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Devstream #128: Date Announce


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@[DE]Rebecca Can you guys provide any input on whether it would be possible to extended Nightwave a week or so, or keep it going in between acts instead of having a massive gap between them. This would benefit new and old players alike, specially those on consoles since they are always behind on content and this gap is more than likely going cause a drought of content on consoles. If given this opportunity it would allow new players to keep progressing and earning wolf creds in order to acquire mods/bp's/etc and lets old players who have not finished the act to wrap it up during this extension. 

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Suggested QoL and Feedback List

Some of the suggestion in this list maybe new or have been brought up in the past. Either way, this is meant to help suggest, provide direction, and start conversation to further improve the Warframe experience. 😃 Thank you DE for giving us this jewel of a game and community. 
Please note that any values/numbers given are just examples to add context.  These are just suggestions not a final draft proposal. 


  • Fix Dojo Lighting/character shadows
  • Optimize Dojo; Decrease the 20 Capacity requirements of certain decorations (tea set, floofs, ayatan sculptures, etc)
  • Custom Obstacle Course
    • Add Test Dummy Decorations
    • Add Simulacrum Console
  • Add NPC or Console Decorations to give Access to Liset features (e.g., Syndicate Menu Screen, Foundry, Conclave, Market, Codex, etc)
  • Add Dojo Juke Box Decoration
  • Add Clan Rank Perks: (example)
    • Clan Perk Rank 6: Reviving clan mates is 75% faster
    • Clan Perk Rank 10: 10% Party Energy Efficiency with 3 or more clan members during a mission 
  • Allow other Dojo Rooms to be primary Spawn Sites (and not just clan/inspiration halls)
  • Allow renaming of Dojo Transporters instead of having to destroy them and then rebuilding them.
  • Allow custom Re-organization/sorting of Dojo Transporter Listing (instead of it being ordered alphabetically only)


  • Volt Cloth Physics (release with Wisp--the cloth goddess?!)
  • Make Celestia (conclave) Syandana flames stay on, but smaller.  Flame grows to maximum size when players complete conclave daily/weekly challenges.   
  • Give Channeling/special effects to other attachments.  Give channeling/special effects to ALL Prime Access attachments (cuz why not?! #fashionframeispaytowinanyways  😄)
  • Allow gifting of TennoGen items


  • Allow Fashion (Warframe) Specters; specters not only copy the weapon/warframe loadout, but also the fashion! 😆
  • Allow customization of sentinel position (similar to melee weapon custom holstering)
  • Allow Sentinels to use Link-Health/Shield/Armor mods
  • Allow Sentinels to be healed or share buffs by certain powers
  • Change Kavat and Kubrows behavior/dispositions in arsenal screen:
    • Aggressive (attacks everything lol)
    • Passive (follows only)
    • Defensive (attacks on command, but primarily just uses defensive/support precepts)
  • Give command features to pets during missions.
    • Attack 
    • Stay/Defend
    • Follow

Game Mechanics

  • Air Supply Drop: Portable Arsenal. Allows for in-game weapon/loadout swapping. 8 min cool down timer. 1x use upon exit (exit confirmation upon pressing escape or exit arsenal button).
  • Allow Orb Vallis wild life to free-roam (like PoE wild life)

User Interface

  • Navigation Console UI Display:  Allow players to customize or select what to display (Syndicate, Alerts, Sorties, Void Fissures, etc)
  • Allow Clan's or Dojo's to be 'search-able' in-game.
  • Dojo/Clan UI: (Clan Information Page will additionally show)
    • Custom Message (for recruitment purposes)
    • Current Membership count
    • 'Visit Dojo' Button!
  • Conclave Profile Stat: (it's archaic now)
    • Off/On Toggle K:D stats/ratio tracking or Remove it Entirely or Vintage it to 'Operation Scores' in the profile screen: "DarkSector/Conclave K:D ratio"
  • Add Orb Mother Stat Kills (like Eidolons) to Profile screen
  • Add a toggle-able push-noise notification option for new messages on all chat tabs (or specifically for clan/alliance/whispers/party/dojo chat)


  • drop the rewards to about 1/2 what they are now
  • like 1300-->700 endo on rotation A, which the mod drops 1% instead of 2%
  • move the rewards back up to every 5 minutes and have it go AAABBCCCCC so C starts at 30minute still
  • add some other lesser sculptures to rotation C so its not just orta, and since its every 5 minutes, orta would actually be really good
  • Make it so theres always 2 arbitrations active, and 1 is an Arbitration Fissure.

