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Thanks for Watching Devstream #134: Empyrean!


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Thanks for watching Devstream #134 and for tagging along with us over the course of our 7 years of streaming on Twitch - we reached 1 Million Followers! We will be celebrating this milestone with a special live-stream in the new year. 

Prize Winners: 


1000 Platinum



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Mixer: Cherryzoid


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So Steve says there will no change to you dying for not knowing the order of mods which you cant find out in any other way as in suiciding. Why? Arguments please, not just "I am the developer, my decision is final."
Why not add skill, why not give us the ability to work  at the very least work for the order WITHOUT dying? If "dying in a video game is no big deal", then why force us to do it, why not remove it so the people who do have a legitimate problem with it are happy and the one who don't are happy, because it didn't matter to them in the first place?

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Glad to hear you're trying to make Empyrean a solo friendly experience and dont lock us out(unlike trials did). I'd love for the stealth mod to be obtainable relatively early on, as to allow solo players to get set up  right away instead of having to slog through an unfun grind to get it to drop. Maybe a "broken" one.

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How long does it take twitch drops to be delivered normally? Watched the entire stream, logged in to check after it was over and nothing yet. Have been linked for over a year and haven't had an issue but I've never tried logging on directly afterwards so I'm unsure how long it takes.

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1 minute ago, AuroraSonicBoom said:

Glad to hear you're trying to make Empyrean a solo friendly experience and dont lock us out(unlike trials did). I'd love for the stealth mod to be obtainable relatively early on, as to allow solo players to get set up  right away instead of having to slog through an unfun grind to get it to drop. Maybe a "broken" one.

but that mean u will never have raid gamemode.

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Just now, Gabbynaru said:

No solo, huh? Well, other games it is then, cause that'll mean I I still won't have any content to play. Looking forward to 2021, when the solo mode will be introduced though, cause that looked pretty dope to play.

Did you watch the stream? They clearly said that solo is possible...

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2 minutes ago, ToKeSia said:

but that mean u will never have raid gamemode.

I'd be perfectly fine with this. Eidolons are soloable, but more rewarding/faster in coop. A good compromise imo. Coop is a fun addition I occasionally indulge in, but I want to earn everything in game I do on my own, and know that I can.  Plus, trails could have been soloable if it wasn't for the hard lockouts with the platform locks.

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So liches still a skill-free russian roulette that doesn't engage anyone else except the nihilists who have been in war for so long that pulling a trigger against their skull is the only way they can feel anything at this point. Got it.

And Railjack will be a constant resource sink that you will desperately keep afloat by shovelling the last of your crafted extinguishers to put out those never ending fires, with the end of the mission maybe gaining a few resources here and there, maybe that one ship mod, at the cost of your farmed copernics etc.

And Solo is left vaguely as "not optimal", meaning stealth is the only viable solo option, and even then questionable?
What about 2-man crews?

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19 minutes ago, Har-Vestor said:

So Steve says there will no change to you dying for not knowing the order of mods which you cant find out in any other way as in suiciding. Why? Arguments please, not just "I am the developer, my decision is final."
Why not add skill, why not give us the ability to work  at the very least work for the order WITHOUT dying? If "dying in a video game is no big deal", then why force us to do it, why not remove it so the people who do have a legitimate problem with it are happy and the one who don't are happy, because it didn't matter to them in the first place?

I actually like the ability to lose as it currently stands in Warframe. My only complaint is it should be improved upon, beyond just a level.

Got Shadow of War during the Black Friday sales and playing it on Brutal difficulty, and I gotta admit. Losing can be pretty fun. I do agree that it should be more dynamic than just failing a puzzle though.

I've learnt more through losing, than I have by winning playing that game.

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I solo a lot because my internet is trash due to the remote area I live in.  I got the impression from what Scott implied is if you build up your gear and Rail Jack skills you can solo.  But don't you have to play/grind the Rail Jack content to get that?  It's like putting the cart before the horse isn't it?   I mean if the Dev's playing their own game, some of who had cheated to gain levels and such were having a rough time, I can't see the solo experience being all that fun.   

For those people who can play in a group this does look like it could be fun.  But for people who solo either by choice or by some forced limits I have my doubts. *shrugs*


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Feeling pretty disappointed... the empyrean part looked pretty boring. Fat chance anyones gonna spec into "engineering" to play mining on random ship fires.

Here's how I suspect this will go:

  • I'll host a railjack-mission
  • Some randoms join
  • The mission is loading
  • everyone immediately jumps into archwing and abandons the ship at the start of the mission

Next to awful controls, the biggest thing holding back archwing is that there is next to no gameplay-customization - why would I trade my arsenal of 40+ warframes and over hundreds of weapons, to restrict myself to 4 archwings and like 8 weapons - in a completely secluded progressionsystem.

Railjack looks like it will combine the limited choice of archwing with the grind of the operator/focus system.


Abandoning the Lichsystem in this barebone-state is even worse though. 😞

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Steve. STEVE. I can understand if the lich system was released barebones and crappy because time constraints and whatnot. Perfectly understandable. Gotta get something out before christmas and all. But if you say things like "the lich instakilling the player for doing the correct thing is the way we want things to be", I'm gonna be a little bit mad, because it wouldn't be the first time. And if you say stuff like "Liches have the life expectancy of and are as memorable as the average tissue paper because kuva weapon grind would have been too long otherwise", I will be very disappointed in your lack of vision and creativity. Because it is absolutely possible to conceive of a lich system where liches live long, yet the kuva weapons are obtained at a reasonable rate. I know that, because I bloody made one. This "dilemma" of lich lifespan versus kuva weapon grind is an illusory one. You can absolutely have your cake and eat it too, in that particular instance.

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