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What keeps you playing Railjack IF you still play it?


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On 2020-05-02 at 1:59 PM, DreisterDino said:

So what keeps you playing if you are still playing?

  1. Are you playing it just for fun and nothing else?
  2. Are you just playing to grind for Intrinsics and Components?
  3. Are you playing to "prepare" for something that might come in the distant future?
  4. Are you playing for a completly different reason?

I'm not, unfortunately. 

Currently, what Railjack offers is too much of an isolated "Island" (Steve's words, iirc) that offers nothing for the rest of the game.

It doesn't allow me to reach worlds and systems beyond the basic Junction network. It doesn't allow me to explore anything. It's just playing Railjack for the sake of Railjack - and that I already exhausted.

I'm running a 100/100 Vidar MK-III reactor, every point of capacity used up, too, with extremely high rolls on my other equipment. I have both galleon weapons, too. 

I'm 10/10/10/10 on Intrinsics - and I cannot even grind the extra 1023 I'll need for Command, because duh, it's not allowed. 


So... I'm one of the people that found it plenty fun upon release, but while it was fun while it lasted, it didn't last very long. An isolated island with no variety just doesn't do much to content longevity. Hopefully, it will change one day, but I'm afraid true potential of Railjack won't be realized until DE finally decides to run it as a persistent world on a dedicated server instead of what it is now - and going at their current pace I might die of old age before that happens. ¬_¬


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vor 34 Minuten schrieb Hypernaut1:

People keep saying RJ was only a taxi, but I killed plenty of fighters and boarders during SS. They're was RJ gameplay between murex. It wasn't hard, but it was there. 

I think if people were forced to defend they would complain

This mostly, the Railjack part were irrelevant mostly, that is the problem, you still just waited indsie the Murex for Killcodes to come in. If you fought outside not had any impact at all, destroy sentient ships not boosted the scans nor did it affect anything, it was another ground mission in space, if you go in detail it was nothing more then Plains or Orb Vallis, fly to a point, defend it, fly ot the next. The worst part for me was that we again got Grineer fodder in both missions, the Grineer were more present then the actual Invasion faction.

Edited by Marine027
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vor 1 Stunde schrieb Culaio:

DE should also nerf power pilot has in his hands, ther is currently too much power centralized in hand of pilot, many times I was on very well geared railjacks where everyone but pilot had nothing to do(other then maybe other objectives) because pilot was wiping all enemies alone before gunners could even shot them(and since they were wiped so fast, enemy didnt had chance to damage or board the ship), rest of team with exception of guy doing other objetives were standing by the pilot bored, pilot wiped all enemies before guy finished doing other objective.

I've got mixed feelings about this.


On the one hand, i experienced exactly what you described, and simply standing inside of a Railjack wondering "ok, what do i do now?" is boring as hell.

On the other hand, the most boring thing i had to do in Scarlet Spear was bringing the Satelite to the next Murex as a Pilot.

Especially when the Sentients lowered my Speed/disabled Boosting and you are just sitting there thinking "guys, anybody there? can somebody kill the Sentients please?"


The one thing i am sure about is that i dont want the Pilot to have even more power like some people are talking about in another Thread currently (they want the Pilot to be able to use the Forward Artillery while in the Pilot seat) and that would make the rest of the Squad even more obsolete.


vor einer Stunde schrieb Vit0Corleone:

This can be easily solved with mission diversity, and I do hope DE looks at it.

I agree that this might be the solution to this problem, and imo the solution for all of these problems should always be mission and gameplay design.

For example, lets imagine we get an Interception mission for Railjack.


The distribution of points to capture could look like this:

  1. one capture point is inside your Railjack! Enemies are constantly spawning in and at least one player has to defend it
  2. another capture point is inside of some Asteroid base, another player has to leave the Railjack to capture that one (that point might also switch position between different Asteroids, meaning after a while that player needs to get back to the Railjack, and use the Slingshot or another way to get to the next one)
  3. a third capture point is some sort of mobile device flying through space, so the Pilot has to chase it and it might be designed in a way that a Gunner will still be very useful (for example, dealing damage to that device does something for you, so either the Pilot or the Gunner focus on that while the other one kills the fighters of the enemy which are also chasing that device)
  4. Edit: since we are only 4 Players, i think it should be just 2 or 3 capture points and not 4 like in the Standard Inteception since we still have to take care of our Railjack. Anyway, it just came to my mind that enemy Crewships could also be some sort of a Bonus Capture point which you can capture (go in like you do now, but then you have to defend it both from the inside and the outside until the Crewship gets destroyed one way or another)


Just a rough concept, and surely the details should be tested and finetuned, but you get the idea.

