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I agree. Its gotten very old very quickly that every single new piece of content is locked behind syndicate reputation grind. Its just a blatant attempt to make the sliver of content they release last longer. I miss warframe parts being grinded via bosses. At this rate it might just be better for me to go to another game that actually respects my time.

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6 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:

You do realize that if you say the more reasonable way to obtain a frame is "just buy them with plat', that means you admit the "regular" farming method is just badly designed?


I'm saying farming for plat is easier than farming for pretty much anything in this game.

Regardless. May I ask what MR you think "syndicate grindwalls" become a non-existant problem for?

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48 minutes ago, TenGaugeBoson said:

Agree this is why I quit WOW was their allied race behind rep grind and flying behind rep grind.

Some people loath grinding rep. It is a way to chase people away.

Again that is why I quit World of Warcraft. so...

Despite WoW being in a garbage state, they give you months to get the reputation required for those races with the exception of Mag'har Orcs and Dark Iron Dwarves who were available at launch and we're unlocked in the first month through your normal progression the story/character wise. People had months to get the reputation for the Kul Tirans and Zandalari Trolls, much like people had the entire expansion of Legion to cap out for the first wave of allied races.

If you don't like doing the content, then choose not to do it, and complain about the grind after having months to prepare, you have nobody to blame but yourself. It's our job as players to give feedback on things like missions/rewards/etc in the hopes that change happens. Ignoring it and then lashing back out because you didn't do the content to get the future rewards is not a way to get your opinion out. Baruuk was hardly a time/rep gate, we had plenty of time to farm toroids in bulk, which many did. Hildryn as well, we've had even longer to get the required reputation and it was still lowered. Revenant as well, we had plenty of time. 

Play the game, get rewarded, this isn't a 60 dollar AAA shooter that hands you things on a silver platter. 


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1 hour ago, MattM01 said:

How most threads go when someone constructively criticizes D.E. "D.E. Defender Powers Activate form a well of denial and and impenetrable wall of self righteous judgment!"

Because it's all about personal opinion... lul.

Actually dunno so nvm.

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Not going to read 4 pages back, but I don't mind frames/weapons/etc locked behind MR/Standing/Reputation.

What I don't like is new content locked behind the above...I think people should be able to play new content with their existing equipment where possible.

Obviously, this leads to an issue if the new frame is the drop chance reward for the new content as opposed to something purchased from a vendor like little duck.

I have several clan mates who would like to fight profit taker just to experience it but are no where close to old mate (and at the rate they're going, may never be lol)



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14 hours ago, Datam4ss said:

It took me a week to go to Old Mate because of hard on focus on Rep Grind at the expense of all else (except Sorties) since I have nothing left to do, but for someone of more average MR, that time can easily be double or triple mine and they have loads of stuff on their To Do list.

You gotta realize not everyone wants to rush MR then rush Syndicates then rush Open Worlds when it is a massive slog fest.


The weird thing is this "focus on rep grind at the expense of all else". Maxing daily Fortuna standing takes around 15 minutes, maybe even less, just by catching the highest tiered animal you can...catch. Complaining about spending 15 minutes of your precious day is relatively dumb in my humble opinion.



Notice how many times I said "farm" in that last sentence? Gara and Revenant didn't have this slog, and neither did Garuda, Baruuk is the first frame to be aquired behind THIS CALIBER of farming.

A new player can get Gara and Garuda together faster than Baruuk alone.


"This caliber" only applies to Atmo Systems though. Garuda is still locked behind FOUR syndicate levelups(unless you buy them from other players) and still requires a ton of resources to be farmed.


The two early Systems are the only "problems" of this farming. Otherwise they're the fastest rankable syndicates in the game.

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I've gotten to the point where I don't even care about the new frames beyond mastery rank, Lately they all feel so meh,... I don't feel the push to have them anymore like I did with Chroma, Inaros, and Nidus due to the eventual disappointment in these new frames, and eventually I'll gain them in due time so it's not a rush...Primes are for the most part are all I want and are worthy of any of my time or forma to be invested in....

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Just to be blunt...

It's a Free to Play game folks. These genre/payment plan for a Videogame often includes excessive grinding.

Ironically this is a flip of the Pay to own videogames (Destiny, Division) where players complain: "I paid $60 for the game. Why must I do ___ for [Character/Weapon]. How dare you gate me when I paid you already."

IE: People want instant gratification for no effort. Difference is...a Free to Play game is significantly less likely to award players this.

Warframe's is honestly quite fair. Only asks for some minor dedication.

Other Free to Play games that have "Direct Unlocks" for 100% Free players ask for more.


