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What annoys you with interceptions? And what's your style in interceptions and why?



For me the annoyance is the people running around, ignoring the capping points, the flags, the nodes, ABCD.

It has bugged me, much more in the past than it has now. Because it's more likely to lose a base when someone's running around doing whatever, than by standing in your post.

Before you say stuff like "it's on you if you feel bugged about it", let me say, yeah it is on me. My first interception was a discouraging failure, and it seems like the only game mode where you really need to rely on your team, of course in addition to eidolons. In eidolons I just don't see people doing their own thing being open liabilities. Maybe because I ain't got time to watch what others do, or because I understand it's such a learning fight compared to interception. Those two ain't the same. I get it even arbitrations interception fights have less incentive, the only interceptions I do really, and the incentive makes it better for me, because I see others being there for the same reason, not just to mess around. I get it you want to push your limits and all that, have fun, and I feel the same. But when you lose a base and lose time, and it has happened so often in the past before arbitrations... I guess there's a caring gap or something too. I used to care more and saw people caring less. It has changed, though. Looking back, I understand that before arbitrations, interceptions were so easy (except perhaps sortie ones) that you didn't really need to put any effort to win the necessary rounds. It just felt unreliable and a bit disrespectful but I think I was being the disrespectful one too, inside, not respecting the fact people play games for fun and enjoyment and to express themselves even at a cost for others, even a very light cost. The time spent costs nothing, increased stress hormones in your body due to teammates acting wild, they cost more. 

You can't make an omelet without breaking the eggs so I ain't judging. Warframe is not Rust, but it is also not Sims. It's in-between those and accommodates a wide range from both ends of that spectrum of thrill-seekers to chillers. And it's not wrong to be a thrill-seeker in one day, and a chiller in another, if you like change there.

So you end up getting both kind of people in one mission, one mutual session. It's a place of coexistence. I ain't gonna tell myself it's wrong to get agitated over those things, but I can ask myself why I get agitated over those things. And I ain't gonna play an hour in a way that's not me, if it's not for a clanmate or something and I get stuff in return perhaps, something mutually receptive. But, I ain't also gonna flame the person running around in interception even if we'd happen to lose a game because of it, not that it happens... but if it did, I'd say I wouldn't blame them. Not directly at least. Lamenting the loss in chat should be enough for anyone with normal brain capacity to realize, at least subconsciously, that they might have wronged the other players with their carelessness.


I like to be the good guy, so I do what I think is best for the team but also something I find myself enjoying doing. Which in interceptions is guarding a point like a dog with a short leash, and removing the leash briefly once the round is over to clean up stragglers. It's clean, it's what I see as a reliable way of doing, and because interception is a team effort more so than other mission types, I want to contribute more reliably, so people wouldn't had to be disappointed because of me. But I'm not going out of my way to do more than my share either, if it's not something I don't feel like doing. I see team games like interception like human health: it's enough each vital organ works normally, no need for very very good function, but it's important to be reliable and not have a heart attack or liver failure or something, even if you were on your peak performance most of the time. Reliability is a good base to build things on. So I do that.

When I solo, or team up with people who can and dont mind carrying me, because I do the same for them at the drop of the hat and they know it, things are different. But public interception: different house different rules.

Reliability doesn't have to mean the end of creativity and self-expression. You can have both. In team games I'd rather let my caring part be the leader of me, and the self-expression and creativity be foot soldiers, so that the team is better off and can have their rewards and the feeling of success and the dopamine rush in the end.


Warframe has a wonderful community of people acting like people, not vicious pack of rabid wolverines. Well, I don't know if that can be said from the way they act towards in-game PvE enemies, but for each other... off-topic: I wish there was a frame that gave some happy psychedelic sedative to enemies and let them live a while before their impending death, like crowd control and death with nice lore lol. Like a kiss of death of a kind yet deadly seducer. You can always dream :)

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beam weapons like ignis (i use ignis and atomos a lot but i also use aoe weapons like pox) on any wf specter (i usually use trin for her 4 and 2) then i always have moa, roller, ancient healers, chargers, shield osprey, corrupted lancers, and clem clones. The useful ones for me are clem and wf specters since they don't move around the map like headless chickens, and stay where they're told usually. the other specters are mostly there to draw fire and occupy the enemy units, they die often but you can buy them for cheap with standing (some of them anyway) i use specters a lot because i have 100's of bp's and need something to spend poly/creds on.

remember the enemy count is way lower for solo games, for t1-t3 intercepts they'll usually only attack one point at a time so it's pretty manageable. bigger maps require lots of efficiency/range/speed/etc. to get around quickly so just plan accordingly i think


edit: they're also if you're in a game with plebs or people that just don't know how to play/intentionally play badly. 

