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Discussion on Cross Save


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On 2020-05-16 at 2:44 PM, xcrimsonlegendx said:

That was mostly due to Sony not wanting to play nice. Nintendo and Microsoft have been on good terms in regards to cross-play/save for a while. Sony was holding up progress trying to say that they were concerned about the safety of their users. 😄

yes...sony has a long and sordid history of this (and much worse) kind of behavior. they are great at developing tech...but positively horrid as an actual business. they also have a habit of painting themselves into a corner...and shooting themselves in the foot. see...betamax, minidiscs, rewritable cds....they have a habit of developing and releasing things that hurt their own bottom line...and then doing all sorts of underhanded and stupid things to try to "correct" the bad situation they themselves created.

in their never ending pursuit to corner markets....they very often miss the boat on trends simply because they want to remain exclusive/proprietary

Edited by cha0sWyrM
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37 minutes ago, Fabpsi said:

Hi there @(XB1)QuakeMat and welcome to the Forums ^^

Feel always free to take a little look around the Forums before creating a new thread about a topic that gets already actively discussed somewhere else. That way the discussion can stay in one place and people do not miss stuff or post stuff multiple times.
For example, if you could've taken a look at the "recent topics", there is even another thread about the exact topic!

Or use the search function to find even more threads about this topic that shows up over and over and over and over and over again^^ 
Here a few links to other threads:



Oh sorry about that 😮

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vor 46 Minuten schrieb (XB1)QuakeMat:

Oh sorry about that 😮

all good, nothing to worry about^^ The forums can be (like the game itself) a lot to look at - that's the reason behind my friendly reminder - that's all 😄 

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Cross-save has been something people have been wanting for a while now. With the game split between four different platforms, the reason for the interest is pretty obvious. However, since consoles need to go through certification, they're going to lag behind PC, making the logistics of inventories and stuff you earn difficult, to say the least.

Here is what I would suggest as a solution: Create a test realm. Many games do this already to work the bugs out of new content. And let's be real: the PC launch of most new content is for testing. They ship it and iron out the kinks so they can get it polished and ready for cert.

Making an official test server would mean that you could have all four platforms be on the same patch, while PC players have access to the test server. Anything earned on the test server (affinity, resources, mods, etc.) would be transferred over once the patch goes live, and altering gear (Forma, Exilus adapters, ranking up mods, etc.) wouldn't be allowed. Players would be able to manually take a snapshot of their live account for use on the test server, so if you really needed to upgrade your gear, do it on your live account, take a snapshot, and transfer it over.

This would allow for cross-save without needing to go through all the problems with abusing shared inventories or having things that aren't available yet on all platforms. The latest, newest content would be available on the test server for the standard rounds of bugfixing, and everybody could play on whatever console they wanted.

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the only reason we don't have it is because microsoft and sony are against it. they're afraid they'll lose some of their player base. DE has said before they would do it, but they can't without the permission of the two who just won't do it.if you'd just use the search function, you probably would have found this out.

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Wow... crazy idea... how come DE didn't think about that?

I'm amazed that people even make such threads. Do people think they are the first one to come up with stuff like that?

DE said they are looking into cross-save. So aside from all the logistics this means they figure out if it's worth the effort.
And if it's not worth their time, this thread's idea won't change it.
Just wait what DE comes up with.

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DE was totally game for cross play and such, microsoft and sony killed it atleast as of now

for updates they require something like 14 or more days to certify an update meaning DE would need to make the update, with hold it from pc, sned it to microsoft and sony, wait 14 days then release on all, for every single update

then what happens if sony or microsoft fail it and DE need to change things, more wait time for literally no reason


currently you can see the cert issue and how much of a problem it is with playstation, the glass maker update broke keybinding on ps4 controllers, DE realized they forgot something after it was sent to sony for cert, so De knows the problem, has the fix for it ready already, was just a file that got left out

but playstation users now need to wait 14 or more days before they get that fix cause sony requires it (since this is something thats directly effecting a sony product maybe it gets pushed faster but i wouldnt bet on it)


current systems still better then the old one, if you werent aware xbox360 and ps3 developers actually had to pay micrsoft or sony every time they updated their own games, and i ddnt just mean dlc, i mean plain old updates, thats why many games stayed broken and why indie games werent so big


as far as saves same thing consoles not on board, i mean shoot, sony had DC universe for years on pc and PS and didnt allow cross play or cross saves and it was their own game, now they have cross play, but have only allowed a account migration like 1 or 2 times thus far, and i believe have limited how many could actually transfer during said time, like 1,000 first come first serve

Edited by Tokens210
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2 hours ago, WhiteMarker said:

Wow... crazy idea... how come DE didn't think about that?

I'm amazed that people even make such threads. Do people think they are the first one to come up with stuff like that?

