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Operation: Scarlet Spear: TennoGen 27.3.8 + +


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Titania's Ability Lantern has a bug where all range modding, including Stretch and Overextended, is not applied. It is very disappointing that this bug has not been fixed this time. It is very disappointing that this bug has not been fixed this time. Quick fix is needed.

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23 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:


Dont get me wrong but even if it was not what you guys announced it was still an increased rate and you guys fixed it after only 1 day.

If someones complains about it. Its kind of a stretch to be honest.

You guys keep being awesome okay ^.^ 

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2 hours ago, Descent-of-Damocles said:

Since alt fire uses 4 ammo each, why not make multishot work on alt fire to begin with? 4 times ammo, 120 multishot, but still 1 grenade every time???

Alt fire uses multi shot on regular Corinth, so I HOPE it's just a soon to be fixed bug on Corinth prime.

2 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

The team is looking into the Corinth Prime Alt Fire not being affected my Multishot Mods.

Spoke too soon, thanks for the note! I hope this gets into a hotfix soon.

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Please fix the Space Squads not getting codes even though the Ground teams are uploading a lot of kill codes. Today I was at FLotilla that had 9 Ground squads uploading codes, and the 3 Space Squads werent getting any codes.

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Hello dear DE team,

thanks for the event.
However, it would be really great if it were really playable for us. The changes to Limbo and the points are understandable, but it would have been better to leave it that way and really take care of the bugs so that we can continue to enjoy the event.
Starting from one or the other bug regarding the player and relay search and that you always have to find a way in a group to get three or four people in one relay. Then also the award of points, because often one of the team members does not get all points of the run.
The bug, whether all team members actually arrive in the mission or not one or the other gets stuck in the wormhole.
Then there are bugs that affect the gameplay, because arcanas no longer trigger, the operator only appears on the Sentient ship after 30 seconds, but you are usually already dead because you cannot move in time, let alone use an ability can.
If you die in space, you should not revive yourself because you will no longer be in the Archwing and you will run around in space, afterwards you can no longer do anything on the railjack or on the Sentient ship because you can no longer use any skill, let alone because can act with his weapons.
These are just a few bugs, and if I had to document everything that hasn't been going smoothly since the start of the event, I wouldn't be finished tomorrow.
I have been playing Warframe with my clan colleagues (GN Schnitzel) every day for 4 years now and was always one of the players who praised DE for how quickly bugs are reacted to and how quickly they are resolved, how well everything is programmed, because really big updates happen almost without bugs and are really playable right away, but this event is more than disappointing. Dermal I can only say, the graphics look great, really good, the idea of the event is also great, but it is more than tedious to play and is now almost no fun after 1.5 weeks of bowel nerves. It's more than a shame.
best regards
GN Anitaria

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55分钟前 , [DE]Megan 说:

Scarlet Spear: TennoGen is now live!

Scoring Calculation Issues:
Earlier yesterday we released a revised scoring post with the following details:
Ground Assault missions started at 8 Points per Kill Code, reaching a possible 4104 points by Round 17!
After: Murex Raids now start at 12 Points per Kill Code, reaching a possible 3888 by Murex 5!

However, players were receiving a 2820 and 3672 for Space and Ground respectively. While this is still an increase from before, it is not the amount we announced. 

The correct numbers in this Hotfix will be:
After: Ground Assault missions will reach a possible 4131 points by Round 17!
After: Murex Raids missions will reach a possible 3960 by Murex 5!

We sincerely apologize for another day of unintended scoring results.. We know this has been confusing and we regret that we’ve caused so many misunderstandings due to calculation errors. 

Scarlet Spear Fixes:

  • Fixed Clients having an incorrect Murex Score in the ‘Skirmish Complete’ popup when completing 5 Murex Waves.
  • Fix towards Clients experiencing an infinite load tunnel into Murex Raid if the Host experiences lag.
  • Fixed a script error when joining in progress as a "Kill Code Transmission" starts to play.


  • Fixed a few tintmasks on the Wisp Delusion Skin to make her tint values consistent vs her various Helmets. 
  • Fixed a script error occurring during a Host migration when playing a Defection mission.
  • Fixed a script error for Clients during The Jordas Precept.
  • Fixed a script error when throwing the Fishing Spear.

Why is the Scarlet Spear channel nearly full, and I'm having a hard time finding a channel with people to join, and I'm not getting the code yet again on a large scale


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@CarnageBen Hmm, I see. Thanks for further explaining.
I thought: If one were to buy only as many as is needed for ranking an Arc to 3, then aquiring one of that quality is relatively quick. That's about what I'd do, since I'm not that interested in maxing everything out. I haven't checked the time investment with DE's newest fix (higher score) yet, but for me it would mean getting a total of 10 Arcs for 4000 each, making it 40k credits. That'd take me a few days. And that's only for ONE Arcane.
The rest of the methods of farming you mentioned don't lose their relevance though. This event is not permanent in strong comparison to the rest of the things you mentioned. Meaning, if someone misses out on this chance or starts playing after the event ends, they won't have an "easy" access to those arcanes at all.

And about ghost stuff or wondering what to do: After 800+ hours of gaming, I wouldn't expect ANY game to be able to sufficiently and quickly be able to supply me with new stuff tbh 😄 I didn't think there even was that much to see and do when I started^^

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Any way for players to be compensated for the Scarlet credits not rewarded for the bug that's preventing all the space squads across the flotilla to not be able to receive kill codes? My flotilla was stuck at 80/100.

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You really should compensate your PC beta testers for the time spent solving issues and dealing with low and no scoring. Extending the time is nice, but you're extending it for console players too and they're going to get the full time at the full score and without most of the bugs that prevented scoring. Why you'd do this intentionally to the players you need the most to make the event playable for everyone is baffling to me.

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34 minutes ago, Anapxist said:

No code's after hot fix, same as was tomorrow and yeasterday evening. Full chat off sending codes and nearly 0 resived at orbit

I think its a server problem, cuz every morning at asia area its OK, then its OK using VPN when afternoon, and then no codes any more when evening cuz every player will be online at this time even with VPN!

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DE can you please remove Shield from all warframe's? Because that way for example, Oberon's 3 can be more useful. I just find Shield just overall useless, because all an enemy has to do is, hit you with a Toxin, Slash or Gas Proc and it by passes shield and goes straight to health. With that said, I just find it better with health only, then SHield an Health.

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6 minutes ago, Gladiatar said:

DE can you please remove Shield from all warframe's? Because that way for example, Oberon's 3 can be more useful. I just find Shield just overall useless, because all an enemy has to do is, hit you with a Toxin, Slash or Gas Proc and it by passes shield and goes straight to health. With that said, I just find it better with health only, then SHield an Health.

Slash and Gas statuses don't bypass shield anymore

Although, I am also a bit bothered that there isn't a warframe mod that disables shield entirely in exchange for good effects

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The killcode disappear midway problem seems to get worse somehow with the new hotfix. And I keep getting notification to wait for my teammates to return to flotilla when I try to start the space mission despite all my squad mates said they already in the relay and I can see them just fine. I try starting the ground mission and it work normally then go check space again and still getting the same notification.

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