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do you still love space mama?


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3 hours ago, AegisAmaranth said:

She took kindness upon us.
I shall treat her the same way.

It is not too late yet, for our mother.
We can allways bring her back.

That, or she gets to take my life...
...I just can't...

I know only love and mercy for her. :heart:

robot following programming... she even said she was reprogrammed to care for us in the rodeolyst fight when her initial mission was to smother us (figuratively) while she taking up 50% of my screen with monologue long enough to put void vor to shame 

personally id like space aunt nora she reminds me of my actual aunt and it makes me happy i want to go to nora's house have a coco listen to some music and have nora tell me stories 

just because we are bio organic murder puppets that genocide on the daily for loot that are driven by emotional children who are not coping with loss correctly that's probably going to lead to us becoming more emotional unstable in the future doesn't mean we cant sit down have a mug of coco and listen to nice music and enjoy a good story 

i swear it will get to the point where my description for the warframes and tenno will get so long ill become to Scotsman from samurai jack 

besides ballas gave us the sentient slayer i want to slay some big time sentient with it also pretty clear who he intended us to slay or space sentient grandma also i dont think space mom would be all too happy if we killed space grandma or space grandpa 

Edited by seprent
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4 hours ago, Son_of_Anubis said:

Ever since I woke up from that pod and space mom held me in her arms I fell in love. Just watching her cradle you and put you back in your chair was a moment for me.

Never will I forget it.

Don't see why people hate her but meh to each his own

Space mom... fell in love...

Eeeeewwww you fell in love with your mom?!!

People she is not that person anymore, besides I agree she might be mind controlled the whole time anyways, who knows anymore.

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2 hours ago, TheKurtiStryke said:

yes, i still believe in her, to be honest, i don't care if De comes up with some sort of bullsh** clichè that makes her turns out she's still good,i just want her back

You know its going there though. So all the pitch forks about killing space mom will have a boner killer right there when DE pulls it. I can't wait to see the reactions

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On 2019-06-22 at 6:24 AM, (PS4)alvian00 said:

 so heres the question do you still love space mama and can you forgive her for having deceive you all along?

The Lotus was a real sapient personality, So is Natah. I hope that some day they two of them will come to some form of peace with themselves and this pointless war.

The Orokin are dead, we are just living in the fallout of their mistakes, Sentient, Tenno and Human alike.

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1 hour ago, SilentMobius said:

The Lotus was a real sapient personality, So is Natah. I hope that some day they two of them will come to some form of peace with themselves and this pointless war.

The Orokin are dead, we are just living in the fallout of their mistakes, Sentient, Tenno and Human alike.

If we want the Lotus back, we'll have to wrestle the helmet back onto Natah. From the moment Ballas removed the helmet, the Lotus was dead, and will stay dead until the situation is reversed.

As for the Orokin, we have survivors and we have some in hiding (Alad, the Queen(s), prolly Maroo, and maybe Nakak (she has creepy golden eyes). We also know about the Red Vial (some kind of orokinisation device, possibly w/ kuva in it), so there's a genuine danger that we might get a mass of new-Orokin running around, trying to re-establish the empire.

tl;dr lotus is thin air until we slam the helmet back on natah; disastrous invasion of carbon-copy orokin potentially incoming.

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I never really "Loved" her, per se, but I certainly do not dislike her one bit.

By this point she's as much of a victim of circumstance as we are, and for the longest time she's done her very best to try and keep the Tenno and the innocent safe, and the enemy factions in check.

If there's any chance we can save her, I will, I do not feel betrayed by her and hold no resentment.

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For those out there saying that she loved us, and that you don't understand the hate, or desire to kill her. In the fight for the Ropololololo Natah tells us...


That she didn't love us. That she was reprogrammed, and that what we saw was her being forced to care for us. The Lotus was a lie. Her existence is a complete farce, and that Natah was merely forcibly suppressed by the reprogramming that made the Lotus. She NEVER loved us. She was forced to care for us like children.