Edited by (XB1)x ARTaco x
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There are two kinds of interceptions...

Fissure interception demand that you run around and gather Reactant (where it is a GOOD thing to lose bases/time so you can get enough reactant).  

All other interception spots people should post up and gaurd there CP and make the mission go as fast as possible.....  Sometimes you have low level peeps with you who cant hold their spot and thats fight to go help them,  but to leave your spot to go where all the enemies are spawning is just dumb.

It only takes a few seconds to gain back a control point though so I dont really care about interceptions.  The majority of them I do are usually shorthanded anyways.   

I love the mission type though.  Would be awesome to farm FOR relics there.   I also would love it to pop relics if you didnt run into stupid people who hold down all 4 spots even though you dont have reactant.   It also brings out the even more annoying try hards who bring embers or banshees or saryns or volts etc to wipe the map without waiting for the enemies to turn.


What annoys the hell out of me are people in survival.   Nobody sticks together,  nobody lets the enemy come to them.   So it basicly ruins every benefit of being there when people run around.   People need to post up in the center of an intersection and let the enemies come to them and everyone would get masive loot, massive xp, and a constant flow of enemies.  But people push for the doors... then past the doors...then clear across the damn map...   sigh....

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What's the deal with Revenant in Interceptions?    I got yelled at recently in one for killing mobs that were taking over control points.  I'm sure some of them were enthralled, but the enthralled ones weren't doing a very good job afaict, and I was only getting involved when it looked like the control point was going to turn over--or at least that's what I thought.

It was just the two of us, in a low level syndicate mission,  but it ended up being one of the hardest Intercepts I've done in a while.  And this was with me playing Slowva, which is usually super-chill, almost no matter who I'm squad-ed up with.  I don't play Revenant though, so I'm sure I'm  missing something silly.

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19 hours ago, Tiltskillet said:

I got yelled at recently

the guy thought he knew everything about everything probably. Very common problem on wf. 


i constantly see people try to bark orders on how to play in pugs. it's like if it matters that much to you stop using public games and actually coordinate with a group of friends. 

Edited by (XB1)x ARTaco x
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I'm not really annoyed by people running around, because I'm used to CC'ing everything, but, MAN, do I get annoyed when there are 4 players in a match, but for some godforsaken reason they cannot split up to intercept one point each.

It's something so simple and intuitive.

4 players


4 points to intercept

= 1 player intercepting each point.

Yet I constantly find 2 people intercepting and protecting the same point, instead of splitting up to intercept that one abandoned point. This happens everywhere, even in Sorties.

It's not even a "don't know what to do" issue. It's just randumbs.

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6 hours ago, (XB1)x ARTaco x said:

i constantly see people try to bark orders on how to play in pugs. it's like if it matters that much to you stop using public games and actually coordinate with a group of friends. 

I seriously doubt these sorts of people got any friends, but then again a lot of us don't, for different reasons but in these cases i can see why they don't.

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Yeah, anything that actual asks for co-operation doesn't work unless you have a group of friends or clan members that are on the same page from the start or you get very lucky.

I hear lots about how wonderful the player community is but whenever someone points out that there's lots of players that can't be bothered to actually try to work as a team the answer is always the same: 'play solo'.

If you don't like how players don't have each others backs then the advise is 'play solo'. NEVER do I see someone mention that those that just want to do there own thing should play solo. No, us who like to play with a squad, we're the problem and we should just go solo. How dare we expect people to work together in a coop PvE game. How utterly silly of us.

Run through a mission in 2.5 seconds. What? You wanted to pick up some resources or even an Ayatan? Nope, we'll pull you out. Go play solo.

Killing Eidolons.... What? You wanted to capture them? Nope, don't have time for lures to be filled. Go play solo.

