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Operation: Scarlet Spear: TennoGen 27.3.8 + +


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@[DE]Megan You have a huge problem that needs fixing, 4k points per full run with a bonus system of 2*points when u reach 100 murex, capped at 10k.

This means you have an huge incentive for ppl to do a single run and then swap relays, creating more chaos and other annoying things like swapping relays implies disbanding the group and reinviting, further punishing random groups (it already happens right now but it will get way worse)...


Best solution: Changing the bonus being capped per relay to a global increased cap, making it a sum of all the relays that got 100 murex, u could get 30k+ bonus in just one relay or in several ...

Alternative Solution: In the short term a fast solution is to increase the bonus cap per relay to 20-30 k.

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18 часов назад, [DE]Megan сказал:

Fixed the Kuva Tonkor and Phantasma requiring an Orokin Catalyst to unlock its Exilus Slot instead of an Exilus Adapter.

Thanks for that.
Now - pls optimize kuva bramma. So many monkeys in the lobby who take a bramma to shoot under teammates feet, destroying their FPS.

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10 hours ago, Cyanide2018 said:

You can earn 84,000 credits in 23 minutes?

I am sure there are a lot of people in this thread who would like to know how you have accomplished such a feat.

didn't say I got a rank 5 in 23 minutes. After testing I currently get over 3x rank 0 arcane energize per 23-25 minutes. They should be 15k-20k credits per rank 0, would still be fine farming them at that level. At 4k per arcane, this is permadeath of the tridolons. Scarlet spear is more effective than doing eidolons even if they had 100 % droprate on legendary arcanes. This is what makes me think DE don't play warframe. It's fine to give alternate sources for rewards, but you need to at least give it some vague balance. Most of the people who run tridolons are long since focus capped, which doesn't take long. So there's no reason to do them again until a future patch touches them.

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vor 3 Minuten schrieb CarnageBen:

They should be 15k-20k credits per rank 0, would still be fine farming them at that level.

My opinion is quite different: No thanks to that. First time ever I get an alternative to insane grind Eidolons (which shouldn't be reduced to a grind thingie in the first place, because for me it kills the epic of such creatures) to get arcanes.

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Just now, Silescere said:

My opinion is quite different: No thanks to that. First time ever I get an alternative to insane grind Eidolons (which shouldn't be reduced to a grind thingie in the first place, because for me it kills the epic of such creatures) to get arcanes.

I'm not opposed to the alternative. One mission for one arcane is very reasonable. over 3 per mission is not. We don't have much content to do between patches, it's basically tridolon, profit taker and kuva liches. And profit taker becomes pointless once you have enough credits. So Liches and Tridolons are the ''veteran content'', to keep us busy in dry content times. This pricing on legendary arcanes won't just make them super accessible during the event. It is such an excessive flooding that there will never be a reason to do tridolons again before they do some rework to them. I wouldn't mind turning arcanes into something you buy from tokens either. We have enough ghost content in Warframe, and to be honest it is very much self-inflicted. You might be happy for the change now, but what changes like these do is make you sit in your orbiter and wonder about the few things left in the game that are worth doing once you've done most of the progression stuff. I have infinite wealth, so platinum isn't the issue. It's about feeling a reward for playing content at the end game, and having some diversity in things worth doing.

I love the gameplay of scarlet spear. But I think the rewards weren't thought through, unless they have a tridolon loot update in their pocket. DE have struggled with endgame for ages, and killing their own endgame options for an event isn't going to help. Maybe in the next event you can buy kuva weapons and their ephemera for 20 minutes of effort. Just as an option. People would completely stop doing the liches and there'd be yet another pointless piece of content supposed to be for the endgame. It is a looter/shooter. If there's no grind or endgame, the looter part is kind of pointless. Too much of Warframe is just empty space, much of it from DE killing it.

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12 hours ago, lushelocution said:

This very polite person echoes my sentiments.

And mine. Accepting a little misery at the release of new stuff is on me, but slogging through a rocky start and getting less rewards than those that didn't even try it out doesn't feel right, it feels like I am "a sucker".

- - - 

And on another note, Little Duck selling Stance Formas needing 5 Nitain and having the only reliable source of Nitain locked for weeks explicitly for those players that play Warframe a lot (and thus have reached extra rank 60 in Nightwave) is not really ok either. Or is there a reason to punish them for actually doing Nightwave alerts?

During the months this intermission has been going on there has been no reliable info whatsoever on when it is supposed to end and what the ranking end point is, so there has been no way to plan (and leave Nightwave missions unfinished in order to be able to get Nitain). And then there was this post saying 90 ranks, but there is only 60 (of course there is 90 when adding the original 30, but how are we to know this?).

- - -

And could we get some Scarlet Credit sink stuff into Little Duck's shop? If you've already maxed all the arcanes, there is preciously little stuff to buy (buying 50 X Stance Forma doesn't really compute). And that in turn makes it unrewarding to play Scarlet Spear with friends that have less and actually have sh*tloads of stuff to buy.

- - -

I hate complaining, and complainers. And now I am complaining myself, I really hate everything about this. 

