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Melee Revisit: Phase 1 Feedback Megathread


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On 2019-07-06 at 9:12 PM, Galataya said:

Uncalled for... like the rework itself?

I couldn't agree more. Whilst quite a few things could have worked out ok in the update such as visual enhancements and directional slams, the total removal of manual block and melee exclusive selection is just the worst, not to mention the cheesy teleporting of weapons animations.

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Woah, i thought i was alone on not liking the new melee commands because i dind't see anyone comment about it on reddit or anything.

 To be honest, the weapons popping in and out of existence without a animation bothers me to a extreme degree, and the fact that some combos make your warframe switch back and fourth between the weapon equiped and your melee makes it all look goofy.

 I'm not in rage or anything when it comes to the melee update, but i do wish they add a opt in for the melee change, such as the one they added one for the flight controls for arch-wing, so they could avoid all this backlash in the first place.

 I still hope they give us the option to pick which style of melee we want to use with a switch in the options menu.

Edited by .Themis.
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As a returning player after a 9 month break i have to say that the new melee is awful.As a speed Volt melee user with a polearm i have to say that it's unplayble.Doing all those stance attacks slows you down and strips away the dps that quick melee had, the only way now is to slide your way through.

I just can't see the meaning behind this new melee, it is the same as the old system in terms of switching between melee and ranged but more slow and clunky with the exception of exalted weapons that can be active all the time but then again it still burns energy while on primary/secondary so it's a 50-50.

First were the op frames cleaning rooms making weapons a liabillity, now the last "ninja aspect" is getting murdered too.Would like the option for old melee.

Edited by DeathDweller
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7 hours ago, SilviaS12 said:

I didn't know stating the obvious was insulting people, my apologies. The new update for melee is unplayable for me and many others. Sorry not sorry.

I'm saying we need to watch our tone & demeanor; Never said you should't complain about something, or bring up things you didn't enjoy... Although you seem to be playing the game just fine to me. 

Edited by Maka.Bones
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New Stances

When melee 3.0 comes out, it would be great if they could bring out some new stance mods for them, two at least. There are some weapons I really want to use but the stances are not that good which to me no matter how strong the weapon is, the stances let it down.

Here are some weapons that needs some new stances; 

·       Sparring

·       Staff

·       Whip

·       Nunchaku

·       Warfans

·       Sword and Shield

·       Scythe

·       Tonfas

·       Blade and Whip

·       Rapier


Hopefully DE can also make some more new unique weapons, maybe take some inspiration from RWBY`s weapon arsenal.


Weapons I would like to see more of;

·       Claws

·       Scythes Blade and Whips

·       Staffs

·       Katanas

·       Daggers

·       Duel Daggers

·       Sparring

·       Machetes

·       Warfans


Combos and attack animations

Even though the order of Wukong`s attacks are different to what it was previously, I don`t think you should change the order of the attack animations for other weapons (including exalted weapon stances) but instead add them to combos that makes sense to the animation.

For an example the spinning needle stance, true kiss can be the stand still combo, (button mashing combo) Accursed whispers can be the block combo, fay intervention can be the moving forward combo and second fay intervention (forward combo) can be the closing the gap combo. (blocking and moving forward)


Suggestions for different weapon types



Note – The running animation when equipping should be put back the way it was. At the moment, it looks like the frame is getting ready to charge for a finishing strike.

Note – Leave the front finisher the way it is or just make it a forward stab, the one shown on the dev stream looks weird.



Note - One thing I would like to see is, for them to be used out of the sheath when equipped. (which I see people talk about)

Slide attack - increase its speed.


Two-Handed Katanas:

Fix - When doing a finisher, sometime it doesn`t kill the enemy and you`re not on top of the enemy.


Duel Swords:

Note - The finisher animation is great however it doesn’t suit it with duel swords. The animation could be the frame turning his back to the enemy stabbing them with both swords making an x with them.

Note – I would like to see duel katanas in the future that used duel sword stances.


Heavy Blades:

New back finisher - The animation should be a powerful side swing like your swinging a baseball bat trying to hit the ball. The finisher we have now looks better and makes sense with scythes.


Sword & Shields:

Blocking ability - Blocking should be able to block all incoming damage and the damage stored up should be released in any three attacks.

Unique blocking – Blocking while on the move should ragdoll enemies.

New ground slam – The animation is the warframe divebombing the shield into the ground.



Unique ground slam -  instead of causing a ragdoll is should do increased damage with a guaranteed slash proc and draw enemies closer to the point of impact.


