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Does your Tenno have a backstory/headcanon


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6 hours ago, Gabbynaru said:

You mean other than what we know? Cause it's pretty hard to have a back story when in between Zariman 1 and Second Dream you were in cryostasis on the moon. I can tell you the current mood though: Hates Lotus, likes K-Drives, her personality changes depending on the Warframe she commands, so she goes from silenter than in cryostasis when driving Loki to completely mental, sadistic Dark Overlord when driving Mirage. Likes tea a lot. Questionable FashionFrame sense.

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Sorry I meant more headcanon wise!! I kind of edited the post!!

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When TSD happened, I was fishing in the Plains during the dusk and manually disabled the chat so no one, not even Lotus, would disturb me.

The Moon appeared on the other side of the planet, so it didnt even show up over my head, I just kept fishing.

Then everything turned black, before I could start to panic, the pod opened up and I saw a Raid team (8 Warframes) with 3 of them holding smaller forms using a very familiar space suit.

I look to my left and I'm face to crotch to a PINK codpiece. I look up and see its a Rhino Warframe. For the first time I heard a voice come out of a Warframe that wasnt a warcry of some sort: YOINK!

The Rhino grabs me by my waist and puts me on his shoulder like a sack of potatos. The next few minutes are filled with gunshots, Sentient Fragments, many other Warframe teams passing by each other, more or less half of them carrying the same smaller figures, and beams from the hands of the smaller figures in familiar space suit and myself.

The team separates as 4 Landing Crafts appear in an open area, one of them being mine. The 3 Warframes carring the smaller forms enter each craft with the Rhino carrying me into mine. The rest of the team rushes back to the decaying, gold buildings.

Back in my Orbiter, the Rhino, gently this time, puts me on the chair in the back of my Orbiter as the Cephalon scolds me for blocking the signal. The Rhino departs, but not before saying "Welcome back to the waking world, brother." in a girl's voice.

The Cephalon then fills me in on everything that happened. I was shocked, but control it, decide to think more about this later and try and connect to my Warframe so I can help the others.

My vision changes perspectives and I notice I was far from the ground and being... carried? I look over my shoulder and see that my Warframe was stomach down on the shoulder of the Teralyst.

I sigh and tell my Cephalon to send the Landing Craft to my Warframe's location.

Edited by Kaotyke
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In my Own Head Canon. My Tenno was the Daughter of one of the Engineers on the Zariman. As such she has an Affinity with Fixing things and Machines, when the Incident aboard the ship happened, she took it upon her self to keep the others as safe as Possible, trying to fortify their positions and keep the Adults at Bay, knowing they weren't really their parents anymore.

After the use of Warframes became common, she was Bonded with a Vauban. Which Suited her ideas that a Strong Defense can break even the mightiest of assaults and that battles could be won without effort if you simply disable the enemies ability to fight back. When the Empire collapsed, she went into stasis with most of the Other Tenno, and when she Awoke she thought she was Vauban.

She Joined with the Steel Meridian, believing in their goal of protecting the Innocent and those who cannot defend themselves, as well as working with Suda, in her quest to preserve and collect knowledge. After the Events of the second dream, she did feel a little betrayed, but still respected the Lotus and knew she did what she thought was right, but after the Events of the Sacrifice, she closed herself off from most other tenno and found a new purpose in helping the people of Fortuna, and the rest of the Citizens of the System. 

Also her name is Kat. Short for Katyusha.

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Well my operator personality is he rarely speaks, never reveals his face to anyone except the ones he trust most.

During the old war, my operator is a very high ranking Tenno in the era. He is the only one who can use the warframe Chroma Prime to it’s full potential. When The Lotus issues an order to destroy all of the prime warframes before entering cryosleep, he entered cryosleep using a normal excalibur.

After the second dream, my operator remembers his true warframe and then he hunts every corner of the origin system for the blueprints of Chroma Prime. After he completed his quest he heard a sport called “eidolon hunting” . Now he hunts eidolons for sport. 

