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Captured by Zanuka with only 1 Warframe. Results!


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I really love this game but there was something I wanted to try out. What would happen if you got captured by Zanuka and failed the mission with only one warframe?
I tried to search for answers but everyone had different answers to it. I did it for science.
First I made a new account in order to try it out since I did not want to sell all my warframes. After a week without no sign of Zanuka even with the deathmark I bought the Zanuka beacon from Baro on my old account.I just deleted all my warframes so I can test it out lol. I kind of enjoyed the fresh start from the new account anyway. The result is the Missigno of Warframes, maybe even the god warframe? This is extremely unlikely to happen to any player unless they really wanted to. *NEW FINDINGS LISTED BELOW*

Let me introduce the Suit, aka Missigno frame.



Looking at my captured Excalibur Umbra



This warframe is basically a Excalibur without levels. It has 100/100 Health and shield and cannot equip any mods, nor can it use any abilities. I have not been able to swap into operator mode either. I can use the fishing spear though. At the right corner it says "SUIT".



I went to Cetus and found out that I had the loading texture skin. I asked some random people if they saw me like this, which they did.


The result so far is that, I got a warframe that is super weak with no abilities, it has the loading texture and I had to sell all my weapons and warframes in order to get it. I don't recommend doing it as there are no benefits what so ever. I love finding bugs, and I love the game. If there are any kinds of exploits or whatever I will list them here and will report my findings to the bugcheckers, my guess is that this only puts you at an disadvantage. Next step will be to try crafting some standard weapons.

Comments are welcomed.

New findings:

Archwing is pretty bugged


The size comparasion of warframes vs archwing missions


You can move around freely in the Grineer sealab water sections, but when I died the game crashed obviously.

Encounters during quests:
War within is basically impossible without a archwing.


I'm back with SUIT on my new account, my last got stuck in a questloop.

Hardcore mode
No energy cost with channeling
Makes Vaubans look good

100/100 Shield and HP
Can't create spectres
Can't use any abilities
Can't pick up mods, affinity or credits
Can't use archwings
Can't use warframe mods
Permanent softlocks 🙂


Edited by greatmin
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Ah yes, the old "Placeholder so that if this extremely unlikely occurrence happens the game doesn't implode upon itself" technique.

It's always interesting to see how far the developers think ahead for things like this, and I suppose if it is possible to buy some basic weapons one could farm their way to another frame from low level bosses. 

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4 minutes ago, o0Despair0o said:

Let me get this straight.


You sold all your stuff - weapons, frames, everything - for... this?


Curiosity is one thing, but I really question your sanity right now.

Nah, seems like an alt account that doesnt have many things of value.

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2 minutes ago, --Q--Animan8000 said:

Ah ok. Other question I had is, what does the line "That (Warframe) would look great hanging on my wall." on the Sergeant Assasination say as Warframe name?

I will go and check, if I can even survive that stuff :P. I die on the first mission. Also, I found out that I cannot pick up credits or affinity orbs.

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4 minutes ago, Lance_Lionroar said:

Or... you could've just bought and used a Zanuka beacon on the alt account you created..

That was my first thought! But alas to visit Pluto relay it required Mastery Rank 8, that account was a measly rank 3...

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18 minutes ago, --Q--Animan8000 said:

Ah ok. Other question I had is, what does the line "That (Warframe) would look great hanging on my wall." on the Sergeant Assasination say as Warframe name?

Tried it, he said absolutely nothing and funny thing is that my operator responded with "Uuh, you're barely making sense" lol





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