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Carrying people without Railjack on RJ missions needs to stop


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People do this because RJ is a boring grind. To do the Erra quest you need a whopping 127 intrinsic points. That means tons and tons of the same boring game mode.

If it were actually fun, they would be playing instead of leeching.

Edited by Aazhyd
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This is the exact reason that delayed command, to make it seem like there is no barrier to RJ, with command people would solo much more effectively. And the barrier to RJ would be the 6M and construction... and thats how it should be tbh, I got so sick of people sitting on gunners, using all my flux when its not needed, that i have replaced my gunner turrets with mk0 apoc' that literally useless in veil.


I ask people as they join to either engineer or cs killer, because my RJ can fully handle the 90 fighters in about 3 minutes. what slows me down like all railjack is the CS and any engineering/flux making that might need doing. If i see a person sit on the gunners, i tell them they are mk0 and do  nothing, so please do engineer or cs killer, if they still do nothing and just sit there, i know for a fact they are a waste of space, and just leeching.


I once had a guy join and go board a cs, then hide in the cs [not killing it or any of the mobs] where he couldnt get hit and go afk. so it looked like he was doing something[ being on board the cs] but the wonderful tact skill that lets you watch other crew, showed he was literally just afk in a corner. so i tp to him [tact 10] and blew up the ship and left him dead the rest of the session.


People suck, and public will always be full of trash... go prepared to carry.


Edit : with this sort of setup in the viel it only takes 5 minutes to run gian point, for 8-12 intrinsics, depending on if you let ramsleds hit you on purpose

Edited by Steeldragonz
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2 hours ago, Aazhyd said:

People do this because RJ is a boring grind. To do the Erra quest you need a whopping 127 intrinsic points. That means tons and tons of the same boring game mode.

If it were actually fun, they would be playing instead of leeching.

Not exactly I have taken my friends to the sentient anomaly and only I was intrinsic 7 and they were 3 in at least one and they got the quest.

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20 hours ago, lukasystem said:

It's getting so much on my nerves that I have to go solo in order to avoid useless and wasteful players, using all my artillery munitions and battle avionics for no reason, and specially doing nothing at all and getting the exact loot that I've earned doing everything myself and considering all the time i've spent in getting the RJ i have today. Sometimes I might get some decent player with a brain for a change, but 8 out of 10 missions it's always one or two people standing in there just wasting resources and they go like "nono, i'm support, i'm cleaning the ship", which is really infuriating. I mean, they don't even have anything AW related past odonata/imperator (not that it matter anymore but still).

So basically: Make it so that in order to get into a Railjack mission you MUST have a  Railjack, PERIOD. Cut the crap about this "sympathy" for the ones without RJ, I don't want to see -10 rank players on Veil Proxima ffs.



I stopped playing RJ for 4 reasons:  The balance is horrible, the rewards aren't rewarding, the economy is Korean MMO levels of abysmal grind and this.  I would get people joining my ship that would immediately burn all our flux on nothing just to watch the light show, waste all our munitions trying to take out crew ships (with missiles.  Not artillery.) not fix anything, not deal with boarders, not take out crewships with any of the viable means, not make more flux and would jump in my pilot's seat as soon as I got out of it to take care of literally everything by myself while they pilot the ship directly into a kill box, all while not responding to anything in chat, no matter how polite about their moronic behavior I tried to be.  If I could kick them off the ship without them getting drops, even if it took my drops I probably would have.  Through all the online games I've played where griefing was a thing I don't think I've ever been more frustrated than I have with some of the pubs AND recruit chat squads I've gotten.  These people don't have a goddamn clue what they're doing, they just want to pilot a ship around without earning one or learning how anything works.  And it's not a case of a few bad apples.  I got way more useless idiots than I got regular or good crew members.  The idiocy tapers off at Saturn and more in the veil, but then the AFKing ramps up with people just wanting to collect avionics and salvage and titanium without actually helping.

I have literally had to flat out ignore the last two major content updates just to keep enjoying the game.

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15 hours ago, Mr.Fluffins said:

You know, I keep seeing these statements on the forum, and they start to really annoy me, especially when it spreads to people who never touched the mode (like the friends that you mentioned) and they make conclusions about it without having a slightest clue. I would probably also not play RJ if I listened to an over exaggerated forum whine about it or watched a whining streamer crapping on it all the time.

