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Operation: Scarlet Spear: TennoGen 27.3.8 + +


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Had issues in a friend squad entering a Scarlet spear mission which booted one of us out and we cannot invite them back into the squad due to the flotilla server limit. This happened yesterday and was a persisting problem a couple of updates ago. Needless to say, my friends gave up on this event because we were burned by the instability of the servers in each big updates. Seriously, please do a proper server maintenance even if it will temporarily delay this event.

BTW, change the lackluster rotation rewards as well.

On 2020-03-31 at 12:28 PM, SebastianSommer said:

Please change the rotation rewards for the scarlet spear in both ops to be more rewarding. For an endless (sort of) mode that has 100+ level enemies and requires a huge dedication of your time to play, the rewards of relics and endos/diracs are clearly not enough to engage players to continue with the event.

I can get Lith, Meso and Neo relics anytime I want in the regular map nodes in the solar system so why is this limited time event (and events before) throwing more of these at me? If the rewards were radiant relics then I would definitely be willing to stick around for longer runs just like in another mode the Elite sanctuary onslaught. You could also take a page out of the common rewards of requiem fissure mode (i.e. kuva & Riven slivers) and put those into the rotation instead since those are extremely helpful for veteran players to roll and get more rivens.

Space ops suffers from this the most since the rotation drops are Diracs and relics (again). The former is the one resource you don't need in surplus since anyone who went through Empyrean to build zekti avionics railjack and good MK3 wreckages would have an overflow of these things. Instead, put in more MK3 Lavan, Vida and Zekti wreckages which can ease players into this mode, especially when you opened the floodgates to empyrean by lowering the costs of constructing the ship.

Scarlet credits isn't a good enough reward to justify hours of playing one mission per day just to be able to grab 1-2 unranked arcanes. For me, I gave up space ops all together due to the code connection issues and had to play with public squads in ground ops who may suddenly dip at 3 condrix kills due to whatever reasons which will hardlock my earnings for the scarlet credits. At least make the rotations more bearable to encourage me to stick around even if I had to go solo.



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Wow. Nerf before bug fixes. I wouldn't complain if the kill code upload issue is fixed but it's no where near fixed. SS Instance 1. 14 on the ground. Just 4 in space. Kill code transmits flooding the logs. No kill codes received.

UI still broken for clients. It gets stuck, works for a brief moment and is broken again. Gawd. If you can DE team, please give us some way to manually refresh the UI. It even affects the Scarlet credits that we got as well. I had 2 ground runs, first one with properly working UI and score is good. The 2nd run, the UI died after 4 condrix scans, I only got 300 Scarlet credits. 

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11 hours ago, Signs said:

Please make Corinth Prime have the same reload mechanic as the regular Corinth

It wouldn't be feisable as the Corinth Prime has 20 rounds in its magazine, so a reload style like the regular Corinth would take too long


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I would really suggest anyone farming those arcanes anyway, because these are a huge part of your power level, a pretty huge fun factor while playing(try consequence for example 21K to max I believe) and these are way harder to stack normaly.(at first these was rewarded from raid and you were likely never seeing chased ones)

So I farmed it today, came across few toxic players but proportion wise it was a minority. Returns wise it was insane, i joined at the end of a rotation got a 10K in 20minutes then 2 full runs at 12K-13K with no major hickups(except 1 beacon one shot, afterward I adjusted and started boarding problematic crew ships). People don't understand the generosity of the rewards. In 3 weeks of doing tons of eidolons I got 3 energize and 0 grace. With this event anyone can get all the meta arcanes pretty easily actually. If you do 10 100/100 you will have enough to max grace and energize or few others. And the event is there until pretty late. Arcane Energize yesterday was at almost 1K plat, you can get it 21/21 in few hours of gameplay if playing organized, chasing it you would be likely to get 0 in the meantime outside the event

There have been no event in Warframe that gave away such account wide power spikes. It has still few bugs, like the random lvl165 crew ship(it hit like trucks btw, it one shots the beacon as it goes out of invulnerabilty) and I disagree with the removal of umbra formas and the bad forced synergie between less rewarding ground and more rewarding and relaxing railjack. But overall it feels deeply engaging and rewarding for something that is supposed to be just an event.