Collect 500 [Character] Shards/Tickets/Cards/Tokens/CopCopies of the Character (Max you can collect a day without cash being used is 10, sometimes those 10 are only if RNG blessed you)

Upgrade [Lesser Character] to rank [50-100] to upgrade into [Character]. (Rank ups take months to obtain due to RNG acquisition.)

Buy Character with earned Free Currency. (Free currency caps out daily at 500. Character costs 50,000 vs paid price. To put it in Warframe terms...150p vs 10mill Credits but Credits cap at 10k Credits a day.)

Have to use a specific Character to farm the materials/currency for the desired Character. But you have to use around half of that earned free currency to repair/reenergize the specific character. (IE: You're going no where fast.)

Most games are deliberately unfair in Free Acquisition. Warframe literally gives players options at a fair & unlimited rate.

Is it frustrating? Yes.

But DE needs to try & turn a profit. So it needs to make Plat the "quick" option.

Let's not forget Plat purchase also includes Warframe Slot & Orokin Reactor installed, which really sweetens the pot. In game acquistion doesn't include those features.

Hell, other Free to Play games do not award the upgraded Character/item for money purchase. You have to pay extra for the upgrade.

IE: While Reputation grinds can be boring its significantly more doable & fair than other options/paths.

1 game I played. It would take me literally 1 year to unlock a character for free; due to the cap on currency earned per day & per week. And that's as high in currency you can earn period, without spending on daily nessicities.

They basically said to the players: "Oh you'll pay us. Because you can't progress further without said character because our expansion requires them for the *ahem* "Storyline"."

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11 hours ago, FlusteredFerret said:


In case you hadn't noticed, this game is all about the grind.

I think the devs even said in the last stream that they have no plans for any new frame quests, so it looks like this is the only way we're going to get them, for the foreseeable future.

Also, its not like grinding rep is much worse than doing repeat bounties or missions, hoping the right components drop.


Except the average drop rate is ~10 runs of bounties and ~20 runs of most missions to get all the rewards (give or take).

Grinding to max rank with Solaris means doing ~100 bounties. And specifically doing them a few at a time every day over the course of a month. Or doing a half hour of grinding gems, again every day for a month.

Little bit of difference there.

8 hours ago, (PS4)Double991 said:

With the complaints from nightwave challenges asking you to kill Profit Taker it's apparent that many people would rather not even play the game until it's too late for them.

You only grind the rep for a syndicate once to access all of its rewards. Let me repeat that ONCE. In the case of Solaris United there is actual story and lore behind it. I suggest you grind your rep now while there's plenty of time so you aren't wondering why you can't get the new stuff later.

Strong possibility you'll need some Solaris United progress for that 3rd orb mother so get to it.

Edit: The early ranks for Vox Solaris where you can't buy the resource for rep so you're forced to grind Profit Taker bounties for an rng drop is probably the worst offender and I'm not supporting this type of grind.

It's a month worth of rep grind for many players. Every single day popping on to do rep. If you can't get on to do your rep every single day congrats it now takes two months or three months depending on how often you get on. And that's assuming you spend half an hour a day sitting there farming standing instead of actually playing the game and having fun.

The main factions aren't that bad since you can just passively earn quite a lot of standing while doing other stuff you enjoy. If there were syndicate standing marks for the PoE and Fortuna factions it wouldn't be half as bad, but with how it is right now you need to take time out of your day every single day for a month just to get Old Mate and unlock the Orb Mother Battles. I'm not sure how you can argue that a months worth of grinding is reasonable.

7 hours ago, Fallen77 said:

LMAO, I'm a full time accountant, can only play 2h a day after work

All synd maxed

All NW challenges so far done

FULLY up to date with all updates since Chains of Harrow.

You don't need to be a cave dweller to do it all, just do it, stop complaining on forums it's too hard (looking at you 1h survival) and do it my friend

 Edit : came out a bit strong, didn't mean go be... Well... Mean.

Just to say it's really not that much, people are not camping the game 10h at a time to get where they are. 

And how long have you been playing? When I started fresh last November on my new switch account that's super not realistic.

Veterans aren't the only people who's gameplay experience matters, and for people who are starting fresh it's a massive slog just lumped over the already existing tasks. I'd seriously suggest making a new account and playing through the new player experience. It gives you a much different perspective on this kind of stuff.

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They recently mentioned they stopped having 5wm behind quests because it took too much time to be able to meet the 3 month limit.

I’d infinitely prefer waiting six months for a new frame to have a nice quest rather than rep grind.  Even if I already have the rep for it.

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6 hours ago, TheGuyver said:

Despite WoW being in a garbage state, they give you months to get the reputation required for those races with the exception of Mag'har Orcs and Dark Iron Dwarves who were available at launch and we're unlocked in the first month through your normal progression the story/character wise. People had months to get the reputation for the Kul Tirans and Zandalari Trolls, much like people had the entire expansion of Legion to cap out for the first wave of allied races.