I have soloed the enitre RJ 99% by myself (I played a few nodes with friends for fun and that was it), starting out with basic crappy gear, and no plat spending. By the time I beat Veil, I still didn't have a single zetki avionic, didn't have any abilities except particle ram, and had Sigma MKlII guns and reactor. I only failed 2 missions, one being due to a bug. And surprise, this mode finally felt like a breath of fresh air to me, it wasn't the same old "I hold one button to annihilate countless enemies while listening to youtube", it was something new, something a bit more challenging, something I enjoyed, and would have enjoyed more if not for numerous bugs. In fact, one of my friends who stopped playing a long time ago came back just for RJ, and he doesn't want to play anything else. I also didn't feel the grind all that much.

Good for you. How long did it take you? Cause for most of us; we don't have time to farm a mission node by ourselves for 30 minutes at a time with the starter gear to get a little bit better gear for the next planet. it's a hassle. You have to leave your ship with no pilot to repel borders if your guns weren't good enough to kill the Ram-sled; or just to do repairs. You have to find resources amidst the chaos if you run out of Revolite so you can fix that catastrophic hull failure. I'm amazing at almost everything else that warframe has to offer; but this new expansion requires almost ALL of your resources that you've been gathering for YEARS just to play an entirely new game. It's also very boring even with friends. (The friends that stopped playing warframe because it was so grindy.) I played a 4 man for them to quit after a few missions because the game was just too boring; and it required you to put so much time into grinding for essentially nothing. Your archwings are incredibly underpowered; your guns are hardly ever good enough; you can't bring your OVERWHELMING amount of resources into a mission with you for whatever reason, so you have no resources to craft anything unless you get lucky, or go farming meteors during a mission.

I can go on. What I'm saying here is that we have a reason to complain. This expansion was hyped up for nearly 2 YEARS; and when we got it; the result was so disappointing. Then we had to wait a month for it to be playable; and it's still a boring, grindy mess. If you wanted to do missions solo you'd have to leech off of a player in the veil proxima; and hope to get good mods, items, etc. Unless you were okay with farming the easiest mission node 100 times over to get a drop that would let you try the next mission node 100 times to get a drop that could let you do the next mission node 100 times; until you eventually get the new quest; and then never play Railjack again anyway because there'd be no reason to.

I love this game; I've invested so much time into it. I've invested thousands of dollars into it. This game can be incredibly fun. As of late it's become nothing but a secondary job. ESPECIALLY with this new expansion. And for Railjack to be the way it is; we have a right to be upset.


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2 hours ago, KezuraHonshi said:

Good for you. How long did it take you? Cause for most of us; we don't have time to farm a mission node by ourselves for 30 minutes at a time with the starter gear to get a little bit better gear for the next planet.

I equipped my RJ by soloing. Yes, it took a lot of time, especially in the beginning. And the &%¤#! perma-healing enemies in Veil Proxima almost made me insane. And actually 30 minutes is pretty fast, even now a solo Veil Proxima mission that includes boarding 1-2 objectives takes a bit longer.


it's a hassle.

It sure is. But it is doable, and you will understand how everything works, and what works and what does not.


You have to leave your ship with no pilot to repel borders if your guns weren't good enough to kill the Ram-sled; or just to do repairs.

All the time. You also have to scramble back from Crewships or objectives to try to repair your ship before it implodes. But there is the unlockable "beam-me-up-Scotty"-function that changes all that, radically. When soloing RJ, you are doing the job of three Tennos (not four, but three).


You have to find resources amidst the chaos if you run out of Revolite so you can fix that catastrophic hull failure.


All that and more. But then you end up with a ship that can take it all, with knowledge and intrinsic levels to handle it all, and you find that you sell most part drops for Dirac since you already have better ones, and then you end up with several 10k's of Dirac because all the avionics and slots are already upgraded. You might still be missing some of rarer avionics, but the RJ has turned into a force to be reckoned with, as have you. Even when soloing any RJ content.

I prefer to play with friends, it's a blast. Or it was, by now it is already a bit too easy. Boarding Crewships is routine, as is everything else. Often the captain has the least to do, everything seems to happen by itself. And by doing missions together in the Veil everyone have their ship upgraded now so it doesn't really matter who takes their RJ. We have some new players not having Paracesis yet, but soon we'll help them get the Shedu parts (they started at Xmas and are a LONG way from their own RJs 🙂). After that it is waiting for new content.