Duel Daggers:

When doing a ground slam, instead of causing a ragdoll is should do increased damage with a guaranteed slash proc and draw enemies closer to the point of impact.



New slide attack – Instead of a swipe, the animation should be a thrust that knocks the enemy off its feet.



New back finisher – The animation should be a diagonal slash. This animation make sense for the prova or any future blunt weapons.



Note - Decrease the delay in-between shots.



New front finisher – The animation is the frame doing an uppercut stab in the neck then the other hand slashing the enemy’s neck.



New ground finisher – It should have the frame shoving both ends of the tonfa into the enemy. This make sense tonfas are mostly blunt weapons.

Glitch - They are held wrong in the warframe`s hand when extracting while have it equipped.



New back finisher – The animation puts the enemy on their knees, puts the blade to their necks and pulls back. This will look like its preforming an execution.



Note - After the first hit, it should be able to seek out and hit enemies more often. The best weapons that does this successfully is Nezha`s 2nd ability, the falcor and the phahd scaffold.

Note - The button to throw the glaives should be separate from the melee attacks button. I suggest it to be the secondary fire plus the aim mechanic should be able to hit multiple enemies. After throwing the glaive, aim at an enemy makes the glaive come back to striking the enemy and after throwing the glaive, instead of the warframe being disarmed the warframe should be able to perform some punches and kicks like when you get captured by zenuka, these punches and kicks will a chance to stagger and knockdown enemies.



Slide & air attacks – Preforming them should cause to hit multiple enemies with a ragdoll.



New back finisher - The animation should be a powerful side swing like your swinging a baseball bat trying to hit the ball. The finisher we have now looks better and makes sense with scythes.

Slide Attack - Preforming this should send enemies flying across the room.



Slide Attack – A successful hit should uppercut the enemy up into the air.



Slide Attack - This should send enemies flying across the room.



Front Finisher – The animation should be where the warframe spins round with the staff which knocks them out.



Fix: When performing a finisher, the weapon looks like it has shrunken in size. (same with staffs)



Note: I don`t own any whips so I’m just going to talk about what I would like to see from this.

Charge attack – The first attack make spin in a spiral, hitting multiple enemies in front and behind you and knocks them down and the second charge attack pulls an enemy towards you.

Slide attack – Preforming this attack will hit multiple enemies and ragdoll them.

Air attack – The causes to strike straight down the middle striking either one or more enemies.


Exalted Weapons:


New ground slam – the animation is wukong hanging onto a massive version of his staff slamming the end of it into the ground like one of his combos.

Finishers – All Wukong`s animations for his staff should look different compared to other staffs.

Unique ability – When charging his melee weapon, he spins around knocking enemies down.

Unique ability – When blocking, he can store unlimited raw damage which can be released it in his charge attack, slam attack and with the 3rd ability swipe attack.

Visuals – Since it`s a unique weapon, it visually should reflect its uniqueness.

Glitch - When preforming the animation with no weapons equipped, you can`t see the staff. (this has been like this ever since he was released)




Note – Since Valkyr is invulnerable when using claws, take away the ability to block attacks, there is no reason for Valkyr to block.

New charge attack – Preforming this will show Valkyr with her arm out in a V shape and then both claws slashing the enemy in front of her causing a knockdown and a slash proc.


Small changes to melee weapons;

Note: I know some of these points is something DE has said they were going to do, I’m just putting them down for reminders and that I agree with them plus some of my ideas are mixed in also.

·       The aiming radicle turns yellow to let you know you`re going to do a ground finisher.

·       Increase speed of all finisher animations.

·       Have the ability to lock-on to a single enemy in a 20m radius. (block button) This will help with every stance attack animation to target the enemy.

·       Take away the ability to auto-block, this slow your movement, interrupts finishing your combos and you lose the ability to glide in the air using melee weapons.

·       Show the range of melee weapons in the stats menu.

·       Increase the speed of all slide attacks.

·       When performing a wall attack, make the strike home in on the enemy you`re aiming at within 15m.

·       Have the ability to interrupt your combo to doge or escape.

·       Get rid of the left and backwards combos, they both restrict your movements.

·       Show the weapon`s reach in the stats menu.

·       When blocking a knockdown, the animation is the warframe blocking like it`s using a sword. Make each weapon use the same animation as a normal block.

·       “Devil trigger” mode should fill up a gauge by killing. When filled it should increase melee weapon`s damage, attack speed and increase warframe`s movement speed for a short duration.