He is also a Maxim in arbiters of hexis, where he believes that the Tenno are warriors not tools. 

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i dont do operators lol but my frames have a bit of personality to them, and a few headcanons, ill just tell my mains for now

wukong: test monkey that had been fused into the warframe, a bit annoying to some, likes to tell jokes, enjoys fruit,

nidus: inhibits a suit of armor most of the time because they feel they are unliked and disgusting being the embodiment of infested flesh, buff, comes off as very serious

hydroid: just a chill water dude, a bit shy but very reliable and loves their friends, likes animals

nyx: golbin warlock thing, not to be tussled with, a bit uneasy, dosent talk much

Edited by bugalien
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Yes, i have even made the ingame choices based on this.

He has always embraced his power. Quiet and reserved, unafraid to simply jump in and help.

Where the other children would fear, he would simply laugh. Even now he joyfully greets his shadow. whenever it tells him "key kiddo" he greets it in return. Twisted in the eyes of his former master, a demon amung monsters.

Edited by (PS4)ForNoPurpose
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I've given my Tenno a bit of a story arc, revolving around power, his allegiances and Limbo. It's a bit meaty (I overthink things) so I'll put it in spoilers.


In my head, my Tenno's pre-Zariman childhood was cushy, but dull. His parents were Orokin, but not high-ranking. They were officers, members of the court of a particularly influential Archimedian, but members that never did anything, who officially had jobs but who's main purpose was to effectively pad the ranks of that Orokin's retinue. As such, his childhood was free of worries, but also lacked any real source of ambition. He had a good education, but would never really use it. The most interesting parts of his life were Orokin balls that he occasionally had to attend as part of his parent's 'duties' and the Archimedean's libraries - a place where he learned of half-remembered tales from the old days. The thrill of finding out new things, of hunting down secrets did draw the attention of the Archimedian, who recommended the family for the Zariman colonisation project. After all, a few Orokin had to go along, to prevent the common folk from getting too uppity along the way. Obviously, that never worked out. Thus follows the typical events for the Player Tenno. In particular, when met with the void, my Tenno embraced it. His values were those of freedom - he had been given the means for it but never the opportunity, and he would fight for those rights for others.

Alas, this was not to be. Like all Tenno following Transference therapy, he lost many of his memories of the Zariman and pre-war life. Moreover, his past left him with good manners at parties - a fact that was exploited to garner favour for other Tenno. Given the Warframe Excalibur, he spent as much time training for artful displays as demonstrations for the parties at Orokin balls as he did on the front lines. His Dax teacher constantly drilled him harder and harder, more elegant and more deadly combat. Whilst his Tenno family grew mighty fighting, dying, and becoming stronger from the experience, he was in the training halls, perfecting the art of swinging blades at holographic enemies. This powerlessness led him to throw himself into his training, a burning desire for freedom within him, and a realisation that freedom came with power.

And so he trained. Eventually, near the end of the war, as Hunhow himself was to be beaten back, he was left behind for a grand ball to show how magnificent and unflinching the Tenno were. That they would not cow before impossible odds. He was thrown into a simulation, a demonstration with constantly regenerating holograms of Sentient fighters.  The idea was that he would not surrender, that he would fight until his frame's last breath. Instead, he slowly cut his way to the edge, and after hours of gruelling combat (to the oohs and aahs of the vapid observers), he sliced the projector, ending the match with his victory. The audience erupted in applause, and he played up that it was all a part of the show. But he knew that he had bested the Orokin, that he had surpassed the limits power that they could control. And at last, like all Tenno, he proved it on that fateful day of the Collapse.

