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Casual player warframe checklist?


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i went from try hard to casual player rather quick and i was wondering. 

what is your casual play routine to kind of keep up but at the same time still have something ( you want ) to do? 


1.  also almost never rad share when a new prime comes out. this gives me a bit more incentive to keep running fissures until i get the parts in a pub which gives me extra parts for ducats or even prime set farming, and the odd person running a vaulted relic which always lights me up 😛

2. i tend to not level thing up unless i have 3 weapons and a frame to level up. while this may not be the most effective. when i play casually this can be a better method since im getting to try 4 new things out. and since my MR is pretty high i still got a pretty high mod capacity (along with spending a generous amount of plat on potatoes )


in other words. how do you min max your casual play time? what are your time saver tips and tricks that you guys like doing for casual play. 

this may bring out ideas for people who otherwise dont know them and help random people with with their casual play goals.


btw i prob should have posted this in players helping players.. if a mod wants to move it. go ahead. thanks

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As someone with pretty much everything on the game my daily routines consist mainly of the holy endless and good trinity - Sorties, Fissures and Arbitrations. Because those are the game modes I still have fun at since they tend to add some spice to my gameplay, so they have a lot of replay value to me. These good and endlessly replayable modes are so few to me, sadly.

As for time-saving, well, I particularly like fissures because they're basically normal missions, but with added rewards to them. So if I want to level something, and I can't suffer trough ESO, I'll wait for a Hydron or Helene fissure to pop up while I do something else. If I need Gallium I'll just take part in a Mars or Uranus fissure, and so on.

When opening rivens I also try my best to do several at the same time, unlocking 2-3 at once. For example 2 days ago, when I unveiled every riven I had stored up, I did both a "Complete an lvl 30 exterminate undetected" and a "Hold combo 3x for 30sec" at the same time, since I used my Loki + Guandao on Adaro, Sedna. So it's not just a matter of matching "same challenge" rivens such as pairing up 3 "Shoot 5/4/9 Dargyn with a bow", it's also a matter of seeing how different challenges can be done in the same run.

Another example would be the fact that I don't bother with many mechanics and grinds until they're viable. For example I still need to farm Exploiter Orb for Freezing Step, and I need to do Arbitrations for Aura formas. But I only began farming those after this last update, which featured a drop chance increase to both. No point in farming stuff that'll get easier to farm "soon", not worth the hassle and burnout.

I also do not participate in Arbitrations unless it's an Excavation, Interception or Infested Salvage, and I avoid any enemy that's not infested since I am usually too bored to chase after Grineer and Corpus. I might take part in a Survival if I am really into it, but that's very rare. All other modes are just a "Well, no Arbs atm apparently" to me.

All in all, I try to not waste time and maximize my fun with these little gimmicks. And the more experienced you are, the more creative solutions you come up with, which feels very nice.

Edited by (PS4)Hikuro-93
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Honestly, as another player with basically everything, the only thing I'd worry over doing on a 'regular' basis is ensuring you have forma bp's from relics (don't just pick a forma if you see it, check other items for ducat/plat values etc) on build every day.  You'll need a surprisingly large amount of forma if you want to play 'long term' and build up the warframes/weapons to their full mass murdering potential

The rest is literally just do what you feel like doing imo, although keep an eye out for alerts/invasions with things like reactor/catalysts/forma/exilus adapters and one time events (you can't always get their rewards again).

If you haven't done the quests, maybe work through them and also work towards MR16, that's the highest level we need so far in game for any item.  Sorties, at least in my case, are just do them when I feel like doing them, I don't really worry too much over rivens and well I don't really need the other rewards lol


Honestly though I'd say the best thing to do is literally don't stress with 'rushing things' just enjoy the game, doing whatever you want to do or you'll get burn out or bored quicker.   While it's always good to have a 'direction' in the game there's no reason you need to have a 'schedule' as such, although I'd maybe set aside some time for nightwave 2 when it comes around, they're the only way to get things like aura's, helmets etc without plat and whatever rewards it's giving from levelling up to the highest ranks. 