·       The sounds of impacting enemies with a melee weapons should be different. (striking flesh, metal armour)

·       There are some weapon finishers that has two parts to the animation and if the enemy can be killed in one hit, they will die in the first hit in the animation. Instead of that, make the first part take half of their health and the second part take the other part of their health. Two examples of weapons that have two finisher animations are katanas front finishers and heavy blades back finishers.

·       Charge attacks if aiming an enemy should propel you towards them to close the gap.

·       If channelling still exists in the melee 3.0, blocking while channelling should reflect damage increasing critical and status chance.

·       Stances that has the weapon thrown in the animation should have a reach of 7m.


Why adding automatic blocking is a bad thing.

·       Enemies that knock you down will interrupt you combos.

·       If enemies are shooting you in the air, you will start blocking which keep you in the air and makes you vulnerable to attacks from behind.

·       You no longer are able to glide in the air for mobility with your melee weapon.

·       Mods like guardian derision and Electromagnetic Shielding have no reason to be used.

·       This takes away Excalibur`s 4th ability uniqueness of auto blocking.

·       When preforming combos that has blocking involved, you end up switching weapons unnecessarily.


I think Instead of making the shoot trigger (controller) switch weapons make the reload button able for you to switch (which it does anyways) or just make the aim trigger to switch and put the block button back to the shoot button when using melee with this, you are able to block and switch weapons.


Arial combos

·       A charge attack while holding the block button will send enemies into the air.

·       Preforming different combos should do different things.

·       Button mashing will keep you in the air longer to perform more combos.

·       Forward combo will not only make you and the enemy move in that direction, the last part of the combo will do a small ragdoll

·       The holding left trigger combo (controller) on the third combo will sent you and the enemy plummeting down on the ground dealing more damage to enemies.

·       Certain weapon types will have different outcomes for uniqueness e.g. left trigger combo while using a heavy blade will ragdoll multiple enemies while duel daggers will have a guaranteed increased critical chance by 15% and critical damage by 2.0.

·       Arial combos will include exalted weapon and will perform some unique actions;

Wukong – While preforming combos, pressing the jump button will make him vault off the enemy making him jump higher in the air gives him an extra double jump.


Valkyre – She is able to perform charge attacks in the air which will do more damage.


Excalibur – Preforming air combos will make him summon two exalted blades. (just visuals no bonus stats)


Baruuk - One of his combos will cause him to kick the enemy in the direction the radical is facing, causing other enemies hit to be knocked down.



Ash – He can teleport to an enemy in the air, preforming an air finisher and leaping off them which will give him one granted finisher on the next enemy. Preforming blade storm on an enemy in the air will make the enemies move slower the more health they lose. (if enemy is still alive)


Garuda - If enemy dies while in the air, they will be dismembered.


Finisher Animation

While it might be good to watch, I don`t think it`s necessary to add this feature. For the reason that it takes away the movement and slows combat down plus you will be vulnerable to enemy attacks so please don`t add this.


Its possible in the future that operators can benefit from this also, here is a link where I talk about it.

These are my opinions of things I want to see out of this, is there anything you guys want to see happened or add to this?

Edited by (PS4)Vexx757
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I came back to warframe after a few month's break knowing that the new melee system had been introduced in phase 1. i have a lot of experience with melee, so i was thrilled to see a new system.

while i do like it how I can easily switch between gun and blade during combat, it does create noticeable issues.

as a melee main, i am heavily reliant on life strike. channeling is toggled off as soon as my gun is equipped. this forces me to toggle channeling back on after transitioning to melee.

i also simply do not like it how melee block is now automatic. i like the option to block and bullet jumping with a melee weapon can ruin the flow of combat.

quick melee equips melee and primary fire and aim equips previous weapon. it seems the developers are committed to making transitions between melee and guns seamless.

so why not remove the current system (or make it optional) and consider the following:

when melee is equipped manually, quick melee will become "Quick Fire" or "Quick Draw".

Quick Fire will fire your previously equipped firearm and secondary fire would work the same way. hold down quick fire to aim your previously equipped firearm and let go to fire.

i think this suggestion is more simple (or at least on paper) and creates less issues than what we have now. as a bonus it leaves more room for more changes. the option to block can safely return since equipping melee would be manual again. the developers can continue developing their original concepts they had planned for blocking (dash attacks, reduced roll range, etc).

