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45 Minute Wolf Battle


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So it got to the point where Wolf seems to show up every other mission.  No weapon I have ever seems to do move his health bar.  Either I die or I try to ignore him and complete the objective.  

Last night he shows up during my daily 5 wave Dark Sector defense for 50k credits - my only money making method.  I try to ignore him but at the end of wave 5 I get no option to extract.  There’s just me, Wolf and his 3 immortal boys.  Stand and fight seems to be my only option.  Luckily the map is the small ice tile set one with several tall structures, so it’s easy to evade him.  

45 minutes!  I had ignis wraith with radiation damage.  Used about 1200 rounds of ammunition.  Luckily I remembered to use Saryn’s 3rd ability which seemed to boost the damage a fraction.  Also lucky, I had Carrier and there was a ton of ammunition on the ground. 

I got some basic 90% damage mod for my efforts.  

Not saying it wasn’t fun.  I just hope he doesn’t keep showing up now because that can get old fast.  

I’ll try a zaw next time.  Unfortunately Wolf always seems to show when I am leveling new weapons.  

Love the design of the boss.  Like his attacks.  Hate that he is a ridiculous damage sponge.  Compare to Shadow Stalker: he shows, either he kills me or I kill him (it’s about 50/50), but it’s all over in 5 minutes.  

Maybe ignis wraith is a bad choice, but I’ve yet to wield any weapon that does more than 100 damage to the guy with any consistency.  Jeez. 

Oh, and I don’t know if this is related, but why do the Perrin Sequence keep trying to kill me every other mission.  I haven’t heard from them in months and all of a sudden if it’s not Wolf it’s these bozos.  Super weird. Good for affinity though.  

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Yup, I just made a thread speaking about this, I'm pretty sure he got a stealth buff. I had a squad of 2 people with Arca Plasmors and me with a Rubico prime and it took us full 10 minutes of us constantly going down and firing at him just so in the end we get nothing. That's not fun. Hunting eidolons as a full team with barely good amps and bring down the Hydrolist at the last second of the sunrise IS fun because it guarantees you rewards and makes the fight worth it.

I just hope this is avoided in future events.

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13 minutes ago, (PS4)Limorkil said:

my only money making method

Uh I'm not sure how far in you are but a better way of making money would be to go to a mission node on Neptune called The Index, there's often a group doing the various three levels in recruit chat so its easy to get a group for too and the returns are higher than 50k (the lowest being a 75k return for winning) and its often faster than 5 defense waves if you can get a group together, I'd suggest looking into it, and if you're not to the planet yet, keep it in mind its a good way to make some bank fairly quickly.

As for the Wolf thing, yeah he's a unrepentant sponge and his reward pool stinks worse than a backed up toilet.

Edit: Forgot to mention, the Wolf can't show up at the Index as an added bonus

Edited by Aldain
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Yes Ignis wraith is a bad weapon choice, you should try a sniper rifle or any hard hitting weapon without slash damage. You got the radiation damage bit right. Use a kitty with sharpened claws and he becomes a lot easier. It sounds like you're relatively new if you're farming dark sector for credits so I understand why you might be having some issues doing enough damage.

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i'll be honest, he's spongey, but it's only ever taken me about 10 mins to kill him. one time I only had a Tatsu, no guns, and I think that took 15 mins to get the kill. unless you're missing  a lot of mods or trying to fight him in a Kuva Flood or something, he shouldn't be that tough. the minions he has can be annoying now though, they shouldn't have made them invincible until Wolf is killed.

the main problem he has for me is the same as stalker: his drop rates absolutely suck. I'll hit rank 30 for this Nightwave, but the Wolf Sledge is probably gonna take a year or more to get, depending on when it returns.