I don't do RJ missions with randoms anymore, that "experience" ended rather quickly. I agree with what many are saying in the thread, that is among the worst you can experience in Warframe currently. And it's even worse than described on the galleon missions, or the sentient ship. Pure sh*t. Don't do it, spare yourself.

And I do not think building the Railjack and struggling to get it shipshape is too hard, or too long, and it is rather the opposite of "boring". I've failed some missions on the way, but the number of times I've managed to save my ship and the mission (and the loot! 🙂) in the nick of time outnumber these by a large margin. Very few things in Warframe has been as hard as fixing that Railjack up with all it needed. But it has also been some of the most fun, by being so challenging. I can understand many want to cheese it instead but I don't care, I think it is quite good as it is. And I even hope the next content will be (a lot) more challenging. It's the New War after all, not a picnic in space...

Edited by Graavarg
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14 hours ago, Steeldragonz said:

This is the exact reason that delayed command, to make it seem like there is no barrier to RJ, with command people would solo much more effectively. And the barrier to RJ would be the 6M and construction... and thats how it should be tbh, I got so sick of people sitting on gunners, using all my flux when its not needed, that i have replaced my gunner turrets with mk0 apoc' that literally useless in veil.


I ask people as they join to either engineer or cs killer, because my RJ can fully handle the 90 fighters in about 3 minutes. what slows me down like all railjack is the CS and any engineering/flux making that might need doing. If i see a person sit on the gunners, i tell them they are mk0 and do  nothing, so please do engineer or cs killer, if they still do nothing and just sit there, i know for a fact they are a waste of space, and just leeching.


I once had a guy join and go board a cs, then hide in the cs [not killing it or any of the mobs] where he couldnt get hit and go afk. so it looked like he was doing something[ being on board the cs] but the wonderful tact skill that lets you watch other crew, showed he was literally just afk in a corner. so i tp to him [tact 10] and blew up the ship and left him dead the rest of the session.


People suck, and public will always be full of trash... go prepared to carry.


Edit : with this sort of setup in the viel it only takes 5 minutes to run gian point, for 8-12 intrinsics, depending on if you let ramsleds hit you on purpose

So you handicapped yourself and cut your efficiency in half because you don't want people shooting ur pew pew stick... Eh play however you want it's pubs 

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17 hours ago, Steeldragonz said:

I once had a guy join and go board a cs, then hide in the cs [not killing it or any of the mobs] where he couldnt get hit and go afk. so it looked like he was doing something[ being on board the cs] but the wonderful tact skill that lets you watch other crew, showed he was literally just afk in a corner. so i tp to him [tact 10] and blew up the ship and left him dead the rest of the session.

I don't know if they fixed that yet, but before there were a plenty of crewship-related bugs that could glitch entire railjack in infinite void transition. IIRC it was somehow related to tenno dying in crewship, or tenno warping away with crewship or something like that. Take care.

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I personally love void hole just launch and detonate the second it's out black out all light around you and your ship and sit back as the black hole kills everything and you accidentally get out the ship in 0 light and die god I love it

Edited by warmastercain
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45 minutes ago, Makunogo said:

as a returning player can someone dumb down what this means. as im about to go start my quest in game and i dont want it to look like i am leeching of people if i have to do something in a squad.

Here, have a mighty wall of text.

Required tasks in railjack missions:

1: Destroy enemy cruise ships. This is almost always done by boarding them and then exploding the reactor. The reactor is this pillar thing in the first room past the door from your entry point. Shoot the reactor enough and it explodes. Ships on higher level areas (saturn, veil) have the reactor behind a shield which you remove by hacking a console directly on the reactor.

Enemies here are very tanky and hit very hard, so you're best off just immobilising them rather than fighting your way through them.