If you don't like doing the content, then choose not to do it, and complain about the grind after having months to prepare, you have nobody to blame but yourself. It's our job as players to give feedback on things like missions/rewards/etc in the hopes that change happens. Ignoring it and then lashing back out because you didn't do the content to get the future rewards is not a way to get your opinion out. Baruuk was hardly a time/rep gate, we had plenty of time to farm toroids in bulk, which many did. Hildryn as well, we've had even longer to get the required reputation and it was still lowered. Revenant as well, we had plenty of time. 

Play the game, get rewarded, this isn't a 60 dollar AAA shooter that hands you things on a silver platter. 


Little rude reply don't you think.Seems like you are trying to escalate this into something.I am out.

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17 hours ago, seprent said:

Harrow had a comic well it was rell chains of harrow seemed to go off what happened after also harrow brought man in the wall who was revealed voice wise in the end of the 2nd dream so.... thar be story if only minor

Comics don't count for story. That's lore and worldbuilding. Story needs to be in-game. Stuff we experience as it happens.

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7 hours ago, DLOArceus said:

The weird thing is this "focus on rep grind at the expense of all else". Maxing daily Fortuna standing takes around 15 minutes, maybe even less, just by catching the highest tiered animal you can...catch. Complaining about spending 15 minutes of your precious day is relatively dumb in my humble opinion.

Not factoring in other people's RL is also relatively dumb in my humble opinion. I mean, I do have everything in game, enough Toroids to max Vox and enough Eidolon cores to buy quite a few arcane sets but that is besides the point.

I only have about 30 - 60 mins to spend on WF on anyday that is not a weekend. 15 minutes is pretty damned long. After you include the 15 needed for Sortie at times. Which basically boils down to Sortie, Fortuna, one or two alerts and a couple of relics (on a good day), switch off.

Not everyone enjoys strip mining OV or Conservation.

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12 hours ago, (PS4)Double991 said:

With the complaints from nightwave challenges asking you to kill Profit Taker it's apparent that many people would rather not even play the game until it's too late for them.

The problem stems from having to get max SU reputation to access the Profit Taker and then also group up with clanmates or "friends" to take it down, not so much as to take him down, for that challenge you basically need to have full gear already, remember not all clans are very active and we got a bunch of ghost clans thanks to the Hema, the friend part may be "easy" in theory since you just have to add randos as friends but that's quite annoying for a lot of people too, is not so much as not wanting to play the game as it would be not having played the game enough to meet the requirements in time.

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It most definitely would be nice to have added lore or a questline or some sort behind the frames. 

They can start adding this into the frames we already have instead of the new frames. 

I’m hungry for more lore, cutscenes, decision making and blasting enemies.

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I like the idea of lore quests for each frames, but to be honest, I didn't pay attention to the ones we already have. As a new player, I just wanted to get certain frames which meant rushing to certain boss fights on the star chart or unlocking certain milestones. The story through the star chart was so fractured that by the time I finally could get Mesa, I didn't even remember who Alad V was or why I was fighting him. There are so many things to do in this game that pull you away from the main story progression, or just outright change the order in which you are introduced to the lore, that it felt too fragmented and chaotic to follow along. They often make such subtle nods to the story that you don't even realize that you're staring at a piece of lore. I like environmental story telling like this, but you have to be really invested into the game if you want to get the most out of the story. 

I wouldn't be surprised (being one of those people myself initially) to hear that many players don't appreciate or even flat out ignore the story/lore for the frames already in the game.  So while I certainly wont complain if they make more lore driven quests for Warframes, I can't blame DE for just adding frame parts to an already existing reward pool instead of investing time and resources to make something unique for each new frame.

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7 hours ago, Datam4ss said:

Not factoring in other people's RL is also relatively dumb in my humble opinion. I mean, I do have everything in game, enough Toroids to max Vox and enough Eidolon cores to buy quite a few arcane sets but that is besides the point.

I only have about 30 - 60 mins to spend on WF on anyday that is not a weekend. 15 minutes is pretty damned long. After you include the 15 needed for Sortie at times. Which basically boils down to Sortie, Fortuna, one or two alerts and a couple of relics (on a good day), switch off.

Not everyone enjoys strip mining OV or Conservation.

Then you just make me wonder why one with such a limited time would even play a game which thrives on 15-20 minutes mission outside some like Capture, at all. You certainly aren't the only one in that situation, that is understandable, but on the other hand your situation isn't exactly common either so "not factoring it" isn't an existing issue.

