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If you are a new player that reached mr 9 and you have ducats to use dont use them on ignis wraith, because the blueprint to build the weapon can be acquired from other players and usually its about 3-4 plats which is way cheaper that 550 ducats, check on warframe.market if you want to get the weapon, if you really want to use the ducats on a weapon on this rotation get the vulkar wraith, is a solid sniper rifle, and the only way to get it is from baro, but ignis wraith its a total scam do not waste ducats on it. (viper wraith if you already own a vulkar wraith) if you dont have primed continuity i would highly suggest to get that immediately

I realized that the switch version of the game came after the event that made possible for clans to acquire the research for ignis wraith  so if you are on nintendo switch then it is worth to get the ignis wraith with ducats since there is no other way to get it otherwise.

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Agree. Ignis Wraith is good, but 1-5 plat is way cheaper than 550 Ducats (in terms of prime junk plat value). 

I always knew it was a bad move to make the Ignis W a limited Clan Reward. Now that DE realized it, they make it available for everyone, but it's still easier to get it via Trade then Baro, so nothing's changing. 

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1 hour ago, (PS4)haphazardlynamed said:

Thanks for the heads up

I'll be sure to increase my selling price for Ignis Wraith Blueprint to match the equivalent 550 ducat value.


I suggest all other Ignis Wraith holders do so as well.

As the 22nd Rule of Acquisition clearly states "A wise man can hear profit in the wind." I see you have the lobes for business.

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Honestly this wouldn't be so bad in my opinion if Baro came with something just as good but new would have been nice...or at least something new. This probably put a lot of salt into those clans that earned that blueprint long ago, to add insult to injury baro just gives you the weapon straight up no blueprint games. 

I mean players that don't have the Ignis Wraith I'm sure are at least happy with it and that's fine.

It's just everyone else who has the Ignis Wraith may see this as a bit of a middle finger almost for Baro going out of the way to put that in as the only "new" item for the week.

Also It's about time for A5 to go away. There's no point in trying to sell something currently still available on both Cetus and Fortuna every other hour. It is a waste of space that must be erased.

Edited by DiceyDelphic
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10 minutes ago, Softballbryan said:

Use ducats if you don’t have or sell for plat. Nice and easy and FREE

Still stupid af.

How do you get Ducats? You sell junk to Baro. 550 Ducats is 37 trash items which is 74 plat in the worst case. you'll get almost 20 Ignis Wraith Bps for that value.

Time is still so reason. "WTS junk 5:10" is an instant seller at any time. Same as "WTB Ignis W 3p". Most people refuse to pay so you'll get spammed with requests here as well

Edited by GnarlsDarkley
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Keep in mind, while you're all talking about how Baro's offering of the Ignis Wraith is overpriced and it's easier/cheaper to get one from a clan giving away the blueprint (quite a few doing so for free), this is the only way the Switch players can get this weapon since they have no other way of getting it as of yet. Should the Ignis Wraith Blueprint Research return in a way that everybody on all platforms can get it (preferably not just the top 10% of clans again), then you can feel free to talk about how it's easier to just get the blueprint over purchasing the fully built weapon from Baro.

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5 hours ago, COATTOQUALUNQUE said:

If you are a new player that reached mr 9 and you have ducats to use dont use them on ignis wraith, because the blueprint to build the weapon can be acquired from other players and usually its about 3-4 plats which is way cheaper that 550 ducats, check on warframe.market if you want to get the weapon, if you really want to use the ducats on a weapon on this rotation get the vulkar wraith, is a solid sniper rifle, and the only way to get it is from baro, but ignis wraith its a total scam do not waste ducats on it. (viper wraith if you already own a vulkar wraith) if you dont have primed continuity i would highly suggest to get that immediately

They're never bringing back the event you could earn it in, so now it's a Baro weapon. It was essentially perma-vaulted and this is probably because the Switch needs some way to get it outside of PC account migrations.

This is basically an admission that that kind of clan event is dead.

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You see this repeated so much on reddit. Some of you do not understand something. Many of us don't trade. I couldn't care less what the "plat value" of crap I sell for ducats is because I'm never going to sell it for plat. I also couldn't care less how easy it would be to whisper some random person and get the BP. 

I could have gotten a free bp months ago, I didn't, nothing has changed except that I can finally get it myself. I waited for it to be on baro and bought it right away. It wasn't a waste for me. I hardly ever use ducats (I have the prime mods and most of the weapons already) and the primes I sell for ducats have a plat value of zero to me. 

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From a different perspective, it might be faster to get Ignus Wraith from Baro with Ducats than finding another player to trade it for Platinum.

 I am surprised this weapon is available from Baro, since it was originally rewarded to clan members who completed an Event and enabled for Clans to research who achieved the highest trophy reward. 

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7 hours ago, VarenDerpsAround said:

Grow up, Get over yourself, and get your Ignis wraith for free from me or ANY of the OTHER (probably nicer honestly) 100+ people giving it away right now. Don't be a twat, spend your prime junk on primed continuity instead ya dolt!

Its more time efficient to get it from baro than to get it from a player.

To get it from baro you just need to go to the relay, send in some prime trash most of us are already hoarding and do the exchange at baro.

To get it from trade you have to post a message in the trade chat, hope that someone actually trades it away for free, join in the dojo of them, make the exchange.


Newer player especially if they have everything else from baro what might be important should take the bp.

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1 minute ago, Fallen_Echo said:

Its more time efficient to get it from baro than to get it from a player.

To get it from baro you just need to go to the relay, send in some prime trash most of us are already hoarding and do the exchange at baro.

To get it from trade you have to post a message in the trade chat, hope that someone actually trades it away for free, join in the dojo of them, make the exchange.


Newer player especially if they have everything else from baro what might be important should take the bp.

All it takes to get it from a player is to ask in trade chat and go to their dojo... It's ridiculous to charge money for something that is free...

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