Killing Simaris scan targets. What? You wanted to scan it? Why? No time, have to kill, kill, kill. If you wanted the scan you must be a 'noob'. Go play solo.

So what if I start each and every excavator without ever bothering to defend any of them. Who do you think you are trying to teach me how to play the game efficiently. If you don't like it then go 'play solo'.

What? Each of us defending one interception point? Nay, that's for losers. Don't have time for it. No let's all stand on the same one and then , in group, keep running to the next one to capture over and over again because I drank to much Monster/Red Bull and can't stand to actual chill. Go play solo you loser.

Exploring the survival map to see if there's any goodies? Nope. Picking a place to just let the enemies come to the squad and profit from the affinity range? Nope. Everyone disperse and try to kill as many as you can by yourself, constant being frantic zipping around the entire map. You don't like that? Go play solo !

Yep, wonderful community of players indeed.


Are there mature minded players that enjoy the game, take the time to explore, finding the hidden rooms, working together with their squad, letting there squad know if and where something is of interest? Yes there are but truly they are not the vast majority of players. Let's be honest now, a serious chunk of the playerbase are entitled self-aggrandizing snowflakes. I've played the game now every day for a year now and after +2k hours I have found a handful of people I would run with no matter what mission or task. Another handful with which I can do somethings sometimes without them peeving me off or I them.

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Il y a 2 heures, (PS4)kite9000 a dit :

If you don't like how players don't have each others backs then the advise is 'play solo'. NEVER do I see someone mention that those that just want to do there own thing should play solo. No, us who like to play with a squad, we're the problem and we should just go solo. How dare we expect people to work together in a coop PvE game. How utterly silly of us.

You can go premade too... Getting the synergies and fun you want ? It's not needed to be solo.

Public games are what they are. You can't expect everyone to play the way you want in random public games.

I'm not experiencing those problems with eidolon. It's clearly content you'll enjoy much more in premade...

Simaris target are quite tricky, i end up killing those without really noticing. The time we get the message "you're damaging the target" it's dead. and i'm not running around with my scanner up, in most missions it's a disadvantage. Updating how the target look with some kind of synthesis effect on it would work for me.

Exploration isn't really a focus in this game. I don't bother because of that very specific reason. Wasting time running around isn't funny for me.

You mean you found people to play with? And you still go in public expecting EVERYONE to be : good/mature/exploration driven/efficiency oriented.

About this whole entitled snowflakes thing. It's a good thing gaming media (who cares more about publishers and what they can get from them than their actual audience) keep saying that amazing stuff. We're such a bunch of bad people right ? 

Keep going like this, you're an entitled self-aggrandizing snowflakes yourself.

Expecting everyone to play the way you want is not going to happen ever. 

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On 2019-08-20 at 9:43 PM, Tiltskillet said:

What's the deal with Revenant in Interceptions?    I got yelled at recently in one for killing mobs that were taking over control points.  I'm sure some of them were enthralled, but the enthralled ones weren't doing a very good job afaict, and I was only getting involved when it looked like the control point was going to turn over--or at least that's what I thought.

It was just the two of us, in a low level syndicate mission,  but it ended up being one of the hardest Intercepts I've done in a while.  And this was with me playing Slowva, which is usually super-chill, almost no matter who I'm squad-ed up with.  I don't play Revenant though, so I'm sure I'm  missing something silly.

People think you should be a mind-reader and expert on every frame and cater to their playstyle so they can do the Cool Thing even if it's an obscure and poorly-demonstrated mechanic that is counterintuitive for teammates to play around.

The most I'll cater to another teammate's playstyle is not instagibbing everything in an ally Nidus's meatball. Sometimes.

If your frame relies on your teammates not doing things that they're trained to do, then it's not a good teamplay frame and you shouldn't have brought it.

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I could be wrong about this, but I do believe that depending on whether your playing alone or with a full crew, the difficulty scales with the number of teammates. if your bothered by undependable mates... Go alone. Octavia does this well in in turning a station and leaving with a Mallet and Amp behind. Throw out a Vapor Specter and freeze it at another position. (A Nova / Corinth is something I've used, does pretty well.) and cover the third position yourself. That should get you through a round.

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20 hours ago, AkyFenrir said:

Exploration isn't really a focus in this game. I don't bother because of that very specific reason. Wasting time running around isn't funny for me.