Game Modes:

  • Add Custom Quests Mode (something like):
    • Select Faction Type:  (Grineer/Corpus/Infested)
    • Select Mission Type: (Exterminate, Capture, Defense)
    • Select Tileset: (Galleon, Gas City, Derelict)
    • Select Enemy Level: (1-200)
    • Random Assassins: (On/Off) (will not drop loot)
    • Stalker Mode: (Off/On)
    • Nightmare Handicap: <select>
      (you get the idea) 
  • Add an official Horde mode (cuz why not? LoL!)
  • Add specific weapon type missions/objectives/challenge missions.  For example:
    • Sniper Weapon Only
    • Tileset: Gas City. 
    • Objective: Sniper Kill/Assassinate 30 Corpus Tech Eximus in 3 minutes
      Penalty/failure:  Changes to Exterminate Mission (secondary and melee weapons become available/accessible)
    • Tips: Utilize high-rised tower-vantage points.


  • Perpetual Achievement System with resource/currency rewards; For example Every 100,000 Infested Kills (reward 1000 mutagen sample 😆)
  • Allow Relic Packs to be sold in ALL syndicate rep factions. Additional Relic Pack vendors include: Eudico, Onkko, Konzu, Little Duck, Simaris, Roky
  • Reward 15 Wolf Credits per/all rank (new player friendly).  Move/Add some of the rewards (forma bundle/cosmetics) to Cred Offerings and Ranks above lv 30. 
  • Token System for Assassinate Targets, Assassins, and Assassin squads. offerings/values can vary accordingly/appropriately.
    • Defeat Stalker = 1 Stalker Token
      • Hate = 5 Stalker Tokens
      • Dread = 7 Stalker Tokens
      • Stance Mods = 7 Stalker Tokens
      • Smoking Ephemeral = 25 stalker tokens
    • Defeat Vor = 1 Vor Token
      • Seer = 15 Vor Tokens
      • Cronus = 30 Vor Tokens
    • Defeat Lephantis = 1 Lephantis Token
      • 10 Neurodes = 5 Lephantis Tokens
      • 10 Orokin Cells = 5 Lephantis Tokens
    • Defeat Exploiter Orb = 1 Exploiter Token
      • Hildryn BP = 5 Exploiter Tokens
      • Hildryn Systems/ Chasis/ Neuroptics = 3 Exploiter Tokens
      • Shocking Step Ephemeral = 50 Exploiter Tokens(you get the idea)


Martial Arts Warframes
Rework Direction (Wukong, Atlas, Baruuk, + any others added in the future)

These warframes have always felt lackluster in regards to their inspired theme of being martial artists.  To be straight forward, i would suggest to simply have their Powers be different attack combinations that you can mix up to 4 different attack combos.  And depending on which power combo was activated, it can also determine a buff or CC at the end of the combo attack.  For example using this power set in mind: (don't kill me this is just an example!)
Atlas (boxer)

  • #1 Land slide - minor changes, except make the uppercut at the end of the combo slighlty rag-doll-lift the enemy on spot-- as to allow follow up with other power combinations
  • #2 Tectonics - major changes; on first press: atlas punches floor and rock wall springs up doing a small radial aoe dmg/stagger; on 2nd, 3rd, 4th press: Atlas will punch the rock wall 3x unleashing an AOE of rock fragments that stagger enemies within 5m, 10m, and 15m on the 3rd punch (thereby completely obliterating the wall).
  • #3 Petrify - major changes; Haymaker punches.  Similar to Landslide, but is slower and punches have a wider dmg cone AoE (and mostly likely take up more energy).  Each punch puts a petrify debuff on targets.  After 3 stacks, enemies will be completely turned into stone.
  • #4  Rumblers - major changes; First press, atlas performs 'hulk thunder-clap' animation doing a small frontal cone AoE stagger (minimal or no dmg) and summoning 1 Rumbler; 2nd press - hulk smash to ground doing 15m cone AoE Dmg and summoning 2nd Rumbler.   Rumblers have 10m Aggro radius.  

