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Nyx rework 1.5 (More to Psychic themed)


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8 hours ago, Sloan441 said:


Says who? Some random YouTuber? I don't accept the premise since I see different every day I play her. However, I would like to see what she can do now improved. Who wouldn't? But not at the price of making her a clone of some other warframe and certainly not because some talking head no one has every heard of says so. 

Usage says so.  People who understand her kit say so.  The devs say so with the revisit.  The game’s Evolution says so.

You are presenting 2 different arguments.

1.  There is a general consensus that she is in need of the rework due to decreased performance, which has been validated by DE implementing the rework. She IS comparatively weak now with the current build.

2.  No one is saying that they want a clone of another Warframe at the expense of Nyx’s identity just to make her more viable in the current Warframe universe.  They just want a Nyx that is a viable, competitive option.

That’s where Art and skill meet on the dev’s end.

Edited by (PS4)Silverback73
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Nyx current passive Relinquish is a disarm mechanic with a percentage rng whenever Mind Control, Psychic Bolts and Chaos is affect on enemies.


Nyx new passive Misfire gives also rng accuracy to range type enemies. (Whats the point if bombards missile home and track you LOL).


This is idea might stupid but it worth to give feedback.


Combine the current and new one into both.


This passive will be called Relinquish because i dont have cool name for it.


The disarm mechanic should and only work for Psychic Bolts ability only. And it should 100% disarm enemies.


Which means if you want bombard as your cc pet and not melee dps, prioritize Mind Control first.


Absorb would also gain benefit where Chaos doesnt disarm your enemies so they can fire Nyx to accumulate points.


The reduced accuracy for enemies should work as normal. But this should also stop bombard missile from homing.


This another passive is called Their Ally.


The passive work where enemies see Nyx as allies but become hostile if she near them within their melee range.


The passive also prevent Chaos affected enemies wont target Nyx and her allies or objective, and will only target other factions.

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15 hours ago, (PS4)Silverback73 said:

Usage says so. 

The metrics we've seen--and it isn't much--can't be used to draw causality. Many seem to be calling for changes just because she is an old 'frame and they want new, mistakenly believing new is better when it isn't necessarily so. 

I understand her just fine. She still works and works well. However, she is an old 'frame and things have changed quite a bit since the last kerfluffle with Absorb. Frankly, I'd rather her stay the same as she is now than see her in the situation we saw with the last round of Absorb changes. DE's proposed changes increase her organic damage (which has been minimal since the first Absorb changes) and add to her team oriented utility outside of Chaos. This is all potentially good and she remains Nyx. 

However, I don't want to see what 90% of the calls for a revamp here in the forums ask for. They either do ask to make her another warframe or just call for change for change's sake. You see it every week. We don't need another Saryn or Mirage or whatever the latest flavor of the day is. She needs to remain recognizably Nyx. 


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6 hours ago, Sloan441 said:

The metrics we've seen--and it isn't much--can't be used to draw causality. Many seem to be calling for changes just because she is an old 'frame and they want new, mistakenly believing new is better when it isn't necessarily so. 

I understand her just fine. She still works and works well. However, she is an old 'frame and things have changed quite a bit since the last kerfluffle with Absorb. Frankly, I'd rather her stay the same as she is now than see her in the situation we saw with the last round of Absorb changes. DE's proposed changes increase her organic damage (which has been minimal since the first Absorb changes) and add to her team oriented utility outside of Chaos. This is all potentially good and she remains Nyx. 

However, I don't want to see what 90% of the calls for a revamp here in the forums ask for. They either do ask to make her another warframe or just call for change for change's sake. You see it every week. We don't need another Saryn or Mirage or whatever the latest flavor of the day is. She needs to remain recognizably Nyx. 


Not the metrics WE’VE Seen but let’s be practical here, it’s a marriage of artistry and statistical data/analysis.

