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okay. DE may have inflated the rate of scanning Data-Hash. and...?


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28 minutes ago, Fire2box said:

The big deal is why do events that have no item rewards if DE's just going to do this when the community is clearly failing.



Solution: make it so only the people who have done the scans can progress to the next phase of the event. 

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1 minute ago, Zilchy said:

Solution: make it so only the people who have done the scans can progress to the next phase of the event. 

That would trigger the same kind of backlash as letting the event fail out and keeping hildryn locked behind a plat paywall.

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1 minute ago, Zilchy said:

Solution: make it so only the people who have done the scans can progress to the next phase of the event. 

It would be hilarious but the reason the community failed is they simply didn't know what to do. How many people just watched video guides on the locations to scan? I know I was one and even then I still only scanned 6 or 7. 

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2 minutes ago, CoreXCZ said:

Well, what do you expect? DE can't accept the fact that event was failing, since it was will of players to ignore boring activity. But instead of admitting that they messed up, they just secretly inflate scan rate (even through it's so visible). I wish DE was transparent, came to forum and said "Okay, we messed up, we apologize for this boring nonsense, we will boost it and make it meaningful". I would expect some reward for all that community effort, not just unlock of some doors in cave and new frame.

What do they get out of it except people like you throwing it in their face from now til the heat death of the universe?

They gain nothing by being transparent except inviting hot takes like yours.

Either the community put an effort in or not. If they didn't, to the point DE suddenly breaks the illusion and fast forwards the event, what more rewards do you deserve?

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7 minutes ago, Loza03 said:

They did a few times.

It never worked because the community literally wouldn't let it. I think one time they  even had it designed to fail and the community still won.

At that point, why bother?

That was Operation Sling Stone, AKA Fomorian 1.0. The community buckled down and did it because DE threatened to hold resource drop rates hostage for a while if we failed, not because there was a special shiny reward at the end.

Who knew that a twitchy, impatient, ADHD addled community wouldn't go around and find these tiny NES cartridges in a map that's the size of Montana with 0 clue on where they might be?

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10 minutes ago, Olphalarepth said:

I'm very critical of DE when they eff up but what were they supposed to do?

Not run a community event in the first place? It's not like this was the first time. How many times does this exact thing have to happen before they learn? This lesson should've been learned years ago!

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My god, its official, we've hit the point where people will complain about anything, even something as minor as "Aw crap, we overestimated how many scans we'd get compared to what we need, better adjust" is now like DE kicking down your door and killing your goldfish with rocket propelled bagpipes.


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Its funny how a game that praises itself for being so team orientated and community driven needs to buff its progression numbers during said community event just to keep from discouraging players to do the event, they've done it before during relay events, but I dunno it feels disgusting with the amount of bragging thats done about coordination, "We all lift together tenno....even if iits nothing but a styrofoam block. 🙄

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20 minutes ago, SordidDreams said:

No, I feel disappointed because after so many years they still haven't learned that community events shouldn't be done in the first place.

fair point

20 minutes ago, SordidDreams said:

Yes, thinking that players would ignore an event to unlock Tau is indeed very dumb.

 no, that's you thinking that they would actually do it xD the warframe community want to see the world burn, we've seen it several times. because right now, i couldn't tell if they would, or would not do it, just to #*!% up the entire rest of the fanbase. and please, don't delusion yourself thinking they aren't able to do this.

Edit : on second thought tho, they could indeed lower the number of required participations for an event, as it is true that it has been happening a lot of time already 😕

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10 minutes ago, peterc3 said:

What do they get out of it except people like you throwing it in their face from now til the heat death of the universe?

They gain nothing by being transparent except inviting hot takes like yours.

Either the community put an effort in or not. If they didn't, to the point DE suddenly breaks the illusion and fast forwards the event, what more rewards do you deserve?

To be honest, I give a damn about reward. What bugs me is how badly done this scanning part is from design perspective. By the way, if they were transparent, I wouldn't be here, saying what I am saying. But I can't expect you to comprehend such simple logic. I went around and looked for these hashes on my own, with only a little hint where they are (approx. locations). Try looking for them without any hints, without any leads and I can guarantee you that you wouldn't be speaking as you speak now.

10 minutes ago, Jaysus41 said:

That was Operation Sling Stone, AKA Fomorian 1.0. The community buckled down and did it because DE threatened to hold resource drop rates hostage for a while if we failed, not because there was a special shiny reward at the end.

That's past now but since they did it once, they are capable of doing it again. Frankly, if event is failing, they should let it fail. This shows DE never learned the lesson, if community events are failing, never do them again.

Edited by CoreXCZ
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3 minutes ago, CoreXCZ said:

To be honest, I give a damn about reward. What bugs me is how badly done this scanning part is from design perspective. By the way, if they were transparent, I wouldn't be here, saying what I am saying, that's the difference if they were transparent. But I can't expect you to comprehend such simple logic.

Then why bring the reward up?

4 minutes ago, CoreXCZ said:

By the way, if they were transparent, I wouldn't be here, saying what I am saying, that's the difference if they were transparent.

That doesn't say what you think it says. But I wouldn't expect you to comprehend such logic.

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8 minutes ago, SordidDreams said:

Not run a community event in the first place? It's not like this was the first time. How many times does this exact thing have to happen before they learn? This lesson should've been learned years ago!