Millenia later, he awoke. All that had gathered, all the power he had attained, stripped. Not that he remembered it. So, the events of the main questline occur, with him mostly not questioning any of it. He grew fond of the Lotus. A commander, yes, but a compassionate one. Not one to stifle the potential of her troops, nor their freedoms. And his thirst for knowledge found a use - Tenno always had need for more intel. So, he travelled the system, gathering intelligence, practicing his bladework and his gunplay anew. And then his trusty Cephalon caught wind of a Rumour. A theorem. The Limbo theorem. And once complete, this Tenno knew he had found his Warframe. Power for those who could command the rift - for those dedicated to learning its secrets? That knowledge and truth led to power, and they in turn led to more truth? He gained power, not through overwhelming might in one area as many others did, but through versatility.

He found and made his allegiances. The Arbiters of Hexis and Cephalon Suda offered truth and knowledge, the vast databanks and records they kept. In return for this knowledge, my Tenno offered power. He found power in fighting at the edge of weakness - his power did not come at the expense of others. Indeed, it was this need to hold back, to allow others to keep their power that led him to further heights still. He mastered the rift, and was never its slave. He had attained at last the freedom he desired. Even as he rediscovered his past during the War Within, he knew that his power was enough to guarantee not only his own freedom, but those he cared for.

And then Apostasy happened and everything changed. Once more he had been powerless. He had been weak. He needed more power. He sought out more. He abandoned his ideals of freedom. Power was all he desired. He donned a mask and battled creatures of the night - the Eidolons. His frame, Limbo, was not ideal for it - but to abandon it was to abandon his power. So he struggled on - growing stronger with every battle. He began to see his allegiances to his Syndicate allies as paychecks and as ways to search for Ballas. He began to fight in the Conclave, anything to gain more power. He still bears the fruits of these labours today.

All this changed when he met Umbra. More specifically, when he saw what Ballas became - what the path to power leads to. And so, he's mellowed out. Re-evaluated his life. Power remains his goal - he seeks to improve himself even still - but he remembers why he seeks such power. So that others too may gain this power, and in turn bring the system to a new golden age.


So yeah, that's kind of the backstory I've given my Tenno.

Hope you like it!

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11 minutes ago, Loza03 said:

I've given my Tenno a bit of a story arc, revolving around power, his allegiances and Limbo. It's a bit meaty (I overthink things) so I'll put it in spoilers.

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In my head, my Tenno's pre-Zariman childhood was cushy, but dull. His parents were Orokin, but not high-ranking. They were officers, members of the court of a particularly influential Archimedian, but members that never did anything, who officially had jobs but who's main purpose was to effectively pad the ranks of that Orokin's retinue. As such, his childhood was free of worries, but also lacked any real source of ambition. He had a good education, but would never really use it. The most interesting parts of his life were Orokin balls that he occasionally had to attend as part of his parent's 'duties' and the Archimedean's libraries - a place where he learned of half-remembered tales from the old days. The thrill of finding out new things, of hunting down secrets did draw the attention of the Archimedian, who recommended the family for the Zariman colonisation project. After all, a few Orokin had to go along, to prevent the common folk from getting too uppity along the way. Obviously, that never worked out. Thus follows the typical events for the Player Tenno. In particular, when met with the void, my Tenno embraced it. His values were those of freedom - he had been given the means for it but never the opportunity, and he would fight for those rights for others.

Alas, this was not to be. Like all Tenno following Transference therapy, he lost many of his memories of the Zariman and pre-war life. Moreover, his past left him with good manners at parties - a fact that was exploited to garner favour for other Tenno. Given the Warframe Excalibur, he spent as much time training for artful displays as demonstrations for the parties at Orokin balls as he did on the front lines. His Dax teacher constantly drilled him harder and harder, more elegant and more deadly combat. Whilst his Tenno family grew mighty fighting, dying, and becoming stronger from the experience, he was in the training halls, perfecting the art of swinging blades at holographic enemies. This powerlessness led him to throw himself into his training, a burning desire for freedom within him, and a realisation that freedom came with power.

