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I am not a vending machine.


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1 hour ago, Paradoxity said:

Ultimately, that's kinda my hang-up about the whole "NO AUCTION HOUSE" Thing. We already have a more  or less defacto one anyway, just with extra steps. 

How is it anything other than a QoL step from what we already have? Instead of having to set myself up on a third party site, Then be online and available for trade you can, ya know. do other things. Sleep. Eat. Leave the house. Play missions while your crap sells. 

I've never really seen a satisfactory answer, either, just "It's not the same and you're stupid because it's not the same and you should be able to tell the difference." 

That said, I'd argue the opposite. It sounds like 76 at least got trading better than Warframe, since you can sell items while also out playing the game. Last game I played that required you to be online set up a shop was Ragnarok online- and even that allowed for a more or less automated shop where you could just sell an item for a  price.



This happens

I wouldn't be surprised if new prime sets costs only 20 platinum in the future because people trying to cut each other by lowering prices

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1 hour ago, Paradoxity said:

Ultimately, that's kinda my hang-up about the whole "NO AUCTION HOUSE" Thing. We already have a more  or less defacto one anyway, just with extra steps. 

How is it anything other than a QoL step from what we already have? Instead of having to set myself up on a third party site, Then be online and available for trade you can, ya know. do other things. Sleep. Eat. Leave the house. Play missions while your crap sells. 

I've never really seen a satisfactory answer, either, just "It's not the same and you're stupid because it's not the same and you should be able to tell the difference." 

That said, I'd argue the opposite. It sounds like 76 at least got trading better than Warframe, since you can sell items while also out playing the game. Last game I played that required you to be online set up a shop was Ragnarok online- and even that allowed for a more or less automated shop where you could just sell an item for a  price.



well the answer is simple, there's even a post about how prices are droping and ppl already complaining, the actual in game AH would be flooded with items because not everyone is using warframe.market or is to lazy to do so, so that means the items prices will drop even MORE than it is now, Prime parts will cost 1plat per peace some of them already cost that much, as more ppl play farm more peaces will be looted and flood AH with parts and items, the value of those items will drop to nothing, a lot of MMO like games AH items worth was brought so low it was worthless,

when items worth will drop to nothing, Platinum Value will drop less ppl will buy Platinum and less Plat needed to buy what you want, DE would lose money on that system,

Also De needs to focus on more serious matters like fixing the game and not making a system for lazy ppl who cant use Trade Chat or warframe.market.


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15 minutes ago, XaoGarrent said:

Yes he is.

You're just determined to stick beans in your ears and remove any context that doesn't suit you.

You do know he stated that fallout 76 was a better game right? I know the context of op having terrible tatse in video games cause no one with functional brain cells will ever say fallout 76 is good game in any way.

Maybe you need to learn context 


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11 minutes ago, (XB1)The Neko Otaku said:

You do know he stated that fallout 76 was a better game right? I know the context of op having terrible tatse in video games cause no one with functional brain cells will ever say fallout 76 is good game in any way.

Maybe you need to learn context 


I'm full aware of all this. You on the other hand, missed the point entirely. From the look of it, intentionally. Maybe instead of linking meme videos from a guy who makes his entire Youtube career out of crapping on everything, you actually respond to what's being argued rather than what you would like to be argued.

Edited by XaoGarrent
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57 minutes ago, XaoGarrent said:

He's right and you know it.

Oh, why yes, yes indeed, you're absolutely right, Warframe is the worst game ever made, it sucks under any possible point of view, it is terribile, it is offensive, its developers are nothing but evil jackals sent by China to steal our money.

So why, pray tell, are you or OP still here? Leave already: we, the blind sheeple, are already corrupted beyond salvation, but you, the few enlightened chosen ones, can still save yourselves!

Oh but wait, you cannot leave: if you did, you could no longer fish for cheap attention by filling a forum with random complaints, outlandish claims and insulting comparisons. And a life without cheap internet attention just isn't worth living, now is it?

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Just now, TearsOfTomorrow said:

Oh, why yes, yes indeed, you're absolutely right, Warframe is the worst game ever made, it sucks under any possible point of view, it is terribile, it is offensive, its developers are nothing but evil jackals sent by China to steal our money.