Natah deserves death. The Lotus will never come back. And she has destroyed our ability to recruit allies. Now she is poised to invade the Origin system, and only we stand in the way. She must die in the New War, or else we will never know peace.

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9 minutes ago, CaptainMinty said:

For those out there saying that she loved us, and that you don't understand the hate, or desire to kill her. In the fight for the Ropololololo Natah tells us...

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That she didn't love us. That she was reprogrammed, and that what we saw was her being forced to care for us. The Lotus was a lie. Her existence is a complete farce, and that Natah was merely forcibly suppressed by the reprogramming that made the Lotus. She NEVER loved us. She was forced to care for us like children.

Natah deserves death. The Lotus will never come back. And she has destroyed our ability to recruit allies. Now she is poised to invade the Origin system, and only we stand in the way. She must die in the New War, or else we will never know peace.

You took everything she said at face value even know how cold calculating and manipulative the Lotus is .

Reason Why I don't believe that is because 

-As I stated she is a cold and calculating woman even before Ballas Miraculously found her when Grineer and Corpus couldn't

-She is very manipulative and uses anyone and anything to achieve her objective even us.

-Lua is a Maze with traps armed and ever changing landcape and yet. YET Ballas knew which route to take which turn to take which door to open and which portal to go through to find the Lotus and even miraculously disarm her security and remove her from her pod before she knew about? 

BS just straight BS. Too many plot holes lay huge and everlasting deep here. its Obvious Lotus wanted to be found and its obvious lotus wanted to us to see her be taken to go looking for her. 

Its too convenient to be black and white

I honestly believe Lotus is still there and she and Natah may have come to an agreement to do something which involves us but to do so she has to be seen as the enemy for us to do it. I believe even teaming up with Alad V is also apart of it would make sense why she yearns to evolve with a sentinent and tenno body combination but need Alad V to do the ground work. So that story she took the time to told us during the ropaloli fight no point of it sounded menacing and yet she went out of her way to inform us of her plans and warn us that a judgement will occur soon and it will come for us.  


So no I don't hate her nor do I see a reason to hate and knowing DE they are gonna throw a wrench into your killing space mom vendetta to saving/enslaving her instead. 


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1 minute ago, Son_of_Anubis said:


Lua is a maze. An Orokin maze. You really think Ballas didn't know Lua? As a high ranking Orokin?

Ballas knew who she was and where she was. It was his betrayal that got her in. I'd expect he would know a lot of things about her and her whereabouts

She is highly manipulative. Yes. I agree. Even Ballas fell for it at one point. Blinded by love. So why shouldn't we get rid of someone so manipulative? Should we trust her ever?

Plotholes exist, as they do in all stories. But Lotus being a Sentient should've immediately destroyed any trust we as the Tenno should have had in her. You may believe Lotus is still there, but even if she is, with her track record for lies and manipulation, should we ever trust her again? 

Even if she is lying about her being "reprogrammed" it shouldn't matter. We should take the initiative for once and fight for ourselves. If Ordis has kept our operations running without her, then what was she doing that we couldn't handle on our own? 

And her warning us? Ever consider that it's the standard villain monologue? Where they believe they are completely in control and cannot lose? I don't believe Lotus to be "still in there." If she's dead, we can't be betrayed again. And honestly, it'd be better for the tenno as characters for us to have to kill her.

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1 hour ago, Son_of_Anubis said:

-As I stated she is a cold and calculating woman even before Ballas Miraculously found her when Grineer and Corpus couldn't

Ballas is a hyperintelligent ancient being of immeasurable knowledge and wisdom. His kind and their technology have yet to be surpassed...

Grineer are a race of degraded clones mostly with little intelligence. A few exceptions exist...

Corpus sell body parts and limbs to take out loans. They also shelve their own brains. They also design sniper rifles for long range shots but with very very slow projectiles (even the Grineer got this right!). Not very smart either...

It's no miracle Ballas found Lotus before the Grineer and Corpus if you ask me... I'm more confused about how Ballas expected an unhacked sentient spy to ever really be his beloved Margulis. I mean, he obviously knew the real Margulis was executed...