Give everyone something meaningful to do the whole time and make it basically impossible that only one person can make all others obsolete.

Edited by DreisterDino
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3 hours ago, Culaio said:

There is plenty of people who are neither of those who have good reason to criticise railjack, for example me, I spend quite a bit of time with railjack(all avionics, maxed out all intrinsic, and most of gear in max bonus), also I genereally criticise stuff others people dont, like for example I have problem with the fact that when railjack pilot does tight turns it makes people doing gunner role feel sick DE should nerf railjack ability to make tight turns to prevent that from happening, though that could negativly effect pilot ability to shot with weapons he has so maybe they should remove those weapons completly, pilot in the first place shouldnt chase enemies like they do currently.


DE should also give more to do for the person doing engineer role on the ship, player doing this role already had barely anything to do and last time I heard Scott planned to make this role even more meaningless by nerfing amount of fires, not sure if that change went live, because all the ships in was one were very well geared so enemy didnt had much opurtunity to damage it. DE needs to give MORE to do for player doing engineer role, not less, being fourth player on the railjack is very boring.


DE should also nerf power pilot has in his hands, ther is currently too much power centralized in hand of pilot, many times I was on very well geared railjacks where everyone but pilot had nothing to do(other then maybe other objectives) because pilot was wiping all enemies alone before gunners could even shot them(and since they were wiped so fast, enemy didnt had chance to damage or board the ship), rest of team with exception of guy doing other objetives were standing by the pilot bored, pilot wiped all enemies before guy finished doing other objective.



If you over-nerf the power the pilot has, you effectively kill solo play, which is a terrible, terrible idea. I honestly can't find a single thing you talked about that I agree with. Remove the ability to make tight turns? Remove pilot weapons? What? What dreadful ideas. Also, have you forgotten than gunners can use the railjack abilities, like the newly buffed Seeker Swarm, or Void Hole, or Munitions Vortex? Also, have you forgotten that you don't need to just sit on the Railjack and complain that it is "boring"? You can go out in archwing and fight everything directly with the newly buffed and properly scaling archwing weapons.

Also, here we go, exactly as I predicted, people are now complaining that it's too easy, the pilot wipes everything too fast, no challenge, yada yada yada. Now made even easier with the recent and much demanded changes of hugely nerfing enemies. This community--I swear, so many of you all dropped your brains out the holes in your heads with Railjack. Schizophrenic, inconsistent, and oxymoronic complaints about things you don't even understand how they work.

Like I said in my first comment; DE has made a lot of mistakes, and community feedback is normally fairly solid, so they would do well to listen to it more. But not Railjack. The community has lost its collective mind over it, and is just objectively wrong about so much concerning it. 

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Me? I have fun, but only because I met a few friends and we made a discord of people who have geared RJs and enjoy the combat, know perfectly what to do and just have fun breaking their own records or just screwing with the grineer at ruse. 

If I had to play it like the rest of the game? It would burn in hell. 

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1 hour ago, Skine_ said:

Its a good mr farm, a lot better then going to hydron everytime.  And a ton of credits with it

Took me a LONG time to realize this. I played all of Scarlet Spear and most of my Railjack content with maxxed Warframe and weapons. I recently picked up Titania Prime and the Machete and took them and HOLY CRAP do you get a lot of Affinity for a single node/mission in Railjack!  

Same with the credits. I might not need to ever go to the Index again.

Edited by Wearbe
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2 hours ago, Wearbe said:

Took me a LONG time to realize this. I played all of Scarlet Spear and most of my Railjack content with maxxed Warframe and weapons. I recently picked up Titania Prime and the Machete and took them and HOLY CRAP do you get a lot of Affinity for a single node/mission in Railjack!  