So why, pray tell, are you or OP still here? Leave already: we, the blind sheeple, are already corrupted beyond salvation, but you, the few enlightened chosen ones, can still save yourselves!

Oh but wait, you cannot leave: if you did, you could no longer fish for cheap attention by filling a forum with random complaints, outlandish claims and insulting comparisons. And a life without cheap internet attention just isn't worth living, now is it?

How many knights are you training that you need to construct this many strawmen?

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1 час назад, Psianide73 сказал:

Why are people so reluctant to use Warframe.market?

All of my sales and purchases have been through it, never had an issue.

And if the answer is "why should I use a 3rd party", you really have no business calling DE lazy.


Well, to be honest. To discover WFMarket one usually needs to make one of those threads, and be told that the site even exists.

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32 minutes ago, XaoGarrent said:

You on the other hand, missed the point entirely.

The point was that you and the OP seem to be pushing this narrative that Warframe and indirectly DE, are worse than Fallout 76 and Bethesda. This is not only blatantly untrue as many users have already stated, but it is also incredibly immature.

Bethesda and its parent company Zenimax hate their customers and screw them over at every possibility, hand over fist. Fallout 76 has been nothing but a trainwreck fuelled by lies and broken promises from start to finish. In the past two years since its release, the game has attracted nothing but critcism due to both its poor technical performance and Bethesda's continuous anti-consumer behaviour. It still has game breaking bugs to this day which Bethesda cannot be asked to fix due to trademark laziness.

DE regularly interacts with its community through streams and vlogs. They respect players as people, not cash-cows that need to be milked of money any way possible. I mean they removed a slot-machine type mechanic in the game because they did not want players spending too much money on it. And you sit there with a straight face and say Warframe and DE are worse than 76 and Bethesda, simply because Warframe lacks a certain feature you liked in other games.

Give me a break.

Also dismissing critical videos, because they use satire just makes you look bitter.

Edited by TheGodofWiFi
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1 minute ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

The point was that you and the OP seem to be pushing this narrative that Warframe and indirectly DE, are worse than Fallout 76 and Bethesda

You really don't have enough strawmen yet?

I'm not sure if you've been had by all the people cropping out context in their quotes, are legitimately incapable of reading comprehension, or you're intentionally being disingenuous because you don't want to admit your precious target of admiration has some actual, major flaws.

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5 minutes ago, XaoGarrent said:

You really don't have enough strawmen yet?

I'm not sure if you've been had by all the people cropping out context in their quotes, are legitimately incapable of reading comprehension, or you're intentionally being disingenuous because you don't want to admit your precious target of admiration has some actual, major flaws.

No, DE certainly have flaws and I never said they didn't. So before you continue launching your pre-prepared bile at me, why don't you stop acting like I'm a horse with DE sponsored blinkers.

There is no such thing as a perfect company. But some are clearly better than others and whatever flaws DE have, Bethesda blows them out of the water with theirs.

Go ahead and list the flaws that in your opinion make DE worse than one of the most anti-consumer gaming companies today.

Edited by TheGodofWiFi
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1 hour ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

Warframe is an objectively worse game than Fallout 76.

Image result for are you sure about that

Can you not cut out pieces of a quote and bring it out of it's original context?


In a few very specific, but not insignificant, ways Warframe is an objectively worse game than Fallout 76. And I am NOT a vending machine.

From what I got from this , it just sounds like OP belives fallout 76 does some very specific things better than warframe and that's it,

Not "Fallout 76 is an overall better game than Warframe because I can do this tiny thing in this game but Warframe cannot."

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3 minutes ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

No, DE certainly have flaws and I never said they didn't. So before you continue launching your pre-prepared bile at me, why don't you stop acting like I'm a horse with DE sponsored blinkers.

There is no such thing as a perfect company. But some are clearly better than others and whatever flaws DE have, Bethesda blows them out of the water with theirs.

Go ahead and list the flaws that in your opinion make DE worse than one of the most anti-consumer gaming companies today.

So you're being intentionally disingenuous, got it.

