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why NightWave its not fair for the new players?



I started to play like 2 months ago  and now i find out that i can't go on any more , since every one know there is no alerts and no Aura mods or 

Nitain extract , we need to but them by wold cred but do you think we get enough cred ? "no we don't" 

same thing with some tasks! we can't do many of them like "Profit taker"

DE pls ! you should understand between make the game hard and fun , Or make  make the players suffer and boring!

most the players getting hard time in OV since its laggy , they just play there because they have to farm some stuff not because they enjoying  ..

and in my opinion the big problem in this game is the "Host migration" that really some times make me feel that i don't want to play again when it happened and you lose every thing in that mission.

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1 hour ago, SastusBulbas said:

With the old system a new player could get a handful of weapons, build Vauban, grab a few mods, get a few helmets n skins and up to 28 Nitain at 4 per day if they became so dedicated they ran every alert possible.

That's just it, you couldn't unless you literally played 24x7. I have plenty of time to play other than working hours being single and I don't think I got 3x Nitain in a single day when I literally set aside all of my spare time and had the mobile app telling me about alerts so I could jump on. 1 or 2 per day at best. As mentioned above it took me over 6 months get get one part of Vauban whereas I could have had the lot in about a week with NW with minimal farming.

I think far too many are thinking they absolutely must complete every single challenge and that is not the mentality to have unless you at sortie level already and have an active clan/friends list and far too much time on your hands (looks a clan mate of mine) . NW isn't intended to be played that way, Steve even said that you only need to complete about 60% of the challenges so you are pretty much wasting time if you do more than that as you aren't getting extra rewards you just get there a bit faster. You will actually complete many of the challenges by pretending NW doesn't exist and just playing the game like you always do.

NW takes the luck out of being on when an alert shows up and also that Nitain being on a mission type I hate (I let many go because of this on the old system). It does take a little longer but you can now choose your reward and get more for your time. I do think the tiers/rewards need some tweaking but NW is far better than the old system in my opinion at least.

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I play from 50 days(exactly) and I'm at 12 at nightwave.I didn't do the sorties or the Eidolons and still if the nature of the challenges don't change I think I will have no problem to reach 30.
I now have two aura mods from the wave and one reactor.If I relied on the old rng system of allerts I could easily miss them because I'm 9 hours at work, I have to sleep and have other things to attend to.
Now at least I have a clear goal and a way to achieve it without the hit or miss thing.

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11 minutes ago, Shalath said:

so you are pretty much wasting time if you do more than that as you aren't getting extra rewards you just get there a bit faster.

Not saying anything against your opinion, just want to add the following:
You get extra stuff for doing all the challenges. After rank 30 you will get Wolf Cred for getting higher ranks.
They confirmed that in Devstream 124.
The 60% are for the 30 ranks.
This isn't all that important. I just wanted to add it.

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6 hours ago, Myscho said:

Cant all acts be oriented only for newbies, there must be something for veterans too

since when were bog standard alerts meant to be for vets.  nothing wrong implimenting their new system but old alerts should not have been removed, for 1 it was some form of solar map activity to do out of the singular map unlock, and it should have remained as a low reward thing for new players, credits/resources/etc, they could easily have both systems to appease and suit vets as well as new players, but as usual DE go all in on trying to appease 1 side while ignoring the other when it could have been an easy fix for both.

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It is fair. it motive  new players to reach new " lvl´s " get futher on game. like in any other game lol common what happend with this comunity. This game is way  easy and fast to get " the last lvl things " while you actually can spend years to get same in any others games.

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6 hours ago, Lojien said:

comn guys what the matter with you ? be reasonable pls

Calm down... From what I've read, you want everything on offer. But that won't happen. I get that you're mad about it, but veterans have been wanting better challenges for years. As of right now, Nightwave is the best DE has offered. They will come to fixing the new player experience in time, but for now, they are focusing on rewarding the people who have stuck with the game, rather than caving in the the demands of newbies who don't yet understand the full scale of the game. Remain patient, and things will get better.

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9 minutes ago, LoneWolf9989 said:

Calm down... From what I've read, you want everything on offer. But that won't happen.

i respect all replays and they have good points, but the way you talking you take it very personally! 

you the one who need to calm down :)  , just trying to understand and yea...may of the  replays  are have a good point and i need to work in other way !