And so he trained. Eventually, near the end of the war, as Hunhow himself was to be beaten back, he was left behind for a grand ball to show how magnificent and unflinching the Tenno were. That they would not cow before impossible odds. He was thrown into a simulation, a demonstration with constantly regenerating holograms of Sentient fighters.  The idea was that he would not surrender, that he would fight until his frame's last breath. Instead, he slowly cut his way to the edge, and after hours of gruelling combat (to the oohs and aahs of the vapid observers), he sliced the projector, ending the match with his victory. The audience erupted in applause, and he played up that it was all a part of the show. But he knew that he had bested the Orokin, that he had surpassed the limits power that they could control. And at last, like all Tenno, he proved it on that fateful day of the Collapse.

Millenia later, he awoke. All that had gathered, all the power he had attained, stripped. Not that he remembered it. So, the events of the main questline occur, with him mostly not questioning any of it. He grew fond of the Lotus. A commander, yes, but a compassionate one. Not one to stifle the potential of her troops, nor their freedoms. And his thirst for knowledge found a use - Tenno always had need for more intel. So, he travelled the system, gathering intelligence, practicing his bladework and his gunplay anew. And then his trusty Cephalon caught wind of a Rumour. A theorem. The Limbo theorem. And once complete, this Tenno knew he had found his Warframe. Power for those who could command the rift - for those dedicated to learning its secrets? That knowledge and truth led to power, and they in turn led to more truth? He gained power, not through overwhelming might in one area as many others did, but through versatility.

He found and made his allegiances. The Arbiters of Hexis and Cephalon Suda offered truth and knowledge, the vast databanks and records they kept. In return for this knowledge, my Tenno offered power. He found power in fighting at the edge of weakness - his power did not come at the expense of others. Indeed, it was this need to hold back, to allow others to keep their power that led him to further heights still. He mastered the rift, and was never its slave. He had attained at last the freedom he desired. Even as he rediscovered his past during the War Within, he knew that his power was enough to guarantee not only his own freedom, but those he cared for.

And then Apostasy happened and everything changed. Once more he had been powerless. He had been weak. He needed more power. He sought out more. He abandoned his ideals of freedom. Power was all he desired. He donned a mask and battled creatures of the night - the Eidolons. His frame, Limbo, was not ideal for it - but to abandon it was to abandon his power. So he struggled on - growing stronger with every battle. He began to see his allegiances to his Syndicate allies as paychecks and as ways to search for Ballas. He began to fight in the Conclave, anything to gain more power. He still bears the fruits of these labours today.

All this changed when he met Umbra. More specifically, when he saw what Ballas became - what the path to power leads to. And so, he's mellowed out. Re-evaluated his life. Power remains his goal - he seeks to improve himself even still - but he remembers why he seeks such power. So that others too may gain this power, and in turn bring the system to a new golden age.


So yeah, that's kind of the backstory I've given my Tenno.

Hope you like it!

Oooh i absolutely love it!!! Like, I can literally see all of this in my head and I’m literally just, « This is the stuff I came for man. » 

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I haven't gone back and revised a lot but I do have a bit of backstory for mine. His doesn't have a name... at least not yet or maybe he's forgotten, I haven't decided yet.

Before the Zariman incident he was a student, always intrigued by the inner workings of things. He prefers to assess situations before diving into them. He's not one for conflict, but he will step in if his friends are threatened. Dependable and focused, the one his friends turn to when they need a hand. It's because of this strong sense of balance and support that he chose Oberon as his Warframe.

Post-Second Dream:
Now aware of his true self he seeks to dole out justice and uphold some sense of order in the system using all of the tools and weapons at his disposal. The ideals of both the Arbiters of Hexis and Steel Meridian - truth and justice appeal to him thanks to his upbringing. He also has a mutual thirst for knowledge in the study of all things with Cephalon Suda who he sometimes wishes he could replace with Ordis.

Alongside his friends and allies, he serves as a harbinger of judgement against those who threaten the safety of the system. He knows there's trouble brewing and he remains vigilant.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 2019-01-25 at 8:56 PM, Kerberos-3 said:

Mine is pretty much just a Smuggler at this point. Still hanging on to his Mara Detron from the old days, he wanders the system with his Vauban, hauling cargo for whoever pays him so he can repair his ailing trenchbucket of a ship(Except for Kubrow Eggs. Ever since the incident he has ardently refused to carry Kubrow Eggs on his ship. That refusal is triple strong if the order happens to be from Frohd Bek).