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Also on a side note why don't you stop pulling out half-assed content and blame us for doing only one thing, using the most suited frame for the job ( aka Ivara and railjack's POI, now Limbo and Khora .... what's next ? suppress invisibility because omg mobs can't see you, it's an exploit, or maybe point blank sniper rifle because shooting a mob from 100+ meters is cheating ? ).

If one frame make the content trivial then it's your fault for creating content who can be trivialized by one frame not ours, do you even try, test or play your own game? clearly no, instead we have nerf over nerf for only one reason " it perform too good " and to make sure frame are almost useless to not skip half of the grinding fest while the question should be " where the #*!% is the end game ? ".

Make sure any of this won't happen before releasing something, it will save you from badblood and other upset/angry/quiting players and some others who might be already making voodoo dolls for the [DE] staff  😄 .



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Correct me if I'm wrong, but the issue of zombie relays was supposed to have been fixed, yes?



This is what greeted me not even an hour ago when I tried to enter a relay, and suggests that the problem hasn't been quite fixed yet.

To be fair, it's the first time in a while that I've seen it, so I don't get the impression its common.

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On 2020-03-24 at 6:03 PM, [DE]Megan said:

Zephyr: Anchored Glide
Disable Zephyr passive ability. Increase power strength by 15%.

Nezha: Controlled Slide
Disable Nezha passive ability. Increase power strength by 15%.

Titania: Ironclad Flight
Disable vacuum in Razorwing. Reduced damage by 40% while airborne.


Can we have same for Ember, Baruuk and Gauss, pls ?


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Every relay I go to has the same bloddy issue. There are more ground crews than there are space teams. And yet, when I join or host a raljack missions to help drive away the murex, it's always the same.

We've NEVER received any kill codes. Not even where there are 11 ground crews sending up kill codes after kill codes, and only 1, or 2 space teams. No one on the space teams is getting any kill codes.

You guys are quick to nerf stuff when players found ways to be efficient in playing the game. But don't ever lie to us players saying that you've "fixed" something but was never fixed since launch.

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Scarlet Spear: TennoGen is now live!

Scoring Calculation Issues:
Earlier yesterday we released a revised scoring post with the following details:
Ground Assault missions started at 8 Points per Kill Code, reaching a possible 4104 points by Round 17!
After: Murex Raids now start at 12 Points per Kill Code, reaching a possible 3888 by Murex 5!

However, players were receiving a 2820 and 3672 for Space and Ground respectively. While this is still an increase from before, it is not the amount we announced. 

The correct numbers in this Hotfix will be:
After: Ground Assault missions will reach a possible 4131 points by Round 17!
After: Murex Raids missions will reach a possible 3960 by Murex 5!

We sincerely apologize for another day of unintended scoring results.. We know this has been confusing and we regret that we’ve caused so many misunderstandings due to calculation errors. 

Scarlet Spear Fixes:

  • Fixed Clients having an incorrect Murex Score in the ‘Skirmish Complete’ popup when completing 5 Murex Waves.
  • Fix towards Clients experiencing an infinite load tunnel into Murex Raid if the Host experiences lag.
  • Fixed a script error when joining in progress as a "Kill Code Transmission" starts to play.


  • Fixed a few tintmasks on the Wisp Delusion Skin to make her tint values consistent vs her various Helmets. 
  • Fixed a script error occurring during a Host migration when playing a Defection mission.
  • Fixed a script error for Clients during The Jordas Precept.
  • Fixed a script error when throwing the Fishing Spear.
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1 minute ago, [DE]Megan said:

Scarlet Spear: TennoGen is now live!

Scoring Calculation Issues:
Earlier yesterday we released a revised scoring post with the following details:
Ground Assault missions started at 8 Points per Kill Code, reaching a possible 4104 points by Round 17!
After: Murex Raids now start at 12 Points per Kill Code, reaching a possible 3888 by Murex 5!

However, players were receiving a 2820 and 3672 for Space and Ground respectively. While this is still an increase from before, it is not the amount we announced. 

The correct numbers in this Hotfix will be:
After: Ground Assault missions will reach a possible 4131 points by Round 17!
After: Murex Raids missions will reach a possible 3960 by Murex 5!

We sincerely apologize for another day of unintended scoring results.. We know this has been confusing and we regret that we’ve caused so many misunderstandings due to calculation errors. 

Scarlet Spear Fixes:

  • Fixed Clients having an incorrect Murex Score in the ‘Skirmish Complete’ popup when completing 5 Murex Waves.
  • Fix towards Clients experiencing an infinite load tunnel into Murex Raid if the Host experiences lag.
  • Fixed a script error when joining in progress as a "Kill Code Transmission" starts to play.


  • Fixed a few tintmasks on the Wisp Delusion Skin to make her tint values consistent vs her various Helmets. 
  • Fixed a script error occurring during a Host migration when playing a Defection mission.
  • Fixed a script error for Clients during The Jordas Precept.
  • Fixed a script error when throwing the Fishing Spear.

Thanks ❤️

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