Ah yes. I see that very often. Exploring? Nah. Why, who needs resources, or syndicate marks or anything, right?

But then they're complaining that they don't have this or that resource so until they collect enough they can't make this or that.

And what is there solution? Something that is utterly not boring (according to them) namely running a survival mission, or one of the other endless missions, for an hour or 2, 3 or 8.


I once tested it and I came to the conclusion that doing some Kuva floods is way more efficient, and profitable, then going for a Kuva fortress Kuvival.

In fact, don't take my word for it : https://www.framemastery.com/warframe-kuva-farming-guide/

Kuvivals being a frenzy of hectic running around for hours on end like a headless chicken. Even more 'fun' if you happen to have a spamming Limbo and a Frost, or a Revenant, Volt (or any other WF which your team members will have decked out with the most garish colors when using it's powers) You don't really see anything anymore not with all the visual effects going on. You're just mindless buttonmashing. Ah yes, what fun.

Yes, sarcasm.

You do you.

You want to rush through everything? Go for it!

Can't be bothered to actual enjoy the design, finding the hidden rooms and picking up goodies? Go for it!

Couldn't care less about tactics, using the best weapons for a particular task? Go for it!

Just one thing, GO SOLO because people in open squads can do very well without you and would like to actual enjoy the game and not being berated, insulted and made fun of because of that..

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il y a 26 minutes, (PS4)kite9000 a dit :

Ah yes. I see that very often. Exploring? Nah. Why, who needs resources, or syndicate marks or anything, right?

But then they're complaining that they don't have this or that resource so until they collect enough they can't make this or that.

And what is there solution? Something that is utterly not boring (according to them) namely running a survival mission, or one of the other endless missions, for an hour or 2, 3 or 8.


Except, exploration is a terrible way to get ressources, syndicates marks are irrelevant to me (unless when nightwave show up), I get ayatan trough arbitrations. So yeah, nothing to get from exploration?

Well i'm never complaining about missing ressources... Thanks for this strawman of my position.

I enjoy doing survival because i'm rewarded for it. Exploration doens't reward me. What don't you understand here ? I do get why your head hurt so much if you think this way.

il y a 27 minutes, (PS4)kite9000 a dit :

I once tested it and I came to the conclusion that doing some Kuva floods is way more efficient, and profitable, then going for a Kuva fortress Kuvival.

In fact, don't take my word for it : https://www.framemastery.com/warframe-kuva-farming-guide/

Kuvivals being a frenzy of hectic running around for hours on end like a headless chicken. Even more 'fun' if you happen to have a spamming Limbo and a Frost, or a Revenant, Volt (or any other WF which your team members will have decked out with the most garish colors when using it's powers) You don't really see anything anymore not with all the visual effects going on. You're just mindless buttonmashing. Ah yes, what fun.

Yes, sarcasm.

You do you.

If your main argument is Kuva is timegated, you can't go on efficiency to disprove me when I debunk your argument. 

The fact you're not enjoying something doesn't mean it's the case for everyone. Abstracting from your own experience might help your poor hurting head.

il y a 27 minutes, (PS4)kite9000 a dit :

You want to rush through everything? Go for it!

Can't be bothered to actual enjoy the design, finding the hidden rooms and picking up goodies? Go for it!

I've been playing for a very long time, i've seen everything there's too see. So yeah i'm rushing through it, don't need your benediction to play the game the way i'm enjoying it.

il y a 27 minutes, (PS4)kite9000 a dit :

Couldn't care less about tactics, using the best weapons for a particular task? Go for it!

Just one thing, GO SOLO because people in open squads can do very well without you and would like to actual enjoy the game and not being berated, insulted and made fun of because of that..

Except, I do care about what's the best or i couldn't rush trough it remember ?

There's a point where, when you say something that can be turned back on you, it means you shouldn't say it. Why don't you go solo to have all the time to explore ? 

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On 2019-08-22 at 1:05 PM, (PS4)kite9000 said:


Yeah, anything that actual asks for co-operation doesn't work unless you have a group of friends or clan members that are on the same page from the start or you get very lucky.

I hear lots about how wonderful the player community is but whenever someone points out that there's lots of players that can't be bothered to actually try to work as a team the answer is always the same: 'play solo'.