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10 hours ago, nslay said:

Ballas is a hyperintelligent ancient being of immeasurable knowledge and wisdom. His kind and their technology have yet to be surpassed...

Grineer are a race of degraded clones mostly with little intelligence. A few exceptions exist...

Corpus sell body parts and limbs to take out loans. They also shelve their own brains. They also design sniper rifles for long range shots but with very very slow projectiles (even the Grineer got this right!). Not very smart either...

It's no miracle Ballas found Lotus before the Grineer and Corpus if you ask me... I'm more confused about how Ballas expected an unhacked sentient spy to ever really be his beloved Margulis. I mean, he obviously knew the real Margulis was executed...

See another one that sees everything as black and white.

Ordis ha don't make me laugh. Ordis was given by the lotus to us as a wake up present along with the oribter.

Now let me ask you something.

Ordis we know hes back history yes, we know how he become a cephalon. But during that time orokin fell and lotus cradling us in Lua where was ordis all this time and can you positively say hes not a plant by the lotus and can you all say that all the information he receiving now is not from the lotus controlling us through ordis without ordis knowing?

Yes I believe ordis is a plant whether willing or not to always keep a watchful eye on us. 

This is why I said Lotus is calculating, manipulative she wanted to be found, Lotus wanted Ballas to take her away. Meaning Lotus planned that meeting ages ago. Which if that is true then did the helmet actually reprogrammed her or did it do something else. So her claim that the helmet enslaved her is BS I'm not gonna believe that crap.

She abandon us so many times in the story leading up to the sacrifice that I'm 100% positively sure she has been planning this for years. With the helmet on.

Which goes to my final question if she was planning to kill us all for so long why go a roundabout way of doing it.

Here is something else to think about


She planted the stalker on the ship during second dream there is no other way the stalker could of reached that ship without her help and even if he could reach the ship no way in hell would ordis let him on board willingly. Only reason why I she would do that in my opinion is to ensure we were strong enough to defend ourselves even without a warframe. 


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1 hour ago, Son_of_Anubis said:

See another one that sees everything as black and white.

Ordis ha don't make me laugh. Ordis was given by the lotus to us as a wake up present along with the oribter.

Now let me ask you something.

Ordis we know hes back history yes, we know how he become a cephalon. But during that time orokin fell and lotus cradling us in Lua where was ordis all this time and can you positively say hes not a plant by the lotus and can you all say that all the information he receiving now is not from the lotus controlling us through ordis without ordis knowing?

Yes I believe ordis is a plant whether willing or not to always keep a watchful eye on us. 

This is why I said Lotus is calculating, manipulative she wanted to be found, Lotus wanted Ballas to take her away. Meaning Lotus planned that meeting ages ago. Which if that is true then did the helmet actually reprogrammed her or did it do something else. So her claim that the helmet enslaved her is BS I'm not gonna believe that crap.

She abandon us so many times in the story leading up to the sacrifice that I'm 100% positively sure she has been planning this for years. With the helmet on.

Which goes to my final question if she was planning to kill us all for so long why go a roundabout way of doing it.

Here is something else to think about


She planted the stalker on the ship during second dream there is no other way the stalker could of reached that ship without her help and even if he could reach the ship no way in hell would ordis let him on board willingly. Only reason why I she would do that in my opinion is to ensure we were strong enough to defend ourselves even without a warframe. 


Another advanced being that seems to know where people and things are: Man in the Wall.

Also, using your own assumptions about Lotus and given that Lotus is highly strategic and manipulative, how do you know that she didn't lure Ballas so that we could find Excalibur Umbra and later destroy Natah for her? This is all black helicopters though! Ignore the simpler explanations for elaborate and spectacular explanations that align with your own views even though there is a great deal we don't know yet.

Also... Stalker was aided by Hunhow. Not only is Stalker good at sneaking around, Hunhow can mess with Cephalons and has similar abilities as Lotus.

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