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7 hours ago, Lojien said:

i find out that i can't go on any more , since every one know there is no alerts and no Aura mods or 

Nitain extract , we need to but them by wold cred but do you think we get enough cred ? "no we don't

Previously there were 3 Nitain alerts a day, but spread out so the average player (an hour or two every couple of days) would only get lucky about once or twice a week.

Now you can buy a bundle every week or so with Nightwave credits. It works about about the same, maybe slightly lower.

However: Forma, Orokin Catalysts/Reactors, weapon blueprints and Vuban are much easier to get now. Overall it's a huge improvement for most players.

8 hours ago, Lojien said:

and in my opinion the big problem in this game is the "Host migration" that really some times make me feel that i don't want to play again when it happened and you lose every thing in that mission

I agree with you there 100%! It does even have anything to do with the host, as I've had the message on solo missions or ones where I started the mission.

Apparently DE make you lose everything because griefers used to quit early, but I don't think there are any players who wouldn't trade being occasionally left in the lurch rather than losing entire matches.

On a previous week I got a host migration (when I was host) 58 minutes into the 1 hour kuva survival. Host migration is the biggest issue with this game by a huge margin.

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2 hours ago, Shalath said:


NW takes the luck out of being on when an alert shows up and also that Nitain being on a mission type I hate (I let many go because of this on the old system). It does take a little longer but you can now choose your reward and get more for your time. I do think the tiers/rewards need some tweaking but NW is far better than the old system in my opinion at least.

Yeah. I got to the point where Nitain alerts i could pick and choose, well when I had 40 odd and nothing requiring them as far as im aware. 

Vauban took no time, my lad got him by Rank 3. 

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11 minutes ago, (XB1)KayAitch said:

Apparently DE make you lose everything because griefers used to quit early, but I don't think there are any players who wouldn't trade being occasionally left in the lurch rather than losing entire matches.

On a previous week I got a host migration (when I was host) 58 minutes into the 1 hour kuva survival. Host migration is the biggest issue with this game by a huge margin.

Host migration issues can't easily be fixed without completely changing how the online system works. Currently, it's peer to peer, and they only other option would be servers. However, DE don't really seem interested in having servers due to their cost

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Just now, LoneWolf9989 said:

Host migration issues can't easily be fixed without completely changing how the online system works. Currently, it's peer to peer, and they only other option would be servers. However, DE don't really seem interested in having servers due to their cost

No, they're fairly easy to fix, as your game has a local (if shallow) copy of the host state. Not enough to be seamless, but enough to recover the mission progress, pickups, general enemy location and your location after loading back in enemy AI and the like.

However, I'd settle for just keeping everything I'd earned before their game crashed.

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Just want to add that I am a MR6 player who has been around since Christmas or before (?). Casual doesn't even begin to describe me. I do maybe 1 or 2 solo missions every other day. This weekend I was able to play a little more but i'm getting into the weeds.

I am not a huge fan of Nightwave because of the stuff hidden behind accomplishments and I honestly miss the alert system. I ran endo alerts almost every time I saw them because as a new player, endo helps a lot, though the inordinate amount of plastids required at low levels irritate the crap out of me because you don't start getting plastids until saturn or so...but again, I'm off in the weeds.

I understand as a new player, content will be a lot more difficult for me so because I like the game, i'm essentially ignoring the Nightwave content until I can get to a level where I can actually take advantage of it. If I happen to make a few accomplishments, then more power to me but i'm only just past level 2 of Nightwave. I have a glyph I don't know how to access and what look like stickers which i'm sure help nothing at all, ever. Next is 50 wolf credits which will help with...something, apparently. I don't know. I really liked the option of seeing an alert that would give me something I could use when i'm around.

As an old hand at MMOs I understand the pain of endgame as most endgame turns to PvP which also creates problems. So i'm happy to see content for those players but many of these folks are also the ones that burn through content in minutes.



Edited by LEXEN-OBF
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10 hours ago, Lojien said:

I started to play like 2 months ago  and now i find out that i can't go on any more , since every one know there is no alerts and no Aura mods or 

Nitain extract , we need to but them by wold cred but do you think we get enough cred ? "no we don't"  To be honest in the old system unless you were on alot you would miss the 2am Vauban Neroptics you'v been chasing for two weeks and Auras didn't pop up as often as you think. Plus with the creds you can pick your alternate helmet choice vs having to wait two weeks for it to pop up. 

same thing with some tasks! we can't do many of them like "Profit taker" Not all tasks are geared towards new players. To access this you have to earn your way up to do so. I know vets who still haven't done this yet. To be honest after dealing with players in eidolon hunts who had no place being there I can understand the way Orb was set up.