Nyx has a loyal following.  She’s in my top 5.  But the game has outgrown her kit a bit and she is showing her age.  We can battle subjective vs objective but Usage doesn’t lie and if it’s trending down, then it’s time to address the likeliest culprit first (should we talk probabilities?) and go from there.

And that is what DE is doing.  They know her best, they know the evolution of the current build best, they have the best “big picture” access to community feedback and numbers, and they feel a rework is warranted.

DE has done their homework and likely know the cause or causes for the needed revisit/rework with a high probability.

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Like any other 4 wheels ability for Vauban, Khora and Ivara, Nyx should have different type of Chaos mode.


Switchable wheel for Nyx is different, she will command current affected Chaos target into that specific mode while also debuff enemy with selected mode.


Default mode (Chaos)


First wheel is the normal Chaos mode. Affected enemies attack anyone on sight. Their aggro should be increased in the remaining duration.




Second wheel is AOE version of Revenant's Enthrall, enemies become allies changing their red dot on the minimap into blue dot. But they still take damage.




Third wheel is the buff type ability. Enemies affected by the mode will drop health orb and shield pickup at

25% chance (increase with str)


Enemies/Allied that already drop the pickups will not drop another. (Similar to Titania's Tribute cannot be cast for buff on same target).




4th is the Baruuk's ability the sleep aoe. Enemies affected by this mode will be

disarmed at 50% chance (cannot be increased with strength)

sleep at 50% chance (can be increased with str)


Absorb will gain elemental damage depending on enemies attack when the rework comes to life.


Now adding this buff is increasing the team survivability.


During Absorb mode or channeling state, Allies within the range of Absorb's effectiveness (range AOE explosion after cast) will gain 50% damage reduction and anything attack allies will redirected to Nyx's Absorb bubble to tank the dmg, obviously at 50% damage because of reduction.


Are these feedback overpowered though?

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Chaos is fine as it currently is, It seems as if your trying to create a nyx hybrid, and I have to highly disagree with your suggested abilities being affect by strength, just no lol. Your first suggestion ally is changing her to Rev, obey is turning her into a nezha/nekros with the orb drops, quiet is turning her into loki/ivara. Absorb gaining elemental damage is irrelevant since enemies very rarely ever deal elemental damage, I disagree with DE changing it to that aswell. It would be fine if she could self damage like she could before, but griefing then comes back into play. I like the idea of allies within absorbs range getting damage reduction, except absorb without the augment is useless, and with the augment, the range is significantly reduced, so unless your in kissing range good luck helping your team mate.

I understand your trying to make her into a better frame, but these suggestions arent helping her, there just changing her into an amalgamation of other frames, and will probably make her extremely overpowered. Not to mention the amount of copy/pasting going on, everyone in the warframe community loves that lol


Edited by Vanilla_nuka
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Mind Control


It seems good on paper but not in practical. Remember that enemies' base damage is only good for against player's health, but not themselves. Even with 1000% (500% from windup buff + 500% Mind Freak augment)


What about these two ideas, let us use the "equipped weapon's mod" into the Mind Controlled weapon. Which if i have Strun Wraith, with corrosive + heat build, let my heavy gunner use that elemental attack to actually deal extra damage to the former grineer.


The second idea is to make that Mind Controlled target create mini absorb itself to give Damage Reduction for Nyx and her allies.


Hidden mechanic, the target also stop the advance wave in Defense, please allow to bypass to the next wave.


New stats for Mind Control


Duration :

no change


Weapon base stat for MC target :

30% status chance

50% critical chance

2.0 critical mutiplier

100 slash

100 puncture

100 impact


Damage Reduction :

50% Damage Reduction

15meter Base range aura


Psychic Bolts


Psychic Bolts, it seems good when attempt to synergize with Mind Control, but not when your MC target attacking other target thats not even in Psychic Bolts debuff.


To  keeping the same stat, but we add new mechanic to that ability. When enemies get hit by the bolts, that target will be marked for death.