If you don't like how players don't have each others backs then the advise is 'play solo'. NEVER do I see someone mention that those that just want to do there own thing should play solo. No, us who like to play with a squad, we're the problem and we should just go solo. How dare we expect people to work together in a coop PvE game. How utterly silly of us.

Run through a mission in 2.5 seconds. What? You wanted to pick up some resources or even an Ayatan? Nope, we'll pull you out. Go play solo.

Killing Eidolons.... What? You wanted to capture them? Nope, don't have time for lures to be filled. Go play solo.

Killing Simaris scan targets. What? You wanted to scan it? Why? No time, have to kill, kill, kill. If you wanted the scan you must be a 'noob'. Go play solo.

So what if I start each and every excavator without ever bothering to defend any of them. Who do you think you are trying to teach me how to play the game efficiently. If you don't like it then go 'play solo'.

What? Each of us defending one interception point? Nay, that's for losers. Don't have time for it. No let's all stand on the same one and then , in group, keep running to the next one to capture over and over again because I drank to much Monster/Red Bull and can't stand to actual chill. Go play solo you loser.

Exploring the survival map to see if there's any goodies? Nope. Picking a place to just let the enemies come to the squad and profit from the affinity range? Nope. Everyone disperse and try to kill as many as you can by yourself, constant being frantic zipping around the entire map. You don't like that? Go play solo !

Yep, wonderful community of players indeed.


Are there mature minded players that enjoy the game, take the time to explore, finding the hidden rooms, working together with their squad, letting there squad know if and where something is of interest? Yes there are but truly they are not the vast majority of players. Let's be honest now, a serious chunk of the playerbase are entitled self-aggrandizing snowflakes. I've played the game now every day for a year now and after +2k hours I have found a handful of people I would run with no matter what mission or task. Another handful with which I can do somethings sometimes without them peeving me off or I them.

you're mistaken teamwork and public missions

what are the reasons to go public?

1 - you're having difficulties on your own

2 - you can solo but you wanna do it faster/easier  because you don't like the mission type, you need to farm the reward, want some XP for your fodder weapons etc...

3 - you have no problem solo it and say why not carry someone else

4 - you forgot to select solo


if you are in group 1 (or 4) with exigencies, you're just being rude.


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On 2019-08-20 at 9:33 AM, GOOFBALL1 said:

For me the annoyance is the people running around, ignoring the capping points, the flags, the nodes, ABCD.

I avoid all that nonsense by going solo as Ivara.  Easy peezy. 

Edited by DatDarkOne
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On 2019-08-23 at 1:26 PM, AkyFenrir said:

....syndicates marks are irrelevant to me (unless when nightwave show up), ...

Unlike you I do like to get free relic packs. In fact I haven't had to grind missions at all to get any of the last few months of released relics to get Primes (weapons or frames) because of collecting and turning in so many syndicate marks that I got plenty of relics that led to me actually acquiring the newest released primed weapons and warframes. Newer players might enjoy it not only for that but also to make some plat by selling mods, weapons or archwing weapon parts, getting way more standing by turning in syndicate marks then solely relying on the points they earn by running around with the appropriate sigil.

You have everything. Good for you. You don't want free relic packs. Your pick. You don't want to aid or be aided. Sure, be selfish. All I'm saying is that if you like to be selfish don't demand an audience.
Besides, it's not about YOU, it's about the community at large.


Well i'm never complaining about missing ressources... Thanks for this strawman of my position.


Did I say you personally were complaining about that? No,I didn't. So I didn't use a "strawman" of your position instead you took affront to something that was a depiction of a serious chunk of the community that constantly is in need of all kinds of resources and *you* took it personally. Not my fault nor problem.


I've been playing for a very long time, i've seen everything there's too see.

You might be amazed how many 'experienced' long time players don't know how to get in certain locked rooms or have no clue about a short cut in a spy mission with less lasers to avoid or less access consoles to hack, as well as a myriad of other little things.

By the way, I've got +2k hours in game and there are still nooks and crannies every so often that I didn't find before. Just out of curiousity may I enquire how many in game hours you have?


if your main argument is Kuva is timegated, you can't go on efficiency to disprove me when I debunk your argument. 