Eh, might as well expand upon this.


Before the Zariman, he was a troublemaker. Always found where he shouldn't be, doing things he shouldn't be. In particular, he had a habit of making friends with the Grineer clones, helping them in their duties even despite his place amongst the dock workers as the son of Ceres' chief customs inspector. When the call for people to man the Zariman went out, his family were placed aboard in order to oversee the spaceport that was to be built. Naturally, that never happened. Fortunately for him and the others, working with the Grineer slaves taught him how to operate various tools and machines. Putting this knowledge to work alongside his new powers, he was able to set up traps to help keep the maddened adults at bay. This included his own father, who passed away after taking four nails to the face simultaneously after walking into one of his traps.

After the Tenno were rescued, He was placed in Transference like the others. His ingenuity and careful setup of traps earned him the Warframe Vauban, where he was ordered to oversee activities in the Ceres drydocks and shipyards, presumably to keep smuggling at a low. However, as time, and the war, dragged on, he began to become bored and listless, basically sitting like a statue round the clock. This changed, however, when he encountered a Grineer worker called Sur'tek.  Sur'tek had been "hired" by a freighter crew who was smuggling food to the various frontline colonies to help move stuff, and the Orokin suspected them. However, he didn't want to see his new friend be destroyed, so he slipped some advice on how to hide their stuff from the inspectors. In thanks, the smugglers helped get Sur'tek and a number of other rebellious dockworkers out of Ceres, as well as gifting him a Mara Detron. When the Uprising came, he fought to prevent the Orokin in the docks from executing the rebelling Grineer workers. After this, he went into sleep.

When he woke on Ceres, the first thing he saw was the workers. Not knowing how much time had passed, he hacked a Grineer database, and was saddened to see what the Grineer had become. He followed the Lotus' requests until the day she disappeared. During this time, He learned of and joined up with Steel Meridian, helping them with their various missions and working his way up the ranks to the title of General, which he earned fairly recently for his various feats, including the Pacifism Defect. This incident sparked a strong antagonistic rivalry with the opposing General Sargas Ruk, and the two clashed again during the Pyrus Project some years later. As thanks for driving Ruk off for a second time, Cressa gifted him the Athari, a Liset-class Tenno Orbiter the Meridian had found on Titan. He began smuggling various supplies around the system to pay for the Athari's repairs, as the millennia had been rather unkind to the ship. One such this was a supply of Kubrow eggs which was being delivered to Pluto at the behest of a then unknown client(who later turned out to be Frohd Bek). However, the eggs hatched part way through, and the feral Kubrow puppies caused a great deal of damage to the Athari's interior. While Frohd did pay for the repairs, he swore never to ferry Kubrow eggs again.

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The Stalker used to have many Acolytes. My Tenno was one of them but considered one of the weaker ones. He didn’t know that he was a Tenno and lived to hate them. But then the Second Dream happened and my Tenno discovered his origins. He was driven mad (unlocking his hidden potential for destruction) and killed almost all the Acolytes in his rage leaving the current Acolytes who managed to escape to Hunhow. My Tenno then fought Stalker and nearly killed him and took his signature weapons, leaving him with only War. Now he is feared by everything in his mad rampage to kill everything in this system.

Edited by BleedingDeathShadow
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Well my tenno backstory is,

After sleep for many years, my tenno suddenly awoke from her sleep only to find herself inside the spaceship with 3 other tenno, after my tenno fully recover her consciousness then 1 of the tenno talk to her and said "Hey, you finally awake you were trying to cross the border right?" and then suddenly Warframe title screen appear in her vision.

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my space brat is a dormant double agent, one of the few choosen still loyal to the orokin (a secret faction who wanted to get rid of the lotus and the council of executors), waiting to recieve the order 66...