Edited by MysticDragonMage
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38 minutes ago, MysticDragonMage said:

I came back to warframe after a few month's break knowing that the new melee system had been introduced in phase 1. i have a lot of experience with melee, so i was thrilled to see a new system.

while i do like it how I can easily switch between gun and blade during combat, it does create noticeable issues.

as a melee main, i am heavily reliant on life strike. channeling is toggled off when my as soon as my gun is equipped. this forces me to toggle channeling back on after transitioning to melee.

i also simply do not like it how melee block is now automatic. i like the option to block and bullet jumping with a melee weapon can ruin the flow of combat.

quick melee equips melee and primary fire and aim equips previous weapon. it seems the developers are committed to making transitions between melee and guns seamless.

so why not remove the current system (or make it optional) and consider the following:

when melee is equipped manually, quick melee will become "Quick Fire" or "Quick Draw".

Quick Fire will fire your previously equipped firearm and secondary fire would work the same way. hold down quick fire to aim your previously equipped firearm and let go to fire.

i think this suggestion is more simple (or at least on paper) and creates less issues than what we have now. as a bonus it leaves more room for more changes. the option to block can safely return since equipping melee would be manual again. the developers can continue developing their original concepts they had planned for blocking (dash attacks, reduced roll range, etc).

That sounds really fun

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13 hours ago, Maka.Bones said:

I'm saying we need to watch our tone & demeanor; Never said you should't complain about something, or bring up things you didn't enjoy... Although you seem to be playing the game just fine to me. 

you seem to talk a lot of things that you don't actually know, first of all, I don't go around insulting people, secondly I haven't been playing at all, instead of going around and taking jabs at people to look like a hero, you should try to give responses that will improve your post to reputation ratio. It seems you say a lot more than actually make sense. 

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On 2019-07-07 at 12:25 PM, DoomFruit said:

We've been attempting to give constructive feedback about the melee changes before they were even released (after the preview). It was completely ignored.

We attempted to give constructive feedback about the melee changes after they were released - including all of the points which we highlighted before release and which were completely ignored. It was also completely ignored.

The melee changes hit SEVEN MONTHS ago. Melee is still exactly as deficient as it was at the beginning of 2019. Absolutely no effort has been made to try and bring back any of the lost functionality.

Over half a year. You'd expect a game about ninjas to place a pretty big emphasis on melee. But yet it continues to be ignored.

The only time they've ever listened to player feedback was with the abortive sentinel vacuum changes... and that was most likely due to their lives (possibly? - internet death threats are somewhat less than convincing) being on the line.

Listen to this guy ^ He's been here since page 2. I met him when I came here on page 5. Doomfruit, Maxim_Payne, Ofeban and the others I didn't mention, they all have been trying. Salute to all of you. This here thread is my new warframe have not played since the month of the update.

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I just want to be able to block manually and glide, auto block is inconsistent and simplistic.

Alsoslam attacks should knock down not ragdoll.


Why not simply make switch to weapons any other button but aim? I play with a controller, using B/O is good for changing to melee, but using aim is not good, it ruins combos and hinders playstyle, I would just rather it be B/O for auto swap melee, and add an option for Y/triangle to change into gun mode also very fast. But pls not the aim. Everything else is manageable.

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15 hours ago, SilviaS12 said:

you seem to talk a lot of things that you don't actually know, first of all, I don't go around insulting people, secondly I haven't been playing at all, instead of going around and taking jabs at people to look like a hero, you should try to give responses that will improve your post to reputation ratio. It seems you say a lot more than actually make sense. 

You were defending a comparison of EA games & DE....  and now you go to throw jabs at me and my reputation ratio. Lol you really think that's why my post:reputation ratio is like that?  *shrug* whatever you want to believe man

Anyway I do want melee to change for the better, and I definitely agree that it would be great If we could hear more about it sometime soon. But people can only move at the speed of human, so regardless of whether we like it or not, we really have no choice but to wait for DEbe ready.... as opposed to having another incomplete idea/rework. 

Edited by Maka.Bones
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4 hours ago, Maka.Bones said:

You were defending a comparison of EA games & DE....  and now you go to throw jabs at me and my reputation ratio. Lol you really think that's why my post:reputation ratio is like that?  *shrug* whatever you want to believe man

Anyway I do want melee to change for the better, and I definitely agree that it would be great If we could hear more about it sometime soon. But people can only move at the speed of human, so regardless of whether we like it or not, we really have no choice but to wait for DEbe ready.... as opposed to having another incomplete idea/rework. 

Well let's continue to agree on what we can and not call up names unnecessarily especially when the names called were not guilty of anything that serious.