DE said they are looking into cross-save. So aside from all the logistics this means they figure out if it's worth the effort.
And if it's not worth their time, this thread's idea won't change it.
Just wait what DE comes up with.

Yikes this is general discussion is it not, I don’t see any harm discussing a topic. 

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4 hours ago, WhiteMarker said:

Wow... crazy idea... how come DE didn't think about that?

I'm amazed that people even make such threads. Do people think they are the first one to come up with stuff like that?

DE said they are looking into cross-save. So aside from all the logistics this means they figure out if it's worth the effort.
And if it's not worth their time, this thread's idea won't change it.
Just wait what DE comes up with.

grumpy sesame street GIF

Relax guy, it's a public forum

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6 hours ago, (PS4)Akuma_Asura_ said:

Yikes this is general discussion is it not, I don’t see any harm discussing a topic. 

It's a merged thread.
My post and the two posts above that were in a seperate thread.
Don't just assume stuff. Double-check beforehand. 😉

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9 hours ago, Tokens210 said:

DE was totally game for cross play and such, microsoft and sony killed it atleast as of now

for updates they require something like 14 or more days to certify an update meaning DE would need to make the update, with hold it from pc, sned it to microsoft and sony, wait 14 days then release on all, for every single update

then what happens if sony or microsoft fail it and DE need to change things, more wait time for literally no reason


currently you can see the cert issue and how much of a problem it is with playstation, the glass maker update broke keybinding on ps4 controllers, DE realized they forgot something after it was sent to sony for cert, so De knows the problem, has the fix for it ready already, was just a file that got left out

but playstation users now need to wait 14 or more days before they get that fix cause sony requires it (since this is something thats directly effecting a sony product maybe it gets pushed faster but i wouldnt bet on it)


current systems still better then the old one, if you werent aware xbox360 and ps3 developers actually had to pay micrsoft or sony every time they updated their own games, and i ddnt just mean dlc, i mean plain old updates, thats why many games stayed broken and why indie games werent so big


as far as saves same thing consoles not on board, i mean shoot, sony had DC universe for years on pc and PS and didnt allow cross play or cross saves and it was their own game, now they have cross play, but have only allowed a account migration like 1 or 2 times thus far, and i believe have limited how many could actually transfer during said time, like 1,000 first come first serve

Besides syncing issues on builds, there's the difference in some items acquisition. Imagine the scenario where players would welcome delayed updates just so all platforms could be synced allowing cross save or even cross play, how would you fix the tennogen issue for example? consoles don't have access to steam and tennogen items are purchased with platinum. If we get cross save, people would log on console, buy tennogen with platinum and go back on PC, and it would destroy tennogen system all together.

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On 2020-05-21 at 12:21 AM, (XB1)Volker9549 said:

more like 

"fine." -Sony 

"no problem" -Microsoft

"if it works." -Nintendo

"Well get around to it" -DE

The big companies allow a ton of games to have cross play features, and DE's just not sure if it's worth the time it would take to implement. 

Yeah, I don't get why folk in the Warframe community thing that its the console manufacturer's greed holding cross-save back in Warframe. There are plenty of other games both free-to-play and otherwise that are cross-play on consoles. Games that have in-game economies with microtransactions and premium currencies. Yet they're allowed to exist on those platforms despite what people think. I don't know why anyone would assume that Warframe is the exception, that Sony and Microsoft are so damn greedy that they refuse to let this one game be cross-save but all the others are okay.

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16 minutes ago, xcrimsonlegendx said:

Yeah, I don't get why folk in the Warframe community thing that its the console manufacturer's greed holding cross-save back in Warframe. There are plenty of other games both free-to-play and otherwise that are cross-play on consoles. Games that have in-game economies with microtransactions and premium currencies. Yet they're allowed to exist on those platforms despite what people think. I don't know why anyone would assume that Warframe is the exception, that Sony and Microsoft are so damn greedy that they refuse to let this one game be cross-save but all the others are okay.

Its partly because they the major Platforms charge Publishers for that privilege when they do allow Cross Play in addition to the Game itself needing to have the coding required take FFXIV for example can do both PC and Play Station on same servers but Square Enix is charged for that support in a contract. Now as for Cross Save since he question has come up many times just recently in fact. Here is this tidbit from a community stream:

They want to do it, they Community Managers dream about it so to speak as do the Dev's as it would offer a greater accessibility to the game itself which is good for everyone. But with the games code not being designed around the fundamentals needed back in the day it is no easy feat to to adapt the game now for it. They are optimistic however that they have reached a point that they see a path at really start looking at making it happen however. It won't be soon however.

Edited by Magus_Tahir
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As much as I want it I'm starting to wonder if there would be much point in doing it now when the new generation of consoles are right around the corner, probably best if they can provide this functionality when the new consoles come out (early next year I believe)

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A huge benefit of allowing crossplay would be the effect it had on the PS4 economy. Console players can’t use coupons on platinum. We always pay full price for it.