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Well first my Tenno is mute (literally had to mute her) but in exchange she has more psychic properties. While other Tenno use Voids Energy to harm their enemies, my Tenno uses the power of the Void to inflict different emotions such as fear on those who dare cross paths. Remember what Void caused the adults in Zariman 10-0? They went insane. My Tenno does the same. But in order to stay sane she has to have another Psychic by her side; Nyx. Together they balance each other. A Balance of harmony and chaos as all things should be.


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Tbh, my Tenno’s headcannon more comes from my own playstyle rather than stuff I came up with.

She’s a bit secluded, not really wanting to work with others and preferring to do missions on her own. When she does end up working in a team, she is only doing it to achieve a specific goal and is rarely is happy about it.

She also doesn’t like relying on her Void powers that much; although she does appreciate when they end up saving her or her Warframe, she believes that relying on her powers too much will cause her to become weaker. She doesn’t want her powers to become a crutch.

That is why her preferred focus trees are Naramon and Unairu; they mostly focus on the physical and self-defense. She doesn’t really care for Madurai or Vazarin, and has a particular dislike for Zenurik.

Edited by mac10smg-ToaOfGreen
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Honestly, I chose Edgelord Black and Red pretty early and I’m sticking to it, so I just gave my operator glowing red eyes and reddish facial scars, like she knew the whole time what she looked like.


She’s also bald and sans all the techie accessories because I like the idea of a “natural” power that comes from within. 


I do like the idea of operators having different levels of “identification” with either warframes or their original bodies. Like some of them enjoy operator mode more than others and some are just happy to stay in a certain frame.

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8 minutes ago, Methanoid said:

Backstory:  I used to be a cool space ninja capable of all sorts of amazing things, i could resurect and find other warframes to add to my colection..... then i woke up and found myself to be a weak emo teenager.....  *sob*

Whenever I see this I'm reminded of how in the War Within the Tenno gets angry whenever someone calls them a child.

Maybe they're more of a proxy for the players then people realise. :clem:

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46 minutes ago, Loza03 said:

Whenever I see this I'm reminded of how in the War Within the Tenno gets angry whenever someone calls them a child.

Maybe they're more of a proxy for the players then people realise. :clem:

kinda encapsulates the shadow stalker in his cutscene where hunhow is verbally ripping him a new one, with stalker looking at himself wondering, am i me or a pathetic emo teenage kid in the matrix Pandora our comfy tenno space bed.

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6 minutes ago, Methanoid said:

kinda encapsulates the shadow stalker in his cutscene where hunhow is verbally ripping him a new one, with stalker looking at himself wondering, am i me or a pathetic emo teenage kid in the matrix Pandora our comfy tenno space bed.

Are you trying to say that STALKER would have a problem with being Emo.

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Of course I do. I tend to overthink things and my headcanon so far bases on the currently still very possible option that most Tenno are actually NOT from the Zariman but later, deliberate creations by the Orokin to have more of them. And that even full adults can become Operators once the process had been refined and studied. And so, my Operator is an adult, of a minor Orokin nobile line who saw the writing on the wall and pulled some backroom deals to be transformed into an Operator. Sacrificing all the authority and gilded pleasures of the Orokin life to be able to survive the coming storm. And maybe forge his own destiny from the designed purpose of Orokin life or combat servitude of a Tenno. 

I basically hold that when I run Excalibur, it's my actual Operator in a combat suit designed to look like Excal, and that the kid I pull out with 5 is basically a stray he picked up short time ago and sort of lets tag along because he finds it amusing to try and train one in the art of stabbing enemies in the neck with their own hands. 

I don't hold the in-game quest story as my character's story. In every game I have played, I get invested and interested in the universe shown there. The characters, quests and stories all just tools for the devs to tell me details and concepts. Which is why I don't get all that bent out of shape when one character or another is written off or taken down some patch and the community of that game goes apesh*t. They get invested in the characters and their stories, I get invested in the universe and make my own characters and stories. Even if they are just in my head. 

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