 A player can do any mix of power combinations above and are 'interupt-able' to allow for easy transition/fluidity to other combo powers. To activate party buffs or special effects, each power (1-4) must be used once. The final power (combo) will determine/activate the effect.  So for a CC effect combo, it will look something like: 
pressing 1 (up to 4x)---> 3 (up to 3x)---> 4 (up to 3x)---> 2 (must press 3x)= 20m AoE stun; 5 sec 
While still keeping his invincibility during combo attacks, it will be dictated and can be balanced by energy management.    

other combo examples: ('x' being any of the other 3 power combinations)
pressing x ---> x ---> x ---> 3 = Stone Skin; party members within 20m will be immune to status effects for 10s.   
pressing x ---> x ---> x ---> 4 = Summons a 3rd Rumbler
pressing x---> x ---> x ---> 1 = Stone Fist; Increase party melee damage by 30% for 10s. 

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On 2019-05-15 at 2:00 PM, (XB1)falconpwnch0234 said:

Any news:

  • The Future of Public Chat Moderation in Warframe in further detail..
  • The Endorsement System Replacing the Guides of the Lotus Program.
  • When is the Official Warframe Discord server getting out of the Soft Launch Phase? It's been over a month since the server went live.
  • Kingpin system;
  • Any plans to make the clan system have more purpose other than Research and Railjack?
  • Stalker Mode News?
  • Any other potential sustainable endgame content plans like making Sanctuary onslaught more possible to get past zone 8 and be more rewarding as a game mode, Arbitration changes, etc.
  • Any Melee 3.0 Phase 2 News?
  • Are there still plans of a Scythe Rework? Last mentioned back in Devstream #109 .
  • The 2 Missing Kitgun grips seen in Devstream #117  & Primary Kitguns
  • The Return of Trials (AKA Raids) and how are they going to be like?
  • More New Player Experience Changes.

What about: 

  • System changes & reworks that would be nice
    • Utilize the syndicates more like making the daily syndicate themselves and their daily missions more rewarding and intriguing. Syndicate Armour sets and more syndicate weapons would be nice too..
    • Since ephemeras are meant to be achievement based we should have them be rewarded to tenno by fulfilling certain tasks like for example getting max rank in a syndicate, Completing certain quests, completing all lua tests, having one earned from mastery every 3 tests, etc.
  • Warframe Changes & Reworks:
    • Equinox being able to use combined form in combat?
    • Since the addition of Secondary energy colors this has come to my mind. Are there plans for chroma to use elements like radiation, viral, corrosive, etc.?
    • Vauban Rework
    • Wukong Rework
  • In-Game Quality Of Life:
    • Allowing weapon mods to be equipped on both regular weapons and sentinel weapons at the same time would be great.
    • Message of the Day of all chats like recruiting and trading but also clan and alliances to be in bold and to also reappear in chat after a set amount of time looking at the chat like every 30 minutes.to an hour.
  • Clan System Quality Of Life:
    • A clan system ability to have those with ruler permissions to change the Default Clan Rank for new members joining a clan as shown in this thread.
    • Longer Message of the Day character limits would be a very welcomed change.
    • Ability to Sort members by mastery rank to highest to lowest and/or lowest to highest in the clan page.
    • A separate clan role that allows to start or pause pigment projects and have that mechanic be taken away from the tech role.
    • A clan recruiting relay
  • Clan Management System ideas:
    • A place to put up rules of a clan outside of the Message of the Day system and have it be accessible in the clan page anytime.
    • Better Clan Log system to operate more like a Audit Log.
    • With influx of clan roles within the last year and a half more clan ranks would be nice to have
    • Changing color names on clan chat to easily identify someone who is a certain rank in a clan. This would only be changeable by clan warlords. A thread showing the idea linked here.
    • Instead having a fabricator role; there should be a setting to allow and not allow certain things in clan research to be replicable depending on what rank you are in a clan.
  • Dojo:
    • Custom Obstacle Course increase decoration limit;
    • Decrease the resource costs of Dojo Decorations
    • Any plans for a Target Practice Room for the Dojo or to have moving targets like moving floating circles in the custom obstacle course room in the dojo?
    • Any plans on more Nature-Themed rooms and Decorations for the Dojo?
    • Changeable statues in Temple of Honor;
    • Are Infested theme decorations going to be added at some point?
    • NPCs in the Dojo to make the Dojos look more lively;
    • A Sentient Lab?
    • A Syndicate Hub Room to access all 6 main syndicates from the Dojo.