As a end note I would not say that the event is elitist, ground team can be brutal for lower geared played but in rj I tend to notice that mr6-7 potato players with good mentality and who use their frame properly tend to be more usefull than egoistic vindicative players as the community as a whole is pretty mediocre at rj stil, I always party the first players who pm me and mr and minmaxing is never a factor.

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Limbo didn't need a change for his abilities. What needed changing was the boring murex mission!

One example could have been:  New Sentient(this bird thing) spawns at upload 3, 5, 8 and interrupts the upload and "runs away" from the players. As long as it is alive you cant complete the upload, so you need to go and hunt it down (similar to capture mission). On upload 3 its only 1 of this sentients, on upload 5 its 2 sentients and on upload 8 there are 3 sentients spawning at once.

You could have even given them the ability to purge all active warframe abilities, similar to demolishers or demolysts from disruption missions,once they spawn.

Another example: Since we are in space and using the railjack, how about a enemy unit simply disrupting the satellite and halting our upload this way? Then we would have to use railjack/archwings to fight those enemies ( similar to interception).


But no, you had to go the easy and boring way and simply "nerf"/ change a warframe ability, instead of fixing the "by design" boring murex mission.

Please DE, revert the Limbo changes and improve the Murex mission!


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I just think that by trying to make it open to a greater number of people is a good idea but the downsides are horrendous.

9 out of 10 times i am in a ground mission and the moment the green exit marker appears the lower level players run like crazy. i am sick of starting a mission but then running it solo as leaving after 3 conduits is just a joke. That it happens in places as Helene defense after 5 waves is a bit more understandable as for beginners in the game it is the first place where some decent resources and mods can be farmed. I can understand their fear of losing what they have gathered if the mission fails.The ground missions do not fail they simple cut out and you return to the flotilla once your oplink is destroyed if you have achieved the minimum of three. Information as this simple fact might help reduce the number of players thinking "got 3 now time to run away"

As for the rewards ? Well I suppose that depends much more upon peoples personal opinion of what they see as value. I do think that items as Arcane energize and grace are excellent rewards and will do the grind to gather them but I can fully understand that they were until now very hard to acquire and for those players that invested time and energy in developing their frame and weapon builds to be able to run the Eidolon hunts to acquire them must feel cheated. Over my 5000 hours of gameplay I have seen hard to achieve objectives get watered down to appease newer players that jump in do not follow the logical process of moving thru the star system to learn and gather resources as their mastery level increases simply yell whine and complain that it is too difficult.

I remember running arbitration missions and feeling really pleased that i survived 30 minutes, today I can run solo 90 minutes and simply stop as I need to rest my fingers. 62 years of age so my knuckles begin to hurt. I have not improved my gameplay so much as DE have simply lowered the bar with regards to difficulty. 

Basically with all of the adjustments over the last year my only real big thumbs up is the ease with which I can run shoot and then lash out with melee weapons as I pass the enemies and then shoot from a distance at the next group all in one continuous fluid movement. However the Basmu is maybe the worst weapon of all time for interrupting movement....I simply hate the dammed thing as it forces a kind of stagger effect and you lose all forward momentum upon the reload. Utter BS move as I think it makes the weapon totally useless as with that stutter it just destroys the gameplay enjoyment. So my basmu is on the shelf collecting dust for a year or so until it is fixed.

I am also in agreement with many of the sentiments expressed by others...Eidolon hunts are truly now a thing of the past. Why spend countless hours grinding the plains at night for rewards that are now so easy for even a mastery level 3 player to acquire without any effort or knowledge about how to construct their frames and weapons. Whilst I genuinely looked forward to the new developments I feel that overall the game has become too accommodating to new players and that the difficulty has been lowered but then to slow people down again the grind has increased.

PS: The above is not a yell at new players...merely my take on what DE has done to gather them and accommodate them. Any newer player reading the above please just follow the storyline and progress thru the planetary system as with each planet and each new mastery level new resources new weapons etc become available to you. Also the storyline has some great moments and I can promise that many of the cutscenes are truly memorable.