Same with the credits. I might not need to ever go to the Index again.

Yeah its really nice.  Especially just doing gian point on veil super fast

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17 hours ago, EinsteinAndAGun said:

If you over-nerf the power the pilot has, you effectively kill solo play, which is a terrible, terrible idea. I honestly can't find a single thing you talked about that I agree with. Remove the ability to make tight turns? Remove pilot weapons? What? What dreadful ideas. Also, have you forgotten than gunners can use the railjack abilities, like the newly buffed Seeker Swarm, or Void Hole, or Munitions Vortex? Also, have you forgotten that you don't need to just sit on the Railjack and complain that it is "boring"? You can go out in archwing and fight everything directly with the newly buffed and properly scaling archwing weapons.

You do realize its possible to  nerf power of pilot without killing solo play right ?  Orginally when asked about solo play DE given possibilties like auto-turret mod  for rrailjack or NPC doing gunner roles and thats how you can keep solo play viable without giving pilot too much power.

You say all those ideas are bad so tell me HOW are you going to prevent gunners from feeling sick ? because its unacceptable that pilot can make gunners feel sick when he is chassing enemies. 

I only mentioned possibility of removing weapons from pilot because to prevent gunners from feeling sick ability to make quick/tight turns will most likely need to be nerfed, this in turn would impact pilot ability to aim his weapons. Alternative to removal of pilot weapons would be to disconnect movement direction from aim of pilot wepaons(like wasd for direction and mouse to aim), in that case removal of weapons wouldnt be needed, thought it would take a bit to re-learn how to fly railjack.

You are correct that gunners can use abilities but its pilot who control where railjack is going and he is always first one who has opurtunity to use ship abilities since he is on front of ship.

I would fight with archwing if you know pilot already didnt wipe everything soon after it spawned...archwing cant compete with railjack abilities that can wipe 10+ enemies in instant.


17 hours ago, EinsteinAndAGun said:

Also, here we go, exactly as I predicted, people are now complaining that it's too easy, the pilot wipes everything too fast, no challenge, yada yada yada. Now made even easier with the recent and much demanded changes of hugely nerfing enemies. This community--I swear, so many of you all dropped your brains out the holes in your heads with Railjack. Schizophrenic, inconsistent, and oxymoronic complaints about things you don't even understand how they work.

You seem to have misunderstood me, I am not complaining that its too easy now, pilot was able to wipe all enemies in well geared railjack from the beginning, I played a LOT of railjack game mode, I experianced both railjacks that were extremly fragile and railjacks that  nothing could take down where pilot soloed pretty much whole run(except for other objcetives), railjacks with very best gear, where every time he used ship abiltiies 10+ enemies died instantly.

17 hours ago, EinsteinAndAGun said:

Like I said in my first comment; DE has made a lot of mistakes, and community feedback is normally fairly solid, so they would do well to listen to it more. But not Railjack. The community has lost its collective mind over it, and is just objectively wrong about so much concerning it. 

But YOU know whats best for railjack...

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How to prevent the gunners from being sick: 

Remove the side guns, make them automated or linked to the pilot guns, or make the big gun station control both side turrets as well as the big cannon. People tend to be getting more done when they are on archwings now anyway when archguns arent pea shooters in railjack content anymore.

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vor 1 Stunde schrieb Vahenir:

How to prevent the gunners from being sick: 

Remove the side guns, make them automated or linked to the pilot guns, or make the big gun station control both side turrets as well as the big cannon. People tend to be getting more done when they are on archwings now anyway when archguns arent pea shooters in railjack content anymore.

I rather have them given a small fighter to start from to fight, combined with your Archwing to maek it useful and have turrets automated in the railjack.

Instead of having to specialize, figthers benefit from pilot and gunner together, add engineer for self repair as example, stop forring people into a niche at first if you can level all anyway to max without restricitons, it not makes sense, it is like i decide to only level one ability on my warframe.

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43 minutes ago, Wearbe said:

Once the intrinsic is unlocked that makes 360 visibility possible, that problem of sick side-gunners mostly goes away as side gunners can "face forward".