Once the reactor is popped, you have 20 seconds before the ship explodes. This doesn't actually hurt you - you just get kicked out back into space in your archwing when it blows. If you want to make your captain happy, blow the reactor and then get the enemy pilot and gunners out of their command chairs (so that the ship is immobilised and not firing at anything). Do that either by killing them or using some kind of CC (disarm, chaos, anything that gets enemies out of a turret in normal gameplay)

Boarding cruise ships is done either by flying to an access hatch in the lower rear of the ship and pressing the use key (dangerous, you get shot at), or if you have the level 4 gunnery intrinsic, you can shoot yourself through the wall of the ship using the archwing catapult located in your own ship (at the very top and towards the rear, it's not marked in any way, you need rank 3 gunnery to even use it). That gets you there unharmed (except for your shields, which still get eaten by incoming gunfire even though you're marked invincible)

You can also kill cruise ships using the forward artillery cannon, but it's complete crap so just don't bother. It can't do S#&$ on Saturn and above unless modded or the pilot stacks procs on the target, it's got limited ammo and they need to face the target while you charge up the shot.

Archwing or railjack turret fire is not physically capable of killing them. Don't bother firing at a cruise ship unless you're using a carcinnox turret and want to use its proc to make the enemies shoot at each other instead of you.

2: Kill enemy boarders. You'll occasionally get incoming boarding pods (which helpfully make this siren noise). If they touch the ship's hull, they deposit a boarding squad of tanky, hurty enemies which then try to cut up your ship from the inside. Kill them all, after which you may need to...

3: Fix damaged parts of the ship. The ship has autorepair by default to restore health, but you can suffer "procs" when you get hit or when boarding parties do their thing. There are hull breaches (small and large), fires, electrical shorts and iced doors (very rare). To fix those, pick the "omni" item (this is at the very end of your gear wheel, it's given to you automatically when you launch the mission and taken away when you stop railjacking) and find the damaged parts from the map icons. Hull breaches are fixed by holding down fire and waving the reticle over the cracked area until it's filled over, all the others are done by pointing at the target and just holding down the mouse button until the gauge fills up completely (ignore the marked regions on the gauge, they do nothing).

4: Refill consumables. Fixing holes in the ship costs omni-gel (called "revolite"). Missiles, magic spaceship energy and the crapcannon also have finite supplies of stuff which need to be refilled. This is done in some extremely well hidden consoles at the bottom rear of the ship. They have a cooldown after being used, and you can't even start using them until you've put some ranks into the engineering skill tree. If you're new, just ignore this.

5: Kill enemy fighters. Self-explanatory. Either do that in the side turrets (both accessible from the room directly behind the main helm), or you can get out and do it in your archwing. While the side turrets can fire missiles and cast ship powers, it's extremely bad form for the gunners to do that. Don't.

6: Do the stationary objectives. Some missions have one or more objectives - shut down the pulse turbine/missile battery, kill the commander, etc. They're marked with an objective marker visible when piloting, gunning or archwinging (and listed on the side of the screen). Fly there in your archwing, find the door, go in and follow the objective marker once inside. Some of them have external components (eg. boarding party exposes a radiator, railjacker or archwinger outside needs to destroy the exposed radiator).

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Partial solution:

<snip from another post I made a while ago>

Using Distilling Extractors and Titan Extractors To do the farming resource work while the mission is in progress with a risk mechanic to where the Extractor might be destroyed if undefended or lacking modifications "mods" to help ensure their survival. To expand the one dimensional aspect of extractors and give them actual importance and help Warframe start conveying a sense of integration.

If DE has not already thought about this already I'd be disappointed. Extractors would go hand in hand with the Empyrean Mode excellently. Their very concept and inclusion to RJ is nearly a no-brainer. Countless times that I have been mining solo post-mission I was thinking about this doing resource cleanup. "Why not have extractors do this?" Deploy them at the beginning of the level,  assume they take some risk in being destroyed.

<end snip>


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51 minutes ago, DoomFruit said:

Here, have a mighty wall of text.

Required tasks in railjack missions:

1: Destroy enemy cruise ships. This is almost always done by boarding them and then exploding the reactor. The reactor is this pillar thing in the first room past the door from your entry point. Shoot the reactor enough and it explodes. Ships on higher level areas (saturn, veil) have the reactor behind a shield which you remove by hacking a console directly on the reactor.

Enemies here are very tanky and hit very hard, so you're best off just immobilising them rather than fighting your way through them.