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so let me just say it: instead of changing the event to be more than a normal mobile defense with extra steps u proceed to make anyframe that is good at mobile defense bad, well done!

what's next nerf frost? gara? hell make nova not work on them either!

that's exactly what u need to do, make every sentient immune to all abilities that's exactly what game needs DE well done.

i can't wait to see what else you want to mess up.

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undo limbo change, void is legit the sentient's weakness, the 1 thing, they cant adapt too, as explained in the new gas city, if they can adapt to limbo, they can adapt to void, and if they can adapt to void, the gas city has no purpose.

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 Limbo’s Stasis usage makes the gameplay of the Scarlet Spear far too trivial." Boring is the right word not trivial, BORING, but since i can only play the game solo because of connection issues i have pretty much no other option than playing with him or frost if i want to stay more than 8 waves but of course since rewards are stupid lith relics and no scaling rewarding rewards for staying longer there is no points to go over 4 waves each time and then use what ever frame i want to overkill anything.

Well at this point you should consider removing all weapons and frames ability because they kill mobs too you know ...

Venari healing objectives ... swapping bandaids is not actually healing but if you do so make the heal rate for what it can heal actually not laughable, make it 75% faster or just a permanent 10/s healing aura..

Also just cut down the price of arcanes by 50% ( since it's a limited in time event, not like an easy new feature to replace Eidolon hunt ), just imagine if you needed 20 of them to max one ... yeah i know, crazy right ? it's no longer grinding at this point it's " insert painful punch through in the rear part reference here "



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Regarding the use of nerfs for abilities like limbo's or venari and the plethora of changes DE makes based upon player complaints regarding how "other people play".

I would love to go in depth here but as I only have a limited amount of time to play I would rather spend it trying to adapt another warframe to the limited time event due to the reduction of my ability to do so on limbo.

The short and sweet of my concern is that not everyone attempting these events has maxed out warframes to the point of sheer boredom.

Although I am sure the devs have some overall plan in mind in regards to re-balancing between warframes, however,  they often do so when triggered by complaints from players who have already maxed out their entertainment value in warframe and desire harder content.

The problem is the devs don't develop harder content and instead provide it at the cost of other players, who have not yet been able to max out their load outs appropriately, by nerfing the warframes or equipment those players need to successfully progress at a appropriate rate.



It gets frustrating when vets (who have maxed out just about everything and have outlandish resource pools) use specific frames to cheese new content, and then complain to DE that it is way to easy. This ensures players still progressing to that point aren't able to keep up as DE nerfs the very methods the complainers already used to achieve what they wanted.

All this does is pour more resources towards vets and creates additional obstacles for those left behind. Obstacles those vets did not have to deal with or are completely trivial with the resources they have amassed.

The current scenario from the past year or two feels like the following:

DE creates new content,

Lets the privileged few through,

Then closes the efficiency gate to everyone else claiming the methods used by previous players negated the entertainment value for those same players.

If no one else is allowed to acquire the assets the same way then remove those assets from those who did.



I apologize but this habitual knee-jerk reaction has grown very frustrating because it never seems to end. While I don't really think vets should get what they gathered taken away the feeling is representative of the level of frustration these "untimely" changes cause.

If you can't create solid engaging content for vets then just admit to it rather than nerfing existing content; and if nothing else please refrain from making these changes during limited time events.



Overall I love the game and I really think highly of the team but sometimes it just feels like they are completely out of touch in regards to the player base and only focus on those who complain.

Well ^ there is my complaint.

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раньше у нас была хотя бы маловероятная, но возможность получить форму умбра. сейчас - нет.

ночная нора зависла надолго. когда новый сезон?!

добавьте форму умбры в магазин за платину. я куплю.

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15 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:
  • 1) Limbo’s Stasis usage makes the gameplay of the Scarlet Spear far too trivial.
  • 2) Sentients by design have Adaptation - and the diminishing returns on recasting adheres to the adaptive nature of the enemy. 
  • This is not intended to change the way Stasis interacts with other enemy factions.

lol @1) knew this would happen...

