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Force Start in groups..... this is just a big fat nope!


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2 minutes ago, ZeroX4 said:

we go there cause we wanna start mission and just do it

if you were that concerned about doing a mission right that instant, then solo would be your best option: nobody else to hold you back.

remember that when you selected public matchmaking, you consented to this> you said "I'll take literally anyone". not "I'll take anyone as long as they conform to what i want". that's not how it works. you will get people who are impatient and will fore start when you don't want them to, it happens. is it a problem? yes. is there any way to actually solve it fully without abandoning public altogether? no.

sometimes I wish DE forced people to read a disclaimer before they go into a public match, maybe then we wouldn't see so many threads like this.

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7 hours ago, -HG-Lair360 said:

While playing murmur / lich hunting with a few random groups, it was great. Some say "brb. need to take a drink" - "I need to quickly forma this" - "I need to change frame". For me I support that and do something too and wait for them to get ready. BUT.... you know... there is always that one person.... sigh.... "force start" and ticked me off, so does a few others.

A few days later, its the same. in group... Force start... don't you get it? Somone says he needs to get a drink! He will be right back!

So when I am in this group and they force start, I just say "I am going to find a new group after this round". Enough is enough. I don't support this practice of force start without a reason. At least say something like "I am going to force start."


Maybe they are tired of ppl who wants them to wait.

I met with players who would say "oh wait just a moment have to do something" and then we wait 5 minutes for the guy.

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Just quit the public lobby if you have something else to do. That's a form of respect. If you get force-started into a mission, and didn't quit before the end of the timer, it's on you.

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42 minutes ago, BlackCat500 said:

Are you supposed to wait an hour for someone? Hell no, but waiting just a few seconds or a minute is just somewhat unlikely to suddenly end your life and suddenly you've died full of regrets of having spent your last minute waiting for someone to get their drink.

I've only encountered it in pub sorties and recruit randos.

In sorties the majority are immediately to go to the next one, it's common practice to grab a loadout for the whole thing. If you're not ready to immediately go to the next one, don't get butthurt when the rest of the PUB squad leave you to do it. I get that you might want to switch something like a weapon, frame, and/or your whole loadout inbetween the 3 missions, but it's unreasonable to want to make others wait. Most of that can be done before the end of the count down. If you want to take a break between missions don't get mad at PUB randos leaving without you.

In terms of squads from the recruit channel I have yet to meet someone who forces a start when we're figuring out who's bringing what (the whole point of recruit squads)... Although I did have one guy join a Plague Star 4x4 and say they were going out for a smoke really quick. After we figured out who was doing what and waiting a minute, you bet we ditched him (difficult because we had to all leave and reinvite eachother due to not being able to actually kick them)... 2 runs later the guy that left for a smoke after joining the group messages me asking what my problem was. Sorry but if you're going to join a group, make them wait for you, and take so long that multiple runs were completed then you're the one in the wrong.

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28 minutes ago, SpringRocker said:


Yeah, I'm in agreement there. There can be some exceptions, like someone said that you suddenly have to go to your door because it could be important, but I wouldn't challenge anyone over wanting to leave a party if things took to long at all. Again, that's like..more of an individual choice. I was mostly just contesting the absolute need of having to push the entire party into a forced start when you could wait a couple seconds or a minute for everyone to switch their gear, or leave if it takes too long for you. I swap my stuff between missions as well but generally don't take longer than half a minute and I find that most public parties I've been to generally do wait (often waiting longer than just for me, honestly). In public squads, you typically start the mission as soon as you get matched. If then after one mission there is a delay because of people getting ready, you can still take an action like leaving and match up with another party.

For example, on sorties, I may match up with a mission where it's beneficial in terms of speed to go with multiple people, but leave the party immediately after because I see that spy's next and I don't want to fail it unnecessarily. If I stay, then I am willing to wait for people to go for loki or limbo if they can only do spy hacks with those tools. I could run it by myself and I could also leave and not wait, but if I do decide to stay in a party then I might as well wait for them to get ready, for everyone to try to do their part.

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9 hours ago, -HG-Lair360 said:

While playing murmur / lich hunting with a few random groups, it was great. Some say "brb. need to take a drink" - "I need to quickly forma this" - "I need to change frame". For me I support that and do something too and wait for them to get ready. BUT.... you know... there is always that one person.... sigh.... "force start" and ticked me off, so does a few others.

A few days later, its the same. in group... Force start... don't you get it? Somone says he needs to get a drink! He will be right back!

So when I am in this group and they force start, I just say "I am going to find a new group after this round". Enough is enough. I don't support this practice of force start without a reason. At least say something like "I am going to force start."


In my experience this is usually a latency glitch than a person trying to screw you. Someone clicks once to vote yes, but the game thinks they clicked twice to force start

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8 hours ago, BlackCat500 said:

What prevents you from playing solo? Stop forcing 3 of 4 people to do what you want when your argument is that you can do it by yourself. They want to have fun too. I can do sorties by myself as well but never force start because I am not that selfish.