I have most of the gunnery stuff unlocked myself and since i cant really control the pilots maneuvering when i use a turret i tend to be able to perform a lot better by just going outside and blasting away with my archgun. Not to mention the turrets are basically hit and miss depending on the host, sometimes they are really good and others they are utter garbage because the host in question doesn't want "leeches" to use the turrets at all.


49 minutes ago, Marine027 said:

I rather have them given a small fighter to start from to fight, combined with your Archwing to maek it useful and have turrets automated in the railjack.

Instead of having to specialize, figthers benefit from pilot and gunner together, add engineer for self repair as example, stop forring people into a niche at first if you can level all anyway to max without restricitons, it not makes sense, it is like i decide to only level one ability on my warframe.

I think that railjack would have been better off with solo focused ships where a mission can involve up to four of them. Give abilities and such to the ship itself with the avionics available to enhance stuff. Basically like how warframes work in the rest of the game. Not only would this have been able to give a lot more variety in ships but also more money for DE due to ship sales when people don't want to grind them out.

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20 minutes ago, Vahenir said:

... turrets are basically hit and miss depending on the host, sometimes they are really good and others they are utter garbage because the host in question doesn't want "leeches" to use the turrets at all.


I think that railjack would have been better off with solo focused ships where a mission can involve up to four of them. Give abilities and such to the ship itself with the avionics available to enhance stuff. Basically like how warframes work in the rest of the game. Not only would this have been able to give a lot more variety in ships but also more money for DE due to ship sales when people don't want to grind them out.

It boggles my mind that people try to ruin an experience for others in this way. I have not seen this in my experiences, but I'm sorry you have.

20 minutes ago, Vahenir said:

I think that railjack would have been better off with solo focused ships where a mission can involve up to four of them. Give abilities and such to the ship itself with the avionics available to enhance stuff. Basically like how warframes work in the rest of the game. Not only would this have been able to give a lot more variety in ships but also more money for DE due to ship sales when people don't want to grind them out.

Then you just have an oversized Archwing. I like interacting in a more meaningful way. As it is now, you CAN solo a mission even though you have a full crew who are doing nothing. BUT, because you have a crew environment, you also have those instances where the crew is functional and you have a great time with them.  That opportunity is created by the Railjack as it is now. Make it a single player ship that interacts with other single player ships and you lose that opportunity completely.  And that is just PUGs... you also have all the intentionally created groups from Clans and whatnot. I do not think the whole world is better done solo in all things. My opinion.

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9 hours ago, Culaio said:

You do realize its possible to  nerf power of pilot without killing solo play right ?  Orginally when asked about solo play DE given possibilties like auto-turret mod  for rrailjack or NPC doing gunner roles and thats how you can keep solo play viable without giving pilot too much power.

You say all those ideas are bad so tell me HOW are you going to prevent gunners from feeling sick ? because its unacceptable that pilot can make gunners feel sick when he is chassing enemies. 

I only mentioned possibility of removing weapons from pilot because to prevent gunners from feeling sick ability to make quick/tight turns will most likely need to be nerfed, this in turn would impact pilot ability to aim his weapons. Alternative to removal of pilot weapons would be to disconnect movement direction from aim of pilot wepaons(like wasd for direction and mouse to aim), in that case removal of weapons wouldnt be needed, thought it would take a bit to re-learn how to fly railjack.

You are correct that gunners can use abilities but its pilot who control where railjack is going and he is always first one who has opurtunity to use ship abilities since he is on front of ship.

I would fight with archwing if you know pilot already didnt wipe everything soon after it spawned...archwing cant compete with railjack abilities that can wipe 10+ enemies in instant.


You seem to have misunderstood me, I am not complaining that its too easy now, pilot was able to wipe all enemies in well geared railjack from the beginning, I played a LOT of railjack game mode, I experianced both railjacks that were extremly fragile and railjacks that  nothing could take down where pilot soloed pretty much whole run(except for other objcetives), railjacks with very best gear, where every time he used ship abiltiies 10+ enemies died instantly.

But YOU know whats best for railjack...