@2) if this is your argument, then what about every other frame ability? you could just say the same about frosts globe (which is the 2nd most stratrgy in use) or about mesas 4th? nad so on... theoretically, it would be kinda fun if the sentients getting more adapted to frame abilities, the longer a mission goes on, but i guess then there would be a need for higher rewards too or else people would get... annoyed...

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15 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

2) Sentients by design have Adaptation - and the diminishing returns on recasting adheres to the adaptive nature of the enemy.

Please fix Shedu, Paracesis and Operator not able to fully remove the resistance of Sentients

Please fix Adaptation mod not applying resistance to mobs capacities.

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Since one of the recent patches, I've lost the ability to "host" a Murex raid - I only get the option to join existing.  This is incredibly annoying as it means I'm stuck waiting for others to have space and don't get to use my pimped out Railjack (not that it matters much in these missions as there is little point in fighting in space).

Anyone else experiencing similar? All of my piloting skills are Rank 7, I'm not aware of any other gates on hosting space missions so assume this is a bug?

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Healing AOE Review

We made a hasty change in Hotfix 27.3.6 that removed Venari’s Heal aura from affecting Oplinks AND Defense Targets.


I cant say that i am happy with these changes but can understand why it was done to the oplinks but as somebody who likes to solo defences with different frames and using Venari to heal kuva pods was nice on solo. This is just an opinion but i'm sure that the dev team will think of a way to implement something else. 

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DE that's the worst round of TennoGen I've ever seen. You enter the most strange and incomprehensible skins into the game and increase prices of all skins 3-4 times in my country! It's outrageous! I won't buy any TennoGen skins until you cut prices.




Google Translate helps me.

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17 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Fixed players not getting into the ‘Busy’ Flotillas that they selected.

  • The scenario here occurred when selecting a ‘Busy’ Flotilla due to the Flotilla filling up very quickly with players. The fix here is to allow for extra room in the Flotilla if you attempted to join when there was still room available. You may now see Flotillas with more than 50 people from this change.


that's a good idea to tackle this problem, but there is still the one that prevents you from re-entering a flottila if being forced out due to bugs or the like. i suggest that the players gets a temporary 'ID' for the flottila they visit - or at least one they started a mission in (so visitors who only wants to buy stuff can be excluded) and this ID is like a passport to enter even full relays (since you now have this option build in, this would work well in addition). better yet, display an 'shortcut' in the flotilla list for the last used relay. the ID can be 'revoked' after a few minutes a player has left the relay to prevent unecessary data storage.

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Just came from an aborted Murex raid mission. The instance we were in had 16 ground teams and 3 space teams and we didn't get a single, #*!%ing kill code. 

It would be nice to not lie to us players DE, if you never fixed the issue of Murex raid teams not receiving kill codes.

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vor 4 Stunden schrieb Aesthier:

Although I am sure the devs have some overall plan in mind in regards to re-balancing between warframes, however,  they often do so when triggered by complaints from players who have already maxed out their entertainment value in warframe and desire harder content.

I feel this so much! The Plains would be another example that'd fit, I think. I tried describing it here:



During my hiatus (I really intended to stay off the game for longer. I got more and more frustrated and decided I need to step back before becoming too toxic to ever touch WF again.) said friend started playing. This kinda brought me back, for as long as I can be of help and I'm lending a hand whenever I can. I decided testing OSS (I'm a sucker for Emblems), I like it. Especially the part where we fight together as Tenno, united. In no other event I witnessed so far it felt we're all fighting at the same front, so big ty for that feeling, DE. That's a thing done right. However I haven't touched anything else in means of content and I don't plan to. *shrugs
Gotta wait and see.

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17 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Limbo’s Stasis duration now has diminishing returns on Sentients and Amalgams when the power is used repeatedly. This choice was made for 2 main reasons:

  • 1) Limbo’s Stasis usage makes the gameplay of the Scarlet Spear far too trivial.
  • 2) Sentients by design have Adaptation - and the diminishing returns on recasting adheres to the adaptive nature of the enemy. 


thanks for making the community change to nova instead of Limbo and making Limbo not have a purpose anymore. Everytime any one of the sentients get unstasised they 2 shot limbo, one enemie does that on 2 murex an above there are multiple enemies on those tilesets.

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