Huh?  Saying you debunk my argument without debunking my argument ..... are you pulling a D. Trump on me? Did you forget to write the debunking? Care to spell it out how you're debunking my argument?

While you're at it can you also show why you think I was putting forward as an argument that Kuva is timegated? Please demonstrate. Because I wasn't.

I'm putting forward the fact that the amount of Kuva that can be gained per time spend is much higher while doing floods then doing Kuvival or to put it plainly : the former is more efficient (about twice) then the latter (not using resource boosters in either case). On top of that, the former you can even easily do solo (with the right modded WF) where as the Kuvival needs a far greater investment in mods and forma to be able to do solo. On top of all that the former is even in a much more laid  back manner, again improved efficiency.



I do get why your head hurt so much....


....might help your poor hurting head

???? Why do you think my head is hurting? You do know that *smh* = shaking my head.

I'm saddened by a large portion of the 'great' community. Not surprised nor hurt though, been playing games for decades now so truly not surprised but only saddened to see that no matter if it was BF Bad company or something like WF things never change. Even although everyone wins if one plays as a group, their are lots of narcissistic people that for some reason think it makes them more of a 'man' if they have the most kills or think they are so 'bad ass' because they can one shot a boss. It's a game people and unless you play professionally your exploits mean nothing. It doesn't mean a thing now nor will it ever mean anything. No, no statues will be erected for the feat of doing an ESO run for 3 hours nor will there be folktales telling the tale in 200years of how one zipped through a derelict assassinate mission in less then 1min 45 (without getting kavat scans or opening the dragon key door).


Again, you do you.

People that want to run public should be able to run public and finding people that think the same without being drummed out to play solo by those that don't want nor need a squad but can't be bothered to go solo.


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Le 24/08/2019 à 15:18, (PS4)kite9000 a dit :

Unlike you I do like to get free relic packs. In fact I haven't had to grind missions at all to get any of the last few months of released relics to get Primes (weapons or frames) because of collecting and turning in so many syndicate marks that I got plenty of relics that led to me actually acquiring the newest released primed weapons and warframes. Newer players might enjoy it not only for that but also to make some plat by selling mods, weapons or archwing weapon parts, getting way more standing by turning in syndicate marks then solely relying on the points they earn by running around with the appropriate sigil.

You have everything. Good for you. You don't want free relic packs. Your pick. You don't want to aid or be aided. Sure, be selfish. All I'm saying is that if you like to be selfish don't demand an audience.
Besides, it's not about YOU, it's about the community at large.

Yep, same thing, get everything without looking for marks. So it's not necessary for me.

There are some people like me who speaks for themselves, who don't go "they, the community and so on" to try to get more relevant.

I'm at a point where i don't need help for starchart so... Yeah i'm not being "aided". 

I kinda like how you go from "you don't like exploring" to "you're selfish and don't want to help" ! You're rushing to conclusions like a videogames journalist xD


Le 24/08/2019 à 15:18, (PS4)kite9000 a dit :

Did I say you personally were complaining about that? No,I didn't. So I didn't use a "strawman" of your position instead you took affront to something that was a depiction of a serious chunk of the community that constantly is in need of all kinds of resources and *you* took it personally. Not my fault nor problem.

You might be amazed how many 'experienced' long time players don't know how to get in certain locked rooms or have no clue about a short cut in a spy mission with less lasers to avoid or less access consoles to hack, as well as a myriad of other little things.

By the way, I've got +2k hours in game and there are still nooks and crannies every so often that I didn't find before. Just out of curiousity may I enquire how many in game hours you have?

Here's the thing. You quoted me. So yeah i'm assuming you're answering to me and not talking nonsense about hypothetical people outside of this conversation. Was i wrong for that ?

Le 24/08/2019 à 15:18, (PS4)kite9000 a dit :

Huh?  Saying you debunk my argument without debunking my argument ..... are you pulling a D. Trump on me? Did you forget to write the debunking? Care to spell it out how you're debunking my argument?

While you're at it can you also show why you think I was putting forward as an argument that Kuva is timegated? Please demonstrate. Because I wasn't.