As such, platinum is twice as valuable on console. Crossplay would cause the economies to bleed together, and that coupon bought platinum would come into the console market.

It would be an incredibly useful thing for console players.

Edited by (PS4)Mono-Pop
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1 hour ago, (PS4)Mono-Pop said:

A huge benefit of allowing crossplay would be the effect it had on the PS4 economy. Console players can’t use coupons on platinum. We always pay full price for it.

As such, platinum is twice as valuable on console. Crossplay would cause the economies to bleed together, and that coupon bought platinum would come into the console market.

It would be an incredibly useful thing for console players.

I'm ok with not getting Plat coupons considering the fact that consoles can use plat to buy Tennogen.

That's a better trade off 

Edited by (XB1)Cram Duahcim
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I understand this has been posted a million times, and I've seen and heard all the posts regarding DE talking about adding this feature.

As someone who has been playing Warframe for a good 4 years or so and has about 2 years back switched to PC for the rest of my games, it would be incredibly nice to be able to move my save over with all my progress and gear. I've been finding it very difficult to keep enjoying the game on console with all the FPS issues I seem to have on the regular, and even though I do plug my mouse and keyboard in for an input I've grown accustomed to, it isn't as great as what I've tried on PC. Even if it's a one-time transfer per-account, that would be nice. I'd rather we have a system now that I can link a few accounts and move over to PC without future progress being shared between the accounts.

Please DE. We all know it's not easy but we've been asking for years for this feature to arrive, and all we've heard is the same "it might come some day" teaser in return.

Again I know this has been talked about to death but I'm honestly just hoping that the more it's brought up, the faster DE will realize this is something a good portion of us really want.


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Baby steps. It was talked about recently in a community stream and they feel they "may" have a path forward to really start to make it happen but they have to investigate more. It is still a Dream however and Im not referring to the second one.

Sadly at this point however no amount of bringing it up can change what needs to be done logistically and technically to achieve the goal. They want to have it happen as well that will have to be enough for now.

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Just want to get this out in the ether:

If DE ever implements cross-save and allows me to link all my platforms.

I will buy every Prime Access pack until I die or the game dies.

Currently my son and I are on separate systems (PC and Xbox) and we are unable to play together.  Neither of us want to start all over but we both have switch consoles and would move to the Switch if we could.  We are both huge fans and we appreciate everything you guys do.  Warframe is currently my son's favorite game (he just beat The War WIthin and is about to beat Chains of Harrow).  I'm going to refrain from stating his age, but as his father I'm very impressed with his achievements in the game.

Thank you for giving us a great game to experience together, even if we can't play together.

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18 minutes ago, galaknight said:

Just want to get this out in the ether:

If DE ever implements cross-save and allows me to link all my platforms.

I will buy every Prime Access pack until I die or the game dies.

Currently my son and I are on separate systems (PC and Xbox) and we are unable to play together.  Neither of us want to start all over but we both have switch consoles and would move to the Switch if we could.  We are both huge fans and we appreciate everything you guys do.  Warframe is currently my son's favorite game (he just beat The War WIthin and is about to beat Chains of Harrow).  I'm going to refrain from stating his age, but as his father I'm very impressed with his achievements in the game.

Thank you for giving us a great game to experience together, even if we can't play together.


And before someone says "consoles wont allow it" its already been proven false by several other games and DE themselves have said that the consoles were willing ar this point.

Its DEs game to lose.

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1 hour ago, galaknight said:

Just want to get this out in the ether:

If DE ever implements cross-save and allows me to link all my platforms.

I will buy every Prime Access pack until I die or the game dies.

Currently my son and I are on separate systems (PC and Xbox) and we are unable to play together.  Neither of us want to start all over but we both have switch consoles and would move to the Switch if we could.  We are both huge fans and we appreciate everything you guys do.  Warframe is currently my son's favorite game (he just beat The War WIthin and is about to beat Chains of Harrow).  I'm going to refrain from stating his age, but as his father I'm very impressed with his achievements in the game.

Thank you for giving us a great game to experience together, even if we can't play together.

Doesnt matter your Oaths or any Promises you make, Cross-Save is not in the hands of DE alone, it takes convincing the companies responsible for the Consoles to allow precious user data from their platforms to be shared in between DE and each other too. If they lose the exclusivity over these datas, a player could simply use another platform that better suits them to make purchases and still benefit from this in another platform, therefore the company responsible for that platform wont be earning money.

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All you can do is to pray, just simple say "whatever God or gods out there please answer my prayer make the cross save in warframe for real" if you don't believed in God or gods then you can't do hope, you can't do faith so basically your pretty much your screwed for all you need to do is give your moral support and empty out your pocket money to DE.

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