Theres merit to both sides. 

At a certain point its not fair to expect me to wait indefinitely for you to fashion frame/take a dump/forma/slow roast a buffalo. But sometimes the game doesn't make it clear that a force start has been initiated until you only have a few seconds left. 


I feel like a compromise would be making the force starts take longer than they currently do and making it more visible to the squad.

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8 hours ago, ZeroX4 said:

1 - what prevents u from leaving?
2 - if someone force start that would mean waiting for u is just waste of time since rest of the squad can manage
3 - waiting for u to be back with ur drink and press ready? yeah that sounds like fun
4 - if u dont wanna get force start play solo simple as that

i force start every sortie mission i play and i meet ppl like u and they are like wtf cant u wait why force start?
and im like wait for what? i dont need ur help to do this mission and ur free to leave at any time so whats ur problem?
and they are like it would be nice to wait for others to press ready
and then i reply with yeah thx but no thx im not here to waste my time if u wanna waste ur hit leave do what u want to do and go find other squad

it does not need to be nice or friendly what i wrote but just think about it for a moment
is wasting other players time just cause u need to get a drink or forma ur stuff ok?

and on top of that me u or any1 else came to warframe to play or wait?

And pray tell, since you don't need the why the heck did you decide to go public? What prevented you from leaving and doing it solo? 

Seriously. How did that not cross your mind? What part of the whole "if I'm in a group, I don't get to decide for everyone else what we're going to do" did you miss learning in kindergarten? 

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12 hours ago, ZeroX4 said:

i force start every sortie mission i play

How do you manage to force-start if there's a weapon restriction and someone has the wrong weapon?

12 hours ago, ZeroX4 said:

i dont need ur help to do this mission

Then why run public if you don't need others' help? 

5 hours ago, ZeroX4 said:

NO ONE is going into random squad to wait for u 1 hour 1 min or 1 sec

I'll disagree on 1sec, but I can agree with you that one hour is very unreasonable.


12 hours ago, MagPrime said:

Yeah, I was in a PUG and someone said "I need to change frames for the next one" and the other guy responded with "lol" and then the timer started.

12 hours ago, -HG-Lair360 said:

Not only that, I was in a team and we have a random. When there is a SPY mission, I said “I need to change frame”. Then he just force start.... real nice....


Edited by (PS4)Raven-Ghosthawk
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2 hours ago, (PS4)Raven-Ghosthawk said:

How do you manage to force-start if there's a weapon restriction and someone has the wrong weapon?

Then why run public if you don't need others' help? 

I'll disagree on 1sec, but I can agree with you that one hour is very unreasonable.



I find its polite to give someone minute or two if they've made it clear they need it but typically if they take longer a d stop responding, I just pop out and find another group. 

Yeah, I want to keep rolling and my idea of fun isn't twiddling my fingers but I won't force start, I'll find a different group that meets my needs.

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4 hours ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

And pray tell, since you don't need the why the heck did you decide to go public? What prevented you from leaving and doing it solo? 

Seriously. How did that not cross your mind? What part of the whole "if I'm in a group, I don't get to decide for everyone else what we're going to do" did you miss learning in kindergarten? 

very simple answer
because i can

i dont have problem if u or any1 else will leech me i just do a mission if someone else can benefit from that for free i could not care less

and as for ur last sentence damn thats very valid point
so now u wanna decide for me how i should act in squad but u refuse me right to have my own way of managing random squads?
or in other words u care to lecture me how to play as u please but i cant play as i please?
thats some crystal quality logic 

which part of kindergarten did u skip?

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6 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

if you were that concerned about doing a mission right that instant, then solo would be your best option: nobody else to hold you back.

remember that when you selected public matchmaking, you consented to this> you said "I'll take literally anyone". not "I'll take anyone as long as they conform to what i want". that's not how it works. you will get people who are impatient and will fore start when you don't want them to, it happens. is it a problem? yes. is there any way to actually solve it fully without abandoning public altogether? no.

sometimes I wish DE forced people to read a disclaimer before they go into a public match, maybe then we wouldn't see so many threads like this.

sometimes ppl force start on me and lets say i wanna go with different frame but i didnt had time to change

NEVER EVER leaving squad swapping frames and going with different random squad was a problem to me

and only disclaimer de should put before going public is "u go with random ppl u accept random behavior so dont cry about it or go solo"

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2 hours ago, (PS4)Raven-Ghosthawk said:

How do you manage to force-start if there's a weapon restriction and someone has the wrong weapon?

Then why run public if you don't need others' help? 

I'll disagree on 1sec, but I can agree with you that one hour is very unreasonable.



i leave squad as soon as previous sortie part is done and go with different random squad
i dont need to read what u wrote but i did? dont need and dont want to are 2 different things and i dont mind ppl leech off me thats why i go public

for u 1 sec is ok and 1 h is not ok cool but remember not all players are like me or like u so who cares is it ok with u or ok with me?