I'm putting forward the fact that the amount of Kuva that can be gained per time spend is much higher while doing floods then doing Kuvival or to put it plainly : the former is more efficient (about twice) then the latter (not using resource boosters in either case). On top of that, the former you can even easily do solo (with the right modded WF) where as the Kuvival needs a far greater investment in mods and forma to be able to do solo. On top of all that the former is even in a much more laid  back manner, again improved efficiency.

This one is my bad. Was commenting someone with that kind of arguments and mixed my answer here. Sorry about that. By the way what's the thing about Trump? I'm not talking about fake news in this post ;)

Le 24/08/2019 à 15:18, (PS4)kite9000 a dit :

???? Why do you think my head is hurting? You do know that *smh* = shaking my head.

I know it might come to a suprise to you, since my english is decent, that English is a secondary language for me. So yeah i don't know every acronym you got.

Le 24/08/2019 à 15:18, (PS4)kite9000 a dit :

I'm saddened by a large portion of the 'great' community. Not surprised nor hurt though, been playing games for decades now so truly not surprised but only saddened to see that no matter if it was BF Bad company or something like WF things never change. Even although everyone wins if one plays as a group, their are lots of narcissistic people that for some reason think it makes them more of a 'man' if they have the most kills or think they are so 'bad ass' because they can one shot a boss. It's a game people and unless you play professionally your exploits mean nothing. It doesn't mean a thing now nor will it ever mean anything. No, no statues will be erected for the feat of doing an ESO run for 3 hours nor will there be folktales telling the tale in 200years of how one zipped through a derelict assassinate mission in less then 1min 45 (without getting kavat scans or opening the dragon key door).


Again, you do you.

This you do you after all this " large portion of the community" "narcissistic people" "them" "they"X2    Wow there's a "you" lost there. This means you're speaking about me, while trying to connect me to some groups of people in order to attack me. If you want to do that you should be able to at least go all in and accuse me directly!

All this rant and you've nothing to back it up for me... I'm saddened you can't attack me correctly you know ?

Oh wait I should not take it personnally either ? because quoting me and answering in general terms isn't for me right ? It's for "them" i suppose ? Do you believe in flat earth too? they're the specialist of "them" too :)

Le 24/08/2019 à 15:18, (PS4)kite9000 a dit :

People that want to run public should be able to run public and finding people that think the same without being drummed out to play solo by those that don't want nor need a squad but can't be bothered to go solo.

Because obviously the way you play is the way everyone should play in public games ? And you're talking about "narcissistic", you're right there yourself right ?


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16 hours ago, AkyFenrir said:

Because obviously the way you play is the way everyone should play in public games ? And you're talking about "narcissistic", you're right there yourself right ?

Do you actually bother to read the things you write?

How is it narcissistic in thinking that people that want to run with others in random matchmade squads because of mutual benefit should be able to do so? How do you make that into ME demanding that people should play MY WAY? Isn't the entire idea of public open squads in whatever co-op game to have players play together, accomplishing tasks to the benefit of all?

If that isn't the reason to have co-op games then please explain what you think the purpose is of co-op games?

On the other hand how is it not narcissistic, and even egotistical,  for those people that don't want nor need a squad to be running in an open squad and berating, insulting, pulling those squad members that don't want to fly through each and every mission. If one doesn't need a squad but just want to do a certain thing then why not do it solo?

There's many a time I'm selfish, that I just want to do a spy mission or run a sortie or do Simaris scans and don't want to be hindered by others, and go as quick or slow as I want to, and there for do it all by myself. And that's just it, I'm being selfish and there for I do it alone. Nothing wrong with being selfish as long as one doesn't involve other people.


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To be honest, do me the most annoying thing about interceptions is when someone starts raging, or even quits, because the other players don't want to camp and they can't stand that that might increase the mission time by about 30 seconds or so.

So people have it stuck in their head that if you actually want to play, rather than just spending ages squatting in a corner in an endless mode, that that 'leeching' off them, or playing 'wrong'.

That said, it is annoying if someone forces you to cover for them because they're just not trying, rather than clearing the map or going for extra affinity/focus/standing.

But being honest, the only interception I ever failed was a solo T4 void, and I was even doing ok at that until Vor poped up and I got greedy; it's normally not an easy mode to lose, there's just a gap of time between 'optimal' completion and just winning.

