't doing any damage ><

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44 minutes ago, Xenox_Ilz-ot said:

& I thought Operators were useless since I wasn't doing any damage ><

Yeah, Looks like DE figured we don't like being forced using operators and now you don't need them....except you do....this why you can build new amps....except you won't actually need them.

And if you're thinking "well, I can build new amps and if they're stronger I can use them against ediolons" congrats, now you're going to farm a stronger boss to kill a weaker boss that has already become almost a joke already. GG DE, well played and keep on rocking. Fortuna part 1 was amazing IMHO but the new content has left me with a bitter aftertaste that, I hope, will disappear after they fix stuff. If this is what endgame is going to be like I'd rather DE to stop with open worlds immediatly. One year content drought and badly implemented modes cannot be the prices to pay if we end up with whatever Fortuna part 2 is.

I hope railjack is going to get things back on track

Edited by Olphalarepth
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- bounties are the same difficult as tier 5 regular bountie
- boss figth it's good, it's something new and unique, it's the only mission in all warframe where you need to use all your 3 weapons because of the elemental shield mechanich which I think it's awesome, trash mobs can be managed with aoe guns no problem, you can use your operator amp to switch the element of the orb, but the rewadrs are an insult xd
-archgun cool down and animation are too long.
Overall it needs some fixes, but in terms of diffculty, variety and originality it's good.

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5 hours ago, Athnamos said:

Considering how the Orb fight can be a cluster#*!% for new players or those who aren't used to Eidolon hunt, plus the level 60-80 mob spawn. It deserved to be gated behind max rep grind. Honestly, this is what should've been done with Eidolon fights (probably you don't need max standing but have at least finish TWW quest).

You realize the only way to learn a fight is to do it, right? Gating it behind an arbitrary barrier like max rep grind and using the beaten to death BUT MAH NEW PLAYERS excuse is crap game design and a crap argument.

Grinding out stupid rep on a single faction isn't going to somehow prepare you for a mechanical bossfight, it's just a hugely tedious extra step thrown in there for the sake of wasting yet more time. This isn't something like gating Arbitration behind starmap completion since you will get that done anyway in the course of normal gameplay, but hiding a whole new mission type behind optional content that not everyone may want to do. Taking weeks to grind out a number that you're further imposed with a daily limit just to do a new game mode is ass, and it's ass that anyone would defend that practice.

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9 minutes ago, Skoll- said:

You realize the only way to learn a fight is to do it, right? Gating it behind an arbitrary barrier like max rep grind and using the beaten to death BUT MAH NEW PLAYERS excuse is crap game design and a crap argument.

Grinding out stupid rep on a single faction isn't going to somehow prepare you for a mechanical bossfight, it's just a hugely tedious extra step thrown in there for the sake of wasting yet more time. This isn't something like gating Arbitration behind starmap completion since you will get that done anyway in the course of normal gameplay, but hiding a whole new mission type behind optional content that not everyone may want to do. Taking weeks to grind out a number that you're further imposed with a daily limit just to do a new game mode is ass, and it's ass that anyone would defend that practice.

Actually it is going to prepare them - they will get stronger by the time they reach max rep. Believe me, in any kind of online games when some new continent is released for higher lvl players and if lower lvl players has possibility to enter there (despite it's said it's for higher tier player) - they will enter because it's "new" and they will mess up pub runs. 

I saw plenty of posts in the past here about all kind of complains about pub runs and people usually answer to make your own party or go solo. Now I don't see people talking about this problem, but now complaining about it's restrictions. Fine, max rank might be a bit too much, rank 3 - would be good enough imho. 

I think it's normal thing to have end game content locked behind some kind of grind requirements. HOWEVER, it has to come with a good reward, it should give player rewarding feeling that after all this grind to be able to enter, after all those fights and struggles you are finally there, you go there, kill the thing and get properly rewarded for it. But if rewards are bad, well then why bother?

Imo what they should do is reduce required standing rank (to like 3), buff drops and remove ability to change required weapon stat with operator. In this case players would have something to grind for, challenge and fitting reward for their work. Heck, good reward should be top thing to handle so that players could feel satisfaction of getting there and doing it. 

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Ok, seeing as my 2/10 was before the latest update and I've now done the final bounty against the orb mother.  I'll revise to a 4/10.

Honestly... it wasn't hard, it was more 'annoying' and just 'time consuming' (it took about 20mins first go in a public group).  Time to change to archwing weapons is far too high, need to 'turn off' archwing guns to switch back to primary where I kept wanting to press 'f' to switch weapons, so it could really do with a 'fluidity' pass imo, it's too 'bitty'. 