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1 hour ago, moostar95 said:

Yeah, I'm a casual player now. I just login, get my daily, see if I want to do a elite alert or shortie. If I don't want to do either. I log off and play something else.

Pretty much this^ 

Also my gameplay is predicated alot on PC updates and PC Baro visits. 

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53 minutes ago, (XB1)Thy Divinity said:

The game has e(de?)volved into a casual game over it's life span.  Only time you find a hint of difficulty is if you're a new player and you don't have the resources to attain godhood yet.

Until I can one shot level 95 grineer with nezha and battacor, I consider this game is hard

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What to do as casual?

1. Make screenshots of level design as wallpaper/background on your PC

2. Casual strolling while doing any mission, looting crates and lockers

3. Test how far you can go with each warframe and weapon, and aim to reach further, or how fast you can kill enemies in ESO solo without nuke warframes

4. Region chat, if you're in Asia you can have some "intriguing" talk at night

5. Check your fashionframe, make a really good one, make a cosplay or straight up an abomination of random colors, attachments and skins

6. Walk with newbies and teach them

7. Play whatever you want

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First thing i do when I login is,

collect and recraft energy restores,

do sorties (if I win a riven I’ll go open it),

collect and recraft energy restores,

5x3 hunt,

collect and recraft energy restores,


do the energy restore thing,

coffee break,

energy restores,


energy restores,

polymer or nano hunting (which ever one I need the most),

energy restores,

and logout.

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I maximize my casual time when I need to level stuff (Just hit rank 19, close to 50% to 20, I think), by leveling 3 weapons at a time on Loki, running spy vaults on Kappa/Sedna. That's an easy 20k xp each just for 3 successful undetected vault openings, and more xp if the weapons are strong enough to kill stuff too. (easily 150k xp if I run around with a good melee that can finisher kill stuff.)

Plus, I can farm axi relics and ayatan sculptures at the same time (I like to explore).


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I would like to play the game as much as I used to but I would classify myself as a Sleeping Veteran and part time casual. To avoid my fate just play the game however you want and not rush to get things. Their is no real strategy overall as any players would tell you so just go with the flow.

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I generally just do whatever I want.  Since I play mostly solo(with a few exceptions for friends), I will just play my normal solo stealth style passively gathering relics, mats, etc.  

I will admit to really enjoying the Nightwave challenges and Sorties.  As they both offer something to do outside of my normal routine.  

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Usually do Sortie and Nightwave if not full already, if i find a good riven i usually try max out that weapon if i like it. And then just burn relics for primes i don't have yet, sometimes i just solo Profit's or random Tridolon since i didn't max out the farming yet.

Edited by lukasystem
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  1. Log in
  2. Make a sandwich 
  3. Forget what i logged in for after eating said sandwich 
  4. Play the game via random mission or do the odd arbitration or sortie
  5. If riven get figure out how to lazy open it 
  6. Do the thing
  7. Expect something meh 
  8. Get meh and add it to the dusty riven shelf
  9. Do void survival with GF for a few hours relic bonus if fissure is a survival 
  10. Make a fashionframe off the sentients or grineer knight and priest of hunhow looking good 
  11. It is now 8 pm and closed the game for a break / late dinner
  12. Remember what i logged in for
  13. Out loud question intelligence and jokingly question why she dates me if im that absent minded sometimes
  14. Eat dinner 
  15. Log back in 
  16. Do the thing i originally wanted to do  
  17. Name Zaw Bleedin Sheevin 
  18. Realized i had played the game for 11 hours when all i wanted was to name a zaw 
  19. Go to bed 
  20. Repeat step 1 when next time warframe is played 
Edited by seprent
21. realize your spelling mistakes right after you hit post
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I do whatever I feel like doing when I login and during Nightwave I try to do the challenges.. but even then I skip the ones that don't interest me like sorties and Eidolons. Sometimes I come up with my own challenges like getting frames in the order they were released in so I can kinda follow a sensible path through all the content instead of just going straight to the new stuff.

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