If you get motion sick on a turret, nothing can fix that for you. It's free movement in 3D space, and you have an intrinsic that removes all points of reference on the ship itself. Your "solution" is IDIOTIC. If people get motion sick playing a game, then that's their problem. It can't even be fixed in many cases. There are some things that can be done for some people, like making an "anchor point" for the eyes in the center of the screen, such as a crosshair, but that's already there in Railjack. But to say "I get sick in a 3D spaceflight game, so everyone should stop moving so fast" is exactly as dumb as a seasick passenger demanding the captain stop the ship and let him off.

And yes, if you remove too much pilot power, you will kill solo play.

And if it was always so easy, did you speak up against the changes to make it easier? Where were you when everyone was complaining about how "hard" railjack was and how "weak" it felt? And yes, I seemingly understand Railjack better than pretty much any player I've ever played with, or seen play elsewhere. Seriously, it's something else. I'm not some expert gamer, I get wrecked in competitive games, and I'm no genius at figuring out game mechanics in general, but holy crap, it really seems no one understands how to play Railjack properly. As I detailed in my original comment, I strongly suspect that the handful of Warframe content creators that put out total baloney on Railjack early on put an bee in everyone's bonnet and essentially made them unable to figure it out on their own.

Also, what the heck is with this statement?

"Alternative to removal of pilot weapons would be to disconnect movement direction from aim of pilot wepaons(like wasd for direction and mouse to aim), in that case removal of weapons wouldnt be needed, thought it would take a bit to re-learn how to fly railjack."

It's already like that! I can move in any direction and aim in any direction! The only way the mouse affects the movement is if you just hold one direction, like forward, and then aim around to steer. And I'd like to see how you would have us steer if the mouse can no longer control our direction.

Bottom line is this--you suggesting removing pilot power is going exactly against what seemingly everyone wanted. Nobody want's the ship to be slower. Nobody wants them to be weaker. Nobody wants them to be clunkier. That's just you, because you forgot to take a Dramamine. I get it, getting motion sick sucks, but demanding the entire game to slow down because you can't handle it is ridiculous. 

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On 2020-05-02 at 4:59 AM, DreisterDino said:

So what keeps you playing if you are still playing?

  1. Are you playing it just for fun and nothing else?
  2. Are you just playing to grind for Intrinsics and Components?
  3. Are you playing to "prepare" for something that might come in the distant future?
  4. Are you playing for a completly different reason?

I'm grinding for the very rare but useless mod called Ballista Measure.  After that I'll grind for the even-more-rare avionics that were just released.

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been playing around in the earth proxima everyday for about 5-15 runs trying to get the elusive cruising speed/turret velocity avionics that have abysmal drop rates. i find the game play of RJ to be refreshing when i do it occasionally instead of typical kuva grinding or such in Normal WF gameplay. the extra resources may come in handy at some point as well.

i welcome any people that randomly join me too cause they tend to take care of the crewships so i dont have to constantly hop between pilot/artillery seat or manually board them. speeds things along.

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Rail Jack is fun, i like the frenetic play. Changes have made it easier to solo. Its an awesome mission. Kill fighters, fly archwing, kill ground troops, invade bases, invade ships....all in the same mission. 11 special abilities to manage, I look forward to more. Its really awesome what they added to warframe.

It may seem overwhelming to a new player or those that dont have ADD

Edited by Hypernaut1
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I played it for fun on and off before the rework, not sure what there is to do now though, far less opportunities for engagement since a single person can nuke through a majority of the mode solo and tasks for managing the ship has been heavily reduced. I appreciated the railjack for the spread of gameplay opportunities it had while being able to contribute to content and while I also appreciate the lower end of gameplay had some pacing/progression issues they sort of just took down all ends of gameplay and in turn watered down a lot of the afforementioned gameplay opportunities, engineering, boarding, and side turrets are all far less relevant/active roles now (first two may not be relevant at all anymore) and if your mission doesn't wind up with group objectives half the team honestly can wind up with nothing to do most of the mission, and one of the two with a job only having to fire six shots the full mission. The mode is less active now which is a shame, the one thing I always wanted back for this game was a more cohesive co-op play, but now even Railjack is heading towards the one many carry while the rest watch style of design. Guess it's nice this one at least doesn't mess with spawns should you play solo so it's not as bad, still a shame though, the mode went from wanting a co-op presence to not caring about the co-op experience at all.   