Certainly explains the wall of strawmen you people construct.

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1 hour ago, 844448 said:

This happens

I wouldn't be surprised if new prime sets costs only 20 platinum in the future because people trying to cut each other by lowering prices

Ok, but, again. How is an ingame vendor kiosk or whatever that doesn't have to be babysat really all that different from a third party site that allows you to put an item with a price on it and a buyer to contact you via it? Prices will drop to a lower bound-  whatever the market eventually corrects to because of supply and demand. You're always going to have prime parts leaving circulation via Baro at the very least, and there's always going to be at least a little plat leaving circulation as people buy things from DE, so there's always going to be some sort of demand. It's not like suddenly allowing us to throw items into a store or whatever instead of having to bail out of missions to run and do a trade is going to completely ruin everything ever and  no item will ever move for more than 5 plat ever again. 

1 hour ago, ssxtriki said:

well the answer is simple, there's even a post about how prices are droping and ppl already complaining, the actual in game AH would be flooded with items because not everyone is using warframe.market or is to lazy to do so, so that means the items prices will drop even MORE than it is now, Prime parts will cost 1plat per peace some of them already cost that much, as more ppl play farm more peaces will be looted and flood AH with parts and items, the value of those items will drop to nothing, a lot of MMO like games AH items worth was brought so low it was worthless,

when items worth will drop to nothing, Platinum Value will drop less ppl will buy Platinum and less Plat needed to buy what you want, DE would lose money on that system,

Also De needs to focus on more serious matters like fixing the game and not making a system for lazy ppl who cant use Trade Chat or warframe.market.


So we're assuming that everyone would suddenly use an auction house or store function if we had one? I mean, that's kind of a stretch, at best- and even then, like I said above, you're always going to have some sort of sustained demand just via Baro and plat leaving circulation because people buy things from DE. Similarly, I've gotta admit, that whole 'prices will drop to nothing' thing is kinda a silly argument- you're basically saying things only have any value now because they function in a crippled economy (Like paying 800$ for a roll of toilet paper in certain socialist economies right now). 

The rest of that is alarmist, at best. Plat moving player to player is plat that DE sells once and then never sees another dime off of. Yes, players may be motivated to buy plat for an item in trade, or a particularly good riven (There's threads on that too, by the by- and the salt about those rivens getting nerfed is *delicious*), but again: people are always going to have to buy plat for things from DE- slots, cosmetics, and trucks full of space roombas. It's not like people will suddenly stop buying plat because the market prices dropped out- if anything, they'd have to buy more plat because the market can't reasonably cover the costs of items off the market anymore. 


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9 hours ago, (PS4)Ashmane84 said:

In a few very specific, but not insignificant, ways Warframe is an objectively worse game than Fallout 76. And I am NOT a vending machine.

And that statement my friend made people stop taking your post seriously. 

You have a job, can’t you just save some money on Prime Access and buy the $140 pack? If you are a careful spender (spend plat on something you frequently use ) that plat you bought will last months.. even a year! You can spend your time playing the game instead of screaming in trade chat.

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30 minutes ago, Paradoxity said:

So we're assuming that everyone would suddenly use an auction house or store function if we had one? I mean, that's kind of a stretch, at best- and even then, like I said above, you're always going to have some sort of sustained demand just via Baro and plat leaving circulation because people buy things from DE. Similarly, I've gotta admit, that whole 'prices will drop to nothing' thing is kinda a silly argument- you're basically saying things only have any value now because they function in a crippled economy (Like paying 800$ for a roll of toilet paper in certain socialist economies right now). 