DE pls ! you should understand between make the game hard and fun , Or make  make the players suffer and boring! The gam eis both...if it was too easy players wuld get bored and quit logging on to play...too hard and no one would play the content...other than a few bugs it is pretty well balanced.

most the players getting hard time in OV since its laggy , they just play there because they have to farm some stuff not because they enjoying  .. That's because the last full update screwed matchmaking up...have to remember the game is still in beta.

and in my opinion the big problem in this game is the "Host migration" that really some times make me feel that i don't want to play again when it happened and you lose every thing in that mission.


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Overall I'd say newer players get access to less stuff under Nightwave than they did under the alerts, but you get to choose what rewards you get instead of being at the mercy of the alert RnG. I would prefer to have the option of choosing which aura mod I got, rather than having access to 5 that I didn't actually want.. 

Everyone comparing how bad it is to the old alerts for newer players also seems to forget you now get frame and weapon slots as a level reward as well, which previously the only way to get them was with plat.

Nightwave defs needs some rebalancing (maybe give wolf creds earlier instead of the glyph/sigil) , but I'd take it over the old alerts. 

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12 hours ago, (PS4)salem9080 said:

Get someone to help u do the challenge u can't do . Or someone who want to do it. Easy.


Easy really?

Try doing this weeks OV profit taker challenge as a new player?

Remember you must be max rank with SU before you can even start with the profit taker phase 1. Let alone find a friend or clan member that knows how to do the fight.

Or even the Hydrolyst. Easy for experienced POE players. Not easy for even long time players who don't regularly do these fights.

Have fun and may RNG be forever in your favor.

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“You can get 4 x nitain a day in the old system”

... if you play 24 hours a day, yes.  Whereas most of us were lucky to get a nitain a day at max.  And be forced into an arch wing mission or something you dislike in order to get it.  

New players, please listen to us older players when we say the new system is better.  We have the experience and knowledge to tell you this.  I’ve been playing a year and a couple of those aura mods I have never ever gotten.  Now I can, if I want them.  I remember once really wanting one of the Titania helms and went 6 months before I saw the alert come up.

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I'm a new player too, recently got my second frame and reached MR6. I've been impressed with the Nightwave missions, they've got me playing things like the Vox Solaris campaign to unlock Orb Vallis and into fishing and gem mining a lot sooner than I would have otherwise. I didn't know exactly what was happening to start with so the first couple of weeks are pretty much a write-off as far as points gathering goes but I'm hoping to trip over to rank 8 soon.

I'm probably not going to be bothering the higher NW ranks much and there are missions I can't do either through lack of access or lack of friends (sob, poor me, etc.) but that's fine, it means the missions aren't a complete wash for experienced players. I've been more put out by not having the skills, equipment and everything else for the Buried Debts missions but it'll come back again in due course and hopefully I'll be ready for it then.

Biggest problems I have with NW is some of Nora's announcements are intrusive, though she's shut up a bit recently, and sometimes I have no interest in trying to capture the 3 fire-bombers. If I'm playing solo to level a new set of weapons or have some quiet time fishing, I don't need those level 20 idiots popping up, especially when they teleport in front of me repeatedly.

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14 hours ago, Heretic-Prime said:

well you are asking DE to change the challenges to suit casual players who cant take any challenge if you do some of the challenges and skip the few that you think are "hard" you should be able to get the aura mods you want im at rank 19 already and the challenges some are annoying but its not impossible 


Dude...being a new player and being a casual player are completely different things. You can have been playing since launch and still be a casual. While I do agree that they need challenges for people with good gear, they should have some good rewards for lower players so they can sort of catch up.

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Took 2 months before I got my first corrosive projection (I ran with some crappy rejuvenation for a long time just to get more modspaces).
And I only got this aura since I found out about the alert apps what were around (since I work from home I could go online and do the alert but otherwise it probably would have took another 2 months).
So without an alert app (plus you have to be available if it "alerts" you) or you are playing almost 24/7 the old alert system was not very casual friendly.
I have a casual friend so when I was online and he wasnt I would sometimes sign onto his account to do a vauban part alert or maybe an aura.

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19 minutes ago, (XB1)Dic3man said:

I have a casual friend so when I was online and he wasnt I would sometimes sign onto his account to do a vauban part alert or maybe an aura.

You know that this isn't allowed and you and your freind could get banned for doing that. At least I hope that you know that...

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