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32 minutes ago, Cubewano said:

... half the team honestly can wind up with nothing to do most of the mission, and one of the two with a job only having to fire six shots the full mission. ...

Tonight I started to NOT build Dome Charges. I leave it empty at the Dojo so there are none at the start of the mission and with no resources, we can't build any.  I shoot out the 3 engines on Crew Ships and then leave them there. My crewmates figure out pretty fast that boarding is what I'm asking them to do.  While they do that and the Large Ground Objectives (if there are any), I'm not wasting time sitting in static position waiting for the Dome shots... I farm, take out fighters, disable Crew Ships (and remove force fields if they have them), and hit exhaust thingies on the exteriors of the Large Ground Objectives when they pop out.  By the time they finish the Crew Ships, the map is mostly farmed, the fighters are gone and we can start a new mission. It is still very fast and everyone is busy. I don't get boarded any more, I have Engineering 10 so I can repair from my seat (which is hardly ever needed anymore, either) and side gunners are not really all that helpful, so this works.

Also, ever since the "easy patch" nobody uses the sling-shot anymore.  Tonight, I had several people use it once they saw the dome charges were empty.

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1 minute ago, Wearbe said:

Tonight I started to NOT build Dome Charges. I leave it empty at the Dojo so there are none at the start of the mission and with no resources, we can't build any.  I shoot out the 3 engines on Crew Ships and then leave them there. My crewmates figure out pretty fast that boarding is what I'm asking them to do.  While they do that and the Large Ground Objectives (if there are any), I'm not wasting time sitting in static position waiting for the Dome shots... I farm, take out fighters, disable Crew Ships (and remove force fields if they have them), and hit exhaust thingies on the exteriors of the Large Ground Objectives when they pop out.  By the time they finish the Crew Ships, the map is mostly farmed, the fighters are gone and we can start a new mission. It is still very fast and everyone is busy. I don't get boarded any more, I have Engineering 10 so I can repair from my seat (which is hardly ever needed anymore, either) and side gunners are not really all that helpful, so this works.

Also, ever since the "easy patch" nobody uses the sling-shot anymore.  Tonight, I had several people use it once they saw the dome charges were empty.

Not sure what message you are trying to present here, that full part play can still happen, or if its so bad that you have to self sabotage to provide value to other roles, but I do have to ask why did nobody just craft dome charges throughout the mission? Did they just unanimously decide they want everyone to have a good time / things to do, because that would be quite the rare gem. 

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12 hours ago, EinsteinAndAGun said:

If you get motion sick on a turret, nothing can fix that for you. It's free movement in 3D space, and you have an intrinsic that removes all points of reference on the ship itself. Your "solution" is IDIOTIC. If people get motion sick playing a game, then that's their problem. It can't even be fixed in many cases. There are some things that can be done for some people, like making an "anchor point" for the eyes in the center of the screen, such as a crosshair, but that's already there in Railjack. But to say "I get sick in a 3D spaceflight game, so everyone should stop moving so fast" is exactly as dumb as a seasick passenger demanding the captain stop the ship and let him off.

There is problem with what you are saying, I dont have motion sickness, I played a S#&$ ton of combat flight/space combat simulators both with realistic movement and more arcade-y movement and nothing ever made me feel sick, hell I was one of players asking for  6DoF(Six degrees of freedom) for archwing, when experimental flight for archwing in settings was thing I always had it on, sometimes when I was doing bounties on plains I was flying around upside down for fun to see if I wil lbe able to reach target without crashing into tree or ground. Nothing of that ever made me feel sick, yet railjack does when makes very tight turn when I am in gunner position. Thats not problem with me, its problem with railjack gamde mode.

12 hours ago, EinsteinAndAGun said:

And yes, if you remove too much pilot power, you will kill solo play.

what a meaningless to say, you litereally provided NO counter arguments to my examples of using auto-turret mod or NPC'S to shot enemies for solo play.