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9 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

i'll be honest, he's spongey, but it's only ever taken me about 10 mins to kill him. one time I only had a Tatsu, no guns, and I think that took 15 mins to get the kill. unless you're missing  a lot of mods or trying to fight him in a Kuva Flood or something, he shouldn't be that tough. the minions he has can be annoying now though, they shouldn't have made them invincible until Wolf is killed.

the main problem he has for me is the same as stalker: his drop rates absolutely suck. I'll hit rank 30 for this Nightwave, but the Wolf Sledge is probably gonna take a year or more to get, depending on when it returns.

Back before this (supposed) nerf I ran into him once at hydron and for some reason he and his 3 mooks were level 81 and it took us 35 minutes to down him, so supposedly regulating the average time to kill to around 10 minutes is a new thing (aside from certain people on this forum who claimed to be able to two shot him) is a good thing in my book.

Though why he has such utter trash for a time limited boss is a mystery to me, I mean if he dropped rare mods like Rage or hell, any actual Rare mods those at least can be bits of platium or helpful to new players who don't have em yet. But DE decided NOPE make him drop Basic elemental mods and 3 random stance mods, though Tempo Royale is one of them.

Hell the best mod he can drop is Target Acquired which is hilariously rare and he's (ironically) the highest drop source of it at 4.16% (compared to the other sources that are 1% or less).

So aside from Sledge Parts, he drops 2 decent mods and the rest is garbage....and I can't figure out why anyone would think this was a good idea.

Edited by Aldain
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DE has just nerfed him big time in the latest patches. Both his lvl and tankiness decreased. Yet people still struggle this much... Btw why don't you just abort if it takes 45 mins? Sure, you lose like 6-7 mins of mission, but it is absolutely pointless sitting there for 45 mins.

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3 minutes ago, Mr.SpookSpook said:

DE has just nerfed him big time in the latest patches. Both his lvl and tankiness decreased. Yet people still struggle this much... Btw why don't you just abort if it takes 45 mins? Sure, you lose like 6-7 mins of mission, but it is absolutely pointless sitting there for 45 mins.

So you're just saying that the whole boss is pointless in general?


And the fact that people are struggling harder than before to take down the wolf would imply that said nerf was either reversed or never happened in the first place.

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3 hours ago, Mrevasivepants said:

Yup, I just made a thread speaking about this, I'm pretty sure he got a stealth buff. I had a squad of 2 people with Arca Plasmors and me with a Rubico prime and it took us full 10 minutes of us constantly going down and firing at him just so in the end we get nothing. That's not fun. Hunting eidolons as a full team with barely good amps and bring down the Hydrolist at the last second of the sunrise IS fun because it guarantees you rewards and makes the fight worth it.

I just hope this is avoided in future events.

I fought him 3 times in the first few weeks and was able to chew him down. Twice w my Zaw and once with Artemis Bow. 

Fast forward a bit and 2 hit us twice this week. Neither time my Zaw did much of anything.

Feels like he got buffed, hard.

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It pains me to share a positive note because the devs will call it an exploit but here we go, I was powerleveling at Hydron with 3 randos, Wolf showed up and everyone knew what was coming, fortunately I was using Garuda, guess what happened? I squeezed his minions over and over again for 1 Million blood per charge, then I charged my whole energy bar and released the heart for around 35 million damage and we defeated him very fast, well, it still took me 3 full hearts to beat him, ok, incoming Garuda nerf in the next update because how dare we "exploit" the game's mechanics (AKA, not playing the game the way some dev who never plays the game wants us to play.)

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Seeing these replies makes me feel better.   I don’t have a kavat yet, but I have some decent weapons including a couple of nice zaws.   To the person wondering why I didn’t just abort: I didn’t know it would take so long, I wanted to see if he dropped anything good (Hah!) and I thought maybe if I killed him he wouldn’t keep showing up every other mission.  Next time I abort.  

I’m familiar with the Index but I am not good enough for it yet- I’ve only ever lost money and I can’t afford to lose money.  I’m working on getting Rhino to the point where he can do the Index but thermal fissures and Nightwave have taken all my time of late.

As I said, I liked the Wolf fight as a one off, but if he keeps coming at this frequency it will get old real fast.  Particularly with no worthwhile loot.