Jesus, just all of this, like honestlhy all of this. I feel like this is eceything that will be announced at TennoCon but at that same time I want updates.

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2 hours ago, (XB1)SnippyPopcorn15 said:


All warframes will get the primed version. All of them, no exception. They get realeased following the release of the normal version, it gets 2 years-ish from the normal version to be released as prime

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18 minutes ago, Uan91 said:

All warframes will get the primed version. All of them, no exception. They get realeased following the release of the normal version, it gets 2 years-ish from the normal version to be released as prime

Well, provided the game lasts long enough for them all to get their turn of course. This isn't a doomsay post, as I think the game is doing well, but they intimated as much on the last Dev Stream.

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Any news about the next phase of the melee rework? Ever since instant switch dropped it’s been radio silence, and I’m worried that the bigger part of the stances, mods, and mechanics rework is just gonna get forgotten about as every plows ahead into all the new content.

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I understand that you have just been too busy working on a new update of sorts - so you just haven't had any time to fix or remove the god awful no fun grindy nightwave system from the game or just bring back the old quick alert system - unfortunately, I have also been too busy playing other fun games instead of Warframe, so I sympathize with the current situation you have put yourself into dear Anthem team - I mean DE team.

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So... We're all feeling the content drought currentl, And as a veteran I remember the times of weekly updates. Not a lot, but like 1 pistol or 1 rifle every week or so. These days it seems such new releases are all gathered up so they can be releade in larger packs, which is fine... But I really miss just logging in and seeing "what's new". These days "what's new" is just the nightwave weeklies. Any chance we can see a return to to this "itty bitty new stuff weekly" format? 🙂

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On 2019-05-15 at 2:00 PM, (XB1)falconpwnch0234 said:

Decrease the resource costs of Dojo Decorations

Generally speaking, more than a few clan players (myself among them) use clan decor as a way to dump excessive amounts of certain resources. Unfortunately, there is still no way to reliably expend hundreds of thousands of Nano Spores. I mean, literally, I have upwards of 4 million last check, and there are other players with well into nine figures by this point.

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Please answer this:

nightwave introduced a rare stackable consumable, the umbra forma, that is only farmable in a time limited grind of 2 months. Players who missed this opportunity are left irremediably behind from players who participated, with no catch-up mechanic. This goes in the opposite direction of any other non-aesthetic item present in game right now, which is to allow to farm it at each own pace, whenever we want, or to obtain it from a vendor. Is this the direction that Warframe will keep? or the very specific NW season 1 umbra forma will be available for who lost it?


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Back in the day -3-4 years ago maybe?- When melee rework started, during that time you started an UI rework. The menus and market and a few stuff like mods got a facelift. What about the actually gameplay HUD rework?

Gameplay HUD needs a lot of work now, after this many years of absence -of finishing the UI rework-. Its like you stopped half way in the process. Barely anything that I can customize on my Gameplay HUD (take away ability dots, resize and some changes to the style of the minimap and sure I can remove the party frame but who would do that :)).

I would love to get my own customized UI. Add remove parts, highlight, move parts to completely different locations, etc.

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Is there any news on increasing the Riven Cap? We now also have things such as archgun rivens yet there's been no increase in the cap? I understand again that this is probably a database issue but rivens are one of the few things left in the game for me to pursue personally.  Same goes for fashion frame. I indulge in fashion frame alot and I would like to get more appearance tabs for each Warframe (I have held off from purchasing tennogen skins because of the current cap on appearance tabs but would return to purchasing skins if there were more appearance tabs)



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