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On 2019-07-10 at 6:18 AM, Maka.Bones said:

Have you considered that maybe they don't know yet? Maybe they're trying different things, considering all the different feedback, brainstorming, and they haven't decided anything concrete yet? There's also a devstream schedule they need to follow.

Then maybe they could TELL US.

They could say literally anything on the subject rather than going radio silent on it. Say ANYTHING AT ALL. Even a simple "We've heard your issues and are working on ways to address them." would be great, but we've gotten nothing in four whole months. Not a single twinge of acknowledgement of people's complaints. THAT's why people are complaining. Taking time to fix it, sure. But as far as anyone can tell, they either don't care or are just ignoring us and hoping we'll 'get used to it'.

Communication is important and in regards to this subject they're failing tremendously. Yes, they are adults. And yes, they are deserving of proper courtesy.

But so are we.

On 2019-07-11 at 4:20 AM, MysticDragonMage said:

When melee is equipped manually, quick melee will become "Quick Fire" or "Quick Draw".

I suggested this very thing a good while back in the thread, and I still think it'd be fantastic. This thread's friggin' old by forum standards, and new people are still finding it for the first time and putting in their two cents on how they dislike the changes.

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8 hours ago, vaarnaaarne said:

Yea, anything (except maybe something like "no changes will be made") would be better than just silence on part of DE.


13 hours ago, DeltaPangaea said:

Then maybe they could TELL US.



On 2019-07-10 at 9:14 PM, SilviaS12 said:


Heads up Tenno they have replied with the shortest answer possible.

Wukong's 4th ability is now testing melee 3.0 in a small controlled environment.

Please enjoy this information.

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13 hours ago, DeltaPangaea said:

Then maybe they could TELL US.

They could say literally anything on the subject rather than going radio silent on it. Say ANYTHING AT ALL. Even a simple "We've heard your issues and are working on ways to address them." would be great, but we've gotten nothing in four whole months. Not a single twinge of acknowledgement of people's complaints. THAT's why people are complaining. Taking time to fix it, sure. But as far as anyone can tell, they either don't care or are just ignoring us and hoping we'll 'get used to it'.

Communication is important and in regards to this subject they're failing tremendously. Yes, they are adults. And yes, they are deserving of proper courtesy.

But so are we.

And how many other things do we have going on our plate? 

Meanwhile they're also working on atlas prime, Tennocon (pre and post con), new player experience changes, ember and  vauban reworks, 6 new deluxe skins, Gauss and Grendel, empyrian, new war, paradox of duviri, and God knows what else. 

Melee isn't the only thing that's important in this game. We can't expect them to drop everything else to only work on this full-time. So while we do deserve courtesy, I believe they're still within their bounds of being respectful to us. If you want them to move faster on this, then actually do something to help their work/process that isn't just complaining/feedback (which only serves to give them more work)

Edit: For fu$k's sake, they're still recovering from tennocon--It hasn't even been a week since tennocon finished! Not to mention wukong is also testing melee 3.0, which is something they've clearly announced a few weeks ago. 

Edited by Maka.Bones
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31 minutes ago, xdeathhungerx said:

Wukong's 4th ability is now testing melee 3.0 in a small controlled environment.

Please enjoy this information.

Which does absolutely nothing to remedy the issues of scanners/drills/spears getting unequipped, the inability to use alt-fire after melee, the breaking of syndicate procs, the disabling of automatic reload after melee, the complete lack of manual control over blocking and the clunkiness of channelling (the latter part is not something I've personally experienced, but that's because I never used it in the first place).

10 minutes ago, Maka.Bones said:

And how many other things do we have going on our plate? 

Meanwhile they're also working on atlas prime, Tennocon (pre and post con), new player experience changes, ember and  vauban reworks, 6 new deluxe skins, Gauss and Grendel, empyrian, new war, paradox of duviri, and God knows what else. 

Melee isn't the only thing that's important in this game. We can't expect them to drop everything else to only work on this full-time. So while we do deserve courtesy, I believe they're still within their bounds of being respectful to us. If you want them to move faster on this, then actually do something to help their work/process that isn't just complaining/feedback (which only serves to give them more work)

Edit: For fu$k's sake, they're still recovering from tennocon--It hasn't even been a week since tennocon finished! Not to mention wukong is also testing melee 3.0, which is something they've clearly announced a few weeks ago. 

And how many weeks, wait, MONTHS, before Tennocon were these issues pointed out? How many months were they completely ignored?