The rest of that is alarmist, at best. Plat moving player to player is plat that DE sells once and then never sees another dime off of. Yes, players may be motivated to buy plat for an item in trade, or a particularly good riven (There's threads on that too, by the by- and the salt about those rivens getting nerfed is *delicious*), but again: people are always going to have to buy plat for things from DE- slots, cosmetics, and trucks full of space roombas. It's not like people will suddenly stop buying plat because the market prices dropped out- if anything, they'd have to buy more plat because the market can't reasonably cover the costs of items off the market anymore.


well yes, it proves that ppl don't know warframe.market even exists, yes there will be some kind sustain demand of most popular weapons or frames, but the price will drop drastically, warframe.market works now cause in order for you to sell something you need to be online in game, join Dojo and sell items, AH you don't need to be online or join dojo or physically sell your items, all ppl need to do is log in, drop items log out, in current trading we have now you have to actually type what you want to sell or post in warframe.market Wait online in game for some one to ask for an item and then go sell the item, in other words you need to put some time and effort to sell what you offer, This post is Proof that ppl want AH so they don't put in that extra effort to sell items cause they are lazy that's why prices did not drop as much in warframe.market as it will in game AH. Also i'm confused how will ppl spend more in AH than they are spending now? lets say you want Volt Prime set it costs now 180P, when AH comes and all of the ppl who are online and offline drop their Volt sets and everyone is making it cheaper, cheaper, cheaper, cause they want to sell it, the price drops lets say in half 90p, and other Prime sets drop in half, so that means you need 2x Less Platinum to buy what you want so instead buying 4k plat you buy 2k plat, Also dont forget WF game design is Pay to Progress, Equipment, items, frames, is part of the game progression, by cheap prices everyone will hit a progression wall at some point faster than it is now. 

AH just has to many flaws and cons than pros, why make a risky system when the current one works just fine? and like i said before it would take to much DE's effort to make one instead they should be focusing on more important things like fixing and polishing the game.


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Apparently Warframe has a DEna mobage level trading environment so it's irrelevant whether Warframe has trade post/auction house systems or not as you are encouraged by systemic drop seeding to trade and items barely circulate more than once (except time exclusive ones), aka " indirect pay to skip".


At least messy Warframe trade chat could bottleneck and stir things so some people might buy overpriced items.

Edited by Volinus7
Suddenly Warframe looks like a 1.5 gen mmorpg huh?
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You really don't have to be, I trade very rare, but I try to trade items above 50p mostly and sometimes augments for 15p.
It takes about 1-5% of my playtime a day(I work full time too, with many overtime hours and other time consuming activities).
I easily gathered more than 5k plat (and spend more than 3k) that way over the months while spending only on slots, reactor/catalyst and occasionally on some cosmetic item. 
If you plan to go to the riven trading business here I presume you will have to become a vending machine, but I don't see the point in that. I have seen people sitting only in the trading console in the dojo for hours (I noticed when I had 2-3 trades with 1 hour in between and they were standing on the same spot...)
tl;dr imo it takes so little time if you just want the plat for relevant items and not to hoard.

Edited by vegetosayajin
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You may not be a vending machine, but you certainly are disingenuous and a bit of a drama llama.

You don't have to sell a single item for platinum to play this game. I've been playing for two years and never sold a single item. Like you I play for around 2 hours a day, 5 or 6 days a week. 

Not a lot of spare cash? I feel you, bro. Do what I do, wait for a 75% off sale and toss 10 or 20 bucks at it. That's typically enough plat to last me 6 months. If you can't afford 10 or 20 bucks every 6 months for your ONLY form of recreation then maybe library books would be a better form of recreation for you then FTP video games.

And last but not least, I'd like to see an auction house too.

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2 hours ago, shadyadie said:

The Fo76 vending machines are for caps, not the premium currency.

You know, I was thinking about this last night after I posted my message.  About the only game that has anything close to premium currency of the game in the in-game auction house was Rift and that was in REX packages for purchase..  And these REX packages are a pittance of what you can buy with real world currencies.  All the others that I've played usually use the in-game currencies which are worth as much as the pixels they are printed on (your screen). 

While I am not a lawyer, I get the impression that there's some pretty complicated laws in place when a game is suddenly turning into a bank for virtual currency bought with real world money.  Or worse, opens up the potential for litigation involving real world court systems globally.  Something too many game developers want no part of.  This is why we either see transactions on third party websites (warframe market), or in game like we do Maroo's Bazaar, Relays and public announcements of sales in large community areas.  

I understand the OP's complaints because of personal time constraints, I remain at a loss that he's thinking something established in 7 years of  continuous running is going to change simply because he finds it inconvenient. 