All Mind Control and Chaos targets will fire on that marked target. Chaos target that get marked will fire on the other marked target which override its AI.


This new mechanic helps to play assassination so that EVERY chaos target is your mind slaves.




Absorbing 200 dmg that consume like 2 energy per bullet? Only to find out that Absorb's base range still low?


Its bad. Because even with Psychic Bolts armor/shield reduction, it still doesnt kill that lvl100 grineer lancer and consume too much energy. The viable part of the Absorb is invincibility, thats it.


Now to this new idea, Absorb will now have multiplier


Base damage for every elemental and physical attack :

500 (power strength)


Multiplier :

1x per shot (no power strength)


Base radius explosion :

10 (20meter) (power range)


Energy cost per shot :

1.0 (power efficiency)


Proc status chance :

50% (no power strength)


I will edit more for the Mind Control one. It has some terrible rework there.


Edited by XenMaster
More feedback for nyx
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Like everyone said, its good on paper but terrible in practical.


Mind Control even with 1000% bonus damage with Psychic Bolts debuff, it just bad that they taking cover.


Let me give this straight, turn ANY mind control target and give them Specter's AI.


1. No taking cover


2. can be commanded by press X


3. "bypass the defense mission advance kill requirements".


4. Allow them to have overall Exalted weapon slot,


a. so they can properly DPS with elemental damage


b. Allow to status proc corrosive/magnetic so they can kill specific faction enemies

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I felt like she got butchered instead of reworked.


Those "rework" are so meh, so meh that even some Nyx mains are upset about it.


Mind Control AI still take cover and not resist knockdown to continue dps.


Psychic Bolts force you to hold button just to recast it back.


Chaos is fine.


Absorb felt the same before rework.

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Why they still bother taking cover instead of becoming single-mindedly fixated on putting their thumbs in their nearest friends' eye sockets is beyond me, but most of the rest of your suggestion is adding a bunch of unnecessary fiddly bits that really don't need to be on a 1st ability. Especially the Exalted slot, which doesn't even make sense since the ability is a special debuff you'd inflict on an enemy as opposed to an actual weapon or companion you'd summon. For one thing, just deciding which mods would be applicable, and how to apply them, would be a major headache.

I don't see the point of adding elemental procs or damage to the mind-controlled target either, since the whole point of the ability is to pick out a problem target that will already cause major disruption with its existing properties, so that it uses its special abilities to your benefit rather than against you. If you want DPS, you should not have brought Nyx.

I wouldn't say no to being able to command them, but I'm not sure how. Using the same method you would for a Specter doesn't feel quite right for an ability, but I don't have any other idea except maybe tying the command to the caster's waypoint marker.

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1 hour ago, Dreddeth said:


I wouldn't say no to being able to command them, but I'm not sure how. Using the same method you would for a Specter doesn't feel quite right for an ability, but I don't have any other idea except maybe tying the command to the caster's waypoint marker.

They can do something similar to Chroma's Guided Effigy augment. So press and hold 1 at target spot to make the MC minion run to it. 

Then to release MC and let the minion die, aim at the minion directly and press and hold 1.

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Because enemies only deal damage thats great vs tenno (the player warframes), its bad when they up against each other.


What happen if Heavy Gunner (that has more health than Elite Lancer) deal damage based on it's maximum health (20% maximum).


100000 heavy gunner health x 20%

= 20000 damage per shot


30000 elite lancer will die from two shots


To be honest, this is just example for simple math. But its better if your Mind Control minion deal 20% damage based on maximum health to vs those lower health light units. Considering Heavy units have more health = more damage output.

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3 minutes ago, Dr.Pepper23 said:

Something isn't right.

Mind controlled a corrupted bombard, pumped 400% dmg into him. Expected him to kill anything but he lost vs a single crewman lol... 

If that's true, I bet using mind controll on a target now lowers their damage so that when you increase it they aren't ''OP''.

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