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3 minutes ago, DoomFruit said:

Which does absolutely nothing to remedy the issues of scanners/drills/spears getting unequipped, the inability to use alt-fire after melee, the breaking of syndicate procs, the disabling of automatic reload after melee, the complete lack of manual control over blocking and the clunkiness of channelling (the latter part is not something I've personally experienced, but that's because I never used it in the first place).

And how many weeks, wait, MONTHS, before Tennocon were these issues pointed out? How many months were they completely ignored?

You realize that it takes them months to gather enough data/feedback in something, while they're working on it? 

You realize that those are months of which they were also working on all of the other things I mentioned already, in preparation for tennocon? 

You realize that partway through those months, the actually HAVE mentioned their progress for melee 3.0? 

So your argument falls flat. You're purely just complaining for the sake of it, since you didn't get *exactly* what you wanted.... But that takes time


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3 minutes ago, Maka.Bones said:

You realize that it takes them months to gather enough data/feedback in something, while they're working on it? 

You realize that those are months of which they were also working on all of the other things I mentioned already, in preparation for tennocon? 

You realize that partway through those months, the actually HAVE mentioned their progress for melee 3.0? 

So your argument falls flat. You're purely just complaining for the sake of it, since you didn't get *exactly* what you wanted.... But that takes time


Some of these issues (terrible stances being the main one) were pointed out even before the melee changes even got released. Others, like mining tools or scanners unequipping themselves, should have been immediately recognised as a direct loss of functionality and likewise fixed pronto. Autoblock was almost universally hated (in opinions which were by no means ambiguous) from the start, yet it persists to this date.

No, there's plenty in that argument. What the did was dump a bunch of unfinished crap on us and then let it rot for half a year with only the barest "meh" and a feeble wave of their hand (Donkey Kong's stance change) as an illusion of a fix.

You forget that melee is a core system of this game. It's been gutted. All this other crap they're working on is pointless if the core is defective. It doesn't matter how shiny the walls and windows are if the foundation is made out of sand.

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1 hour ago, DoomFruit said:

Some of these issues (terrible stances being the main one) were pointed out even before the melee changes even got released. Others, like mining tools or scanners unequipping themselves, should have been immediately recognised as a direct loss of functionality and likewise fixed pronto. Autoblock was almost universally hated (in opinions which were by no means ambiguous) from the start, yet it persists to this date.

No, there's plenty in that argument. What the did was dump a bunch of unfinished crap on us and then let it rot for half a year with only the barest "meh" and a feeble wave of their hand (Donkey Kong's stance change) as an illusion of a fix.

You forget that melee is a core system of this game. It's been gutted. All this other crap they're working on is pointless if the core is defective. It doesn't matter how shiny the walls and windows are if the foundation is made out of sand.

So are you saying that want them to stop working on EVERYTHING ELSE and only focus on melee...? Is that what you'd prefer? We're not just talking about shiny windows here btw... That's a gross diminishment of everything else they've been working on. Do you want them to drop everything else, and only focus on melee?

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2 hours ago, DoomFruit said:
3 hours ago, xdeathhungerx said:

Wukong's 4th ability is now testing melee 3.0 in a small controlled environment.

Please enjoy this information.

Which does absolutely nothing to remedy the issues of scanners/drills/spears getting unequipped, the inability to use alt-fire after melee, the breaking of syndicate procs, the disabling of automatic reload after melee, the complete lack of manual control over blocking and the clunkiness of channelling (the latter part is not something I've personally experienced, but that's because I never used it in the first place).

Just to clarify...  that small controlled environment is their coding machines that are supposed to be set up the same way.  This is the same environment DE calls their "beta test environment" before they release it to the wild.  Which is -- in actually nothing more than a preliminary alpha test environment to ensure their coding isn't completely gobS#&$e when let loose. 

Not that it's really a good QC check, as those of us that have been with the game since closed beta know -- DE often gives things a free pass because they don't completely QC in their alpha development.  It's often rushed out to appease the folk annoyed with their changes they thought would be accepted without question.  

This is nothing more than propaganda a red herring they use whenever they have to deal with the public in the hopes of calming the fires they are ignoring while under the gun to either fix their fumbles or right a wrong they didn't expect to be backfiring. 

You -- the player base -- are the true beta test environment that often has everything going wonky, sideways, pear shaped (and worse) to their "controlled" environment.

Keep up the good work by constantly posting to this unpinned megathread.  I would say be patient, but that would be disingenuous.  No, instead be persistent, share your anger and impatience, and keep reminding DE they did bad until they either straighten it up or say...  as someone once said, "...we're not changing it." 

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