Regardless of time available or liking or enjoying it, it still doesn't stop Solaris United and Vox Solaris from being the fastest reppable syndicates in the game that take no effort to level up even by players that just started, with Gyromag and Atmo Systems being the only annoying wall between a player and rank ups and only on Vox Solaris too. Not mentioning that they rack up a tons of resources that they can use later. A new player doing an Exploiter Orb with a group could build his own strong Kitgun almost immediately and use the Toroid he got to rank up instantly when he gets access to Vox Solaris.

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1 minute ago, DLOArceus said:

Then you just make me wonder why one with such a limited time would even play a game which thrives on 15-20 minutes mission outside some like Capture, at all. You certainly aren't the only one in that situation, that is understandable, but on the other hand your situation isn't exactly common either so "not factoring it" isn't an existing issue.

Regardless of time available or liking or enjoying it, it still doesn't stop Solaris United and Vox Solaris from being the fastest reppable syndicates in the game that take no effort to level up even by players that just started, with Gyromag and Atmo Systems being the only annoying wall between a player and rank ups and only on Vox Solaris too. Not mentioning that they rack up a tons of resources that they can use later. A new player doing an Exploiter Orb with a group could build his own strong Kitgun almost immediately and use the Toroid he got to rank up instantly when he gets access to Vox Solaris.

No offense, if you like endless, that's just you, because non endless missions don't normally last more than 5 minutes. I play Warframe precisely because things like Sortie and Nightwave are still manageable for someone with my kind of time if I plan things out and do them efficiently. But since you apparently found it necessary to say that "oh no people always have the 15 mins to spare", no, sadly that bubble of yours gotta burst.

I mean, you said I am complaining about spending 15 mins of my "precious day" when I am spending 15 mins of by "precious HOUR of game time". Someone in my situation has to fully commit to rep grind, like it or not, because of time constraints. To say the least, any MINUTE you even spend on rep grind, you have lost that minute for something else. This is the principle of opportunity cost.

Now, of course if you are free to overwhelm the RNG and all with pure effort then by all means, but your life circumstances have nothing to do with mine.

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Gimme Frames easy pleebs, I deserve to earn them when I don't want to do any of the work involved, I shouldn't have to buy them with plat, and I shouldn't have to work for them cause I want them right now! 

Gimme a break, do that damn work you lazily tenno's, the different frames are not there to be gained within a few hours upon release, well to those of us with high enough standing, MR and resources they are, however if your struggling to unlock a frame because of some content wall or restriction, guess what? that means your not ready to get that frame so you should just

guinea pig deal with it GIF

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2 hours ago, Datam4ss said:

No offense, if you like endless, that's just you, because non endless missions don't normally last more than 5 minutes. I play Warframe precisely because things like Sortie and Nightwave are still manageable for someone with my kind of time if I plan things out and do them efficiently. But since you apparently found it necessary to say that "oh no people always have the 15 mins to spare", no, sadly that bubble of yours gotta burst.

I mean, you said I am complaining about spending 15 mins of my "precious day" when I am spending 15 mins of by "precious HOUR of game time". Someone in my situation has to fully commit to rep grind, like it or not, because of time constraints. To say the least, any MINUTE you even spend on rep grind, you have lost that minute for something else. This is the principle of opportunity cost.

Now, of course if you are free to overwhelm the RNG and all with pure effort then by all means, but your life circumstances have nothing to do with mine.

Sorry but you can't go in and pretend people already know your life's issues and attack them if they make a mistake they couldn't have possibly known about. None of the three posts you made in this thread before the one i quoted said anything about that, so stop acting high and mighty and don't act like that is public knowledge. Sorry to "burst your bubble" but "your life circumstances have nothing to do with mine" or any other people either, and we have proof in this very thread that even people without time to play can do that, and other things like maxing other syndicates, without a problem. I mean god you admitted yourself to having ventkids maxed while i'm nowhere near even the second level of it. I myself play with a person that has a similar situation to yours yet he took a FIFTH of the time i did to get to max SU and VS because the tricks to leveling up were already known by that point.

"You have lost that minute for something else"? Yeah, and when you spend that minute doing "something else" you have lost that minute that could have been spent doing "another thing". Grinding for base Saryn is much worse in my opinion than any of the new frames, which is also a reason for why i got her just a few days before Hildryn's release.

The only point i wanted to make was that grinding SU and VS still takes no time for the average player except for the Systems that are needed in VS, i have never cared for mine, your or anyone else's situation and i never wanted to come out as pedantic or mean, if that's the case i'm sorry. It's just that outside a few exceptions like you who actually have reasons to not grind this thread is full of people who are too lazy to play the game. I mean this very fourth thread page's first post complains about frames not being on bosses anymore when the last frame's parts drop from the latest boss added to the game, a boss that also requires 0 rep of any kind of syndicate. Plus i irritate easily so it seemed like a good occasion to vent a bit 🔡

Edited by DLOArceus
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