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Catchmoon is being nerfed...


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I've never understood the thinking that causes a developer to think "Oh look, that weapon is too powerful, so instead cutting the power/range/whathave you down to a more reasonable level, or boost other weapons up, we're going to push that one OP weapon out of the nerf tree and make sure it hits every nerf branch on the way down, we're going to make that weapon so bad no one will ever play it again". I don't know yet if that's what they've done with the Catchmoon, but it sounds like it's going to be an improved Bronco. Lots of power and no range.

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Surprise surprise.. not.

It's just too bad it took them so long to do something about this that the riven disposition is already completely floored too.

I liked the Catchmoon much because of its concept, and less because of how OP it is. Same thing with the Arca Plasmor. They both remind me a lot of the old Quake 3 BFG, which just always make me smile seeing and hearing that wall of plasma plow through groups of enemies. 

Oh well hopefully it will at least still be somewhat useful. 

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oh noo, how unexpected.... totally never saw this coming....

always preferred bullet guns anyway. I have a Catchmoon, and it's strong, but not as fun to use as AkVasto Prime or Aklex prime. a ridiculous, new revolver that's slow, but does pre-nerf catchmoon damage and has wrist-breaking recoil would be fun though!


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Yeah, it deserves the nerf.  It is the best secondary in its current state bar none for star chart content.  It's an easy button, one that you click when pointing around enemies general direction and they all die.  When 50% of the playerbase is using it, there are problems.  You can also bet that number would increase after they highlight it during a stream that drew over 20K viewers when they all find out how broken catchmoon is.  

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Never get attached to anything in Warframe has always been my number one rule...and just as an extra FU from my rules to myself... I just got a GROLL riven for it and put in a couple forma and it does great against Eidolons and here we are a month later...YAY...I guess...anyhoo nothing not normal...


It's at these moments I am thankful because it gives me a reason to try out Death Stranding when it comes out or look at other games and learn about them...which, is actually fun when you find something like Squads Space Crew mod...

Edited by (PS4)FriendSharkey
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8 minutes ago, 8faiNt said:


I disagree. you actually have to aim a bit with the Tombfinger. the rounds explode, sure, but only on what they hit and the radius is tiny.

9 minutes ago, 8faiNt said:


also nope, it's a beam weapon, limited range. also we don't wanna go back to the old days with beam weapons, they are actually worth a damn now.

10 minutes ago, 8faiNt said:


more of a fun cannon than a room clearer these days.

10 minutes ago, 8faiNt said:


ppfft what? really? these things spend more time reloading than shooting... honestly I dislike these things, but Acceltra makes up for it, that's an awesome primary right there...

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6 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

I disagree. you actually have to aim a bit with the Tombfinger. the rounds explode, sure, but only on what they hit and the radius is tiny.

also nope, it's a beam weapon, limited range. also we don't wanna go back to the old days with beam weapons, they are actually worth a damn now.

more of a fun cannon than a room clearer these days.

ppfft what? really? these things spend more time reloading than shooting... honestly I dislike these things, but Acceltra makes up for it, that's an awesome primary right there...

all 4 weapons I ve mentioned requires less aiming which is why catchmoon was so popular, easy way to clean corridors now check the weapons again based on that.

also, akarius is a balanced weapon even when you waste 2 of your mod slot on pistol mutation and reload speed, you WILL have GREAT damage

-Sonicor is a room cleaner for at least kuva survival, you can easily clean enemies for 20 min or so which is good enough.

-Atomos is practicaly an amprex, it connects to the enemies, also GREAT damage

-Tombfinger is the closest thing to Catchmon in everyway

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15 minutes ago, 8faiNt said:

I dont really understand the point, you guys nerfed the dispo to ground then the gun itself completly? what will it change? just to piss off half of the playerbase? 

Yeah, I don't get it either.

"Oh look, this gun is so fun half the player base is using it! Better make it less fun ASAP!"

This is what you get when devs don't play their own game and don't even understand what the appeal is (hint: it's power fantasy).

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1 minute ago, 8faiNt said:

all 4 weapons I ve mentioned requires less aiming which is why catchmoon was so popular, easy way to clean corridors now check the weapons again based on that.


Catchmoon was popular because it cleared a hallway with one round with ease because of its radius and it's absurdly high damage.  All the others you mentioned require more aiming and have far less damage then catchmoon does currently.  

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Wow. I knew a lot of people talked about it, but 50% usage is... significantly higher than I'd thought. It always just sounded really boring to use to me, and the game's already got serious issues on that front. Objectively it's probably a lot stronger than it should be for the type of weapon it is.

it also probably should have been incredibly obvious that this would be the case from looking at its numbers to begin with, but i still don't think DE actually understands any of the numbers in their game in general.

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7 minutes ago, (XB1)COA Altair said:

Catchmoon was popular because it cleared a hallway with one round with ease because of its radius and it's absurdly high damage.  All the others you mentioned require more aiming and have far less damage then catchmoon does currently.  

Except Sonicor and maybe akarius(I dont have much playtime with it i cant say for sure) yeah, they are actually on the same level as damage wise, atomos is a great beam weapon, and its an pocket amprex like i said but Its also as easy to use because it is an ignis basically. so other than that maybe you meant to say BEAM RANGE? but still warframe is mostly close combat so doesnt really matter Im still standing behind on the 4 weapons I ve mentioned about, they are practically the alt '' catcmoon ''s of this game.

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Just now, (XB1)Thy Divinity said:

I love how triggered people are that the nerf you all knew was coming finally arrived.

Clearly many players didn't pay attention when Mirage was adjusted due to the same factors (overuse) when she was completely busted.

Players using Catchmoon: Literally more than half the playerbase.

Players using Mirage: Me, I assume you, and perhaps one more person maybe.

Are you picking up what I'm putting down?

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1 minute ago, HugintheCrow said:

Players using Catchmoon: Literally more than half the playerbase.

Players using Mirage: Me, I assume you, and perhaps one more person maybe.

Are you picking up what I'm putting down?

Apparently you missed where I said when Mirage was adjusted, meaning a few years ago.  You know, when she could literally turn the game into a joke?

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3 minutes ago, HugintheCrow said:

Players using Catchmoon: Literally more than half the playerbase.

Players using Mirage: Me, I assume you, and perhaps one more person maybe.

Are you picking up what I'm putting down?

Mirage simulor was one of the most powerful things you could do for a long, long time.  Saw it all the time at akkad back in the day and I can still hear the sound effects going off a few years later.  

I doubt any other weapon is going to reach 50% useage by MR 27's any time soon unless they make a mistake and send out something on the same powerlevel or a higher powerlevel.  No weapon in the game is like that currently; there are powerful pistols to be sure, but none that powerful.  

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2 minutes ago, (XB1)Thy Divinity said:

Apparently you missed where I said when Mirage was adjusted, meaning a few years ago.  You know, when she could literally turn the game into a joke?

He probably wasn't around for mirage simulor, lucky because he didn't have to hear that damn sound effect over and over again.  

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