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Vauban the interception GOD


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6 minutes ago, SortaRandom said:

I mean... that takes, like, ~15 casts (i.e. literally 1500 base energy) for each of the four interception terminals, doesn't it? Excluding the time lost from throwing down all those vortexes in the first place?

On the other hand, Bounce pads last 300 seconds by default and have half the energy cost of a Vortex. And you can just throw down three or four pads at terminals that see a lot of traffic, to offset their weakness of having 4 charges each. Don't get me wrong, Vortex is great, but Bounce just seems like the definitive interception-cheesing ability to me.

look at my build, there is no energy problem.

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2 hours ago, SortaRandom said:

I feel the exact opposite way about Interception (in solo, at least). The fact that the 4 points are so spaced-out means that the player is forced to move. Picking a frame that can cover wide distances (e.g. Nova, Zephyr, low-str Excal), or simply maxing out Mind Step + Void Flow, makes solo Interceptions a billion times easier. More enjoyable too, IMO.

Or just cc the entire map then set and forget like everyone else. it's the only mode outside of trials that cc is actually dominate in.

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You spelled Nova wrong.

And let's not forget our resident pest exterminators Saryn and Volt.

One last thing, what is this Banshee main? Is it food? The only time I saw a Banshee was in IO. I was that shocked of seeing one I remember it to this day.

Edited by Ver1dian
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hace 3 horas, -Sentient- dijo:

He may be trash outside it, but inside interceptions, he's a god among DPSs

With this spicy build



You will give a middle finger to all banshee mains calling themselves interceptions gods with their range limited and energy consumer sound quake

With this build you will lock down entire places with vortex and its augment and you can do it SOLO

"Oh but Sentient! WHat aBoUT aRbItRaTiONs DrOneS"
Well guess what bb, arbitration drones also get sucked into the SUCC VOID Vortex and enemies will also get into it

so basically a 200 seconds vortex is gud af m8





Why you post a build if from very far you can see is crap ? , 175 efficiency in a build that has as your words "200 seconds vortex" .... No primed continuity , one slot not even use , not even the worst arcanes finish (why in hell you will use nullifer outside eidolons ...)  . Its not better to learn before trying to show your "super" builds ?

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Only problem I see here is that Limbo is better at it. His abilities last longer and are more consistent, and enable him freer movement without relying on them. He can effectively immunise a point and none of the enemies can do anything to stop it short of a Nullifier - and even they have problems since there's three other points they'll probably be heading towards and they're very slow.  Vortex can work, but doesn't have the longest range, which means it can't cover all the consoles as effectively on most points in most tilesets.

Meanwhile, your Limbo can rum about dealing with other points with great effectiveness, even able to cancel enemies from capturing points of their own. He can run Interceptions solo without much issue.  In effect, instead of being one good frame at it, he's functionally two frames. It even works well in teams since your teammates might as well ignore the rifted point anyway, and most of the time they can figure that out. For best results in a team setting, put it on a point that's more problematic to protect. Like point C on the crashed ice planet ship tileset or one of the side rooms in the Corpus Cruiser. Now you've got a wild card covered and can help thin out the rest of the enemies or assist in defending other points.

And, unlike Vauban, if you get into trouble with Limbo you can retreat into the rift to get a breather, making him better in an actual fight. 

(BTW, Interception's my favourite mode, precisely because it's one of the few that can actually put up a decent fight.)

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Khora is the interception cheese queen. 40% strength and max range.

Her Strangledome can snare every single spawn the game can muster. 40% strength means they don't die and nothing else spawns. The chillest sortie interception you'll ever have.

Some might consider it a tad boring and I understand that. But sometimes you just want the easy life.

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i prefer solo and interception missions are my pain but vauban is still bad for me he need better 1 and much better 2 only good are 3 and 4 and warframe frames design is one super strong skill and some totaly usseles:

loki 2 4 ,1 3 are usseles and 4 strongest "cc" in game last forever

vauban 3 4 ,1 2 are usseful in some vay but usseles at all again his 3 is stupidly strong and 4 is basicaly better 3

mesa 4 i dont know why is this so powerfull but i like that , its original exalted weapon and her 1 is so basic


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1 hour ago, (PS4)drpunk-yo said:

Khora is the interception cheese queen. 40% strength and max range.

Her Strangledome can snare every single spawn the game can muster. 40% strength means they don't die and nothing else spawns. The chillest sortie interception you'll ever have.

Some might consider it a tad boring and I understand that. But sometimes you just want the easy life.

Think that title goes to Ivara. Max range noise arrow and as long as you're not detected you can cheese the AI. With a CL dagger she can do this as long as your sanity or irl power supply lasts. 

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10 hours ago, Olphalarepth said:

Are you trying to say that Vaulol has an OP ability? Cause that is how you argument for an OP ability. I agree with you and think it should be nerfed

DE please nerf vauban bastille AND vortex

What? Why. His half of his kit is already bad enough, and 3 is just the opposite of 4

Why would nerf something that is already bad. This reminds me of when DE nerf hind, a weapon that is bad (better than krake at the time), has decent crit chance then nerf it by lowering the crit chance and raising the status chance instead. 

Edited by Genesix6
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1 hour ago, Genesix6 said:

What? Why. His half of his kit is already bad enough, and 3 is just the opposite of 4

Why would nerf something that is already bad. This reminds me of when DE nerf hind, a weapon that is bad (better than krake at the time), has decent crit chance then nerf it by lowering the crit chance and raising the status chance instead. 

its a joke lol

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13 hours ago, -Sentient- said:

He may be trash outside it, but inside interceptions, he's a god among DPSs

With this spicy build



You will give a middle finger to all banshee mains calling themselves interceptions gods with their range limited and energy consumer sound quake

With this build you will lock down entire places with vortex and its augment and you can do it SOLO

"Oh but Sentient! WHat aBoUT aRbItRaTiONs DrOneS"
Well guess what bb, arbitration drones also get sucked into the SUCC VOID Vortex and enemies will also get into it

so basically a 200 seconds vortex is gud af m8





well its more or less the same idea but my build its a little different, works great in interceptions too, the arcane guardians keep me alive xD


Edited by Frenrihr89
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