16 minutes ago, 3rdpig said:

Not a lot of spare cash? I feel you, bro. Do what I do, wait for a 75% off sale and toss 10 or 20 bucks at it. That's typically enough plat to last me 6 months. If you can't afford 10 or 20 bucks every 6 months for your ONLY form of recreation then maybe library books would be a better form of recreation for you then FTP video games.

This RNG lottery win is becoming more challenging than when I was working a job for 80 hours a week some years ago.  I often tell people even logging in 1 time a day for three minutes daily is easier to winning a 50% or even a 75% off coupon and then buying the cheapest platinum package (75 platinum for a discounted $4.99).  

Who knows?  Maybe he might even having the same luck I did by getting 8 75% discounts in a row like I did when I had a windfall of spendable cash (Something I'm still floating 10K platinum to date).  

Edited by MBaldelli
Another 2 for 1 sale in responses
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12 hours ago, (PS4)Ashmane84 said:

I am thirty-five years old. I am a husband. I am a father. I work three jobs to support myself and my family. I am not a vending machine. 

I am not some kid, wasting his parent's money after school. I have a rather demanding life, that consumes the vast majority of my time. Thus, with the few precious hours each night I have to play a game, I would like to actually PLAY a game. What I do not want to do is stand around in a social hub with my hand over my head advertising some random item, hoping someone strolls by and inserts a few platinum. But apparently I am a vending machine.

I am told the solution to my problems in this game is to trade rare items for platinum, and use those to buy additional this or that. Because apparently I am a vending machine.

Literally every other online game on the market has some sort of established trading post or auction house where one can drop off items to be sold while they do other things. I know there is a website for trading with people, but that is a community run band-aid, and does not excuse poor design or missing features. Even Bethesda's recent online dumpster fire has a pop-up shop where you can drop off items that stays in place as long as you stay logged in, allowing you to actually PLAY their train wreak of a game while selling your loot. But, it seems, I am a vending machine.

In a few very specific, but not insignificant, ways Warframe is an objectively worse game than Fallout 76. And I am NOT a vending machine.

Trading your prime junk doesn't take long periods of time. It's usually a very fast process. Anyone who thinks that they need to sit for hours and hours to make plat, is trying to trade specific, items, usually above the rate that other people are willing to buy for. 


Literally all you need to do is open some relics (which you should be doing a LOT of at your level to get better gear and mastery fodder). This can take just a couple of minutes per item if you are doing something fast like capture missions. You will end up with a lot of duplicate items, of low worth, and soon enough you'll have a set of 6 (or better yet, multiple sets of 6). Collect some credits to take care of the trade tax (a few 5 wave runs on Seimeni on Ceres will take care of you...) and you're ready to trade. 

Then you just open the trade chat and type "WTS prime junk 6 items for 6 (or 7or 8 if you feel lucky 😎 ) plat". People will message you. If your clan has a trading post, you can invite them to your dojo (if so go to the dojo before you post in trade chat to save time) or ask them to invite you to their dojo. 

Do the trade or multiple trades depending on how much junk you have and then, because you're a polite person who has manners, type "thank you very much" in the private message and move on with your life. No fuss. No muss. No need for any external sites. No ranting needed. 

The end. Literally. That's all it takes to earn plat. There's no secret handshakes to learn, no courses to take, no need to sit down and wonder how the pros do it. 



At 7 plat per trade, if you can do 5 trades, 3 times per week (or 3 trades 5 times per week if you prefer) you're looking at over 100 plat per week, and over 400 plat in a month. 

If you find yourself incapable of making a couple of dozen plat to cover your slot purchases, something is drastically wrong. Not wrong with the game, mind you, because I can confirm that on PS4, people do this all the time. 


As for why you should NOT ever get an auction house in this game, our economy literally can't support that. We're already experiencing price fall off of any given item, and only a fraction of the players use the popular sites to hawk their wares. The issue is that supply is potentially unlimited, but demand is highly limited at any given point in time. Any entry-level economics text tells you that scenario will cause a drop in prices. Giving you what you want, floods the supply side of the market, and does nothing to increase demand. That's bad. That's why there's no auction house system. 

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