I'm sure next time they will be more careful 😇 (yes, it is sarcasm)

Jokes aside, it is another fusterclucked event. Obviously it is best to avoid making mistakes in the first place but when it happens it is only logic to try and fix things and learn something from it so you don't repeat the bloody mistake again. DE clearly missed  the first part of this mantra (and most likely the last too...we'll see).

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2 minutes ago, CoreXCZ said:

This shows DE never learned the lesson, if community events are failing, never do them again.

Or just have a contingency plan in place. It's like they never played an RPG. Anyone who's ever played one more than once knows that the vast majority of 'choices' are not choices at all, all you get is slightly different dialogue and then you end up in exactly the same place regardless of which option you picked.

Oh, you scanned all the hashes? Congrats, you can open the door by doing the puzzle. Oh, you didn't scan enough? No problem, the corpus have a shipment of mining explosives coming in, just hijack it and blow through that door. Boom, problem solved.

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16 minutes ago, Jaysus41 said:

That was Operation Sling Stone, AKA Fomorian 1.0. The community buckled down and did it because DE threatened to hold resource drop rates hostage for a while if we failed, not because there was a special shiny reward at the end.

Who knew that a twitchy, impatient, ADHD addled community wouldn't go around and find these tiny NES cartridges in a map that's the size of Montana with 0 clue on where they might be?

Probably DE.

If the community did, so much the better. If they didn't, DE was covered. At that point, why not?

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42 minutes ago, Fire2box said:

thats 100% fair IMHO

Not really especially if said event is holding on to something many want such as Hildryn for example. The moment it fails and DE snatches it away people will start complaining about pay walls and setting the bar too high and how its DEs fault. 


45 minutes ago, SordidDreams said:

DE gives us an event that can fail and we choose to fail it, they should just grow a pair and let it fail.

And the result is the players owning up to their inability? You know full well that will never happen. 

Not every event can have meaningful rewards, some are just that, an event, something different to do, something odd to uncover etc. 

Stopping them entirely because of a seemingly mis placed want to watch hard work burn on both DE and the players part isnt constructive, itll just make people cynical and not do the next event.

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32 minutes ago, Fire2box said:

It would be hilarious but the reason the community failed is they simply didn't know what to do. How many people just watched video guides on the locations to scan? I know I was one and even then I still only scanned 6 or 7. 

I scanned a few (looking at a guide), and then decided it wasn't worth the time. I didn't even know there was no reward tied to the scans themselves. We were going to move to phase 2 of the event no matter what, and I had other things to do.


...although I kinda wished they'd owned it and let it fail; impractical, but it would have been refreshing.

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2 minutes ago, peterc3 said:

Then why bring the reward up?

Addition above but I will repeat it - "Try looking for them without any hints, without any leads and I can guarantee you that you wouldn't be speaking as you speak now.". Why it's so boring? Because there are no leads and it requires way too much time and effort, which is not worth it. Why people don't care about community event? Because they feel no meaning behind it. You can't expect people to do something for nothing (techically just for opening a door in some uninteresting cave), mystery isn't strong enough motivation to kick people into action, community event or not.


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hace 6 minutos, Ham_Grenabe dijo:

I scanned a few (looking at a guide), and then decided it wasn't worth the time. I didn't even know there was no reward tied to the scans themselves. We were going to move to phase 2 of the event no matter what, and I had other things to do.


...although I kinda wished they'd owned it and let it fail; impractical, but it would have been refreshing.

And that's the reason they had to boost the results, people will get bored, i spent 1 hour and a half to scan all of them, and with a guide, if i had to scan all 16 of the hashes without a guide i would've been bored on the first 10 minutes, they should do less hashes, i'm not saying they should do another thing, but at least don't make it that annoying.

Edit: or, give clues of where to find them

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4 minutes ago, Ham_Grenabe said:

...although I kinda wished they'd owned it and let it fail; impractical, but it would have been refreshing.

Me too.

At the same time I only wanted that because I knew it was impossible for DE to do after locking a brand new Warframe behind a supposedly time limited community goal.

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59 minutes ago, SordidDreams said:

If DE gives us an event that can fail and we choose to fail it, they should just grow a pair and let it fail. Inflating the numbers is like having a railroading GM in a tabletop RPG. If it doesn't matter what you do and the story is going to progress along a predetermined path anyway, the illusion of choice just feels like an added kick in the teeth. DE should either give genuine choice or dispense with the deception.

I don't see this as valid criticism in this specific context

Were you around for Eyes of Blight? The playerbase chose to let Strata Relay die. And when the timer hit zero, Strata blew up. DE didn't railroad us. This Data Hash thing really isn't in the same bucket, and I wouldn't call it railroady...

Whereas in Eyes of Blight players who DIDN'T want to fail had the option of running Fomorian missions as many times as they wanted, Data Hashes are story objectives you can only contribute to once. Also, while in Eyes of Blight choosing to fail meant seeing one of two story outcomes (and a sweet cutscene to boot), choosing to fail Data Hashes is just preventing a single story from progressing. My conclusion is that if you choose to fail Data Hashes, the only consequence is that you don't get to see the story; expecting DE to deny that story to everyone is selfish, contrarian, and d*ckish, because you're wanting to see OTHER players fail due to circumstances outside of their control despite putting the effort in themselves

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4 minutes ago, wargthewarg said:

Me too.

At the same time I only wanted that because I knew it was impossible for DE to do after locking a brand new Warframe behind a supposedly time limited community goal.

Absolutely. I said "impractical," but actually the better word would be "impossible." They painted themselves into a corner. 

That said, to answer the OP's actual question, this doesn't bother me much. 

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