Once the reactor is popped, you have 20 seconds before the ship explodes. This doesn't actually hurt you - you just get kicked out back into space in your archwing when it blows. If you want to make your captain happy, blow the reactor and then get the enemy pilot and gunners out of their command chairs (so that the ship is immobilised and not firing at anything). Do that either by killing them or using some kind of CC (disarm, chaos, anything that gets enemies out of a turret in normal gameplay)

Boarding cruise ships is done either by flying to an access hatch in the lower rear of the ship and pressing the use key (dangerous, you get shot at), or if you have the level 4 gunnery intrinsic, you can shoot yourself through the wall of the ship using the archwing catapult located in your own ship (at the very top and towards the rear, it's not marked in any way, you need rank 3 gunnery to even use it). That gets you there unharmed (except for your shields, which still get eaten by incoming gunfire even though you're marked invincible)

You can also kill cruise ships using the forward artillery cannon, but it's complete crap so just don't bother. It can't do S#&amp;&#036; on Saturn and above unless modded or the pilot stacks procs on the target, it's got limited ammo and they need to face the target while you charge up the shot.

Archwing or railjack turret fire is not physically capable of killing them. Don't bother firing at a cruise ship unless you're using a carcinnox turret and want to use its proc to make the enemies shoot at each other instead of you.

2: Kill enemy boarders. You'll occasionally get incoming boarding pods (which helpfully make this siren noise). If they touch the ship's hull, they deposit a boarding squad of tanky, hurty enemies which then try to cut up your ship from the inside. Kill them all, after which you may need to...

3: Fix damaged parts of the ship. The ship has autorepair by default to restore health, but you can suffer "procs" when you get hit or when boarding parties do their thing. There are hull breaches (small and large), fires, electrical shorts and iced doors (very rare). To fix those, pick the "omni" item (this is at the very end of your gear wheel, it's given to you automatically when you launch the mission and taken away when you stop railjacking) and find the damaged parts from the map icons. Hull breaches are fixed by holding down fire and waving the reticle over the cracked area until it's filled over, all the others are done by pointing at the target and just holding down the mouse button until the gauge fills up completely (ignore the marked regions on the gauge, they do nothing).

4: Refill consumables. Fixing holes in the ship costs omni-gel (called "revolite"). Missiles, magic spaceship energy and the crapcannon also have finite supplies of stuff which need to be refilled. This is done in some extremely well hidden consoles at the bottom rear of the ship. They have a cooldown after being used, and you can't even start using them until you've put some ranks into the engineering skill tree. If you're new, just ignore this.

5: Kill enemy fighters. Self-explanatory. Either do that in the side turrets (both accessible from the room directly behind the main helm), or you can get out and do it in your archwing. While the side turrets can fire missiles and cast ship powers, it's extremely bad form for the gunners to do that. Don't.

6: Do the stationary objectives. Some missions have one or more objectives - shut down the pulse turbine/missile battery, kill the commander, etc. They're marked with an objective marker visible when piloting, gunning or archwinging (and listed on the side of the screen). Fly there in your archwing, find the door, go in and follow the objective marker once inside. Some of them have external components (eg. boarding party exposes a radiator, railjacker or archwinger outside needs to destroy the exposed radiator).

omg... thats a lot and im sure this is really dumbed down to.. well i definetly dont think i will be doing railjack any time soon in a squad..

almost guarentee someone will see my MR and yell at me cus idk what im doing. smh lol

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40 minutes ago, Makunogo said:

omg... thats a lot and im sure this is really dumbed down to.. well i definetly dont think i will be doing railjack any time soon in a squad..

almost guarentee someone will see my MR and yell at me cus idk what im doing. smh lol

The point is you don't have to do all of that as a team member. Just pick one and focus on that.

In the earlier portion of this content when I joined those missions I would often just run around the RJ patching holes, doing my best to kill off the boarding parties and keeping an eye on the forges.  I picked this because it was something that didn't ensure my death, was important to the mission, and allowed the pilot and or others to focus on fighting.

When players are talking about RJ leechers they are taking about players that pick an out of the way spot to literally sit for the entire mission doing nothing to help.


Luckily I haven't seen to many of these and when I do I simply abort mission.

Edited by Aesthier
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Just now, Aesthier said:

The point is you don't have to do all of that as a team member. Just pick one and focus on that.

In the earlier portion of this content when I joined those missions I would often just run around the RJ patching holes, doing my best to kill off the boarding parties and keeping an eye on the forges.  I picked this because it was something that didn't ensure my death, was important to the mission, and allowed the pilot and or others to focus on fighting.

ohhh i thought that was one persons job i was like tho i am tempted to try it alone now lol. 