12 hours ago, EinsteinAndAGun said:

And if it was always so easy, did you speak up against the changes to make it easier? Where were you when everyone was complaining about how "hard" railjack was and how "weak" it felt? And yes, I seemingly understand Railjack better than pretty much any player I've ever played with, or seen play elsewhere. Seriously, it's something else. I'm not some expert gamer, I get wrecked in competitive games, and I'm no genius at figuring out game mechanics in general, but holy crap, it really seems no one understands how to play Railjack properly. As I detailed in my original comment, I strongly suspect that the handful of Warframe content creators that put out total baloney on Railjack early on put an bee in everyone's bonnet and essentially made them unable to figure it out on their own.

first thing, I was waiting to see changes its stupid to judge changes before experiancing them for yourself. Second thing, the nerfs to enemies didnt atually had impact on problem I was talking about, pilot before could instantly wipe enemies and pilot still wipes instantly enemies.


Its pretty arrogant of you to think that only YOU know best, maybe you should look better at yourself, maybe you will realize that you are the problem not everyone else...

12 hours ago, EinsteinAndAGun said:

Also, what the heck is with this statement?

"Alternative to removal of pilot weapons would be to disconnect movement direction from aim of pilot wepaons(like wasd for direction and mouse to aim), in that case removal of weapons wouldnt be needed, thought it would take a bit to re-learn how to fly railjack."

It's already like that! I can move in any direction and aim in any direction! The only way the mouse affects the movement is if you just hold one direction, like forward, and then aim around to steer. And I'd like to see how you would have us steer if the mouse can no longer control our direction.

Dude, do you even play railjack ? its NOT like that at all, if you move mouse slighty to left or right as a pilot ship will slowly turn left or right, if you you move mouse toward border of screen ship will turn faster and until you move mouse back your ship wont stop turning.

disconnecting movement direction from aim means that you could move mouse all around your screen and ship wouldnt turn ever, you would be able to aim at anything on your screen without moving ship in any direction and to change direction of ship you would have to use keyboard.

12 hours ago, EinsteinAndAGun said:

Bottom line is this--you suggesting removing pilot power is going exactly against what seemingly everyone wanted. Nobody want's the ship to be slower. Nobody wants them to be weaker. Nobody wants them to be clunkier. That's just you, because you forgot to take a Dramamine. I get it, getting motion sick sucks, but demanding the entire game to slow down because you can't handle it is ridiculous. 

Where did I say slower ship ? I mentioned only slower turning, thats not same thing, in real life there are many fast planes that have slower turning..

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20 hours ago, Wearbe said:

It boggles my mind that people try to ruin an experience for others in this way. I have not seen this in my experiences, but I'm sorry you have.

Then you just have an oversized Archwing. I like interacting in a more meaningful way. As it is now, you CAN solo a mission even though you have a full crew who are doing nothing. BUT, because you have a crew environment, you also have those instances where the crew is functional and you have a great time with them.  That opportunity is created by the Railjack as it is now. Make it a single player ship that interacts with other single player ships and you lose that opportunity completely.  And that is just PUGs... you also have all the intentionally created groups from Clans and whatnot. I do not think the whole world is better done solo in all things. My opinion.

The main thing id really want to see from that is basically to give ships more variety. As it stands they are all the same with the only minor difference being avionics and guns, none of which you have any control over unless you host. I have found that a lot of people want to bring their own ships because of it, so they can have their preferred gear on it. Even if they aren't piloting. This ends up leading to the balance of people being all wrong, get your own ship and you may not get a crew at all because everyone else is also bringing their own ships. So instead of that leading to people being stuck soloing or recruiting through chat beforehand having single player ships would make it easier to group up.

As for the ships themselves, no need to have them be that small. They could even remain at their current size and add in crew for you to customize it further, just with each ship being designed to operate with only one player. Add in some kind of permanent cloak in case someone wants to ditch their ship and go archwing or join one of the others on the mission.

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One thing to add to this discussion that I don't think I've seen ( may have missed it thou, apologies if that was the case ), is that DE added rewards that weren't there before, and that brought people who like to collect all the things, and people farming for plat & credits. Yea, now Railjack is a plat farm, who would have guessed that.

Even if they might not be fans of the game mode, players are suckers for rewards and plats.

Bet we would see a huge increase on K-drive playing if K-drive races suddenly offered built Forma 😉


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