At the end of it I gained 5x gyromags and a 6k standing orb I can't use because I'm at my daily cap...maybe they could be 'on top' of our caps at the very least to make it worth farming for.  So all in all I took 20 mins to get pretty poor rewards in all honesty.  If you compare the rewards from orb mother to the rewards from eidolons it really feels like we're gettng 'short changed', no arcanes, no focus shards, no articula, just some standing and a reward which might be something 'good' if you're lucky.  Maybe it could drop toroids from the legs or something, we get loads of extra standing from killing the vombalists on PoE too. 

I'll probably do it a few more times, it's probably quicker than farming toroids, even with the wait through the cutscene, just to get enough standing for baruuk parts and the mods it drops but in all honesty I have very little reason to be rushing out to do these bounties which in turn gives me very little reason to go after the syndicate standing once I've got hold of baruuk.  I'm not sure I can be bothered to get the mr standing from more amps....

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Hate it, ONLY because the enemies. Like who the hell designed them? Any corpus shmuck hits me with a melee im stunned, and they can stunlock you, multum of nullifier units, those bubbles that throw you around, some zap mines than slow you down, looks like every enemy has some sort of CC and keeps spamming it etc. As a 99% melee player, Fortuna and its enemies are the most infuriating part of whole Warframe for me. It also limits my choice of warframes, either tank like Inaros/Wukong/Chroma, or something like Mesa, tho she dies quick even with shatter shield up and adaptation vs lvl 40+(im playing solo so everything focuses on me). Anything squishier and you end up on your back eventually and die.

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On 2018-12-18 at 11:14 PM, THE_ZEEK said:

No operator mode needed as in POE,

endless waiting before going into missions, 

cool down timer for archwing weapons too long,

not enough arching ammo,

Fortuna has only been a game of waiting.. i'm waiting more than playing a game.   1/10

The game is not exciting gameplay but just more of the same.. 

2 days later and a few hotfixes, its only fair to update the thoughts on fortuna 2


SO No Operator mode, still, you just use your operator to switch the damage sensitivity.. I really hope they will make something like the eidolons in fortuna, 2 more spiders to go..
Endless waiting to missions ~~ Problem solved  Thanks for this

cool down timer for archwing weapons too long,~~ Problem solved  Thanks for this

not enough arching ammo,~~ Problem solved  Thanks for this

Fortuna has only been a game of waiting.. i'm waiting more than playing a game.   6/10

The game is not exciting gameplay but just more of the same.. // the only fast way to get standing and your stuff for leveling the vox solaris is endlessly repeating Phase 2.trying to get them atmo systems and repellers.. Kinda boring after 120 missions and having dropped just barely enough to make the new weapons.

The repeller should not be a rare drop, but be part of the uncommon drops.


Having baruuk fixed behind such a low drop rate system is not a great idea, Looking at all the other frames, they are behind a bossfight which you can farm fairly decently.


anyways, that were my two cents on fortuna.. i hope it improves and puts like in the eidolons more arcanes behind the orbs.



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On 2018-12-19 at 5:57 AM, Howling_MoMo said:

0/10 because i think that this content might be pay gates for some people.

to do the last bounty your archgun needs a potato in it so for people who are free to play who dont have plat or a potato handy they cant start the mission unless they had a archgun already potato-ed which i think im one of the only people to have done so. mabey this was over looked but right how the last mission i belive is walled off from some people who dont pay and i think thats wrong.

I think you’ll find DE brought archweapons into Fortuna part 2 because no one would otherwise bother investing catalysts or forma into them.

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the spider boss is fun, but after the 10th time it gets kinda boring.

and the rewards, well nothing in the whole list really excites me so i expect i will grind the amp parts and leave it alone after that.

i wish the arcanes were better, maybe then i'd be inclined to grind.

Edited by iuki.
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10 hours ago, THE_ZEEK said:

Having baruuk fixed behind such a low drop rate system is not a great idea, Looking at all the other frames, they are behind a bossfight which you can farm fairly decently.



A few frames are farmed from assassination missions, but more and more they are moving into rare component grinds.

Khora requires spamming sanctuary onslaught and farming Kavat genetic codes.

Gara requires farming Cetus bounties.

Garuda requires farming Solaris United...

It looks like this is the way things are going to be.

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7 hours ago, (PS4)Mono-Pop said:

A few frames are farmed from assassination missions, but more and more they are moving into rare component grinds.

Khora requires spamming sanctuary onslaught and farming Kavat genetic codes.

Gara requires farming Cetus bounties.

Garuda requires farming Solaris United...

It looks like this is the way things are going to be.

Khora, used it solely as MR fodder * it was a **** getting it, do use Gara, due to her splinter storm being totally functional defending and operative in Sortie, and use garuda as MR fodder as well.. probably same as baruuk. Dont like his looks, Dont like his skills.

Thing is, that having it locked behind such a farm, all the fun of getting a new frame and exploring it is overshadowed by the dull grind of getting the parts for the frame.

I think that's an anti hype.

First they get you excited, then a disappointment, and then i should be happy with it..

Its just not they way i would like to see it.

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