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1 minute ago, Makunogo said:

ohhh i thought that was one persons job i was like tho i am tempted to try it alone now lol. 

@MakunogoIf you do a solo mission then yes you will have to accomplish all of it yourself.


Would you like to run some missions? I am logging in now if you want to go for a ride and see what I am talking about.

Edited by Aesthier
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15 hours ago, Makunogo said:

omg... thats a lot and im sure this is really dumbed down to.. well i definetly dont think i will be doing railjack any time soon in a squad..

almost guarentee someone will see my MR and yell at me cus idk what im doing. smh lol

Yeah, sorry about that. The problem is that there is exactly zero explanation for any part of railjack anywhere in the game. No tutorial, no illustrated manual in the codex, not even little voice lines from Lotus/Cy/Ordis saying "your weapons are ineffective against ships of that size, you need to board them and sabotage them from inside".

So I can't even say "the tutorial says X, but it works better if you do Y". I've got to explain the whole thing from scratch because DE can't be bothered.

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On 2020-01-31 at 4:23 AM, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

So you handicapped yourself and cut your efficiency in half because you don't want people shooting ur pew pew stick... Eh play however you want it's pubs 

thats just it tho, with void hole there is no need for anyone on gunners, because 1 missile can kill 20 ships from the pilot, so the crews time is better spent doing things that are actually productive like... flux management/engineering/boarders/killing a damn CS so the mission is over faster. lol have a person just literally afk on a gunner turret just for that 1 kill they might get or whatever when you are running a void hole railjack means nothing, its a literal waste of a player.

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On 2020-01-30 at 12:51 AM, Currilicious said:

Herein lies the dilemma.

I collected a good portion of the materials to build my own ship random joining RJ missions. If the rules are changed so you cannot hot-join until you own a ship of your own, then the entry barrier just got raised.

Perhaps do a Sortie level check on it? When you start the RJ mission, if anyone in the squad do not meet the requirements, the game lets you know like how weapon specific Sorties go?

However, doing this means you can no longer help a buddy out.

I myself built my Railjack during the Rising Tide update, that means that the only way you could've obtained the new resources needed then was to farm eximus units in specific planets, and mine in Fortuna and PoE, and while that grind was a bit tedious, it felt totally fair imo.
This method of aquiring the resources should be the "default" one.
The entry barrier is high as it is, but honestly I'd rather people would farm 3 hours for the nessecery new resources (its really not that hard with a booster, smeeta, and a proper squad) than to just straight up leech (intentionally or not) and get those resources in 30 minutes.

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im in a decent sized clan but no1 runs rj really. all that did have like myself, a good ship n 9+ intrinsic levels and are done with it already cause theres nothin new to do yet. i have used recruit n used ally chat but instead of waiting an hour for a squad i just run solo. i refuse to pug for the exact reason stated here. happened after i had multiple runs with all 3 ppl standing where they spawned in for the duration. n tbh i dont need anyone. i can easily solo every node. but its truly FUN to have a full crew of like minded players. i wish there was a recruitment mechanism you could set for ur own ship like must be lvl30 frame. must have lvl7 intrinsics across the board etc. i mean its ur ship u should be able to deny entry to ppl u dont want on it. and to be fair im also the person who asks if ppl need rj help. we use my ship to make it easier for ppl to learn etc. but when im in veil i just solo cause its the only way to prevent the ppl i dont wanna play with (or play FOR is more accurate). i believe rj is and can be a super fun aspect of wf but without stuff to do its just gonna keep gettin worse. 

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On 2020-01-31 at 1:51 PM, Makunogo said:

ohhh i thought that was one persons job i was like tho i am tempted to try it alone now lol. 

That's 3 people's jobs. Here's a general breakdown, although all positions are fluid.

First player's the pilot.

Second person is a gunner. You also patch holes, and if a crew ship warps in, and there's no one else, you go board it and take it out.

Third person does the same.

Fourth player, patch holes until a crew ship comes in, then go take it out.

Ideally, you want a pilot, at least one person in the railjack to do repairs, and one person taking out crew ships.


If you're under a lot of pressure, you can board a crew ship, run to the front, stab the pilot with your parazon, and the ship is now "yours." (Ideally, you want to at least kill the gunners, too, but this works in a pinch.) Enemies will now focus on the crew ship, instead of your railjack.)

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