Edited by ZeroX4
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1 minute ago, ZeroX4 said:

very simple answer
because i can

i dont have problem if u or any1 else will leech me i just do a mission if someone else can benefit from that for free i could not care less

and as for ur last sentence damn thats very valid point
so now u wanna decide for me how i should act in squad but u refuse me right to have my own way of managing random squads?
or in other words u care to lecture me how to play as u please but i cant play as i please?
thats some crystal quality logic 

which part of kindergarten did u skip?

Because you can? But like several people have pointed out, and you did yourself, you CAN play it solo and not negatively impact on anyone else's game. 

So how about you go ahead and follow your own advice there buddy? Do it because you can. 

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the whole squad UI is S#&$ and has needed to be changed for years. feels like i am in the stone age sometimes when i play this game. like why does the game automatically launch the mission if someone leaves a fissure group? why does it launch when someone presses the X button instead of the checkmark? why are people able to force start a premade group before everyone is ready if the host doesnt initiate it? so many questions and just as many terrible UI designs.

and on lich groups, it is actually counter intuitive to be in a premade since it doesnt anger your lich. better off just matchmaking each one. makes sense right? multiplayer at its finest.


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2 minutes ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

Because you can? But like several people have pointed out, and you did yourself, you CAN play it solo and not negatively impact on anyone else's game. 

So how about you go ahead and follow your own advice there buddy? Do it because you can. 

remember every sword is double edged

how about ppl like u dont go public instead only go solo so they dont meet ppl like me so they cant negatively impact my game?

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1 hour ago, ZeroX4 said:

remember every sword is double edged

how about ppl like u dont go public instead only go solo so they dont meet ppl like me so they cant negatively impact my game?


I don't need to explain furthur.... this is horrific... really is!

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il y a 44 minutes, -HG-Lair360 a dit :


I don't need to explain furthur.... this is horrific... really is!

The simple fact that you find that people force starting a mission are horrific, while finding that people that block a mission lobby are fine, prove your biased opinion and your lack of open mindness. Both attitude are equally disturbing Or acceptable. If you don't like it, either way, you can quit the group ; if you stay in a public group, you accept to be either force started or to wait around. Force starting is as much a issue as waiting for the whole group to click ready.

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51 minutes ago, -HG-Lair360 said:


I don't need to explain furthur.... this is horrific... really is!

just keep in mind i dont have problem with any1 im perfectly fine with things and ppl as they are right now

ppl like u have problem with others so guess which out of 2 should change something

like they say if ur not part of the solution ur part of the problem
think about it for a while

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50 minutes ago, dwqrf said:

The simple fact that you find that people force starting a mission are horrific, while finding that people that block a mission lobby are fine, prove your biased opinion and your lack of open mindness. Both attitude are equally disturbing Or acceptable. If you don't like it, either way, you can quit the group ; if you stay in a public group, you accept to be either force started or to wait around. Force starting is as much a issue as waiting for the whole group to click ready.

Seriously, I have friends and seen other players who respect others with little things, such as:

1.] Getting delivery at the door. For crying out loud, this doesn't take long!
2.] Getting a drink.... doesn't take long either! I sometime needs to get a drink...
3.] Charge the phone... (I seen this a lot)
4.] Toilet  (always respect this!) I don't care what you say! I always respect this even if we have a good group!
5.] Bug issues, needs to reboot the game!  (I respect this a lot because WARFRAME IS SPAGETHI CODES!)

Not only that, I have friends who smokes and left the session while I save a space for them.

Finally, to those who wants to play solo, then go right ahead. I aplaud you for being selfish!

Oh yeah. Also thanks for coming online session for saying force starting while <...> because you can't wait. Its not the end of the world....

Edited by -HG-Lair360
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10 hours ago, (PS4)JohnWickHitman said:

Force start is simple.

You say get a drink, switch frames, and then you take ungodly amount of time.

Want to do all that bs, leave the group.

Do it on your OWN time, not ours/mine!

Some people don't have time to waste waiting on your slow arse.

Switching frames sounds like a reasonable thing to do though in say a sortie or while pugging liches, because the type of mission you're doing should call for adapting to it. 


Wow though. 

Edited by Draconicdisciple
Trying to be more polite I guess
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il y a 18 minutes, -HG-Lair360 a dit :

Seriously, I have friends and seen other players who respect others with little things, such as:


Oh yeah. Also thanks for coming online session for saying force starting while <...> because you can't wait. Its not the end of the world....


il y a 9 minutes, Draconicdisciple a dit :

Wow though, imagine being so uncaring about others that you can't even give them basic human decency of water between missions, no wonder pugging has a bad rep. 

But.. Can't you needy people just quit the public group if you have IRL things to do ? Works both ways.

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