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The only time his spongieness is really a problem is solo Kuva survival since life support stops spawning, you drop to 5 health, then get one shot by anything and nothing you can do about it and he despawns.

My issues with him are: He doesn't spawn nearly enough, his parts rarely drop, and the fight is not interesting.


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I've only fought him once since nightwave started and only took about five minutes with Revenant and a catchmoon kitgun. Used his minions and enemies around him to distract him as I wore him down. Got a sledge part, so all in all not a bad fight. 😊

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1 hour ago, (PS4)Limorkil said:

Seeing these replies makes me feel better.   I don’t have a kavat yet, but I have some decent weapons including a couple of nice zaws.   To the person wondering why I didn’t just abort: I didn’t know it would take so long, I wanted to see if he dropped anything good (Hah!) and I thought maybe if I killed him he wouldn’t keep showing up every other mission.  Next time I abort.  

I’m familiar with the Index but I am not good enough for it yet- I’ve only ever lost money and I can’t afford to lose money.  I’m working on getting Rhino to the point where he can do the Index but thermal fissures and Nightwave have taken all my time of late.

As I said, I liked the Wolf fight as a one off, but if he keeps coming at this frequency it will get old real fast.  Particularly with no worthwhile loot.


If you want some help with index drop me a friend request w a message on PS4.

I can do the Rhinos work and we can run some high risk; got a load out set up just for that.

I can help you with anything else as well, I'm on from around 6pm pst till bed everyday.

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Imperator Vandal to the face seems to help some. He spawned last night for me during a public Nightmare Rescue mission (naturally after we get the hostage out). All I had was my Cobra & Crane and an energy-less Mesa (Energy Drain modifier).

Pulled out the good-ol archgun and shot him in the head a lot. One of my teammates put him to sleep so it helped some. 2 min, max, maybe?

Edit: maybe not put to sleep, but he was tethered and looked like he was asleep. He wasn't fighting for most of the battle so idk.

Edited by (XB1)Skippy575
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8 minutes ago, (XB1)Skippy575 said:

Imperator Vandal to the face seems to help some. He spawned last night for me during a public Nightmare Rescue mission (naturally after we get the hostage out). All I had was my Cobra & Crane and an energy-less Mesa (Energy Drain modifier).

Pulled out the good-ol archgun and shot him in the head a lot. One of my teammates put him to sleep so it helped some. 2 min, max, maybe?

Edit: maybe not put to sleep, but he was tethered and looked like he was asleep. He wasn't fighting for most of the battle so idk.

I thought the Wolf was completely immune to cc, elemental effects, and warframe abilities in general. What they use to tether him like that?

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He's just not fun to fight. He's a big sandbag with bad drop rates.

Stalker is a giggle once in a while. He  also never outstays his welcome. He shows up and the fight is quick and clean. He CAN kill you, geared or not, its just he's unlikely to if you're at least halfway decent. This is fine for the type of boss he is. Nothing has to grind to a halt involving him unless you want it to.

 Wolf just feels like some kind of mid-mission punishment in comparison. The words "META POP QUIZ" may as well flash on the damn screen in big red letters when he turns up because sure as S#&$ if you don't have a modded to hell and back piece of gear he's gonna be there fighting you for a decade. Considering as a player I tend to play with weapons I feel like as opposed to weapons that feel meta that basically means every time he'll RANDOMLY pop up my 10-15 minute mission is now more like 30-40 minutes.  I'll spend more time on him than the objective. This is inherently stupid.

 "What's that Tenno? You don't happen to have a DPS-cannon in your loadout? DAMN son we're gonna be here a LONG TIME." - Quoted from the Wolf upon spawning into a group of players trying to farm in the year 80XX

Edited by Blatantfool
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1 minute ago, (NSW)Agent-10 said:

I thought the Wolf was completely immune to cc, elemental effects, and warframe abilities in general. What they use to tether him like that?

Could've been Magus Lockdown, although I thought it didn't work on him anymore, unless I read the patch notes on it wrong.

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