Edited by TheArcSet
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For me, t all depends on the level of Interception, and the Tillset!
I have much fun whith interceptions!
If its under level 40-50, runing around between A-B-C-D can work, but i have alwys focus on my Spot! If i start on A, i defend it, but  between mobs, i can go help out others, but I NEVER let my Spot be conquered.Have to be fast.
In level 50-60 Plus i defend 2 spots. I chose for example A, and defend the next clooser spot, and go betwenn the 2 of them.

But in interceptions, for each round there is always a "HOT SPOT". Its the zone where the majority of enemys spawn. Thats the zone  the Team should always be vigilant to help. And there is always the COLD ZONE ( opposite of the other one), where few spawn, and you just need to check it ou 30-40 secs frequency.

So if you know your map, and be vigilant to those "Hot Spots", is manageable to do + 80-100 levels interceptions ! ( Of course i try to use o good CC frame)

Those are my tactics for this type of missions

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So many people don't understand interception as gametype in all honesty.  I LOVE the game mode myself because it's so damn easy and chill, yet people don't understand that hey you should capture these points and when a light is flashing on a captured point it means they're trying to take it back.  It's also one of the few modes where crowd control frames are the actual best frames, not kill frames.  When I go into interceptions with randoms none of them ever bring a slova, vauban, nyx, etc. etc. they bring some excal umbra or some crap frame that makes no sense in interception.  Then they proceed to not capture points at the start of the round for whatever reason.  

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1 minute ago, (XB1)COA Altair said:

So many people don't understand interception as gametype in all honesty.  I LOVE the game mode myself because it's so damn easy and chill, yet people don't understand that hey you should capture these points and when a light is flashing on a captured point it means they're trying to take it back.  It's also one of the few modes where crowd control frames are the actual best frames, not kill frames.  When I go into interceptions with randoms none of them ever bring a slova, vauban, nyx, etc. etc. they bring some excal umbra or some crap frame that makes no sense in interception.  Then they proceed to not capture points at the start of the round for whatever reason.  

Those are the people looking to either get carried, try for the highest damage/most kills stat, or both.  

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Le 27/08/2019 à 13:41, (PS4)kite9000 a dit :

Do you actually bother to read the things you write?

Yes I do... Having a different opinion than you doensn't mean i'm not doing that.

Le 27/08/2019 à 13:41, (PS4)kite9000 a dit :

How is it narcissistic in thinking that people that want to run with others in random matchmade squads because of mutual benefit should be able to do so? How do you make that into ME demanding that people should play MY WAY? Isn't the entire idea of public open squads in whatever co-op game to have players play together, accomplishing tasks to the benefit of all?

You selfdiagnosed yourself there right ? At least you've learned something about yourself that's good ! There is mutual benefit in finishing a mission quickly, this is not true about exploration... Well you're the one whining about people not letting you explore and asking everyone to catter to your playstyle... Yes it is, like I said, finishing a mission quickly is beneficial to everyone, someone wasting everyone's time to try to find one Ayatan statue isn't contributing ... 

Le 27/08/2019 à 13:41, (PS4)kite9000 a dit :

If that isn't the reason to have co-op games then please explain what you think the purpose is of co-op games?

Playing with other people ? That's what it is litteraly... Not an "exploratory obligation"...

Le 27/08/2019 à 13:41, (PS4)kite9000 a dit :

On the other hand how is it not narcissistic, and even egotistical,  for those people that don't want nor need a squad to be running in an open squad and berating, insulting, pulling those squad members that don't want to fly through each and every mission. If one doesn't need a squad but just want to do a certain thing then why not do it solo?

You're the one with a serious ego problem here. I've never insulted anyone in game... I'm pretty sure you don't need a team to explore... Where finishing a mission faster as advantages... faster affinity, faster progress on starchart, more ressources obtained ...

Le 27/08/2019 à 13:41, (PS4)kite9000 a dit :

There's many a time I'm selfish, that I just want to do a spy mission or run a sortie or do Simaris scans and don't want to be hindered by others, and go as quick or slow as I want to, and there for do it all by myself. And that's just it, I'm being selfish and there for I do it alone. Nothing wrong with being selfish as long as one doesn't involve other people.

Except you're involving other players each time you're wasting other people time without asking them if they're interested in your playstyle... Make your own clan with likeminded people, you'll have your cool experience and won't need to whine for something you can control :)


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